03 . The girl they took

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Izuku shut his eyes, his breathing coming out in short gasps. And his fingers gripped the edges of the musty sink as short dry heaves threatened to overtake him. He retched dryly into the sink, only able to see the whites of his knuckles as the room spun, and he plunged into a vision.

The world had gone dark, and he stood underneath a searing spotlight which seemed to grow warmer and warmer by the second. The barcode on his wrist burned hot and he clutched at, tears threatening to spill at the excruciating pain.

The bottoms of his old sneakers were covered in blood. Warm and thick, as if it had just been spilled. His eyes followed the smeared trail slapping a hand over his mouth at the source of it. A pile of torn dark green feathers, soaked a violent crimson shifted slightly, a broken body shifting up to its knees and it gazed at him mournfully.

A boy.

A mutant boy. Izuku could only stare, with a start. He realized it was him. The same green eyes dulled a few shades, hair filthy unable to distinguish its color. The mutant pointed, gazing over the standing Izuku's shoulder. Eyes wide with fear, and he screamed, a thin wispy screech of fear. Haunting And hollow.

Immediately the darkness that had been eating away slowly at the corners of his vision had finally consumed him and he woke up out of breath on the bathroom floor. He allowed himself a few seconds of peace on the dirty floor, his head tilted back against the shut door behind him.

He had, visions, and most of the time, they were disturbing. Where they came from and what they meant? Izuku didn't have a clue. But what he did know, was that they always for some reason left his back aching and his forehead screaming with a nasty migraine. The male finally scrambled up to his feet, groping around blindly for a painkiller and popped one into his mouth hastily, nausea threatening to overtake him.

"Izuku? Are you alright in there?"

A small voice asked nervously and the boy scrambled to his feet in time for the small bathroom door to swing open. Ocha stood in the threshold anxiously peering up at him.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine, just..."

"You had another one of those visions"

She cut him off quietly and he nodded. Ocha tenderly pushed the hair away from his face, eyes sparkling anxiously.

"Will you be okay?"

"I'll be fine, a little air will help me, besides, we deserve some time together"

Izuku assured her, his lips pulled back in a wane smile. Ocha however, wasn't so sure, but the male waved her out closing the bathroom behind them. They wore dark baggy clothing, both with large slits on the backs of their sweatshirts.

Izuku turned off all the lights, peering out the window hesitantly. They lived in the middle of nowhere in an abandoned shack, a few miles away from the nearest town. But it was better to be safe than sorry

They both couldn't read much but had a stable education of a sixth grader. It was enough to get by, Izuku had no interest in the world around him, he only cared about Ochaco and surviving.

Not bothering to lock the door behind them, Izuku followed the brunette, shivering slightly in the gentle chill of October weather. Winter would be setting in soon, which meant gathering supplies to last them a good solid three months.

"Izuku, relax"

Came the brunettes gentle voice, he glanced over at her, puffs of breath escaping her lips. She was shivering, but she had a determined look on her face.

Before Izuku could offer her his sweatshirt, she slid off her own, her wings bursting out in a shower of brown feathers and she shot off into the sky.

Izuku was both surprised and amazed at this, imagining the amount of power in her legs it should have taken her. Any normal being would have needed a running start. But of course, they weren't normal, they're fists could bring down a fully grown man with one swing, eyes strong enough to see a good few miles away, and instincts better then any animal, they were truly marvels of science.

Snapping out of his daze, Izuku slid off his sweatshirt, the distant flap of Ocha's wings echoing in his ears. He sucked in a chilly breath, the cold October air freezing his lungs. He could feel his shoulder blades ache with anticipation, everything around becoming clearer, crisper. As if his vision had been knocked into high definition.

He wouldn't be able to spring high like Ocha, he wasn't practiced enough to do so,

"Come on up slowpoke, it'll be morning by the time you move a feather"

The brunette called up from above, her eyes sparkling like little stars underneath the full moon. She swooped low over the top of the trees, her round cheeks flushed with excitement as she dipped and turned, performing countless acrobatics in the night sky.

Izuku laughed softly before turning towards the house, gripping the frame of a window, he hooked the edge of his boot against the ledge, scaling his way up to the gutter before heaving himself up on to the roof of the small house without much effort.

One step back, and another until he was on the far side. The muscles in his legs tensed, wings spread out ready, itching to be used.

Pushing off with his left foot he came off with a running start, leaping off the roof his wings working quickly to keep him from plummeting into a bush full of roses.

His joints snapped and popped beads of sweat running down his forehead at the effort of pulling himself up. When was the last time he flew?

A month? A year?

With a burst of energy, he cleared the top of the trees flapping up to join ocha who had been circling above waiting for him to join.

They barely gave each other a nod before they set off, streaking over the night sky in a mess of green and brown. The wind combing through their hair leaving gentle kisses along their scalps. The slow burn of their unused muscles warming them up, arms outstretched. Izuku rolled a full 360 in the sky, allowing himself to close his eyes for a few seconds, the world around them an inky blur.

This, this was true bliss.

. . .

"Targets located"

Came Kirishima's voice, Katsuki's heart rate quickened, both of his gloved hands curling into tight fists. He reached into his pocket bringing the plastic baggie to his nose, and he inhaled deeply, eyes closed. He was so close, so fucking close. He would find that damn mutant, get what he needed, and then kill him with his own two hands.

"Izuku you bastard"

He muttered but he couldn't help feel a small smile creep on to his face. He would enjoy torturing the creep, he could almost feel the soft feathers, ripping each and every one of them out. Then he'd tear through him, forcing him to answer the one question that had plagued him with sleepless nights, and countless more questions since the day he had watched the avian mutant escape.

Why did you leave me?

Katsuki gritted his teeth so tight, he could almost hear his molars grind together.

The damn freak.

Katsuki had slept in the same cage with him, with her. Had endured just as much as them. remembered making up games within the bars to pass the time, to forget the hunger clawing at their stomachs and bruises throbbing painfully on their bodies.

He also remembered watching the two cocoon into each other, their feathers mingling and combining as they built a soft barrier against them, the world, and him.

He shouldn't have been surprised about them flying the coop without him. Yes, he had survived alongside them, eaten the same things as they had, had endured the same fate, the same life.

He had watched him grab the brunette's hand, hadn't looked twice at him. Katsuki had watched him bolt out of the room, had heard the sirens wailing.

But the institute had let him go, keeping him on a short leash, but he was free to do whatever he wished. And the only thing he wanted, was an answer.

Two figures flew over them, casting a shadow over their hiding spot.

In the dim moonlight, Katsuki glanced up, his face emotionless,


A short bang and startled scream filled in the silence of the once peaceful October night.

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