07 . mutant agreement

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"Ochaco Uraraka, avian, American breed, Japanese origins, very exquisite"

The blonde mused quietly, Ochaco noted the way her crimson eyes slid over her cooly as if she was looking for a faulty part of hers to find and exploit.

"She's the one Dekus looking for"

Katsuki answered his mother rigidly and Ochaco looked past ms. Bakugous shoulder, unable to meet her penetrating gaze. She gazed at herself in a sleek black jumpsuit, the material clinging to her like a second skin, despite its tight fit, it was surprisingly comfortable. The clothes had gone from standard hospital gowns to utilized jumpsuits. All for the scientists to keep track of their experiments.

"I've tried talking her into joining us but-"

"No, I refuse"

Ochaco replied eyes flashing as she trained her gaze back on the female blonde. Her fingers tightened into two gloved fists. Gloves that she couldn't take off, they were worse then shackles. If she misbehaved or stepped out of line. The material would press into her palms, small needles piercing her nerves. Nothing but Excuracting pain.

"Wiley one isn't she? worse than you Katsuki"

The blonde female laughed sharply, a laugh without humor that sent a nervous shudder running down Ochaco's spine.

Katsuki crossed his arms, eyes flashing with venom. Ochaco could tell he hated his mother, a pang of jealousy ripped through her at this. At least he knew his mother, She and Izuku didn't know if they were test tube babies, or if they had actual parents. Their history was a big fat question mark.

"Ms.Bakugou, what will happen if Deku tries to save me?"

"We'll capture him"

"And if he succeeds and we run away?"

Ochaco glanced up at the blonde hesitantly,

"He'll die"

. . .

"So, so you're saying that I'm not human, or not, fully human? Right?"

Shoto asked twisting his fingers in his lap, Izuku nodded quietly. He never knew there could be other mutants like him and Ocha besides Katsuki. The only test subjects that had made it past birth had been a Lupin and two avians.

Now they were supposedly making even more Lupins. Ochaco's redhead captor was evidence enough. He shuddered and wrapping his arms around himself. If the institute somehow managed to find a way to install animal genetics into newborns easily, all hell could break loose, the thought of more babies, children, growing up in the same conditions as him terrified Izuku beyond words.

"So, what are you? Whats your name?"

Shoto asked Izuku hesitated. It was still risky to tell this boy anything. But he had confirmed he was a mutant as well. The thing was, the barcode was on his neck, not his wrist. Katsuki's barcode had been branded on his neck too, why it was so different? Izuku had no idea.

The odd thing about Shoto's barcode was that there were no numbers, just neat dashes, and lines. But Izuku had literally told Shoto his entire history, telling him his name wouldn't make any difference.

"Izuku, Izuku Midoriya. I'm a...an avian, I have wings"

"Wings? So you're like an angel?"

"Abosulty not"

Izuku replied sharply his face rigid and Shoto flinched.

"Sorry, so you're going back to the place, that made yo- us? Why?"

Shoto asked eyes wide. Izuku's brows drew together at this. The other looked so eager, wanting only answers that Izuku didn't know how to give.

"They took my friend, and I'm taking her back"

"It could be a trap"

"I know"

"So why are you going?"

Izuku blinked, startled by this answer. Why was he going? What a dumb question.

"Becuase...because I love her, she's family to me, and her being taken away, is worse than any sort of death or trap"

. . .

Love? Family? Those words rung hollow in Shoto's heart. He knew what they meant, how they would work in a sentence. But they didn't seem to apply to him. He watched as Izuku stuffed containers of canned food into a bag, his slender brows furrowed, green eyes narrowed in concentration.

Izuku seemed to ready to fight for those two words. And it stirred something inside of him. Like a memory trying to wake up from a fitful slumber. Touching his forehead, Shoto coaxed it forward eyes squeezed shut in concentration as the feeling of warm hands and gentle kisses flooded his senses.

It was little slips of a memory. But he could practically feel it. The joy, the safety. He had experienced these at one point in his life. The memories were there, he realized as he opened his eyes. They were just asleep, and he had to find a way to wake them up.

"I need answers, Izuku, please let me come with you, to this Institute"

Todoroki announced standing up, his jaw set. Izuku turned around surprised, His eyes wide.

"Are you sure, it'll take days by foot, and if we get caught by lupins, I'm not sticking around, I have someone to save, and rescuing you, will only slow me down"

Izuku warned. In other words, if they were to be caught up in a fight, or a dangerous situation, Izuku would hightail it out of there without a seconds thought for Shoto. Shoto understood and he nodded. He just needed to know the way, he could afford capture by the institute.

"I understand, but aren't you going to fly?"

"Can't, that'd be only asking for trouble, who knows what's lurking around here these days"

Izuku replied simply as if he spoke from experience. Slinging his bag over his shoulder, he tossed Shoto an empty only hiking bag gesturing over to the cabinets.

"Might as well fill up that bag with food too, feeding you isn't part of the deal"

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