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arabella woke up to find out that a grounder had murdered wells just outside the camp walls, she was never close to the boy and she wasn't his biggest fan but that was his father's fault.

arabella walked up to murphy and bellamy who were standing watching everyone work. "hey boys." she smiled.

"hey, bella." murphy replied. "anyway, this section should be finished by tomorrow."

the three watched as a boy named connor was carrying a small tree, the boy let out a grunt and dropped the end he was holding.

"hey!" murphy shouted walking over to the boy.

"here we go." arabella muttered to bellamy, who let out a chuckle.

"you think the grounders are just gonna sit around and wait for us to finish the wall?" he asked. "maybe we should let the little girl do the lifting for you, huh?" murphy motioned to charlotte.

"i just need some water, ok? then i'll be fine." connor said.

arabella and bellamy walked up to murphy.

"murphy, get this guy some water." bellamy told him. "hey." he caught charlotte's attention. "you got this?"

charlotte stopped what she was doing going to pick up the small tree, but bellamy stopped her. "i'm just kidding." he smiled.

charlotte let out a smile and bellamy picked up the tree. arabella turned her attention away from murphy for a few seconds, she turned back to him to see the boy urinating on connor's back.

Connor quickly stood up turning around to Murphy. "ugh! what the hell is wrong with you, murphy?" Connor fumed, pushing the boy in the chest, then three of murphy's bitches held Connor back.

"i'll kill you." he shouted.

"you wanted a water break." murphy told him, connor tried to go for murphy again but he got held back. "get back to work!" murphy shouted.

"murphy that was gross." arabella rolled her eyes.

"he wanted a water break, bella." he shrugged.

"yeah, i'm thinking that's not what he meant, dumbass."


arabella was now in a tent with bellamy, octavia, clarke, and jasper because octavia and jasper had found two on wells' fingers next to a knife.

"this knife was made of metal from the dropship." clarke picked up the knife examining it.

"what do you mean?" jasper worriedly asked.

"who else knows about this?" bellamy asked.

"no one. we brought it straight here." octavia answered.

"clarke?" jasper spoke up.

"it means the grounders didn't kill wells. It was one of us." clarke told them.

arabella's eyes widened. "oh, how incredible. just what we need right now" she muttered.

"so there's a murderer in the camp?" jasper quietly said.

"there's more than one murderer in this camp." bellamy sighed. "this isn't news, we need to keep it quiet."

clarke was about to storm out of the tent before bellamy stopped her.

"get out of my way, bellamy." she seethed.

"be smart about this. look at what we've achieved. the wall, the patrols, like it or not, thinking the grounders killed wells is good for us." bellamy told the angry blond.

"oh good for you, you mean." clarke shot back. "what? keep people afraid. and they'll work for you? is that it?"

"yeah, that's it." he simply answered. "but it's good for all of us. fear of the grounders is building that wall. and besides, what are you gonna do, just walk out there and ask the killer to step forward?" he asked. "you don't even know whose knife that is."

"oh, really? J.M. john murphy." she told him, showing bellamy the knife and murphy's initials.

"i'm sorry what?" arabella shouted, storming over to clarke. "murphy didn't kill wells you idiot." she snarled.

"the people have a right to know, arabella." clarke told the girl, before arabella could reply clarke left the tent.

"you son of a bitch!" clarke shouted pushing murphy by the chest.

"clarke. stop!" arabella shouted at the girl.

"what's your problem?" murphy laughed.

"recognise this?" she asked showing murphy his knife.

"it's my knife. where'd you find it?" murphy tried to reach for his knife but clarke moved it away.

"were you dropped it after you killed wells." clarke accused.

"where i what?" murphy shot.

arabella ran up to murphy standing in front of him protectively. "clarke it wasn't him." she tried to calmly say.

"the grounders killed wells, not me." murphy told clarke, bringing arabella to his side.

"i know what you did. and your gonna pay for it." clarke snapped.

"really?" murphy nodded.

"bellamy, you really believe this crap?" murphy shouted over to him, but bellamy stayed quiet.

"bellamy? seriously?" arabella shot.

"you threatened to kill him, we all heard you. you hated wells." clarke spoke loudly.

"plenty of people hated wells. his father was the chancellor, that locked us up." murphy shouted.

"yeah, but you're the only one who got in a knife fight with him." clarke screamed at the boy.

arabella's fists were clenched, it was taking a lot for her not to punch clarke in the face for saying such bullshit.

"yeah, i didn't kill him then, either."

arabella stepped forward. "do you really think murphy's that stupid to leave wells' fingers on the ground with the murder weapon? god clarke, you're so fucking stupid." arabella shot, her fists clenching even tighter.

"tried to kill jasper, too." octavia spoke up from beside bellamy.

arabella shot octavia a 'you aren't helping' look.

"what?" jasper said full of shock.

"come on. this is ridiculous, i don't have to answer to you, i don't have to answer to anyone." murphy shouted.

"come again?" bellamy said with his arms crossed over his chest.

"oh, shut the hell up, bellamy." arabella yelled at the man, her chest angrily rising and falling.

murphy walked over to bellamy. "bellamy, look i'm telling you man. i didn't do this." he spoke calmly.

"they found his fingers on the ground with your knife." bellamy replied.

"is this the kind of society that we want?" clarke spoke up. "you say there should be no rules. does that mean that we can kill each other without- without punishment?"

"clarke, for your own safety i suggest you shut that pretty little mouth right now." arabella whispered to the blonde, clarke glanced at arabella a wave of fear crossing her face.

"i already told you, i didn't kill anyone."

"i say we float him." connor spoke up.

"yeah." multiple voices cheered.

arabella stormed over to connor pushing his chest. "you wanna say that again?" she seethed, reaching closer to him and punching him in the face, connor stumbled holding his cheek.

bellamy came up behind arabella grabbing her hands, bringing her back to where he and octavia were stood. "calm down, sweetheart you'll only make it worse." he whispered to her, putting his hands on her shoulder.

"stop manhandling me." arabella moved his hands away, giving him a glare.

"that's not what i'm saying." clarke told them.

"why not?" Connor asked. "he deserves to float. it's justice."

"i'll float you in a minute." arabella spat, but before she could do anything bellamy grabbed her again, holding her back so she wouldn't do anything, she tried to get out of his hold but he was too strong. "if you kill him we'll be no good as ark!" she yelled, struggling against bellamy.

"revenge isn't justice." clarke told connor.

"it's justice. float him!" he chanted.

the crowd began to chant "float him!"

"no!" arabella screamed. "bellamy let go of me!"

he pulled her closer. "and let you get hurt? i think the hell not." he whispered into her ear.

arabella looked at murphy with tears in her eyes. he went to lunge and connor but someone had tripped him up which resulted in murphy falling straight on his face. people began to kick the boy, arabella was still in bellamy's even tighter grip.

"bellamy! please let me go!" she cried out her voice cracking.

"sweetheart, i can't you'll get hurt, i'm sorry." he told her calmly.

arabella gave up fighting against bellamy she just sobbed, facing away from murphy who was being beaten to a bloody pulp. bellamy wrapped his arms around the crying girl, who had covered her ears with her hands.

yes, arabella was actually crying but once bellamy's grip loosened she ran towards murphy trying to get the delinquents off of him, this resulted in arabella being pushed and shoved around but she tried her hardest to get to her best friend.

connor had used a seatbelt strap to use as a gag for murphy, one of the male delinquents had grabbed arabella holding her back, for a few moments arabella did nothing. but then she used all her strength to turn around and kick him hard in between the legs, which resulted in him doubling over and groaning in pain. the delinquents dragged murphy shoving him down a small hill.

"stop!" arabella's screams couldn't be heard over the 100's rioting.

"you can't do this!" clarke shouted as they threw some rope over a tree.

arabella tried to get to murphy but was being pushed back towards clarke and bellamy by multiple delinquents, she was sick of being pushed around so the kane girl grabbed one of the boys by his collar shoving him to the floor, she got on top of him and began throwing hard punches at his face, arabella had done some damage but before she could do more connor pulled her off the boy she had been punching, he pushed her to the ground, and he pushed her hard.

the girl's head collided with the hard, yet muddy ground, arabella groaned in pain, her vision was slightly blurry but she stood up trying to get to murphy, she stumbled around, but suddenly felt arms wrap around her waist, it was bellamy.

"bellamy if you don't let go of me you'll end up like him." she slurred on her words slightly pointing to the boy who was knocked out a few meters away from them.

"you wouldn't hurt me." he told her. "you need to stop, arabella. they'll seriously hurt you."

"you wanna bet? And i don't care i need to save Murphy." arabella felt so weak like she was about to pass out but she couldn't her main priority was to save her best friend.

bellamy had handed arabella to some random delinquent. "don't let go of her no matter what she does or says."

"you can stop this!" clarke shouted at bellamy. "they'll listen to you!"

"bellamy! you should do it." connor shouted.

the girl heard what the boy had said despite being half unconscious. "bellamy-" she tried to shout but the delinquent holding her covered her mouth.

"bel-la-my!" he began to chant, the crowd soon joining in.

arabella bit the delinquent's hand making him slightly yelp, he still didn't let go. "bellamy, please no!" she screamed. "i'm begging you please!"

bellamy looked back to the sobbing girl with a guilty look, but he still went forward, he ignored clarke's pleads and kicked the crate from beneath Murphy. arabella let out a scream mixed with a sob.

"murphy!" arabella screamed, trying to escape the delinquent's hold on the girl.

"what the hell are you doing?" finn appeared from a forest. "cut him down!" he shouted "charlotte, get out of here now! cut him down!" finn repeated.

when finn tried to go to murphy, connor pulled out a knife on him. octavia was trying to get charlotte to leave but she was resisting.

"stop! just stop ok?" charlotte shouted. "murphy didn't kill wells!" this gained everyone's attention. "i did!"

the delinquent who was holding arabella let her go, she ran and grabbed the axe from bellamy cutting the rope that was holding murphy up. quickly, she took off the rope.

"breath, just breath murphy. i've got you." arabella sobbed.

murphy gasped for air. "just breath, i'm here." arabella softly told him, moving the hair out of his face.

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