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zani (ザニ) ; zee, halfie, red, wolfling, wolfie, hybrid &more.




zani has long elbow length flowing hair, the
colour of carrot orange, her hair is often let
loose as she can't be fucked tying her hair, or
tied in a low bun for practice or if rouis decides
that her hair is too messy and ties it into a low
ponytail. she has crimson red eyes, and most
of teeth are sharp, except for the front few, her
canines are extra sharp and three piercings
along her earlobe on both her ears. zani has a
tattoo of her mother's name on her collarbone
and a camellia tattoo on her left shoulder blade.

she retains human features due to her mother,
but she has wolf ears sticking out atop her head
and a beautiful dark brown tail with a splash of
white at the end. another feature she inherited
from her father is the wolfs long tongue, sharp
sense of smell, keen eyes and claws instead of
fingernails. she has a five clawed scar on her
back curtesy of bill and his friendship and he
has a bite mark on his shoulder for that.

zani wears a leather bracelet given to her by
rouis on her sixteenth birthday.

under her uniform she wears bandages on her
wrist and forearm for fighting. she opts for the
males uniform as she deems it easier to move
in. zani wears a tucked in, unbuttoned white
undershirt, a loose tie and fitted light grey
pants with dark gray vertical stripes.




zani exudes confidence, she has to, otherwise,
she'd be bullied which she was, back then. she
learned how to be confident thanks to rouis.
and due to his influence and the confidence she
built up, she's also kind of a blunt little shit.

she likes to tease people in order to get their
reaction, which is usually a flushed face. and
though on the surface, she's this confident,
blunt girl, deep down, she just wants to be
loved and accepted for who she is. she knows
the things people say behind her back, she
knows what she's worth. the last of two kinds.
which is why she tries to remain confident.

other than that, she likes to break up fights she
deems are not necessary. and is very loyal to
her friends and will jump to their defence.




zani is the result of the love between the
last human and the last purebred red wolf.
their love made her, a hybrid of both rare
species, zani, half red wolf, half human.
a rarity. there was no one else like her.

her father loved her and raised her the best
he could when his wife died giving birth to
zani. and for four years, he did so excellently
until he fell gravely ill. in which, ogma,
his good friend, took over his duties for
taking care of the young hybrid girl.

a year later, ogma 'adopted' rouis. both
the young deer and the young wolf got along
swimmingly despite being a carnivore and
herbivore. it was clear to rouis who ogma
favoured more but that didn't affect his
feelings for her. they grew exceptionally
close and he grew to love her.




yukari, her human mother,
who died giving birth to her.

tatsuya, her father who is the
last last remaining purebred
red wolf, he raised her on his
own and loves his daughter
dearly. at the age of four, he
became very ill and his good
friend ogma took him under
his care and raised his daughter
in his stead.

ogma, her father figure since
her father was and is currently
still out of commission, ogma
grew to care for the young hybrid.
he views her his own daughter
and that if rouis were to fail or die,
he'd have her be his successor.

rouis, one of her best friends and
her first love. she shares an
irreplaceable bond with him.

legoshi, a wolf that becomes
one of her best friend and she
develops growing romantic
feelings for him.

poe, a black bear acquainted
with the half breed who sells
meat in the black market and
is rather protective over her.

ronpa, a red fox that lingers
around poe's meat stall and
occasionally annoys zani but
views her as a friend.

jack, a labrador retriever that
becomes one of zani's best
friends who also develops a
small crush on her.

bill, is a bengal tiger and is
friends with benefits with her,
despite not actually dating
he gets surprising jealous fast
and easily.

kai, a mongoose who has a crush
on zani and is merciless teased
by her often.

melon, a fellow hybrid whom she
met while in the black market,
zani's absolutely fascinated by him
and he's incredibly and suspiciously
nice to her, treating her like a pet
on some occasions, a lover in others
or an equal.

juno, yet another friend who has a
crush on her. she loves to gossip.

pina, a player whom initially she
tolerated but ended up becoming
close friends with him which led to
something more.

itou, a jaguar whom she made
friends with at appleby academy.
she still keeps in contact with him.




seventeen years old.

born fifth of april, aries.

junior at cherryton academy.

interested in judo&taekwondo.








that's my one warning to you hoes <3 mwah.

there's lots of sexual elements from the get go.

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