04 : The ticking time bomb with glasses

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I love this characters sm. I wish I could write them out better.

“Get up sleepy head, the early bird gets the worm”

A voice cut through my pleasant sleep induced haze and I grunted rolling over on the now dry and coarse grass. I was a fugitive now, the type of job where you had to wake up early in the morning for.

“Worms are gross, the other birds can have them”

I grumbled, cracking an eye open to stare at a pair of well-worn boots. Rolling the eye up higher I sighed in defeat clambering up to my feet to stand in front of Akira who was holding a helmet which he handed to me.

The sun was barely breaking over the horizon, casting gentle shades of orange and red over the city buildings and streets below.

A picture perfect image.

“Gooood morning Troplis!”

I couldn't help but call out, hands on my hips.
Akira passed by me, blocking my view of the city and my eyes trailed after him, he seemed to be walking away, leaving me behind.

“Hey wait!”

I called out in surprise stumbling after him and clutching the helmet he had given me. He barely spared me a glance, stomping down the grassy hill.

“I told you to keep up, we're getting my bike out of the city, if we move fast enough we can get to it before patrol starts its rounds on that side of town”

That explained the helmet in my hand. My stomach cramped painfully and I sighed patting it sadly.

“And what about breakfast?”

I asked and he looked at me confused.

“What about it?”

“No food? No nothing?”

I gasped, what a scandal. Akira seemed uncomfortable.

“I don't eat breakfast”

“But breakfast is like. The most important meal of the day!”

I hadn't eaten anything since that weird moldy stuff back in the safehouse, it felt like my stomach was digesting itself. Akira shrugged darting forward knowing good and well he had no answer to that.

“Let's just get the bike first and see to that part later”

[ • • • ]

“There she is”

Akira whispered peering around the corner, popping my head below him, I stared at the motorcycle as well. It was concealed safely within a pile of bushes. The city had yet to stir but it was still best to sneak around carefully.

“Her? It's a her? How lonely are you bro?”

I whispered in judgment, Akira tapped the top of my head sharply with a finger shutting me up.

“cover me”

Was all he said shoving a blaster into my hand, I grasped at it nearly dropping the damn thing. Before I could protest, Akira had already slunk away, taking to the shadows as he approached the motorcycle. Nervously, I watched as he pulled it out casting furtive glances around him.

It was time to roll.

I dashed over, the blaster still in my hand. That's when I heard the familiar click and the unmistakable sound of concentrated silence.

Don't ask me how I know, I just do.

And my body. Yet once again, moved before I gave it permission.

Lunging forward I gave out a huge bellow, my body colliding with Akira's and we tumbled to the hard pub ground.

The sound of sharp gunfire spiked my already racing heart. It was one, but that was more than enough to know we had a sharpshooter on our backs.

“Leandro what the-”

I didn't pause turning my hips sharply and aiming up.

There he was, lying atop the building. They had one shot, three at the most I guessed. It was one of the older gun models, the type that still shot hard rock bullets instead of lasers.

Squeezing the trigger I fired off a volley of blasts, but the shooter had long gone, the gun withdrawing along with him.

“Let's get going mullet”

I grumbled rolling off the boy. I had been straddling him the entire time, but it was the only way to keep Akira down without hindering my ability to shoot.

“What just happened?”

“police Sharpshooter, staking out the bike I think, You could have died if I'd had not interfered, lucky we didn't get hit”

When I stood up, I was proved wrong, a horrible spiking pain shot up my leg, and I nearly fell over.

Feeling my head spin, I felt Akira's strong arms hold me up and sit me stop the motorcycle.

“Looks like you did”

I looked down, nearly toppling off the small vehicle as I saw the blood soaking through my blue pant leg. Because of the adrenaline rush from before, I hadn't felt the pain, but now it was hitting me head on.

Akira gently rolled up my pant leg, biting his lip as he inspected the wound.

“It's only a nick. Took off a lot of your skin and muscle, but the bullet didn't lodge itself in”

“great now I'm taking bullets for you, quiznaking moron”

I panted feeling my head grow lighter by the second, the pain was overwhelming, but I forced myself to stay concise, swinging my injured leg over. I patted the space in front of me with a grunt.

“I really need to stop doing that”

[ • • • ]

“You do realize possessing that sort of chemical is illegal, its banned in like...two whole countries”

“your point?”

The small figure replied standing hunched over the small beaker, gently, she tapped out a small drop of what looked like a purple sludgy liquid into a separate beaker.

It plopped into the clear water, a few seconds passed as it dissolved, turning the water a soft shade of purple.

Without warning the water inside began to swirl, faster and faster into a small cyclone of dangerously purple liquid.

Before the girl could screech out in europhia, the beaker began to rattle violently, its movement shaking the table as the cyclone raged on within, showing no mention of dying down any time soon.


the male behind her called out in warning but she had sprung out of her seat diving behind her chair as the beaker began to splinter.

exploding into a million purple shards that were flung across the small room.

Shaken, Pana clutched her heart which was slamming against her ribcage violently struggling to catch her breath as she stared wide-eyed at the male who was splayed out on his stomach before her. wispy tendrils of his white streak were splattered with purple droplets. The scar on the bridge of his nose was wrinkled up anxiously.

Wide-eyed they gaped at each other before Pana's face broke into a  gleeful expression.

“that. was. AWESOME!”

ramming up her glasses farther up on her nose she sprung to her feet bounding over to the monitor which was smeared with purple liquid.

wiping it away with the back of her sleeve, Pana began to pound away on the keyboard,

“Hachiko, I might have just created a weapon of mass destruction”

she whispered in awe. Hachiko hefted himself off the floor with a disproving grunt.

“Why would we need to make one when we've got our very own right here”

He dusted himself off adjusting his fingerless gloves. Before Pana could reply, he stiffened raising a finger, mentioning to the door.

She fell quiet as well, waiting, watching.

There it was, a creak, then a thud and a string of curses.

All in a voice they didn't recognize. Pana sent
Hachiko a panicked look. The older Male did not react. He edged to the door soundlessly picking up a splintered piece of wood along the way.

A fragment of one of Pana's many abandoned projects. Soundlessly he flicked off the lights, and they waited in silence, the thud of footsteps drawing closer. Another pair following close behind.

“Wait! Leandro don't open that! Its-!”

Before Hachiko could register Akira's panicked cry, the door swung open A blur of blue barreling in and the Male swung, the wood came in contact with something soft, a sharp crack and a heavy thud.

“What the-”

Hachiko sputtered flicking on the lights just as Akira ran in after the blur. they both gazed down at the body splayed out at their feet, the soft pathetic moans letting the man know this wasn't someone he knew.

“Akira who's-”

Hachiko began but Akira shook his head, now crouched beside the body

“Fuck, I have a lot to explain. But I think you just beaned our newest teammate with a wooden plank”



This is def. going into the album

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