05 : A ragtag band of happy gays

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Dante is Adam, our gay dads are here guys

Also this book got really heckin popular overnight ksksksmsms
How the h e ck-


I groaned softly rolling to my side with a grunt, the couch creaked painfully loud, and I grumbled a soft complaint hitching my leg up higher on the arm.

my whole body hurt. A lot.

The painkillers weren't doing any good, only dragging me down into pits of drugged nightmares where the police force waited for me, but instead of guns, they held belts.

Which in my opinion were a lot worse.

Growing up, I never feared jail nor the authorities as much as my strict mama.

I giggled softly at the thought, I was under the influence of painkillers, my leg had been shot at, head hurting like a motherfucker, and I was miles away from home.

It was definitely one of those Mondays.

Finding the drowsiness irritating, I sat up slowly, head pounding as I swung my leg over the side of the couch.

I forced my eyes to open and through my bleariness, I could see two figures hunched together, both their backs to me as the huddled over a faint glow.

A laptop screen.

I lurched to my feet, feeling a little bit left out to whatever was going on. Peering over their shoulders I barely caught a glimpse of the screen before the laptop snapped shut, Scarface and Akira turning around to face me in unison.

“wh- are you watching porn?”

I slurred hands on my hips as I leaned forward with a smarmy grin. The two exchanged worried looks and Akira stood up leading me back to the couch with a firm shake of his head.

“you should lie down before we tell you anything”

He said and I narrowed my eyes.

“I'm fine, it's my leg that's been shot at, not my ears”

“Akira don't-”

Scarface warned but Akira hesitated.

“He says he’s okay, so he should hear”

“Hear what?”

Akira straightened up, retrieving the laptop and kneeling in front of me as he displayed the screen.

“You're a wanted criminal now”

I stared at the screen dumbly, the text was blurry thanks to the painkillers but I managed to focus on and latch on a couple of words.

Felon acquaintance

Before I could open my mouth, I felt nausea rush through me, and I fainted.

[ • • • ]

“I swear to God what the fuck did I tell you”

“Hachi! stop swearing at him, you're being a bad influence-”

“for fuck's sake, I'm not a little kid”

I came to to the sound of bickering small and my eyes to fluttered open to see a blue handkerchief fluttering nervously at the bridge of my nose blocking my line of vison.

A weak attempt at bringing me back to reality, I assumed.

Pushing the hand away I rolled over into a stirring position the sounds of fighting silencing.

Scarface, Akira and a man with glasses stared back

“how is he?”

Akira whispered out of the corner of his mouth and scarface shrugged poking four eyes shoulders.

“ask him how he's doing Dante, you're the motherly figure”

“How're you doing kiddo?”

Dante asked his eyebrows crinkled worriedly as he peered at me. The painkillers must have not worn off because I could feel the tears pricking at the corner of my eyes. He looked so much like my mama with his eyebrows all twisted up like that.

Without warning I burst into tears, completely unashamed.

“You made him cry!”

“He's still in shock, calm down kid it's the drugs doing their thing, how many aspirins did you even take?”

Dante sighed reaching out to ruffle my hair reassuringly as I shrugged. Sniffing pitifully I wiped my eyes mentioning to my bandaged leg.

“Like, five”

Dante's eyes widened but he didn't say anything helping me to my feet helping me sit on the couch I had fallen off of.

Hachiko and Akira stood off to the side awkwardly.

“I leave for two days and I come back to this, honestly Hachi”

The brunette pushed up his glasses with a disappointed shake of his head. His hands were perched on his hips and he pursed his lips.

“Where did Pana go?”

“Out to get supplies, she'll be back”

My mind drifted off somewhere else as I let my eyes take in my surroundings. The room was fairly small with a total of three doors. The room had no windows, dimly lit with fairy lights and a couple of lamps.

The walls were filled with arrays of charts and newspaper articles, a desk nestled in the corner of one room overflowing with paper and sticky looking purple liquid. Whoever owned this place sure wasn't into cleaning.

“who are all of you”

I finally asked and the three fell quiet. The two older men looked at Akira and so did I. The other teen seemed uncomfortable but replied anyway.

“This is my kind of uh... family”

“You can call me Hachiko, I'm his father if we're talking in a figurative sense”

Scarface piped up with a toss of his head, his white bang settled to the side as he peered at me with a new set of eyes. Dante smiled that motherly smile of his placing a hand on Akira's shoulder.

“And I'm Hachi's fiance, we were supposed to get married months ago, but things got complicated. I'm the mom”

I stared at them dumbly, Akira's face had gone red as he stared at the ground. Standing in the middle of his ‘parents’ they looked like a family, not a ragtag band of fugitives.

The awkward silence was cut short by the sound of a door being slammed open, a huge load of groceries stood in the doorway, small hands clutching each side of the load. A small face popped out from around it.

“And I'm Pana! The destructive munchkin with Glasses”

Shes also the mascot
Canonly she's a they but I didnt see that until this morning oops

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