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◻◾◽▫ • ▫◽◾◻

the day was fine since it was a no class day due to the sudden announcement of the principal making al the students rejoice.

yet it was a waste for jaemin since he is going to make all of his projects with jeno.

he is on his way to find jeno, only seeing him with mimi at the basketball court. With no hesitation, he approach jeno who is busy playing basketball.

"oh jaemin you came by?". Jeno greeted him as he gets the water Mimi is lending him.

It makes jaemin cringe yet he makes a smile evrytime he had contact with mimi.

"nothing at all, it's just we have plenty time today to do our homeworks, care to help me?" jeno stared at mimi for a moment before giving jaemin a pout.

"me and mimi are going somewhere for a moment after i play basketball, maybe ill be helping you later in the afternoon, or night". Jeno answered and he started to play basketball again.

Mimi notices how Jaemin would treat her unfairly yet she gives him her respect that she left without giving signs to jeno when they are young, and find out that this jaemin boy is making jeno happy.

Right before jaemin leaves, Mimi stand up from where she is sitting making a noise, distracting the two.

"uhmm jeno, we can go maybe after you and jaemin finishes your homeworks, you can text me if you're done" mimi said.

Jaemin turn his head with doubts crossing his face. He stared at mimi from head to toes, thinking she might be doing it on purpose.

"are you fine with it?" jeno said while in the middle of playing.

"sure, and perhaps, Kimberly and lucia are calling me for a lunch and some girls talk" the girl answered as she packs her things up.

Mimi was about to leave but jeno grabs her hand much of Jaemin's surprise and adrenalin to rush out.

"wait, maybe we can walk you all through there?" jeno added.

Mimi appreciated how jeno cares for her, but he notices how unease jaemin was. She removes jeno's hands from her and gives then a smile again. "it's nothing, you and jaemin must do your homeworks as soon, then you can finish it in no time". She answered then started to walk away.

jeno make a slight pout but smiled afterwards. jaemin could feel a slight relief from his heart. "so, can we start our homeworks now?".

Jeno shrugs his shoulder then follow jaemin along the way to the dorm.


"hey jaemin" jeno calls him soon as he finish writing his works. Jaemin was busy typing something at the computer.

"eung?" jaemin responded while he remove his glasses then turn his head to face jeno.

"im done with these problems plus mimi is waiting for me at the cafeteria, can I go now?" jeno added and give jaemin a pount yet with his eyes curved like half moons.

it was fluttering.

it was his first time seeing jeno being like that, that his face started to heaten up.

"ah-uhmm, sure you can" he stutter while the other claps his hands then started fixing himself.

"ill just call Chenle and Mark instead, they know English better" jaemin said teasingly as jeno grabs his coat and shoes.

"and jeno--"


"take care and dont be late"

the other nodded then opens the door and leave.

jaemin could feel the slight itch from his heart again. He closes his laptop and slaps his face continuously.

"yah! What are you getting jealous of?! He's doing fine already okay?" jaemin said to himself then jumps to the bed while his arms are spreading wide.

"i can feel his changes already, should i tell him the truth already?". He said to himself once more.

"the longer it takes, the deeper i fall for him"


"mimi noona and jeno hyung must be really close with each other, more than you guys" chenle said as he started skipping around.

"i dont know, maybe. Should i continue doing that crazy plan? It's starting to get nonsense" jaemin said as he hurriedly followed chenle along.

the two decided to go to the department store to buy snacks right after they finished their homeworks.

while on their way home, they met some famikiar tall guys, who circles them, trapping them inside.

"hyung, these are jeno hyung's friends right?" chenle whispers behind of jaemin as he grab the older's shirt.

"stay calm, i got this" jaemin said as he give chenle a smile right after he clear his throat.

"wow, isn't this jeno's boyfriend? And some, another little loser?" the tall guy from the previous said.

"what do you want?" jaemin bravely said as he pull chenle closer tonhim.

"nothing, we just want to pay back for what you did last day" .

just as when the guys are getting closer, jaemin pull chenle away from him, dropping all the snacks they are holding. "chenle run!"

Chenle manage to get away while jaemin was being dragged by the tall guys. "i'll call for help hyung!" chenle shouted back without giving a glance to them, giving his full force to run away.

"follow that loser you dimwhits!" the tall guy order his mate and the three of them followed chenle who then immediately vanished in no time.

"since we got jeno's boyfriend anyway, we can pay back on how he dump and destroy our group's dignity" he added as he grabs Jaemin's collar.

jaemin try to pull away yet, the other guys just trapped him even more, grabbing his sleeves and nape, as they all bring him to an unknown place.



sorry,  i svck in writing dramatic scenes but i wanna leave this sheets before i go hiatus for weeks :((

shs is hell i wanna kill myself huhuhu

but anyways, ill keep going so please do vote and support kekeke

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