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Paul and I simply stared at one another as if we were nothing but strangers to the other. And to be honest, we were. We both had our own agenda, one so full of fucked up reasons and needs of our own. But somehow through all the madness, we find ourselves unable to stay away from one another. He had become more to me than just a simple spy job. And I had become more to him than some simple kill.

"In order for this to work, you have to comply Ana. I can't keep you safe if you don't play your part. We're stuck in this now. Your brother...... he clearly means business." That he did indeed. And I would see to it that he got the job done. I would do anything in my power to see those assholes dead for what they did to him and Shelly.

"All I can say is, Top Dollar and all his goons are dead. They were dead from the minute they killed Eric and Shelly. They're on death row. And have been for the last year. But now? It's their time. And one by one, they will go." Paul took a long swig of his usual bourbon drink he always downed each night after the bar had closed, slumping back onto our shared bed that felt oddly empty now that I think about it.

"I didn't take you for the killing type." He said between sips, his usual hard demeanor in place. The one he had when he was on the verge of killing. He was technically a ruthless assassin for Top Dollar. That was his job. And he got payed handsomely for the deed being done.

"I wasn't always. But this? Changed me. You fucked up royally not killing me that day Paul. Lucky for me, I wasn't home. But unlucky for you and your little party pals, you managed to kill my brother and Shelly. Even if you weren't there yourself. You were still apart of it." I said with gritted teeth, my whole expressive voice and body language speaking volumes on what I was truly feeling. Anger. Rage. Sadness. Everything, all at once. And he could see it. He could feel it. I was going down a path I'd never come back from. And I was fine with it.

"You know damn well I wouldn't have killed you that day. I would have took one look at you and immediately fought myself over it. You..... are this damn weakness I can't fight off. No matter how hard I try." And I knew he was telling the truth. I knew he meant every single damn word he said. And somehow? I knew by the end of this, we'd still be together. Because I loved him. And he loved me. We'd fallen for the enemy.

"Then we have to really sell this, Paul. I can't have you going and getting killed on me when we have a job to do." He'd have to make it believable. He can't make it seem like he loves me or some shit to Top Dollar. Or even T-Bird for that matter.

"Oh trust me. I got this. Don't worry your pretty little head about it." With crossed arms and a slight smile, I sat atop our bed with him close by, suddenly wrapping me within his embrace that oddly, felt like home.
And Paul did just that. He returned for his nightly appearance with Top Dollar for another assignment he had to do, one so full of blood and tears. But as per usual, he was used to this nightly ritual of such doings. I on the other hand took it upon myself to pay a visit to Darla and Funboy, seeing as how Darla is the supposed mother of Sarah, a kid that happens to mean the world to me. I wouldn't do anything to Darla except tell her to take care of her daughter. But Funboy? He's got to go.

"Darla? It's Ana. Can we talk?" I hid behind the innocence I once had, noting there wasn't a single sound coming from within, that is until the most unexpected, but yet, explainable person opened the door and drug me inside.

"Ana? What are you doing here?" Eric said with such a tone that I knew he wasn't pleased. But he knows his sister better than anyone and knows this would happen eventually.

"Well great minds think alike clearly because I was coming to have a little talk with Funboy and Darla." I immediately noticed Funboy on the ground with a bloody wound, noting Darla wasn't anywhere in sight. Knowing Eric, he scared her straight and sent her back home to Sara.

"You can't be doing this. You know that. I told him to look after you. You got to get out of here....." His brotherly tone in place and usual attitude he gave when he knew I wasn't somewhere I was supposed to be, I was sadly inclined to listen. But motion outside in the hall had us quickly going out the window. Luckily, I have experience with things like this, having snuck out a lot at night before.

"I'll meet up with you in a few." I immediately went on to a spot I knew he'd figure out, leaving him to his own devices as his calling card was left in the apartment. A bloody crow drawn perfectly on Funboy's chest.

"So I guess Paul is really going to look after you huh? You aren't dead. Which is good for him." My feet dangled over the top of a music store we used to frequent so much when we had the chance, buying guitars, microphones, records. We always found ways to express our love of music.

"I guess so bub. Although it's strange for a trained assassin to love someone. He said as much anyhow. But crazy thing is? I love him too....." I fiddled with the ring he had given me almost a year ago, having started dating not to long after the murders. We grew close, got intimate, then started dating. Eventually, I moved in with him. Now this obsession with one another on killing and lust is unbelievable.

"I know. You look at him the way I look at Shelly. I could see it clear as day. But I swear, if he even attempts to hurt you, it's game over." I softly nudged Eric with a little, sad grin on my lips. I missed him so much.

"I know this may sound terrible. But if it meant keeping you here with me longer, I'd let this go on forever." I leaned my head on his shoulder so he wouldn't see the tears threatening to fall, but he knew. He knew I was emotionally drained since everything happened. I had cried endless rivers for the both of them.

"I'm here right now. And I'll always be with you. Even when this is over. You'll just have to forgive me for not being here in person anymore." And I could. But man was it horrible not having my brother anymore. But this teaming up and taking down the bad guys? Felt great.

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