Towards the treasure?

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Two men walked carefully towards the life of the village, the ARMY headstone, in the middle of the night.

"Hey. You sure you did not kill them?"

"Sure as fuck I did not.", The other replied, bothered by the nth time the man beside him enquired about the matter.

"But, you were kneeling down to them and-"

"Can you stop?! We're here for business. Not for discussing about those shits. I need money. Weath. I need to lure than Gamer Jungkook, so that he sells his arcade to me."

"Okay. Don't get mad now.", The box office part-timer replied.

"Kim Namjoon. I've never liked you. But, we need to do this because we both need money. So, co-operate and don't annoy me."

"Well, Kim Taehyung, I've not fallen deep in love with you. Even I hate you, just like you hate me. Let's get over with this and not meddle with each other's life anymore.", Namjoon replied, crossly.

A thick silence engulfed them as they walked towards the headstone. On the way, they noticed two people running towards them, and panicked.

Namjoon quickly grabbed onto Taehyung's wrist and pulled him behind a tree, close by. Taehyung's eyed widened and he glared at him, but still did co-operate.

They both hid behind the tree, and peeped towards the two people.

"Ugh... There's something wet over here...", Taehyung complained, looking disgusted, when he adjusted his foot for balancing himself.

"It rained hard today, so it's just the leaves. They are a bit sticky."

Taehyung's nose scrunched in disgust. He was used to clean, spotless, modern and posh belongings and places, and didn't fancy stamping on sticky and wet leaves, spoiling his expensive shoes.

But, he had no choice. He had to get what he wanted, and didn't want suspicions to rise against him, blaming him for the loss of that young girl's parents.


That night, Taehyung was walking home, after another tiring day at his company. He chose to live in a village for it was more relaxing compared to the noises and crowds in the city.

He noticed Jungkook running away from the house and curious about the unexpected dash from the house, he walked to the house, looking around for any suspicious activities.

Well, probably checking if there were any ghosts around. In that village, ghosts looked like normal human beings, but transparent.

Even though none of them had blood dripping down their faces, or long creepy scars or wounds etched across their faces or bodies, they were scary because...

They were GHOSTS. Dead people. To avenge the people they couldn't ever lay their hands on. They are a very dangerous set of people.

No no, set of ghosts.

He shuddered at the plain thought of ghosts. He walked into the house, and got an unexpected shock.

The people, whom he convinced to sell their house to him, are lying down, struggling to breathe, extremely wounded too!

"That Jungkook!! It must be him! How dare he?! He killed them, so that they don't sell their house to me!! But still, I'm going to buy his game room. No one can stop me."

Taehyung dashed towards Yeona's parents, worried. "Mr. Lee! Mrs. Lee! What happened?!!"

"Yeo- Yeon--", Mrs. Lee began, when Taehyung asked, "Ah yes, your daughter! Tell me, what should I tell her?!"

Mr. and Mrs. Lee began struggling to breathe and Taehyung panicked. He took his phone out, and opened Google to searched on how to save them. It was loading slowly and Taehyung was getting impatient.

"I'm going to complain as soon as possible about the poor network!! I'll sue them!!", Taehyung exclaimed, exasperated.

He suddenly felt a grip on his arm. "Yes, tell me Mr. Lee!", He exclaimed.

"Mi- Min..."

"Ah yes, Min what?!", Taehyung asked, worried.

"Yoo- Yoon- oongi."

Taehyung's eyes widened after seeing them dying, in front of his eyes. It's something really shocking to experience.

He was stiff, completely shaken up. He did do bad stuff often, but never has he experienced a death in front of him. He felt slightly dizzy and tried shaking the man in front of him, hoping that he was still alive.

At first, he was shook by the events that took place before him. Then, he wondered how Yoongi was related to their murder, after which he realized that he might be blamed for their murder.

He quickly got up, nervously, and turned to leave, when he bumped into someone with a buff and tall body, who was shocked after observing the place.


Taehyung shuddered after remembering the incident which took place a few nights ago. It had shaken him up badly. He tried to be his usual carefree personality, but his nights never went as well as his days.

He had nightmares every night after that incident, where people died in front of him, even though he tried hard to save them.

He tried to go to doctors, but none of their remedies worked. He decided to not sleep in the night, and take a nap during the daytime, for a few hours.

It was hard. Very hard. Until he heard a rumour from hairdresser Hoseok. He informed him that there was a treasure hidden under the ARMY headstone.

He needed it. He needed it to divert his mind. He decided to grab the treasure and leave the village for good, but still, own the properties, and control them with a random staff of his company, convincing him with a small rise in the salary.

"Hey! Kim Taehyung!", A voice called out, distracting Taehyung from his thoughts.

He really needed that distraction. He didn't like his thoughts. His memory. His experience. His pain.

"Ah yes?"

"Why are you still standing? They left. Let's go.", Namjoon said.

"Who left? Who came, by the way?", Taehyung asked, completely unaware.

Namjoon looked surprisedly at Taehyung's weird behaviour. "Why, didn't you see? Yeona-ssi and Seokjin ran here, bickered and Jungkook surprised them and they went away, for some random investigation."

"What??", Taehyung asked, still puzzled.

"Just forget about it and let's go do what's important now!", Namjoon said, irritated.

"Yes.", Taehyung said, and they both walked to the ARMY headstone. When they reached it, they stared at it, for quite a time.

It emitted a purple glow, where the onlookers get a euphoric feeling deep inside, and love and trust automatically fills inside the hearts.

People visit it to pray, for peace, comfort and during important occasions. But now, these two men have come to steal the treasure below it's abode.

It began flickering. Namjoon and Taehyung were worried for a moment, but Taehyung remembered the death again and made up his mind to either do or die.

'Do' it is.

He walked towards the headstone and Namjoon too joined him, and both of them carried it together.

"Ah this is so heavy...", Taehyung groaned, and Namjoon nodded, agreeing. They both moved it aside, and moved the rocks it was standing high on, proudly, until a minute ago.

A knob was on a wooden door, which Namjoon pulled, but the door didn't budge. Taehyung and he gripped it hard, and tried again.

This time, the door blast open with such a force, that the hinges broke, and the door flew over their heads and they heard a crash.

"Hope that no one heard it.", Taehyung muttered, and jumped into the entrance which was the way to the treasure, according to them.

Namjoon was surprised at Taehyung's desperate behaviour. He didn't even worry about what could be inside...

He shrugged, and joined Taehyung. Taehyung was looked around, with his mobile flashlight on, and he did the same.

"There's some kind of underground route here... But I don't know whether to go to this direction or that one...", Taehyung said, pointing at the two different paths of the tunnel.

"You go here, I'll go there. Whoever finds the treasure HAS to call the other person.", Namjoon said, and walked to the one at the right.

Taehyung rolled his eyes, and walked to the left. He walked to quite a distance, but there was nothing. It was probably an escape route for prisoners of the old days.

Suddenly, he heard a scream, and flinched at the sudden noise. He looked around, and a pair of arms engulfed him into a hug.


"Kim Namjoon, what the hell?!", Taehyung shouted.

"G-g-g-gho!! G-ghosts!!", Namjoon yelled, and pulled Taehyung towards the entrance.

Well, what he thought was the entrance. He dragged Taehyung more towards the tunnel, while Taehyung was just baffled.

Suddenly, the two men discovered something very horrific, which was more shocking to Taehyung, making him dizzy and hold onto Namjoon for support.





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