Just Yoongi+Yeona

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"What were you doing that day?"

"Well, you do know I loiter in the graveyard...", Yoongi shrugged. "I was loitering in the graveyard."

"Can you stop teasing me?!", Yeona exclaimed, annoyed.

"What? You only said that I loiter the graveyard, right? So even I'm telling that yes, I do.", Yoongi looked amusedly at Yeona.

He saw her as as a pretty silly but cute character. Well, her appearance also might have made his eyes glued on her face.

He had seen her in the news, plenty of times. Not just that, he had a crush on her, because of her K-dramas. He was not usually a jolly person who teases people, but he knows nothing but Yeona when he lays his eyes on her.

She was really beautiful. Her hair was midnight-black and it plunged over her shoulders, elegantly. She had light brown orbs with a dainty nose, which he was tempted to pinch whenever she did something cute. He always loved to stare at her lips, whenever she spoke, because...

Well, he did want to kiss her.

He always loved silly and cute things. He wasn't silly, cute, adorable, or even sweet or kind himself, but he wanted his life partner to be like that, and give him good influence.

"Okay. Continue.", Yeona said, irritated.

Her anger also made him adore her.

"Yes. And, I'll tell you how I can't and won't do anything wrong with you."


Yoongi said, "Your parents visited me, the same night after they were killed."

"What?! As ghosts?!", Yeona exclaimed, shocked.

Yoongi didn't realise he'd blurt the truth like that and said, "Uh, no no! Before they were killed! They came to me, before a few hours they were killed, and told me that they knew they were about to be killed!"

"What??", Yeona exclaimed. Yoongi was making her more puzzled than ever.

Yoongi hoped that she wouldn't ask him much doubts because he didn't want to her to learn a truth, which he wasn't ready to reveal, yet.

If she reacts like this to even the tiniest bits of information, how would she react when she gets to know a creepy truth?

She'd probably faint, I guess.

"Yes. So they told me to take care of you, and keep you in my house because, you living in their house might be dangerous for your life. Who knows, the people who killed your parents might have a vengeance over your whole dynasty?"

(Ring any bells?😉)

Yeona was astonished. Her prediction came true in a weird way.

Does he read minds or what?

"It sounds a bit... Unrealistic. Why did my parents choose you, out of all the villagers?", She asked, doubtfully.

Yoongi sighed. "I don't know. Probably because I'm the only person with a strong security system."

Yeona said, "Just summarise all the stuff you said now. We bickered way too much, that I don't even remember..."

"How do you remember lines for your drama then?", Yoongi asked, amused.

"Well... That... Uh... I don't bicker with anyone while learning them...", Yeona said, with an embarrassed smile.

"Too feeble. But, it's okay, I'm not gonna kill you.", Yoongi said, getting up.

"Ahh sitting on the floor for too long is.... Ehh... dangerous...", Yoongi added, stretching his body.

Yeona looked amusedly at Yoongi, but just stayed silent, with her lips pressed tight, to not laugh.

Yoongi didn't notice her expression, but just walked in the front, telling, "Come on, let's sit comfortably in the sofa..."

Yeona followed him to the living room, and sat on the sofa adjacent to Yoongi's. She looked around the room, impressed.

It looked clean and tidy... And the walls were clean, with no stains, and the furniture, television, everything was neat.

Yoongi looked at her and smiled. Fanboy moment it is. I kept it all neat, for you...

Yeona turned to him, and he changed his expression to a blank one, before talking.

"Okay, so you want a proper summary. Before that, I'll tell you. You must not interrupt me. MUST NOT. If you do...", Yoongi bent closer to Yeona's face, intimidatingly.

"...Well, you'd rather not know...", He smirked, making Yeona feel butterflies in her stomach.

"Okay. So, at first, I brought you in here, and you did not exactly break in.", Yoongi began, when Yeona took her phone out, and began typing something in it.

Yoongi was a little annoyed. Who is she texting, when I'm here?

Suddenly, his phone pinged, and he took it, which was placed on the tea table, to see a text from Yeona. He tried not to smile and opened it, when she sent another message.

Yeona: y did u want me?

*want to meet me?

Yoongi decided to play with Yeona, and enjoy his crush getting nervous because of him.

"Well, I think I told you NOT to interrupt me.", He said, glaring, bending closer to her face, again.

She moved backwards, warily and muttered, "Then how am I supposed to ask doubts?"

"Doubts was when I was explaining back there, right? You must have asked your doubts then. But you, being the idiot you are, asked me to summarise in whole. Your doubt session got over, darling...", Yoongi said, getting up, and facing Yeona, before trapping her between his arms, which rested against the sofa, and bent closer.

Her heartbeat quickened, and she was slowly getting lost in his orbs, while Yoongi was a big fan of her lips. Tension escalated slowly, as Yoongi moved more slowly towards her.

"But I think you should give me a chance!", Yeona exclaimed, nervous.

"Why do you think so?", Yoongi asked, pretending to be thoughtful and partially confused.

"Uh... Um... Because I'm an idiot!", Yeona blurted, and pushed Yoongi's chest away from her, not able to survive his hot gaze.

She had acted in plenty of movies and K-dramas with plenty of hot and handsome actors. But, none of them had actual feelings when they were close to her face, or even when they kissed her.

Here, she could feel as if a whole mall isn't enough to store his love...

She gulped, while Yoongi casually sat on the sofa, as if nothing happened.

"So, let's just... Forgive this idiot for once. And, I'll give you permission to ask me doubts through your phone."

"Ah. So, why I need you is, your parents need you safe. And you want to find your parents. If the murderer sees me giving hints to you, he'll kill both of us. And delete ALL the evidences.", He partially lied.

It's not like he's worried if the murderer will kill both of them.

Yeona's mouth opened in shock. "Really?"

"Yes. Now, I lured you in, making it look like I'm gonna give you a hell of a painful time for breaking in. That's how it should look like. Next. Whenever you want to investigate or even GET OUT, you need to inform me, and I'll give you permission. Then, we'll go out. You will never go out alone."

Yeona: Y?

"Why? Because your life is in danger, silly! And trust no one. Literally no one. Not even Jimin, or Yeontan. I know you have your reasons, but still."

Yeona: y shd I trust u then?

And how do u know all info?

"Why should you trust me? Well, you have proof I didn't kill them. And they uttered my name, I'm sure, before they died. So, you're somehow going to investigate and find me. Then I'll explain the actual truth to you. That's why they did that."

Yeona: not convincing

"Ah then don't get convinced! I have no reason to see them dead. Anyone, in that matter. I'm just helping you for your parents, or else I hardly give a shit about you.", Yoongi scoffed, even though he knew he was lying.

He did care for her, a lot.

Yeona observed his expression when he said that.

He's surely lying. He does care about me. Why care for some random neighbours' wish after they're dead?

He doesn't even look like the type who is scared of ghosts. He looks like the type, from whom ghosts would flee...

"And. You have to inform me when you get clues and NEVER question my actions-"

Yeona: idk if this hurts a lot...

But, did u lose someone?

Yoongi was taken aback for a moment, but said, "I did, but I prefer not to tell anything now. So, these are the main stuff, we'll discuss about the mystery tomorrow. Go to bed."

"Uh. Okay.", Yeona said, and was walking towards the front door, when Yoongi called her, getting up from the sofa.

"You're supposed to sleep here, right?"

"Uh, what??", Yeona asked, shocked.

"Yeah..? You're supposed to LIVE here, now why would you leave to your house?", Yoongi asked, amused.

"Uh... My stuff... It's at home-"

"Doesn't matter. Don't go outside late in the night. We'll go there tomorrow. Sleep here. Up the stairs, room on the right. Good night."

Yoongi walked away, while Yeona was frustrated. What the hell is this guy?!!

She huffed and went to the room he pointed at, and directly went to bed. She closed her eyes slowly, and sighed.

"Mom, dad, whom should I trust? What is happening here? I just... Don't know..."








(Also, I hope u loved this chapter, and this story... And remember, I love u guys sooooooooooooo much!!)

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