Not a normal person...?

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Author POV-

Namjoon dragged Taehyung away from the entrance of the tunnel, instead of going towards it, while Taehyung was just perplexed.

Suddenly, the two men found the most creepiest thing, as far as they knew, in their lives.

A whole VILLAGE OF GHOSTS, just living their life, chattering and laughing among themselves.

"What the fuck?!", Namjoon exclaimed, when Taehyung beside him held onto him for support, for he was dizzy.

Not because he saw the ghosts, because he saw a couple, in the corner, sobbing, while a woman was pacifying them.

None other than...

Mr. Lee and Mrs. Lee.

Yeona's parents.

Whom he saw, dying, right in front of him.

He ran towards them, and did an unexpected thing, which shocked both him, and Yeona's parents.

He embraced them into a big hug. "I'm sorry... I couldn't save you..."

Tears escaped his eyes. He never saw them as parents, he never treated them as parents... But he just felt emotional when they passed away, right in front of him. He just felt like his parents were dying in his arms, even though his actual parents were alive, in another country.

"It's okay son... You tried...", Mrs. Lee said, sniffing.

"I had been indirectly forcing you to sell your apartment... I'm sorry.", He apologized, still not letting go from the embrace.

"Everyone does mistakes, it's okay. Now, it won't make you live a better life if you own everything in this village. Just because you own a whole lot of buildings, people won't fall at your feet, and nor will they see you as a more greater person and respect you. They'll just see you as an overly proud and egoistic guy, who just loves owning things, and you'll just be more greedy..."

He let go of the hug, surprised. No one ever taught him softly, and kindly. Everyone just argued or shouted at him, telling that such a bitch like him can never be a good person. So, he always showed himself as a cold, handsome, carefree, and rich guy.

Just his brother Yeontan always supported him, whenever someone troubled him.

"People say 'You can never change'. But, no. You can. You can always change. It's hard to, really hard. But if you have the strong will to, you can do literally anything!", Mr. Lee said, kindly.

They both were pained, but they decided to make Taehyung feel better, because they saw him, suffering. In pain and regret of not able to save them. Having nightmares. Everything.

"Don't worry about how you couldn't save us. But now, focus on how you can save someone else, in the future..."

"Please. TELL ME. TELL ME WHO KILLED YOU. I NEED TO-", Taehyung began, angrily, letting go of the embrace.

"We can't, dear. We really can't. I tried telling the name out, but when I try to tell the name of who killed me, my throat hurts, and voice just doesn't come out. Even my lips are pressed tight, when I try. It just... Doesn't."

"Try writing it with the help of a stick, on the ground!", Namjoon suggested, walking towards them.

"No. We tried everything. Literally everything! It just doesn't work.", Mrs. Lee said, sighing.

"Give a few hints of the person!", Taehyung asked, desperate.

"Dear... That's hard. Not because we can't tell you, it IS easy for any normal person... But this person is..."


The next day morning-

Yeona opened her eyes sleepily, hardly remembering the events of the previous night. Or early morning, actually.

She yawned and woke up, looking around, her head still blank.

"This looks like my house... But not my house...", She thought, sleepily.

Only when she saw a photo of the owner, framed on the wall, she remembered the previous night.

"What the hell, it's his house... Ah I hate this.", Yeona muttered, getting off the bed, heading towards the bathroom. 

She walked to the sink, opened the tap sleepily and splashed some water on her face, and stared at the toothpaste and the toothbrush next to it.

"I don't even have my brush... And I feel disgusted if I don't brush my teeth.", She grumbled, and looked around for finding another toothbrush which is NOT his. She found a brush in its own stand.

"Okay now this is puzzling. Would someone using a toothbrush use it and keep it in the toothbrush holder, or beside the toothpaste?"

She thought hard. "I think the person would be lazy to place it in the holder and just keep it beside the toothpaste. So, I'll take the brush from the holder."

She took the brush and squeezed the toothpaste and brushed her teeth slowly and sleepily.

"Why should I listen to him? Why should I be in his house? Am I scared of him? Or unbothered because that's what my parents want?", Yeona thought.

"I'm not even sure if I can trust him. He's just doing things as if I am a fool and just listen to whatever anyone says..."

"No. I shouldn't trust him. He's trying to confuse me, and make me feel like what he's doing is correct. I will pretend like I'm listening to him, but I'll not. I'll not. I'll not trust him. I need to follow him, wherever he goes. I'll go for a morning walk to clear my head and think calmly. I'm completely puzzled about this mystery..."

She left the room after brushing her teeth and slowly tip-toed to Yoongi's room, which she noticed the previous night that it was exactly opposite to her room.

She twisted the knob slowly, trying not to make noise, and peeped into the room, to see if he was awake or not.

"Awwwww he's actually so adorable!!", Yeona giggled and then shut her mouth, shocked by her own self.

"What happened to me?! Argh! I'm not supposed to giggle over a person like him! He might be cute while sleeping, but he's SURELY not cute when he's awake!", She muttered, and closed the door quietly.

She left the house, breaking Yoongi's rules. She didn't bother about them. Why does he care for my life?

She checked her pockets and realised that she forgot to take her phone.

"Eh, it's okay. Anyways, it's just a morning walk...", She shrugged and walked around the village, smiling.

She saw Yeontan sitting by the lake, and quickly dashed towards him.

"Hey!! Good morning!!", She exclaimed, and sat beside him, turning a little towards him.

She didn't expect to see tears pouring down his eyes, and he hardly even noticed her existence.


He just gripped at the soil, looked frustrated and depressed. Yeona got worried. She shook him gently, and called him again.

"Yeontan! What happened?"

No reply. He just kept sobbing but his eyes showed anger.

"Yeontan!! Why are you crying?!!", She shouted, panicking.

"CAN YOU STOP PRETENDING LIKE YOU CARE?!!", Yeontan yelled, and turned to her.

When their eyes met, Yeontan looked dumbfounded. He didn't speak for a while, and just took deep breaths. Yeona was just shook.

"Um I didn't know it was you, I'm so sorry!!", He apologized, after a while.

"Uh... Can you... Tell me... What happened?", Yeona asked, worried.

"Um... Uh... It's just... I've got some... Bad memories... So, I just was in a daze and... Blasted...", Yeontan confessed. "That's why I usually keep going to trips and long drives to clear my head off..."


"I'm really sorry if I hurt you... I think I need to go to another trip today... Would you like to join me? And clear your head too, with the incidents which happened till now? And you must be stressed out, finding the criminal..."

Yeona was thinking hard, when suddenly a voice called out, "There you guys are!! Come quick!!"

"Why, what happened?", I asked, surprised.

"BAD NEWS!! Today, when I went to the ARMY headstone, I saw..."



So... I decided to do a doubt session (Just like Yoongi did ;) and I want you guys to ask allll the doubts you have, and I'll answer them in the comment section, or in the further chapters... You can include the doubts which you've asked before and I'm like- "Let's see :P"

Literally any doubt you guys have, even the smallest thing from this story, I'll answer! Or explain it in the further chs...

Ask me your doubts here 👉

Also, I hope this story is doing well, and I realised that it won't be too long... It'll be like a short story, with around 20 chs ig...

And, thank you all LOTSS for always supporting and loving this book, I wish there were people like you guys around me irl T_T


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