Money management: Investing over saving + Saturday Shoutouts

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We've all heard it a million times.
Save your money.
Save your money.
Save your money.

But saving money is a definite way to keep your money stagnant.

Spending money is a definite way to make it non existent.

It isn't good to be a saver nor a spender.

The key to financial gain is to be an INVESTOR.

By investing your money PROPERLY you can grow it and gain more instead of losing it.

Millionaire Robert Kiyosaki
His net worth is estimated to be 80 million dollars.)
teaches this strategy to the public, and it has helped countless people to grow their wealth and even become millionaires.

The problem is so many of us spend our money on liabilities.

In simplest terms, a liability is something that takes money out of your pocket.

We need to invest in assets.

Assets are things that put money INTO your pocket.

Whether it be your dreams, small businesses, gold and silver, or foreign currency, invest in assets instead of saving your money up for it to sit and do nothing.

If you're saving for a certain goal,
Set an investment goal too.

Schools teach us how to work hard to get a good job, and save our money.

Financial education teaches us to work hard, and make money work for us.

~Robert Kiyosaki

I highly recommend checking out Robert Kiyosaki's website
for more information on investing your money.


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Have a happy weekend gems!

~ The founder ♥❤♥

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