Healthy friendships vs. unhealthy friendships

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Being there for your friends, making time for them,  supporting their interests,  trying to be a good friend is what matters overall.

No body is perfect,  but its easy to tell if someone is trying to be a friend or not.

Only being a supportive friend when it's convenient for you.

2.Making mistakes

Admitting your mistakes, owning up to your flaws, 

Making excuses,  constantly blaming the other party,
Mistreating people and then apologizing without making the effort to change.


Telling your friends how you feel, opening up, working through your issues together

Gossiping about your friends,
Faking it,  concealing issues,
Brushing things under the rug,


Building up your friends,  finding the good in them, giving constructive criticism when necessary, uplifting them when they're down

Nit picking,  constant criticism, 
Starting unnecessary arguments,  having a constant need to be right,
Looking for the bad, never giving positive feedback to your friends

5.Give and take

Efforts are mutual, commitment, reassurance,  advice,  and support are given and taken from both sides.

One side is doing all the heavy lifting.
Advice,  reassurance, help,  and support are being given from one friend without the other having any returned.

Aka the story of my life.

This is is a really hard one for me because I ALWAYS make excuses for people draining me and its time I stopped.

6.Growth and change

Freedom in a friendship to grow as people, to meet new friends, and to go in different directions.

Being so clingy that your friends don't have room to breathe,
Being jealous and envious of new things and people in your friend's life.


Agreeing to disagree,  respecting different views and ideas,  being able to maturely discuss them,

Insulting,  attacking your friend's character during arguments and
Hurting your friend for having different ideals than you,
Constantly trying to sway their views without trying to see their perspective

8. Gratefulness

Friends that appreciate your  efforts and make it known that they do.

Never expressing gratitude, having unfair expectations

9. Empathy and sympathy

Treating your friend as you want to be treated,  being understanding of them and their problems,  putting yourself in their shoes,

Failing to sympathize or be understanding,
Hurting your friends by treating them in ways you'd never want to be treated,
Lacking concern for their problems,

10.  Standards

Being the kind of friend you want to have.

Holding your friends to a higher standard then you hold yourself.
Expecting them to have all the answers,

And one more that comes to mind,
Manipulation is a very unfriendly trait to have.

A friend, that  is only a friend when you're who they want you to be, or when you're doing what they want you to do,  or saying
what they want to hear
Is NOT a friend.

If you're a good friend,  look away from the mirror,  stop thinking it's your fault,  and surround yourself with people that don't make you feel so bad.

You deserve real friends.

I promise.

Save yourself the heartache kids.

Don't be like me and constantly blame yourself, let others drain you,  and make excuses for them.

You don't have to make yourself sick and cry yourself to sleep over people that aren't even thinking about you.

Losing friends doesn't mean there is something wrong with you.

It's taken me too many friends to
finally realize it about myself.

You can be the best friend ever to someone and be thrown away regardless.

It isn't about you.

You're a diamond in a coalmine.

So don't hate yourself because others don't see your value.

And once you realize it, don't hate others for being unable to see it also.

Rise above them.

Bronze can't shine like gold anyways.


If you're a bad friend,  look in the mirror for a change and think about how your actions affect others.

The world doesn't revolve around you,  and your friends are human beings too.

The way you treat people has an impact.

So,  please treat people with kindness.


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Have a happy weekend gems. 💎

~ The founder 💜💙❤

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