3• Meeting Her Again

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Anika woke up and came to the hall. She saw his always late brother is all awake and helping her mother and father. She walked to them.

"What's happening here?" Anika asked in her sleepy tone.

"Preparation for kicking you out of the house." Sahil said while cleaning the flower vase.

"Haawww... You want me to be out of this house?" Anika asked twisting his ear. Harshad chuckled at them and Mansi shook her head in disbelief and both concentrated back on their respective job.

"Aahhh... Dii, i was just jocking." Sahil said trying to seperate her hand from his ear. Anika left his ear and chuckled. She walked to the kitchen to have her tea.


Only 5 minute was left to 10. All were eagerly waiting for the groom's family. Anika was in her room. The door bell rang.

"I'll open it papa." Sahil ran to the door and opened it.

There stood the whole Oberoi members with a pleasant smile. Sahil bend down and took blessings from Daadi, TejVi and ShaNky and smiled at OmRu.

"Come in." Sahil said with a wide smile, giving way for them to enter in. Harshad and Mansi came to them joining their hands, welcoming them. They took blessings from Daadi and hugged TejVi and ShaNky. OmRu took blessings from Harshad and Mansi. All moved in and settled on the couch. Sahil made a very good bond with OmRu in a span of moment.

"Harsh, where is our daughter?" Tej asked inbetween their talk.

"I'll call her..." Mansi said turning to go but Sahil stopped her.

"I'll call her mom. You talk to them." Sahil said making everyone smile. He ran upstairs into Anika and his room.


Sahil entered the room and saw Anika sitting on the bed with a grumpy face. He walked to her.

"Dii..." He called her resulting her to turn towards him.

"Did you see the groom? How is he? Did you talked to him or his family? How are they? Are they good? Tell me Sahil..." Anika asked one after another and Sahil rolled his eyes. He cupped her mouth irritated.

"Stop your Rajadhani express and let me talk." He said and she nodded her head. He removed his hand.

"I met everyone except the groom. There is his Daadi, Mom-Dad, Badi mom- Bade Papa, his two brothers. They all are sweet and loving. But one of the brother have long hair like girls and the other one forgot his shirt at his house only. He just wore his inner." Sahil said as his expression changed into a confused frown at the last words. Anika chuckled at his expression.

"Phail gayi raita..." Sahil said widening his eyes.

"What happened?" Anika asked panicked.

"They send me to bring you and you just kept me busy by your useless talks." Sahil said as Anika rolled her eyes at him. Both brother - sister walked out of the room.

Anika was descending down from the stairs. Sahil had held her hand just like a gentleman, preventing his sister from falling. All smiled at the duo.

As Anika kept her leg on the last step, the entrance door flung open and there enters our hero immersed into his phone. He cut his call and looked straight. At the koment, he saw her, the incident came into his mind. Her crying helpless face. He felt something heavy in his heart, some sort of guiltiness.

Both of their eyes got stuck into eachother. They stood there for a second, reading eachother's eyes. Family noticed it.

"Bhaiya.... Where were you?" Rudy got up and came to Shivay and dragged him making him sit in the middle of Om and himself. Anika walked towards the elders and took their blessings. All the while, Shivay's eyes were not leaving her.

"Shivay... Stop staring her." Om whispered into his ears and he immediately averted his eyes. OmRu chuckled at his expression.

"Beta, sit." Daadi said looking at Anika who was standing beside her father's chair. Rudy immediately got up and placed himself beside Om, where Sahil was sitting. He made Sahil sit on his lap. Elders smiled at his act where Shivay had no expression. Anika was hesitating but Om got up and held her hand. He made her sit beside Shivay.

Elders asked her about her studies and job. She said that she completed her studies and is now waiting for internship and then job.

"Let the kids talk to eachother." Daadi said and everyone nodded their head in agreement.

"Anika, take Shivay to your room." Harshad said looking at Anika. She nodded her head and got up.

"Come." She said without looking at Shivay. He got up and followed her, others immersed into their own talks.


Anika and Shivay reached her room. He observed her room. One side was all neat and the other side was all messed up. Shivay was about to sit on the bed, which was on the neater side.

"Don't...." Anika shouted resulting him to stop in the middle. He raised his eyebrows.

"Uumm... That's Sahil's side. This is my side." She said as she stood on the messed up side. He looked at her for a second before looking all over the room again.

She is really oposite of those typical girls for sure.

He thought in his head. Shivay stood up and sat on her side of bed.

"I am not a neat person. I mess up everything. I am sorry. I didn't knew that i had to take you into my room, otherwise i would have cleaned it up. I am really sorry." Anika said feeling embarrassed. Shivay looked at her each and every expression and movement as she talked.

"It's okay." Shivay said and she took a sigh of relief.

Both were in silence for a couple of minutes. Finally Shivay broke the silence.

"I hope you know my name?" Shivay asked as Anika nodded in response.

"I have to tell you some things that you have to know before you take any decision." Shivay said coldly and she looked at him in confusion.

"Can you sit before that?" Shivay asked. Anika sat beside him keeping a very good distance. Shivay took a deep breath.

"First of all, think a thousand times before coming into any conclusion. Just think before taking any decision about this proposal. I don't have any problem with any of your decision." Shivay said as Anika nodded her head keenly observing his expressionless face.

"I am doing this marriage just for my family. They want me to see married. Don't keep any expectations from me. You'll be my wife for my family and for the world. But for me, you'll be a stranger. I don't trust people, and i guess i can't in the future as well, except my family. I love my family and just my family. And i will do anything for them. You can do whatever you want after the marriage, I don't have any objection regarding your job or studies." Shivay said in a go. Anika was standing there with open mouth, blinking her eyes, processing through whatever he said a moment ago.

"You got it right?" He asked watching her expression. Anika came out of her state and nodded her head.

"Do you have anything to say?" Shivay asked and she nodded her head in no. Both came to the hall.

Everyone looked at them expecting the answer. Shivay looked at Anika before coming to OmRu and sitting beside them. Anika looked at him, their eyes met. She saw his eyes, trying to tell her something. She tried to read it but failed.

"Anika beta, what is your decision? Say it from your heart. Don't pressurise yourself. Just say what is in your heart." Pinky said smiling. Shivay looked at his mother.

"I am ready for the marriage." As these words left Anika's mouth, Shivay looked at her with a jolt. Anika looked straight into his eyes giving a small smile to him. His heart felt heavy. But it felt good. He saw his family and her family wishing eachother.

Rudy ran to Anika taking her into a bone crushing hug making Om chuckle who was just standing beside him.

"Thank you so much di....i mean bhabhi.... Welcome to our family and i already love you....." He said and broke the hug not before kissing her cheek. Anika laughed at his antics and pinched his cheeks.

"Welcome bhabhi..." Om said as he took her into a warm hug.

"Thank you, umm..."

"Omkara, and you can call me Om." He said smiling.

"Yeah, thank you Om." Anika said as he broke the hug.

"And i am the handsome dashibg super hot and sexy Rudra Singh Oberoi. But you can call me Rudy or Ru." Rudy said earning a smack from Om along with a duffer. Rudy pouted to it making Anika laugh.

Shivay saw his siblings getting bonded with Anika easily. He felt some relief in his heart. Hearing her reply for the marriage from her, he first got surprised. Any girl would instantly reject the proposal after the talk. But she, she is something special. Someone unique and he felt peace watching her talking to his siblings, just the way he wanted to. He kept himself away from them, but she did it. It felt like if she is completing the thing which he left in the middle.

Soon the shagun was done there only. Shivay and Anika looked at their family. Both the families were so happy. They were talking to eachother happily. Shivay indicated her to come out, through his eyes. Anika nodded her head. Both came out, Anika following Shivay. Bot stood at beneath a tree at the lawn.

"Are you really happy with your decision?" Shivay asked as soon as they were away from the family.

"I mean, if you took this decision only because of our family, then let me know. I'll help you to get over this proposal. You don't have to be in this relationship out of pressure." Shivay said, without any expression, neither on his face nor in his words. Anika felt strange at his cold voice and expression.

"You always talk like this tone?" Anika asked startling him.

"Huh?" Shivay said confused.

"I mean, without any emotion, without any feelings and without any expression?" She asked making Shivay roll his eyes.

"Yes." He replied.

"Now answer my question." He said raising his eyebrows.

"I accepted this proposal with my own consent. I am ready for the marriage by myself. My family is very supportive, so i don't have to sacrifice my life for anything. If i said i don't wanna marry, then they'll listen to me. I don't need to pretend to be happy." Anika said as Shivay nodded his head still curiously focusing on her words. Suddenly something strike his mind.

"Why did you said yes? What made you to do so? Don't you felt like i am someone whom none could handle?" He asked whatever came into his mind. Anika chuckled nodding no. He raised his eyebrows.

"You know, you are the 5th person came to see me."


"Yeah. And you know why i rejected the 4 people earlier?" Anika asked and Shivay nodded his head in no.

"Because they were here just because i am Mr. Harshad Nehta's daughter. They were here, not to marry me but my father's wealth. 3 of them hide the fact that they already have a girlfriend and the last one was a jerk. He was ny college mate. He had proposed me but i rejected. So he came up with his proposal here. And after me rejecting that as well, i don't know where did he gone. Maybe he is in depression. But he should understand that i am not interested in him." Anika said as Shivay was gazing at her with open mouth.

"You are the one who honestly said whatever is in your life. And i liked it. Thats the main thing i liked in you. And by your behaviour, i clearly can understand that you are a family man. That means you'll look after my family like yours." Shivay nodded his head as a light smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"Shivay..." Om came to them.

"Bhabhi, sorry. Now i have to take him back, but, you can meet another time?" He said as Anika nodded her head smiling.

"Bye." Shivay and Anika said together to eachother. The whole Oberoi family were gazing at Shivay like if he is an alien.


OmRu walked to Shivay who was engrossed in his phone. As Shivay completed his call, they took him into a hug.

"We are very happy for you Shivay/ bhaiya." Both said being in the hug. Shivay said nothing, just patted their back. Trio broke the hug.

"Good night." Shivay said before walking into his room. OmRu looked at his retreating figure before walking into their respective rooms.


Heya guys....

Hope you all liked the chappy...

Read and enjoy....


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