4• The Unplanned Coffee Date

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It was almost noon and Om and Rura were sitting at the pool side, talking about various things. They miss their childhood, where they trio brothers used to sit at the same place, taking about their day. But from past 7 years its just them. Shivay has changed all of his habit. No more Obro moments, no more kitchen moments, no more poolside talk, nothing. He had kept himself away from all of these things, which were dearest to him, precious to him.

"Rudy, you know..." Om said thinking something but before he could complete, Rudy interrupted him.

"I don't know O. How can i know if you won't tell me?" Rudy got an instant hit on his head by Om along with a Shut up. Rudy's eyes got moisture which was noticed by Om and he knew the reason. Hr instantly pulled Rudy into his embrace, caressing his head.

"I miss my Shivay bhaiya Om." Rudra said hugging Om tightly crying into his shoulder.

"I know Rudy. I too miss our moments." Om also had tears in his eyes. Both kept hugging eachother till they composed themselves. They broke the hug, wiping their tears away.

"Rudy but now i am sure, we will get our old Shivay back." Om said smiling, thinking something.

"What do you mean O?" Rudy asked being confused. Om turned to Rudy smiling.

"You know, yesterday we gone to see Anika bhabhi. And i had gone to call Shivay,when mom told me to, so that we can come back to Oberoi Mansion. I saw him smiling to Anika. For the first time in the past 7 years, he had a smile, a genuine one. It was from his heart. Although it was not a wide one, nor it last long. But, i saw our old Shivay there. I don't know what did Anika said that, smile broke into his face. But now i am 100% sure that its Anika only. She can bring back our brother." Om said, tears rolling down his cheeks, with smile. Rudy was surprised.

"He smiled?" Rudy asked still not able to believe. Om nodded his head in yes. Both brothers spend some time talking about random things.


Anika was sitting on her bed, working on her laptop, when she got an e-mail. She opened it and her eyes lit up. She kept her laptop on the bed and ran out of the room squealing in happiness.

"Mummaaa......" Anika ran to kitchen, calling her mom. On the way she saw Harshad, coming back from his office. She turned herself to him running.

"Papaaaa....." Anika jumped on her Dad, hugging him tightly.

"Woho.... Easy easy!!! What happened to my pricess? What's the good news?" He asked hugging her back. Anika broke the hug smiling.

"I'll tell you, first come with me." Anika said dragging Harshad to the kitchen. There she saw Mansi preparing Lunch.

"Mumma, Papa... I got an offer from one of the famous company in India. I have an interview tomorrow 9 am." Anika said bringing wide smile on Harshad and Mansi's face.

"Congratulations princess." Harshad and Mansi hugged her, kissing her forehead. They broke the hug.

"Finally my dream is coming true." She said dreamily, excited.

"What's the name of the company?" Harshad asked.

"Prior Fashion  House." Anika said with a wide smile.

"Prior... Its a new found company, which just got established 4 years ago. And i heard a lot about the company. It got placed in the top, withing these short span of time, other than Oberois. I am so happy for you." Harshad said kissing her forehead.

"Thank you Papa." Anika said smiling.

"Okay, let's have lunch." Mansi said bringing the lunch and the trio ate the lunch, while Sahil was at his school.



Anika woke up early and got ready by 8:15. She came down all ready for her interview.

"Anika, have breakfast." Mansi told watching her coming down.

"Yes Maa." Anika sat on the dining table, along with her mom dad and Brother.

"Dii, where are you going?" Sahil asked being confused.

"I have an interview Sahil. Wish me good luck." She said facing Sahil.

"Wow dii!! All the best and good luck." He said giving her a bear hug which she returned happily. Everyone laughed and Anika bid bye to everyone.

She started her Champa and rode to her destination. After ½ an hour ride, she reached infront of the company. She looked high, at the end of the building and then to the sky, praying to the god. Taking out her resume and certificates, she walked in.

"Excuse me, i had an interview." Anika said to the receptionist.

"Your name?" The receptionist asked.

"Anika Mehta." She replied with a smile.

"Yes ma'am, you have 10 minutes left for the interview. You can take lift from the end of the corridor. Then 18th floor, last cabin, left side coridore." The receptionist said after examining in the computer.

"Thank you." Anika said and walked to the lift.


Lift opened and Anika got out from it. She took the left side coridore and walked ahead to the last cabin. She saw a girl coming out of the cabin with a sad face. And there was 3 girls and 2 boys sitting on the chair, waiting for the call. She took a seat and waited for her call. One man was calling the names of the candidates. The man next got called also left with a sad face.

"Anika Mehta." She heard her name and got up from the seat.

"May i come in sir?" Anika asked knocking the door. The candidates waiting outside laughed at her, she got called to enter but still she knocked and asked permission. Anika ignore them.

"Come in." She heard a voice from inside and got in.

"Good morning sir/ Madam." She greeted the members sitting there. There was 3 men and 2 ladies to taje the interview, the board members.

"Take your seat." One lady told Anika. She took the seat mumbling a Thank you. Anika gave the file to one of them. One man and one lady started to examine her certificates while she patiently waited. After examining those, they asked some questions. She answered everything confidently.

"Okay miss. Anika. We'll let you know." One of the man said smiling at her.

"Okay sir, thank you." Anika said getting up from the seat and took her file. She walked out of the cabin withi a subtle smile. Everyone outside looked at her as if she is an alien. The man called the next candidate and the interview continued.


Anika parked her Champa at the coffee shop and got down from it. She walked in and took a seat. One waiter came.

"Ma'am, can you please change the seat?" He asked politely. Anika looked at him confused.

"Why bhaiya? Is there any problem?" She asked looking at either side of the chair.

"No no ma'am, actually this table is occupied. He let no one sit here. And its time for his arrival. If he saw someone sitting at his place, our shop will get closed in seconds." He said with a fear in his face.  Anika was about to say something when she noticed the waiter's eyes widening in shock.

"Ma'am, you have 2 minutes, please change the seat, he is already here." Saying the waiter ran away. Anika wondered what just happened. She shrugged off and continued sitting there.

"Excuse me miss, its my place. You can't sit here." She heard a manly voice. Anika rolled his eyes and turned only to get shocked. She got up from the chair. The man was also shocked. Both stood there until the waiter came to them all scared.

"I-i am sorry sir. I had t-told her to c-change the seat but..." He stopped abruptly, watching the man showing his hand to stop.

"It's okay." He said saving the waiter from an attack. He sighed and left to bring the menu card.

"Shivay...." Anika called smiling.

"Hi.." Shivay said moving to the other side of the table. Both sat opposite to eachother.

"You okay with me sitting here?" Anika asked to assure herself. Shivay nodded his head.  The waiter brought the menu card and gave to both.

"O don't need this." Both said giving the menu card back. Both looked at eachother as Anika's lips curved up, but Shivay was just staring her. Both composed themselves.

"I want my regular." Shivay said as the waiter nodded and turned to Anika.

"One Latte for me." Anika said and the waiter walked away to bring the order.

"You don't let anyone sit here?" Anika asked, trying to start a conversation.

"You can sit now on." Shivay said without any expression but it bought a smile on her lips.

"What are you doing here?" Shivay asked watching Anika sitting quiet. Somewhere he liked the talkative Anika.

"I had an interview." Anika said with a smile. Shivay nodded his head. The waiter brought A latte for Anika and his regular Espresso for Shivay.

"Thank you bhaiya." Anika thanked the Waiter who gave her a decent smile.


"O...." Rudra said, staring a particular direction, witha widen eyes and shocked expression.

"What happened?" Om asked turning to Rudy after ordering 2 cappuccino for them. Rudy gestured him to look at a direction bobbing his head. Om turned to see and his eyes popped out in socket.

"Is that our Shivay bhaiya only?" Rudy asked still being in the shock.

"He let Anika bhabhi to sit on the same table?" Om said astonished.

"Not only that, he is sharing his time with her." Rudy said not averting his eyes from Shivay and Anika, who were sitting a little far from them. They didn't noticed OmRu, as they were talking.

"You are right O, she surely can bring our bhaiya back." Rudy said as a sweet smile adorned his lips. Om nodded his head smiling back.


What's the name of that company? " shivay asked sipping his espresso.

"Prior Fashion House." She said and Shivay nodded his head. They continued talking about random things. Actually Anika was talking and Shivay was listening. Even though without any expression on his face, but his heart craved to hear her voice more and more, to which he was unaware.


"O, he is listening to her so patiently. I can't believe that its our bhaiya. I can see our old bhaiya awakening." Rudy said with tears of happiness. Om nodded his head wiping Rudy's tears. They sipped their cappuccino observing Shivay and Anika.



"Come, I'll drop you." Shivay said as they finished their coffee. The waiter came and placed the bill on the table and walked out. Anika took out the cash but Shivay was quick to put the cash on the bill.

"Its not needed Shivay, i can give my bill." Anika said trying to keep the cash but Shivay held her hand, which send a cold shiver into both of their body. They looked into eachother's eyes. Shivay broke it.

"Take it as my treat for your new job." Shivay said making her put the cash  back in her purse.

"But i didn't got confirmed about the job yet." Anika said rolling her eyes.

"I know you'll." Shivay said surprising Anika and himself as well. Both composed eachother. Both got up from the chair and walked ahead.

"Shivay, i have my Champa with me." Anika said walking with him.

"Champa who?" He asked being confused.

"Its not who, its what." Anika corrected him.

"What?" He asked being more confused.

"Correct." Anika said smiling wide. Shivay was more confused.

"This is my Champa." Anika said pointing her scooty.

"Oh, you mean scooty." Shivay said finally understanding.

"Yeah, both are same. Champa- scooty, scooty - champa. So, I'll go with my Champa, you don't have to take effort." Anika said and was about to sit on the scooty but Shivay stopped her. She raised her eyebrows at him.

"Your Champa.... I mean your scooty will reach your home safely. Now get into the car and wait. I'll be back." Shivay said dragging her near his car and made her sit in. Before she could protest, he ran back into the coffee shop, taking out the key from her scooty.

"O, am i dreaming?" Rudy asked watching the whole scenario from a safe distance. They could only see. They can't hear their conversation but they could easily guess whats going on between the duo.


Inside the shop.....

"Excuse me..." Shivay called the same waiter who attended them.

"Yes sir.." He came to Shivay.

"Keep this key with you. My manager will come, his name is Khanna, give this to him." Shivay said giving the scooty key to the waiter.

"Okay sir." He said taking the key. Shivay nodded his head and walked to the entrance but turned again calling the same boy, who instantly came to him.

"Umm.... Let that girl sit there whenever she want. Don't tell her to change the place." Shivay said shocking the waiter. Shivay is a regular customer, so he knew him and a little about his habit of sitting alone. The nodded his head.

"Only her, no others." Shivay said before walking out of the shop.

He walked to his car and took the driver seat. He saw Anika fidgeting with her phone. Shivay started the car and they moved to Anika's house. All the while, Anika was blabbering one thing or the other and Shivay was listening everything patiently. He remembered the incident, where he killed her puppy mercilessly. Somewhere he felt a pang in his heart thinking about the consequences of what will happen when she'll get to know about it.

Thank god i put the car in the garage and i am not gonna take that car out never in my life. If she recognised it the..... No no, that will not happen.

Shivay said to himself, stealing glances from Anika. He shrugged off the thoughts and drove to the destination.


Heya guys....

I am extremely sorry for the late update. I was occupied with so much things. Hope you all will understand.

Hope you all liked the chappy...

Let me know how was it.


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