Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

Avu's prov :

Rohan looking me with angrily and said " You again forgot? In friendship no sorry no thanks  I think you didn’t thought me friend right? " I said " No It's not like that ok Iam taking my that's sentences now happy? " Rohan said " Yeah happy " I just smileed. He is really good person. Gald to got friend like him

Sid's prov

After showing from window that Avu and Rohan going together. I feel really jealous and Angry. So I just Run away from Anu's house and Iam also going home and I reach home and saw Rohan drop Avu and they are talking with eachothers with really happily. On that time I got more angry I saw Rohan going and Avu go to home and I also go behind of Avu to talk her because I want my answers. She go to Room and I also go to Room and broked her side and said " Why you come from Anu house without taking me? " I said Rudly and Avu said " why?  Why you need me? You enjoy with Anu and Anu can drop you home so why need me? "She said little bit angerlly. I said " What are you saying? " Avu said " Iam saying right . You go and do enjoy with Anu " I said " Why you saying that? " Avu said " So what wil I do? You go to Anu's house and you didn’t Inform me why? You know how much I tensed for you? I thought you are ok or not? But you? You doing fun with her but you didn’t imform me why? I understand you have not any care for me that's why you did this " I saw she is soo angry today I saw first time that's types avu. Really to say first I shocked and in last Iam really scared because her anger going too much. Iam trying to clam her " I didn’t able to call you because my phone gone dead. Then how wil I call you? " Avu said " Ok I understand your phone dead but what about Anu's phone and You didn’t take from phone Anyone? Say me? " Opps I didn’t think that Actually I really forgot about that's. Don't know why Iam so idiot? I said " Actually I forgot that Avu. I didn’t remember that please forgive me.You know na how much idiot I am "  Avu said " I always support you in your all things and your every childish things I support you but this time noo. I said no " I got really irritated now I tried to understand her but she didn’t understanding me why? All the time avu understand me but this time she is not understanding me. I said " Avu you didn’t trying to understand  why? Avu said with angrily " So tell what you are doing in anu's home without inform me? You forgot me and enjoying with her so go on and no need live with me live with her " I Just what is avu saying I said " So what about that what you and Rohan doing together? Tell me that first? " Avu said " What? You asked me about Rohan now? Really? " I said " Yeah say what you are doing with him. You said that you wil not going to meet him again so why you with him? " Avu got angry and said " Now I don’t want to tell you first give me answer " I said " Iam not giving "

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