Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

Avu's prov
Iam saying him Iam goona to give any answers of his answers. But he is not understanding. I got really angry and I shouted on him " Stop your drama. I can't see more. Stop childishness. I Just irritated by you. I bear all things your irritating, your childish all things but no more now. I didn’t woona to live with you. Iam going from your life and house " I said and Start packing my bags then I about to go when sid hold my hand and said " Please please please avu. Please don’t go. I know I did mistakes I should tell you but please forgive me na. Please please and Iam telling you this time I wil not going to irritated you. I wil be good boy like others. I wil be not childish. I wil not goona trouble you. Please forgive me. Please please please please please forgive me na. I wil not able to live without you. Please forgive me " I saw he Crying. I can't bear everything but not his tears his tears make me cry also and my heart telling me to stop but my mind sayingto go from him. My mind saying to leave him but my heart saying to don’t leave him. But what wil I do now? Iam really confused. But Iam going to fullfill my minds thought I try to take my hand from his grip but he is not ready for leave me he is crying but I didn’t stop I take hand from his grip and about to out from our Room when I saw he take knife in his hand and said " Ok you are going to leave me. Then go. Go avu. When you wil take a steps from my Room for going then I wil cut my wrists " I Just shocked to hears that what is he saying? What? He going to do suicide. Now what wil I do? Iam trying to stop him and Iam taking a little little steps and going his side and saying " Sid sid Iam not going anywhere relax Relax and please give me that knife. Please please Iam not going so please don’t do anything " Iam trying to take knife from him and trying to clam him. But he is not ready to give. He cried and said" No No Iam not going to give you knife. I know after giving you knife you wil go from me " I said " No No believe me Iam Not going. Please please give me that knife please " Iam going to his side and he moving from his place and he said " Don't come here or else Iam going to cut my wrists. Iam saying. Iam saying " I saw he put  knife on his wrists I said " No No please no sid give me knife please " he said " Nooo " I saw he put knife very harshly and blood coming from his hand I didn’t wait for a single minutes I just go to his and take knife but he jarking my hand he is not ready to give but for save him. From stop him from stupidity. I slapped him and take Knife. I saw he crying I am try to clam him now I take a tore my clothes and Iam bandaging his hand. But he is Crying only and said " You slapped me " I said "  please sorry sid I have to do for save you. " I bandaging his hand and bleeding stop now Iam relieve. He take a head on my lap and said " please don’t leave me or else "

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