Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

Avu's prov

He is crying and so much scared to leave me. He didn’t woona to leave me but is he really don't want to leave me? He is soo much cried and I try to clam him now " Ok Sid Iam not leaving you but please say you wil not do that's types of stupidity? " He said whole crying " Iam not goona to do but say you wil not leave me? " I said " Yeah Iam saying na Iam not leaving so please don’t think about that and sleep now " sid said " Did you forgive me? " I said " Ok forgot about that and sleep now " Sid said " But " I said " Nothing sleep now or else Iam really going this time " sid said " No no don’t go Iam sleeping " I said " Yeah that's like good boy " I said and make him ley in bed and covered him in blanket. Then After sometime he slept. He looking as always soo cute. His cuteness. But don’t think I forgot today's incident today Iam really angry on sid and Iam sure ready to go away from sidBut sid's stupidity stop me or else for sure Iam ready to going today. I can't leave him in that's situation and he regretting so I should forgive him but Iam still really jealous and angry. Ok I have to stop thinking about it now. Avu relax. Realx keep breath Keep breath. Now I should sleep. I going for sleeping. After slept morning come. I wake up and start getting ready I saw sid stil sleeping It’s his dailly routine he wil not goona wake up. I Have to wake up but Iam thinking that should I wake him today for collage or else no because after that's incident that sid did. I think he need rest. I should not disturb him. Iam going then suddenly sid hold my hand and said " Avu what are you thinking? Why you didn’t wake up me for collage today? What happen? " I saw sid wake up and he said that's then I said " Ohh Actually I think you should not go collage today " Sid said " Why? " I said " Because I think you need rest so take rest " sid said " No Iam ok see fit and fine "I gairing him " You really ok? " he said " Yeah Iam ok nothing happen to me " I said " yeah what wil happen to you? You didn’t cut your hand? My hand cut right? " I said with little bit angrily and irritated And I saw sid's eyes is teary I understand he feel bad by my word and I said " Sorry sid. I didn’t woona to hurt you. Please sorry. Don’t cry " he wiped his tears and said "  No Iam not crying Iam not crying. Don't be irritated. Don't be angry with me. I didn’t doing any childishness " He said and go washroom   I saw he trying to control himself. He didn’t crying Saying but tears fall from his eyes but he quickly  wipping tears. He saying he isn’t hurt by my word but his condition saying me how much he feel bad. But he didn’t want to tell me. I know he stil thinking about yesterdays things that I tell him. I shouted on him because of his childishness. I know I did wrong. I know on that time in anger I vant my all anger on sid. He got hurted. But Iam ready to back that's old sid.

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