chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Avu : Now stop laughing and tell. What was you woona eat in dinner

Sid : Umm I woona to eat

Avu : Tell

Sid : Chicken biriyani

Avu : Ok I'll make. Wait for sometime

Sid : Ok

(Now Avu was in kitchen and she was thinking something)

Avu's prov : How was I make chicken biriyani I don’t know how to make this. But I was told sid that I will make. But how? Avu think . Keep breath and relax relax. Ohh Iam really fool how I was forget about Phone I will search this dish in YouTube. Iam really smart

(Then Avu scarch this dish in YouTube and find recipe and making Chicken biriyani now. Then it’s was ready. She come in room with food in hand)

Avu : Sid

Sid : Yeah

Avu : See I was make Chicken biriyani. Now eat

Sid : It’s look so testy

Avu : So eat fast. I want to know how is it. You know I was make this food for you first time

Sid : Ok

(Author : Chicken biriyani testy)

(Then sid take one bite of food then he was liked shocked)

Avu : Sid what happen? Tell. It’s not good right. Sorry sid

Sid : No.It's really testy (Tears fall in eyes)

Avu : Sid what happen? Why are you crying?

Sid : Nothing because it’s really yummy so that's why Iam crying

Avu : Ohh. Ok then Iam also try that

Sid : No need. I will eat this all

Avu : Why? Iam also woona to eat

(Then suddenly avu take a bite then she scream and then she eat Water)

Avu : Sid It's so spicy. How can you eat this. You can't eat any spicy food how

Sid : Beacuse You told me that it’s dish you make first for me that's why how can I reject that

Avu : You ate this spicy  food just Because of me (tears fall from eyes)

Sid : Avu why  you  are crying?

Avu : just becuse of me.

Sid : You don’t cry please or I will not goona to talk  you then (with cute angry pout)

Avu : Please sorry sid. Talk me. Please

Sid : Ok but don’t cry

Avu : Aww you are going to Mature.

Sid : why? Iam not mature

Avu : No

Sid : what? I will not talk you then

Avu : Ok ok you are mature ok

Sid : Hmm good. You also going to be mature

Avu : What? Iam mature. I didn’t  need any matureness.

(Sid Start laughing and avu also start laughing)

Avu's prov : He is really cute and today just Because of me he ate spicy food. He can't ate any spicy food but for me he ate. Iam feel really bad that just Because of me. He ate spicy food. But Iam Happy also he ate my food. He have care for me and my food

I was going washroom and then I was come and see sid

Avu's prov end

Avu : What happen sid?

Sid : No response

Avu : Tell now what happen?

Sid : No response

Avu : Tell did you get any more Maths problem tell. I will solves this don't worry tell

Sid :

Sid ko kyha houha hai any idea tell me in comment

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