chapter 6

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Avu's (prov): Iam now in office. It's now evening. I didn't saw sid from morning to evening. I was called him but he didn't taked I didn't know why? Is he ok or not? I don't know anything. Iam really tensed for him. Most of the thing is he is really kid. In small small things  he start upset, sad and crying. What was I do him? Now he was not picking my phone I don't know why? Is he upset with me? But why? I didn't do anything uggh Iam goona mad. Relax avu and keep breath. 1...2..3....4..5...6....7...8.....9...10
Relax now and think what was I do? Should I called mom but what was I tell her. That sid was not talking to me. It's really Weird what was she think about me? No No. I can't call mom. I should go home. It's good idea

Then I was go my car and start driving. But in car also I was thinking about Only sid. After sometime I was reached home then I was entered my homr then saw mom and Uncle was talking something..........

Then mom was saw me and called me

VN : Avu you are come...

Avu : Yeah mom. Mom where is sid? Is he ok or not? Is he upset with me in something. Is I did any mistake tell mom... Please (Tell that in one breath)

VN : Avu relax sid is ok but why are you so tensed? Sid is in room you can go and see....

Avu : Ok mom Thanks a lot

Then I was leaved. Now Iam now going my room and I was reached now and saw door is open and I was going to my room and saw.......

Sid was sitting in bed and he was upset so much. I didn't know what happen to him? I was go and sat beside him and say.........

Avu : sid what happen? You are not taken my phone. You are upset with me. Did I did anything? Tell. Did I did any mistake.........

Sid : (no response)

Avu : sid....sid..... Tell...please. Did I did any mistake tell... Please

Sid : No you didn't did anything?

Avu : so why are you upset? Did anyone tell anything to you? Tell me I will  not spare this person

Sid : No

Avu : So What happen?

Sid : You will not understand that?

Avu : No tell I will and I want to help you tell

Sid : Ok.... Wait

(Then sid saw his notebook)

Sid : I have math problem. I was not able to solve this question. It's really difficult. Teacher will beat me after then I will not able to solve this question. I was not good in math I was hate math

(Author : This is my problem math. Math is goona kill me. I just hate math I can't say how much. Is there anyone here that who is also hate math tell me in comment)

Avu : You are upset for this really. What was I do with you?

Sid : How can you say that you know math is really difficult. You are  not understand that I will not talk you now. Iam angry on you (With cute angry pute)

(Avu was chucked to saw that)

Sid : You are laughing I will not forgive you (with cute angry pute)

Avu : Ok please sorry I was just please sorry sid. Please forgive me (with holding her ears)

Sid : No

Avu : please

Sid : No

Avu : Please forgive me then I will help you in math problem

Sid : Really

Avu : yeah

Sid : But how? You are teacher also with business women tell. You didn't tell me

Avu : No

Sid : so how

Avu : Iam topper in College. You know Iam really good in math and study and math is my favourite subject

Sid : WHAT?

Avu : Yeah I loved math so much

Sid : Avu I think you are mad

Avu : WHAT? 🤨🤨🤨

Sid : Ohh 😬😬😬

Sid : sorry 😅😅

Avu : Ok

Sid : Now teach me how I solve this math question

Avu : Ok

(Then  avu start teaching sid and sid was enjoying his time with his new teacher and sid also understand her teaching)

Avu : Are you understand now?

Sid : Yeah. It's really easy. You are really brilliant you can start your school also you are really good teacher.....

Avu : ok stop Iam not much good teacher.......

Sid : No you are really good now I think I don't need any teacher you are here for me all the time. My new teacher.....

(Then they start laughing)

Avu'prov : His this childish think make me more crazy for him. He is really amazing. How can he so cute. Iam happy because he is happy. His happiness give me happy. His sadness give me sadness. I don't understand what is this? Iam really confused. What is this feelings?

Sid : Avu where are you? What are you thinking?

Avu: Nothing just forget

Bolo avu ko kyha hugha hai kyha lakta hai avu start loving sid or not?

45votes and 10comment da do please

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