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PULCHER- Handsome in Latin
AN: Just a small suggestion, please listen to Pied Piper by bts, while reading!!
And, enjoy ☺️☺️☺️

And, now let's travel for a few miles and a few hours in the past, from Taehyung's place, and ohhh what are we seeing now?-

The Sun is again shining brightly, making the morning more beautiful than ever, it's rays peaking through the black curtains, from the windows, of the room. Birds chirping, making their own sweet melody which made the whole world more beautiful, but unlike the bright world outside, the raven haired male's world wasn't that bright as the sun, nor was it as beautiful as the outside world. Surely, he loves the outside world being so peaceful, so beautiful, but in his life, it's just darkness everywhere, so much darkness is filled in his life.

Unlike, the sweet birds and the entire nature, which just woke up, he was already awake, working on his laptop. When, he heard the fresh and beautiful sounds of the nature contrasting to his own personal life, he slowly raised his head, to see the outside world, and blankly looked at the open window of his room, probably thinking about his work, yeah that's all he thinks about most of the time, as he is what we call, a workoholic, and also, because he, just doesn't have anyone to think about.

His family, who are so busy with their own problems, don't have enough time to look after him. Or, so he thinks. We all know, right, that when a human being is trusfrated;) or simply tired, he/she blames other people for their own problems, even when nobody had a fault in it. Don't get him wrong, he absolutely loves his family, but there are just certain things in his life, which angers him a lot.

Jeon Jungkook was different from most of the people, whom you would meet in this world. He was emotionless and would not smile much, his eyes are always blank, he has a dangerous and cold aura around him, though there's a cute and kind boy under the cold facade, which is only seen by his closed ones.

Also, he falls in the rarest category of this world. Yes, in this world void of love, he can also feel love, just like another cute and sassy boy. But, unlike the first boy, he doesn't show any emotions. Jeon Jungkook, likes to sit back and observe, and probably build strategies. This is why, no doubt, he is one of the most infamous and greatest business tycoon, who is known worldwide.

But, he is also somehow similar, in a weird way, to the first boy. He desperately wants someone. Someone to call his, someone to spoil, someone to care for, someone to secure within his arms.(Heck! This boy even built muscles to protect his future lover!). In basic words, he wants someone to love. Honestly, people thrive to be with him. He is the world's sexiest bachelor, international playboy(that's what they call him despite of him never being in a relationship or anything), youngest billionaire and humblest gentleman. But, his heart belongs to only one person, and that is, his mate. In this world, people hardly care for love for they don't feel it, most people give their innocence to a person who is not their destined mate, without any regret. But, then again, Jeon Jungkook, is not most people. He, from his very infancy, has promised his entire self to his destined mate. This boy maybe cold with people, but he is definitely going to spoil his lover with his sweetness and cuteness.

He got out of his thoughts when he heard a knock, and slowly turned his head towards the door, only to find his mom, Jeon Sunmi, smiling softly towards him. He smiled back as his mom slowly walked inside the room, towards him and sat in front of him, gently caressing his soft hair.
He sighed as he felt the featherly and gentle touch of his mother, smiling a bit towards his mother.
" Morning Mom.. "
He spoke a bit softly, not in his casual cold voice. His cold and dangerous aura is only for outside, but for his family, he is the cutest bunny in the world.

"Morning babybun, how was your sleep hm..? "
She asked in soft voice, looking at her small yet giant bunny.

" I slept well mom..."
He lied, he didn't get a bit sleep. Firstly he was overworking, being a workoholic person, he tends to work more than usual, and secondly the nightmares. But, he just smiled at his mother, who sighed, knowing too well that her babybun was lying, and smiled while shaking her head.

" Don't stress yourself too much bun, work is not more important than your health. "
She smiled, caressing his soft cheeks, leaning in to leave a gentle peck on his forehead.

"Now get up Mr. Bunny and get ready! Our old man is waiting downstairs, for breakfast! "

He let out a small chuckle at his mother and nodded.
" Alright mom, I'll be there in a minute."
He smiled his cute bunny smile to his mom, who cooed at her cutie babybun and got up, not before giving him a sweet peck on his cheeks.

As soon, as she left the room, the baby bun-I mean Jungkook got up from the bed and went to freshen up, eyes turning blank again.
He looked at his reflection inside the mirror in the bathroom. His eyes were blank just like his heart, he deeply craves for love, as there is no one who loves him, or can love him, sure his parents and his friends take care of him, support him but the love he craves for, has never came. He knows that this wish of his, will never be fulfilled, as no one can love in this world, yet he believes that there is someone who can love him, someone who will also possess this rare feeling of love, just like him, and will fullfill his cravings.

Just like a certain sassy boy, this bunny would also love his mate till his last breath, He believes that somewhere in the world, is someone special, waiting for him, his heart says that every single second. He just have to wait and he is willing to wait. Unlike, most people in this world, he is willing to wait for his mate, someone whom he will find on that precious day. The day that is beautifully engraved on his back.

He has heard about the legendary couple, who died in each other's arms, and their unconditional love inspires him so much. He wishes for his love to be the same. Unconditional, euphoric, beautiful, understanding, and trusting, but with a happy ending. He won't let his love die, he will kill or get killed for his love but he won't leave his love, never, that's what he thinks but he cannot decide fate, anything can happen, anything, but he hoped with his entire heart, that the Moon Goddess has written a happy ending for him.


" Good morning, Dad!"
Jungkook spoke, with his soft yet a bit cold voice while calmly walking downstairs, greeting his father, who was sitting in the dinning area, looking through the news in the TV. Typical business man😐😐😐!!

" Morning Bunny.."
his father said, smiling softly at his son, getting up from the chair to hug his bunny, who hugged him back, feeling a bit comfortable in his father's arms.

"How was your sleep, son? "
Jungkook smiled, showing his bunny smile, looking at his father with his cute doe eyes, making his father squeal at his cute bunny (ofcourse inside his mind)

"Well I guess you got good sleep, judging by your cutest smile."
His father, smiled sweetly at him, though deep down he knows about his son stressing himself. So,he just sighed, while leaning in and leaving a soft peck on his forehead.

" Come on, let's have breakfast "
Mrs Jeon said, already placing the dishes on the dining table, smiling sweetly at both of her bunnies.

Jungkook smiled, as his father and him walked to the dining table, sitting on their respective chairs. Both started eating as soon as, Mrs. Jeon served them, sitting beside her son.

" Dad, I'll be having a meeting this afternoon regarding the new investment! " Jungkook said, after taking a sip of water.

" I see! So, you're planning to go ahead with the diamond investment, right? " Jungkook's Dad, asked while looking at his son, to which the latter replied with a nod of his head.

Jeon Jungkook, is the youngest son, of Jeon Junghoon and Jeon Sunmi. At, the mere age of 19, he had taken over his father's conglomerate (a multi-industry company - i.e., a combination of multiple business entities operating in entirely different industries under one corporate group, usually involving a parent company and many subsidiaries) company, JJJJ Enterprises (yes, I know there are four Js, but they are necessary, so please bear with them!), which is a worldwide infamous multinational company. Jeon Junghoon, was a respected businessman, but that man had spent his entire life in growing the business, and now wished to spend some time with his family. Also, he knew his son's wish to be a successful businessman. Hence, he passed his company to his youngest son, and never regretted it, as indeed Jungkook had grown this company into another level, and has clearly exceeded his father's expectations. Though, even after retirement, he was an extremely respected personality.

" Hmm, I am definitely going to go ahead with the diamond investment! It is a good deal, and it would be good for the company! "
Jungkook smiled in determination, wanting to do always good for company, and with that they started discussion about the business, not noticing a certain female, feeling pissed.

" Yah! You two bunny brats! It's breakfast time, that means family time and here, you are talking about your business instead of talking about ourselves! "
Mrs Jeon aka Jeon Sunmi, scolded them both, with a glare, which made both the males gulp and smile sheepishly. They both nodded their heads, while mumbling a small yet sincere " Sorry Mom/hun "

Ten minutes, have passed now, and the entire Jeon household is silent. Jungkook and his father, are trying to think of a topic regarding family matters, but business is the only thing that can fit in their heads, after all. While, Mrs. Jeon is just sitting and observing them.

" You know what, let's talk about business only! " She said with a sigh at last, and was immediately awarded by two identical bunny smiles, from both father and son, which made a small smile back on her face.

" Jungkook! So, what do you think about the collaboration idea? " Jeon Junghoon, asked in an excited voice while looking towards his son, but was awarded with only a cute frown from his bunny.

For, the last four months, Jungkook's Dad, is after Jungkook, regarding a collaboration idea with the KHKT Modeling and Fashion Company. Jungkook knows about that company, because it's the only company, which resides in the first position along with JJJJ Enterprises, in the list of the top ten companies of the world. Jungkook, honestly has no problem with the company nor with the CEO of the company, as he personally doesn't know the CEO. The only things, he has heard about the company are that, Kim Hanbin, his biggest idol in the business world after his own father, had started the company and has recently passed it to his son, who has taken the company to another level. And, that the current CEO of that company, is the same age as him, and is also extremely famous and good looking. There are many similarities between those two companies and their CEOs, though sometimes, that company is praised more by the people, because it works only in one sector, i.e. the modeling and fashion sector, while Jungkook's company works in multiple sectors, yet both of them are in the same position. So, maybe Jungkook is a little bit jealous of the CEO, but he won't ever say it. According to Jeon Junghoon, though, their companies can be even better if both of them collaborate, though Jungkook doesn't understand the reason.

" Dad! I don't understand, why are you so keen on collaborating our company with them, huh? Like, you know that our company is on the top, even without their help. Plus, both you and me don't have any interest in that section. And, if you were this much interested, then why didn't you collaborate with them, when you were the CEO? " Jungkook asked, with a raised eyebrow.

" Umm, w-what?! " His dad's stuttering tone, added more to his suspicion, but just when Jungkook was about to open his mouth, his mother beat him to it.

" Oh, come on Kook! When, your dad was a CEO, neither their company, nor our company were in the top position. That's why he didn't think about this. And, why are you getting nervous, huh, he just asked a question to you! " Sunmi stated the first statement, while looking at Jungkook, and then at her husband.

" Y-yes! Your mother is right, Kook! It was just a bit unexpected, and caught me off guard. " His father's stuttering tone, suddenly changed into a confident tone, while the man started nodding his head.

Jungkook, would have believed his parents, had he not seen the slight nervous look that has passed between them. It would have been difficult to catch for other people, but Jeon Jungkook is not other people, after all. He clearly knew something was up. Jungkook, always knew something was wrong with his life. And, this just added to that fact. Or else, why would his parents, who have somehow in his entire life, always tried to avoid the Kim surname, are now trying to collaborate with the Kims. Plus, his parents don't know how to love, as the other people in this world, yet they know how to show love. Like, for example, when you love someone, no matter what type of love, you would always be ready to sacrifice for them. But, you don't do that when you merely care for someone. But, his parents don't or can't love him or themselves, yet always sacrifice for him and each other. It's just like, they have experienced love oneday, and hence, know how to show love, even though they can't feel it. But, that's not possible now, is it? The only way, they could have experienced love, would have been, if they were born 500 years ago, but then again his parents can't be that old, after all, right?

Jungkook shook his head to get rid of these thoughts. His workoholic and sleep deprived mind, sometimes think of weird and unrealistic things. But, you never know if they are unrealistic or not, right? 😉😉🤭🤭

" Well, I should get going now! I have a meeting to attend after all! Wish me luck, so that I can get the investment today! " Jungkook said with a soft smile, while getting up from the table.

" Of course! In this life, all the good luck is bound to be with you! " Jungkook's Dad said, while hugging Jungkook.

Again, a sentence with double meanings. And, Jungkook got even more sure of it, when he saw his mother shooting a look towards his father.

Then, his mother came towards him and cupped his face with her hands, while looking straight in his eyes.

" Kook! I love your way of thinking with that extraordinary brain of yours, but, when the right time comes, remember to think with your heart. Sometimes, heart is more intelligent than the brain. This statement may not make sense to you now, but one day, in the near future, it would definitely be the best advice that I could give you! " She said with a soft smile. Well, she was right in one sense, as this statement seemed completely out of context to Jungkook, but before he can think more on that, he was awarded with a gentle motherly kiss on his forehead, and a pat on his right cheek.

" You would definitely get it! Fighting, Kook!!! " His mother said, with a determined tone. Jungkook, nodded his head, with sheer determination, kissed his mother on her cheeks, and went out of the house while waving at his father.

" The time is coming! " Jeon Junghoon, said to his wife, while looking at his son's departing figure.
Jeon Sunmi, just nodded her head, while sighing.


A black and luxurious, Bugatti La Voiture Noire, stopped in front of a tall, classy and high-rise building, JJJJ Enterprise. The glass building could be recognized from meters apart, because of its beauty and structure. The name itself was a art, JJJJ Enterprise.
The door of the car was opened by a man, wearing black suit, bowing down to the owner of the building, Jeon Jungkook.
He stepped out from the car, dressed in dark grey suit, his raven hair laid backwards, showing his forehead, face blank devoid of any emotion, lips set in a thin line, eyes holding a blank look, which made him look extremely intimidating. His company was famous, but the handsome and dashing face of his was alot more famous, plus the cold and blank look, made him look 10 times more hotter.

He entered the building, occasionally giving a firm nod to the employees who greeted him with smile, some knowing that the young CEO would never smile back, some expecting a smile back towards them though no one in this office has seen him smiling, as we said before, his beautiful heartwarming bunny smiles are only for his closed ones.

The CEO entered the lift and pressed the button for the 21st floor. Soon the lift reached the floor and the man exited out of it and walked to a particular cabin, opening the door of his cabin which has a name plate that read, "CEO Jeon Jungkook".

But, before the poor boy can even sit, the door opened once again, to reveal an extraordinarily handsome man in a suit. He has a tall and fair build, with extremely wide shoulders, and let's not even start about his face, because it's enough to kill you with it's beauty.

Jungkook smiled his infamous but rarely seen bunny smile, on seeing the man, which the latter returned with a handsome smile of his own.

" Hyungie! " The CEO got up from his chair and ran towards the new man, like a five year old. Did I write 'ran'? Oops, my mistake, the correct word would be 'hopped'!🐰🐰🐰🐰

" My baby bunny! " The new man hugged the CEO tightly, while smiling inside his mind. After all, he knew that he was one of the very few people who got to see the CEO smiling and acting like a child. Hence, he felt extremely lucky.

After the long hug, between the dramatic bunny and his even more dramatic hyung(Hey!! Are you calling us dramatic?!!! Oops, dashi run run run), both of them went towards the table.

Before proceeding, Let me formally introduce you to the new man, WWH, JEON SEOKJIN!!!(Just bear with it for the story plot) Jungkook's elder brother and secretary. And, the most handsome visual in the entire world.

" Hyungie! Why didn't you come for breakfast today? It felt so boring without you! " Jungkook said with a pout, whining while looking at his brother.

" I recorded that! Let's see, what happens when Sungmo (aunt in Korean is known as Sungmo according to Google) hears it! " Jungkook and Seokjin were not at all surprised on hearing the new voice.

" Don't you guys know how to knock?!! " Jungkook said, while glaring at the newcomer, who had a pale face and a slightly smaller built than the other two, but was equally dashing handsome.

" So, you receive your older brother who hits you with his slippers, with a hug, while your best friend who is always there for you with a glare? " The new man, said while glaring back at the CEO.

" Yahh hyung, it's not like that!! " The newcomer may have cracked a small smile on hearing the whining baby voice of the CEO, though I am not telling anything about the smile, because I still wish to live.

Min Yoongi, is the best friend and advisor of our bunny boy, and also the CFO (Chief Financial Officer) of JJJJ Enterprises. But, the man has an extremely savage and hot character which makes people drool over him, though his cold and blank face is enough to protect him from crazy fans. (Your Authors also drool over him!!! Though, don't tell it to him, we don't need to boost his already big ego!!)

" Yoongi Hyung, you didn't actually record it, right? Mom will kill me!! " Jungkook exclaimed with a nervous look on his face, while Yoongi smirked.

" Well, she needs to accept it! After all, I am the most entertaining person!! " Seokjin said, while flipping his hair in a sassy way.

" Yup! And, also the biggest drama queen!! " Yoongi muttered, under his breath.

" What was that, Yoongi?!! " Seokjin asked, with a raised eyebrow.

" Nothing! Absolutely nothing!! Just said that, you are the most handsome man in the world, Jin hyung! " Yoongi, quickly explained with a nervous voice. Seokjin nodded his head with a smile, while Jungkook chuckled under his breath. Oh well, even the dumbest person knows not to cross Seokjin, or say something bad about him, and well Yoongi is one of the wisest person in the world, so there you go.

" The meeting starts at half past eleven. It seems like you have fifteen minutes in your hands, give or take. " Seokjin stated, while looking at Jungkook. He was a punctual man, and a man of his words. That's the best reason for which Jungkook was glad to have him as his big brother and secretary. Seokjin won't ever be late nor let somebody be late.

" Oh, so you're going ahead with the diamond investment, then. " Yoongi said, with a slight frown on his face.

" Hyung, it would be beneficial for our company, come on you know that! " Jungkook said, with a sigh. Yoongi didn't like investments at all. He liked investing more, like buying shares and owning a part of another's company, but the same cannot be said when it comes to his own. He is slightly selfish when it comes to sharing, after all. But, even then, everything cannot go as you wish. The world just doesn't works like that. Sometimes, you need to digest and think positively. Like, Yoongi knew after a few more years, he would make Jungkook buy the shares back. But, for now he would let the diamond sector grow.

" Kookah, so I was wondering, what are your thoughts about the Collab? " Yoongi asked, while looking at Jungkook.

" Hyung, not you too! " Jungkook groaned. Why is everyone so persisted on making him collaborate with that KH or whatever company?!!

" Kook! Come on, it's necessary! " Seokjin said, but immediately shut his mouth.

Jungkook, instantly looked at him with a sharp look, on hearing that.

" I mean, necessary for growing your company! Yeah, yeah , growing your company! " Jin immediately added, on seeing Jungkook's look.

But, Jungkook didn't miss the look that passed between Yoongi and Seokjin, even though it only lasted for a fraction of a second. Though, he immediately organised his face into his infamous poker face.

" You both go! I am coming to the meeting room after five minutes. " Jungkook said, with no emotion evident on his face though his mind was turning it's wheels like a bullet train.

" We'll get going, then! " Yoongi said, with a nod towards Jungkook. And, left the office, but not before giving a look to Seokjin, which was not missed by Jungkook. Seokjin, gave Jungkook a small smile and nod, and followed Yoongi.

There were so many things that were mysterious to Jungkook, now. His best friend and his brother knew each other more that he could ever know either of them. They hardly spoke, and Jungkook only met Yoongi in his high school, yet, Jin and Yoongi are still more than mere acquaintances. Infact, now it looks like he is living an illusion. Nothing adds up. Yoongi, the person who hates sharing even one percent of the business with the companies they have known from the very beginning, suddenly wants to collaborate with a completely stranger's company! Why is everyone so keen on making him collaborate with that company?!! What is his family hiding? What are his bestfriend and brother hiding? Why has neither of them still found their mates? Why are they always wearing scent blockers even when they are in the comfort of their homes? Why can't he ever remember seeing a small Seokjin, when he was only three years older than Jungkook? Why does he always see the same nightmares again and again? Why are the faces slowly becoming more clearer, recently? Why is he feeling so afraid to see the faces of the people in the nightmare that he is seeing from his very infancy? Why are some parts of his life so unclear? And, most importantly why can he feel this emotion called 'love'?

He feels like he can get the answers to all these 'whys' in the collaboration. And, he is ready to get them!yes finally he is ready for the collab! But, why does he feels so scared yet excited of collaborating with the company? It's like that collaboration would not only give him the best dreams, but also the worst nightmares. His heart is telling him to go ahead while his brain is telling him to stop. Maybe, this was what his mother was talking about, listening to his heart. Okay, then he will listen to his heart. And, maybe at the end of the day he would get to know, that he was scared of nothing, and that everything is just as easy and simple as it seems.

With this Jungkook sighed, and went out of his office. Collaborating can wait, investment is calling him now!

But, what if everything is not as simple and easy as it seems? What if Jungkook's fears are true? What if this was not the decision his mother was talking about? Maybe, she was talking about a much more difficult decision. Maybe, his entire family knows something, that he doesn't. Maybe, that nightmare is connected to his very life and existence. Maybe, Jungkook's entire twenty years life span, has been spent by him, staying behind a veil. Maybe, the veil is finally going to lift now! But, I am not really sure, if Jungkook is ready to see the other side, but oh well, surprises are necessary. One thing, that we can completely agree on with Jungkook is that, the collaboration is the ultimate answer.

Maybe, something as simple as a collaboration, could be the solution or destruction of everything! Only, time can tell, what will happen, but get ready and buckle up your seatbelts, because the bumpy ride starts now!!

We are excited to go through it with you all♡'・ᴗ・'♡🐰🐻


Jeon jungkook's office

Jeon Junghoon
{ I know it's not his real name but please imagine as it is }

Jeon Sunmi
{ I know it's not her real name but please imagine as it is }

So finally, here we are with the second chapter!!

We know you guys must be waiting for this and we are extremely sorry for being late.
So, tell us if you liked the chapter, okay?
If you feel like this was good, then please free to comment and vote.
Again, we're just beginners, so please free to correct the mistakes, if you see any.
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And, if you are really liking the story, and want to read more of our stories, then please follow our accounts: @SPIANAFORESTARMY and @gguktae1103

Please remember that you are unique and beautiful in your own way. Change yourself for yourself, not for anybody else. Living beings cannot be perfect, and perfect beings cannot be living. Your imperfections is what makes you more beautiful in our eyes. LOVE YOURSELF 🤗😘😃😘

Thank you sooo much for reading this ❣️❤️💜💓
Are you enjoying? And, if you want Taekook to meet in the next chapter, then comment and spam the comment section!! We'll give you a Taekook meeting for that😉😉😉😉 Or we're doing it after the next chapter! So, your comments, would make Taekook meet, now let's see if you're big Taekookers or not?😉😉😉

Let's pray for Kookie!!! COVID just loves them so muchh, ughh!!! Please COVID, we love them from far, you also maintain your distance from them and love them!! Don't act like a crazy saesang!!!

I know right, why our babies have to go through that! Ahhh I hope kookoo get well soon, all the members stay healthy and happy!
My baby sis had already said so much, I hope you all will like the chapter and my bunbun said, spam the comment section, so that we can make taekook meet! Oh I feel so excited!

Question of The Day:
How are you feeling now?
Personally, I am feeling extremely moody, because my time of the month has arrived! And, it's painful!!
I would love to know your answers! Yours too, Unnie!!!

Not really good, mine just ended but still I have many other issues these days, anyways,
Please keep showing your love for this story,

LOVE YOU ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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