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AETHERIUS- Ethereal in Latin
AN: Just a small suggestion, please listen to Lost by BTS, while reading

We've already got a glimpse of this world, haven't we dear readers?
So, now let's dive into it.
I hope you all are ready for the ride.😉😉😉😉😉😉
Let's Get It!! FIGHTING ✊✊✊✊✊✊

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

We call this planet as Lunar Earth or Lunar Kingdom.The Kingdom has seven main continents or species within itself. The main species being the Werewolves, the Vampires, the Wizards, the Devils, the Angels, the Mermaids and the Elves.

Most of the Werewolves live in Asia, so of course Asia is the Continent of Werewolves.
Majority of the Vampires live in Europe, so Europe is the Continent of Vampires.
Mostly, the Wizards and the Witches live in Africa, making Africa, the Land of Wizards.
North America is the continent of Devils. Almost, every devil lives there.
South America is full of Angels. And, yes North America and South America can't tolerate each other. Even, though they have signed a peace treaty among themselves, very few North Americans actually come to South America, and vice versa.
The Mermaids live in Australia. Because, Australia is the most convenient place for their species.
Then, there are the Elves, who live in Antarctica. Also, known as the Land of the Elves.

There are other species also, but these are the main ones. The other species are spread all over the world.

All, the species are the Lunar species, because all of them get the power from the moon, hence they together form most powerful kingdom which is also known as the Lunar Kingdom or the Kingdom of Moon. The creator of this kingdom, is none other than the powerful Moon Goddess, Selene.

At the beginning of all times, when this world was just created, there were frequent wars among these seven main species. The war was to know the most powerful species. The Moon Goddess, couldn't bear to see her creations fight like that, but even she needed to know the most powerful species, as someone needed to be given the responsibility of ruling the kingdom.

So, she herself made these seven species go through a series of challenges, to know the best one. And, the werewolves won.

From, then onwards it was decided that, a werewolf couple is going to rule the kingdom along with five other wolves as their ministers, after themselves going through those challenges. The kingdom was divided within seven main continents, and each species was given it's own continent. The continent was further divided into countries or packs, and the countries in turn, were divided into small divisions for ruling properly. Each country had it's own head and each continent also had it's own head. But, the main heads were the Head Alpha and the Head Luna, who rule the whole kingdom. All the heads were bound to submit to them and their five ministers. And, all of the Heads along with the Alpha and Luna, and their five ministers formed their own pack, which is also known as the Guardian Pack. Each and every member in this pack, is selected after a series of hard challenges, because after all, every being is dependent on these heads, especially the Alpha and the Luna. Each member of the Guardian Pack is immortal, and the Guardian pack was the best example of how different species can live together in harmony and peace, and there are only a few ways in which the members of this pack can be killed.

But, five centuries ago, there was a big chaos, a chaos which changed the entire kingdom. From, a peaceful and blessed kingdom, it became a cursed kingdom. Only few people knew how, but the entire story is only known by them, who don't exist anymore, or so people think.

Anyways, so because of the chaos, the Moon Goddess, cursed the entire kingdom. According, to her curse, no Alpha or Omega, would be born to the wolves after that fateful day. And, as only an Alpha and an Omega werewolf, have the ability to lead the kingdom, the kingdom won't have any ruler. No other species or rank of Werewolves, have the ability to rule the kingdom.

And, well it's the modern day, now. You know, there is democracy now, and each country is led by an elected representative, and all those things.

But, the entire kingdom, has lost it's peace now. There are frequent fights within two or more countries, the leaders are all power-hungry, and nobody cares about the common people, anymore. (common people, here means common creatures, because humans have no existence in this world). Every body is selfish and only care about themselves.

But destiny has something planned.

A love that was destined to never die was finally granted another chance, a life to relive every moment again, to bloom like a beautiful flower again.

Time continues to travel centuries and centuries, Destiny had planned things with a little twist, wanting to bloom the beautiful bud when it was the perfect time. A perfect date for replicating the same true love and yearning.


The Sun shines brightly, making the morning more beautiful than ever, it's rays peaking through the curtains from the big french windows of the room.
Birds chirping, making their own sweet melody which made the half sleepy male smile peacefully. He loves waking up like this. So peacefully by the birds' sweet singing and the rays of sunlight, that hits his face through the gaps between the curtains, making his face glow, and adding more glory to his beauty.

Kim Taehyung was extremely different from most of the people, whom you would meet in this world. He was a smiling, cute, innocent, sassy boy who perfectly knows the ways in which, this world works but still won't follow it's rules. He was always the odd one out, whether it's because of his beauty, or because of his character, or because of his feelings. You see, Kim Taehyung has something which does not belong to most people in this world. He has the ability to feel 'love'. The people in this world bear the curse of never feeling love, whether that be of their parents, or their siblings, or their friends, or their children, or even their 'mates'. You may think that it's more of a blessing than a curse, as love hurts the most, but believe me, it's not true. The people in this world have the first-hand experience of how love not existing feels, and I can't really say that they are happy with this. Because, love is the main cause of all the other emotions, and without love, you are nothing but a robot, an emotionless robot.

But, Kim Taehyung is not the same, he loves each and every thing. At first, he just thought it was care but, recently he came out to himself, so he knows that he can feel love. He doesn't tell it to everyone, though. In this world, while some may be happy about this, others may be angry, jealous, sad about this very thing. And, some may even try to harm him. Because, for eons, people are trying to feel this euphoric feeling, but are unsuccessful, and here is Taehyung, who has the ability to feel love from the very moment when he was born.

The male fully woke up on hearing a soft knock on his bedroom door. He opened his eyes to see his mom smiling at him, gently and walking towards his bed. He got up from his laying position, and sat up on the bed. His mother made her way towards him, and gave a soft kiss on his forehead, making the pretty male smile softly in return. He always feels content with his mother, no matter what she does. His mother is one of the most caring mother in this world, who cares about him with all her heart. Yes, cares, because well she can't love him. Just like everyone else in this world, she is also cursed, so she couldn't love anyone. But, unlike most mothers, who simply do not bother about their children, she at least cares about her child.

"Good morning my baby. Did you sleep well, hmm? "
his mother asked, in her gentle and soft voice, caressing his hair gently, looking at her baby.

"Morning mom. Yes I slept like a log. And, how many times do I need to say that I am not a baby, so stop treating me like a five year-old. I'm 20 year old for god's sake and on top of that, a CEO (Chief Executive Officer). "
He whined, pouting cutely in his sleepy voice while rubbing his eyes with his fist to get rid of the sleepiness, yeah this cutie baby here, is the CEO of one of the most famous modelling and fashion company in South Korea, not only in South Korea, rather it's models and designs are famous all over the world.

"Aww! How can I not, when you act like a total babybear, huh? And it doesn't matter how old you're baby, you will always be my beautiful
bear. "
She said, laughing softly at the whine, her babybear let out.

"Now, wake up and get ready or else you'll be late. I already made breakfast."
Mrs. Kim got up from the bed, where the male was sitting and ruffled her sons soft, silky, newly dyed grey hair with a soft smile.

" Mom, you do know that I can never be late, not for my office atleast, right? I will be downstairs in 10 minutes." Taehyung says to his mother, who simply rolled her eyes playfully, knowing how punctual her baby bear is and sighed, letting out a small chuckle and walked out of the room.

He chuckled, getting up from his bed and went to the bathroom, to freshen up.

Kim Taehyung was the only child of his parents, Kim Hanbin and Kim Eunhae. Taehyung's father, Kim Hanbin, was one of the most famous business man and a very respected citizen of South Korea, and he cares for his son the most, in this world. He would do anything for his gorgeous son and his beautiful wife.
He's a great business man and is very clever too, which is the reason why everyone respects him so much, even after his retirement from the business, passing his company to his son.

Kim Taehyung is a brave, sweet, smart and positive person, just like his father. He grew up with lots of care by his parents. They adored him, and took care of his every need. So, basically they spoilt him with everything, But despite of all that, he was never a spoiled brat or selfish or arrogant though he is a bit stubborn but aside from that, he is a very sweet and humble gentleman, one of the many reasons, for which everyone adores him and respects so much.

But, as much sweet as he is, he is also very confident and carefree and of course sassy. He treats the right person that he thinks is good with respect, but he also is never scared to show the person who try to do or say something wrong to his loved ones, their place, with his sassy personality. He isn't like a small weak Omega people tends to think of him, he is opposite of that, sweet and kind yet sassy and stubborn. A unique but deadly mixture.

Thought he does have fantasies of finding a good and handsome partner, who will respect him, be loyal with him, understand him and care about him like his parents do. And, also love him. Kim Taehyung deeply craves for love, as there is no one who loves him, or can love him. He knows that this wish of his, will never be fulfilled, as no one can love in this world, yet he believes that there is someone who can love him, someone who will also possess this rare feeling of love, just like him, and will fullfill his cravings.
He wants to give all of himself to that one person and give all of his love and soul to them, build a sweet and lovely family with them, one of the reason, he is single, never been in any relationship. He believes that somewhere in the world, is someone special, waiting for him, his heart says that every single second. He just have to wait and he is willing to wait. Unlike, most people in this world, he is willing to wait for his mate, someone whom he will find on that precious day. The day that is beautifully engraved on his back.

He wishes his love life, to be like them. Like his favourite couple, but with a happy ending, yet he won't mind if he ends up like them, because honestly, he will rather die together with his partner, than live a loveless life with them.

Cheesy we know, but this is how he is.

Taehyung shouted while running downstairs to greet his father, who as usual was sitting on the couch, in the living room, reading his soulmate, better known as his newspaper.

( Well yeah😉😉😉)

" Tae! Be careful my son! "
his father shouted, looking at taehyung with concern filled eyes, though in a second, there was a big smile on his face, feeling his son's arms around him, hugging him tightly.

"Good morning Papa. It's been so long."
Taehyung smiled widely, showing his beautiful boxy smile, looking at his father with his cute doe eyes, making his father coo at his cute face.

" Morning tae, I missed you so muchhhhhh, bear! "
His father, smiled sweetly at him hugging him back, leaving a soft peck on his forehead.

"You both are acting like you have never seen each other for months, while you two were literally attached by your hips, just yesterday only. Stop with your acting my dears, and, come and eat breakfast now. "
Mrs Kim said, done with the father son duo, while turning to go to kitchen with a blank face, but as soon as she turned towards the counter, her face formed a soft smile, god she just loves, no likes these dramatic babies so much.

Both father and son quickly let go of each other, smiling sheepishly and ran to go to the dinning table, as both didn't want to get any beating in the morning, so they quickly sat down.

Both started eating as soon as, Mrs. Kim served them, sitting beside her son.
But well, Tae should have known the peace will only last for a little while, because the fight between Mr and Mrs Kim has already started, the fight about who was their son's favourite.

" My baby always helps me in the housework unlike you, lazy ass! That proves the fact, that I am his favourite."

" Yahh! He is doing business on my words, so of course I am his favourite, you crazy woman!!"

"He likes me more "

"No me more. "


That's how every morning in the Kim Household goes. Playful fights and teasing that make Taehyung's morning brighter.

He smiled softly at his parents, thanking God for giving him such lovely parents. But, just when he was about to stop them, he suddenly noticed the look that passed between them. Yes, the look was extremely short, but it still couldn't avoid Tae's observant eyes. You see, this was another special quality that Tae possessed, unlike other Werewolves who can hear and smell properly, but cannot see well, Tae has a knack of observing also. It's extremely hard to avoid his cute but sharp doe eyes.

He noticed how his parents looked at each other with painful eyes, as if they have lost something extremely special. Yes, for all he knows, this pain can be because they can't love each other, but still somewhere it seemed like he was missing a big piece of the puzzle. Many people in this world feel bad because they can't feel love, can't feel the special attraction on being with their mates, can't experience the beautiful journey of love, can't feel the beautiful heart to heart connection of becoming one with their mates while making love, but still, most people only feel bad about that, and now some simply don't care, now mates are only like toys, to give you satisfaction and heirs. There is no love present any more, only lust, and in some rare cases, care. People freely fool around, until they find their mates, and once they find them, they fool around with their mates. People are scared to betray their mates due to history, so they only fool around with their mates.

But, well that's not the point, Taehyung didn't observe mere sadness in his parents' eyes, he observed the pain, the pain of losing something precious. Taehyung didn't know why, but it felt like his parents once loved each other, but then the curse made them lose the feeling. But, that was simply impossible, wasn't it, how can his parents lose the feeling of love? They couldn't have been living for more than 500 years, could they? Then, it would explain the extreme care in their eyes for each other, their care for him, and also their pain of losing the feeling, right? Taehyung shooked his head getting rid of these thoughts. This simply couldn't be possible, he was just over thinking. His parents couldn't have experienced love, because it was simply impossible. {But was it really?;)}

After having a happy and content breakfast with his lovely family, he went to his company.

He got off his beautiful red Mercedes Benz, and parked it in the parking lot. Workers and bodyguards were standing in a line, to welcome him, after all he was the Ceo of KHKT Modeling and Fashion Company, the name was given by his father after him.
He smiled proudly, looking at the stunning tall building, which was built with his father's hard work and walked inside. His workers and staff members greeted him with small bows and respectful smiles, which he returned back with his own small bow and smile.

Taehyung, went in the elevator,to go this own floor, which was situated at the very top, the 26th floor.

When he came out, he was greeted by his secretary and soulmate Park Jimin, who greeted him with a big hug.

" Chim chim! My best friend, my soul mate, my short bestie, my other half, How are you?"
Taehyung babbled to his amused best friend, with his famous boxy smile, repeatedly kissing the latter's cheeks.

" Yahh, brat! It's hyung for you, and whom are you calling shortie, huh? Should I serve you black coffee with no sugar, rather than sweet strawberry milkshake, for snacks, huh?"
Jimin asked with one eyebrow raised, which quickly turned into a small chuckle, on seeing the devastated look on his cute bestie's face.

"Nooooo!!!! Hyungie, you can't do that!!!! This is sheer torture!!!"
Taehyung started shouting, at the top of his lungs.

" Yahhh!!! Jimin aah, what did you do to our baby, huh? Why is he shouting like this?"
From, the second elevator, another man arrived wearing a bright smile on his face, which can even make the sun appear less brighter.
Yes, folks it's, Your hope, our hope and everybody's hope, it's J-HOPEEEE!!!!

" Hobi hyung, Chim Chim hyung is threatening me!!!"
Taehyung shouted before Jimin can even open his mouth.

" Nahh, Hobi!!! This brat started it!!"
Jimin said, while glaring at Taehyung, with his mochi eyes.

" I know that, Jimin aah!! This brat never stops, after all!!"
said Hobi, with a slight chuckle, on seeing Taehyung's pout.

Taehyung shouted with an angry but adorable face, and then started fake crying.

"Phew!! Honestly, you guys are already at it! The clock didn't even struck 10am!!"
Another man, came out of the first elevator, he was the tallest among them and had a dimply smile on his face, which can kill millions of people at once.


"Namjoonie hyung!!!"
Taehyung squealed, and immediately the pout on his face was replaced by his infamous boxy smile, as he jumped in the long arms of his favourite hyung, who received him with a small chuckle.

"Tae, come on we're getting late!! We have a meeting to attend, and after it we can continue this fight, okay!!
Jimin said, with a professional tone, as now it's time for business.

Immediately, the other three, also had professional faces turned on, and all four went to the second elevator.

Park Jimin and Jung Hoseok are Taehyung's best friends since high school. They were his first ever friends in his freshman year, when he was just a small student, who skipped his last year of middle school, to attend high school, as he was simply too smart for his age and class. Taehyung also learnt that they both were mates, in his senior year, and he was extremely excited to know that his two best friends are each other's mates. But, the next part was a mystery, his best friends told him that Jimin was a beta and Hoseok was a delta, yet Taehyung couldn't completely believe them. Their scents never matched their ranks. He also felt that his best friends were hiding something big from him, if the painful and the mysterious looks between them proved anything at all. Taehyung could see the same painful looks on their eyes, the looks that were completely similar to his parents' looks. But, again if it was impossible for his parents, then it will be much more impossible for his best friends. Anyways, so after graduating, Jimin became his personal secretary, and Hoseok became his personal bodyguard. And, well here they are, currently.

Another biggest but closest mystery, in Taehyung's eyes, was his hyung Kim Namjoon. He was not related with him by blood, but again he never saw Namjoon's parents. Namjoon called Mr. and Mrs. Kim, as his parents. And, well they both care about Namjoon as their own child. But, honestly Taehyung has seen the similarities between Namjoon and his parents. Namjoon had Kim Hanbin's dimple smile and Kim Eunhae's beautiful dark brown eyes. Just like Taehyung, he was a complete mixture of them, but still he was not their own child. Honestly, if you see Taehyung and Namjoon for the first time, your first thought would definitely be that they are siblings, because of their extreme similarities. But, again Taehyung, has observed the mysterious and sometimes hurt looks that pass between, the three of them. Again, raising many doubts in Taehyung's mind. Another big mystery about Namjoon to Taehyung, was his childhood. Namjoon was only one year older than Taehyung, yet Taehyung never saw Namjoon as a child. He still remembered playing with Namjoon as a baby, but can't ever remember Namjoon's baby face. It was like Namjoon was never a child, but then again it was impossible.

There were certain moments in Taehyung's childhood which were extremely hazy, and he also did not remember certain memories of his childhood, like this one. And, Taehyung hated this thing, he hated not knowing, he hated being lied to, but he can still feel that his entire life was a lie. He can completely feel that.

Like, how he can feel love, how he doesn't remember certain moments of his life, how he believes that his parents, brother, and best friends were hiding their ranks from him, how he feels like they are hiding something big from him, how he is not completely normal, and how he still sees those nightmares about that fateful night, and especially "them".

So, can he ever get those answers?


° Kim hanbin

Taehyung's father
{ I know it's not his real name but please imagine as it is }

° Kim Eunhae

Taehyung's mother
{ I know it's not her real name but please imagine as it is }

Taehyung's office

So finally, here we are with first chapter!!

We know you guys must be waiting for this and we are extremely sorry for being late.
So, tell us if you liked the chapter, okay?
If you feel like this was good, then please free to comment and vote.
Again, we're just beginners, so please free to correct the mistakes, if you see any.
Any questions?
And, if you are really liking the story, and want to read more of our stories, then please follow our accounts: @SPIANAFORESTARMY and gguktae1103

Please remember that you are unique and beautiful in your own way. Change yourself for yourself, not for anybody else. Living beings cannot be perfect, and perfect beings cannot be living. Your imperfections is what makes you more beautiful in our eyes. LOVE YOURSELF 🤗😘😃😘

Thank you sooo much for reading this ❣️❤️💜💓
Are you enjoying?

Question of the day:
How many of you attended or are going to attend the PTD concerts?
I am going to attend the 13th March one, in online.
Please reply. You too, Unnie.

I wish I could bun but I have exams going on and I really really hate that, but its okey, maybe some other time I'll get to watch bts live, I hope everyone do.

Thankyou all for reading this chapter(≡^∇^≡)

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