Chapter 12: How did I not see this coming?

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Me and Courtney were walking around the camp. I'm learning more about her every day.

"So, you were head of the debate team?" I asked.

"Yeah. I was good too. But my partner, Britney Read walked out on me on the biggest debate of the year. I went on to win it without her. I have a picture of it in my room. Just shows that if you want something done right you do it yourself." Courtney said.

We walked near the guys cabin. Harold then tossed underwear with chocolate on it in front of us.  Me and Courtney both cringed.

"Harold! You are so totally gross." Courtney said walking away.

"No wait. It wasn't me" Harold tried to say.

I followed Courtney.

"Courtney? I think it was Duncan and Geoff bullying him again. You remember how they can get." I told her.

"Typical Duncan." Courtney sighed...dreamily?

"Um? What was that?" I asked.

"What was what?"

"N-nothing. Never mind."

/Aaron:"Funny. She sighed as if she... pfft. What am I think? He's a bad boy. She's the A type. Enough said."\

"Listen up you little cockroaches. I want you to report to the dock of shame in 0900 hours." Chef said on the loud speaker.

Me and Courtney looked at each other confused.

"That means now soldiers! Now!" Chef yelled.


We reported to the dock of shame.

"Line up and stand at call this proper formation?" Chef said observing everyone. "Feet together, arms down, eyes forward, head up." He hit Harold multiple times, fixing his form.

I just did my best with my posture and luckily didn't catch the attention of Chef. Gwen said something that caught Chef's attention.

"What did you say to me soldier?" He asked her.

"Uh. Nothing." Gwen said frightened.

"And you will continue to say nothing until I tell you that you can say something." Chef told Gwen." Today's challenge will not be an easy one. In fact, I don't expect everyone to come out alive."

Owen then laughed, but then got hit by Chef.

"My orders are to make sure all the babies in front of me drop out of my boot camp except one. The last one standing wins immunity for their team. Rule number one: You will address me as Master Chief. Have you got that?" Chef asked.

"Yes Master Chief." We all said together

"You will sleep when I tell you to sleep. And you will eat only when I tell you to eat. Is that clear?" Chef said in the megaphone in Geoff's face.

"Yes master Chief." Geoff responded.

"Rule number two, when you're ready to give up, you will walk to the end if the dock and ring the bell. Which brings me to rule number three. Let's get one quitter before the end of the first day. The day will not end until someone drops out. Now get your butts down to the beach. Soldiers. Now! Now! Now!" Chef yelled as we all dashed to the dock.


"Listen up, each team must hold a canoe over their heads. I catch you taking your hands off the canoe, and you will be eliminated. And no one eats lunch until someone drops out. Canoes up!" Chef said as we lifted the canoes.

I stood in front of Courtney and behind DJ.

"Pfft. This isn't that hard." Owen said.

"Piece if cake." Geoff stated.

Yeah. Let's hope it stay like that.


A lot of time standing in place has past.

"Come on you sissies! It's only been three hours." Chef taunted.

"Looks like they missed lunch today." Chris said.

"Mhmm. Guess they just weren't hungry." Chef said." Unless someone wants to quit now."


Sometime later I happened to turn around to see Geoff using a fishing rod to rip Harold's underwear. Geoff yanked the fishing rod.

"OW! IDIOT!" Harold commented.

"Is there a problem down here!?" Chef shouted.

"No." Harold shook his head.

I turned back around after the scene. Courtney tapped me.

"Hm. What is it Court?" I asked.

"Aren't you gonna tell them to stop bullying Harold?" She asked.

"And risk Chef killing me? No way. Besides, I can't protect Harold. If he wants to get Duncan to stop, he's gonna have to face him head on."


Night has fallen. And I was personally ready to drop out. Since I was so tired, most of the team were holding it. I was still holding it, but I wasn't putting as much effort into it.

Chef was telling war stories. Which were making me more tired than what I already was. Gwen yawned.

"What war were you in anyway?" She asked.

"Did I ask you to speak? 'Cause I don't remember asking you to speak." Chef snapped.

"Whatever. He so wasn't in a war." Gwen grumbled.

"Guys? I can't do this anymore. I have no more feeling in my arms." Lindsay whined.

"Don't do it Lindsay!" Owen said.

Well. Even if she didn't ring the bell, wouldn't she still be out. Chef said earlier of he caught our hands off the boat we're out. Lindsay lightly banged her head on the bell.

The boat fell on the Gophers. We tossed our boat.

"As for the rest of you, head to the mess hall! Dinner is served!" Chef yelled.

Finally. I really could use some energy.


"Alright maggots! Open your ears! You've got ten minutes to eat before night training begins. Get to it." Chef said as the guys complained about night trianing.

"Um excuse me, master Chief? Where's the food?" Gwen asked.

"You're looking at it." Chef chuckled.

"This is the left over garbage from this mornings breakfast." Owen stated.

"Darn right! When you're at war, you take what you can get." Chef told us.

But we're not at war... this is all just make pretend.

Owen digged something up and ate it. Meanwhile Chris and Chef left to get some real food.

"Oh, I am not eating this." Heather complained.

"Ugh, me neither." Courtney said dropping her tray.

"Don't care today's special princess?" Duncan directed at Courtney while carrying a drink.

"I am going to be running for office one day, and no one is going to pull up a fie of me eating garbage!" Courtney stated.

"Yeah. I'm not eating that. This is worse than usual." I stated.

Once again, Duncan played another prank on Harold by giving him kitchen grease. Why does Harold fall for this stuff?

"You guys are so immature. I hope you're proud of yourselves." Courtney told Geoff and Duncan.

"Okay look. I know you like me. He knows you like me. Everyone knows it. So here's a tip: If you wanna kiss me, I might let you." Duncan told her.

"And you think you were actually nice!" Courtney.

"Me, nice? Haha. Yeah right." Duncan said sarcastically.

"Why'd you think that?" Geoff asked.

"Nevermind. I was wrong. He's just as gross and annoying as he wants you to belive. Enjoy you're garbage! Come on Aaron." Courtney said walking off as I followed.

We walked out of the mess hall.

"He is so vile!" Courtney started." And the fact that I actually thought he was nice."

"Well. Some people don't change. Whether it's for the better, or is it for the worst. But I can tell you this. Duncan will most likely not be changing any time soon." I told her.

"Yeah. You're probably right."


Later on that night we were dancing. Yeah, I'm still not sure why we are. Me and Courtney noticed Duncan walking to turn off the music, which he did do. We all sighed in relief.

"Duncan? What are you doing?" Courtney asked.

"One of us drops out, we're done for the day." Duncan told Chef.

"We're done when I say we're done! Now drop and give me twenty."

Technically he did just say we're done in that sentence...

"Anyone else got anything they want to say?" Chef asked.

"Uh, yeah. Can I go to the bathroom?" Gwen asked. Which she did, but she had to clean the bathroom.


"For you're next challenge, you will complete a 300 word essay about how much you love me. Anyone who falls asleep or fails to complete the challenge will be eliminated." Chef told us.

We all began writing. Courtney was staring at her blank sheet of paper thinking what to put on it.

"Need help?" I asked.

"Kinda. Do you have any ideas?" She asked.

"Okay. I suggest starting off the essay like this: Dear, Master Cheif. You're great leadership skills help us to grow and get stronger in many ways."

"Okay. I'll start off with that."

"Yeah. Just try not to think to hard about it."

"Okay. Thanks Aaron."

"Anytime Court. Anytime."

Phew. I think I placed another piece of the puzzle in the right place.


The clock striked midnight and our time was up. I finished about an hour early, so I kept moving my feet to keep myself awake. Chef decided to read Duncan's aloud.

"I love master Cheif hatchet because he is very, very, very, very..." the list kept going on with verys." This is just one sentence with 5 pages with verys in between."

And that is how you tick off an english teacher.

"It's three hundred words exactly. You can count them if you want." Duncan defened.

Me and Courtney looked at each other.

"See. You see what I mean by he's so unmotivated?" Courtney asked.

"Yeah. I think I'm seeing it." I nodded 

Duncan then decided to get on Chef's bad side...again

"Missed a spot there general." Duncan said.

"Boy! Do you wanna run 50 laps around this camp right now?" Chef asked.

"No thanks. He's going straight to bed. Aren't you?" Courtney told Duncan.

Courtney lectured Duncan and then stormed off.


After Chef let us rest up we were introduced to a night course.

"You will all run the course until you can all complete it in under one minute. Am I making myself clear?" Chef asked directly in Duncan's face.

"Crystal." Duncan smiled.

"If you lose this for us, I'm going to make you so miserable." Courtney told Duncan.

"Go! Maggots, go!" Chef shouted.

We all took off. I climbed over the wall with ease. When I got to the tires, Owen was stuck in one. I went through the one that he wasn't stuck in.

I then crawled under axes that were swinging back and forth. Me and Courtney swung over a gap with the rope that was provided.


This went one for a good while. Everyone started messing up at one point. Duncan then triggered Chef. This time, he went to far.

"One night solidarity confinement in the boat house." Chef told Duncan making some of us gasp.

"Big deal. How scary could it be?" Duncan asked.


We were all(aside from Duncan) eating gruel from that Chef gave us in the Mess Hall. Courtney seemed to have something on her mind.

"You alright Courtney?  You seemed distracted." I said.

"I'm going check on him." Courtney said getting up.

"You like him." Geoff stated.

"I do not like him." Courtney defened.

"Yes you do."

"Not only do not like him. I can't stand him. He's rude, he's rebellious. And he's totally annoying. I'm gonna go check on him." Courtney said.

She listed reasons why she doesn't like him, yet agrees to go check on him. You know what. I better go see what she's up to.


I followed quitely from afar. She went inside to go talk to him. I was listening from the outside.

"Princess!" Duncan said excited when she walked in.

"I wish you'd stop calling me that."

"So. Come to claim that kiss?" He asked.

"Even pigs deserve a meal."

"No thanks. I'll stick with the bait."

"Yeah, Well. That's all Chef would serve us after out pathetic performance on the obstacle course." Courtney said sitting down." Why do you egg Chef on like that? You know you're going to get in trouble."

"Why are you uptight all the time?"

"I am not uptight." Courtney said standing up.

"You always follow the rules." Duncan said, standing up.

"Well, you always have to break them."

"Only the ones I want to." He winked.

"Okay. So maybe I do follow the rules. I guess that make me a big uptight loser in your books, right?"

"Maybe. So then why do you follow them?"

"Because not following them gets you thrown into a fish cabin!" Courtney yelled at him holding a fish.

"But I'm in the fish cabin with you aren't I?" Duncan told her smirking making her smile.

Okay. Too close to the face.

"Feel like ditching this stuff for peanut butter and jam?" He asked.

"Are you kidding? All I had for two days is this gruel. But Chef would never give it to us."

"See. Now that's the problem with your thinking. The trick is to not ask for it"

Great. Now he's corrupting her thinking.

"Do you have some on you?"

"No. But I happen to know where to find some. It will involve breaking quite a few rules though. Are you in?" He asked.

"Let's do it!" She said high fiving him.

Okay. That's it. I decided to make my grand entrance, walking in the room.

"What exactly is going on here?" I asked.

"Aaron? Did you follow me?" Courtney asked

"No. I just... happened to be walking by. And I heard your conversation. You're not actually going to steal, are you?" I asked.

"Well... It's only fair. Chef isn't treating us right. He's in the wrong here?"

"You will be too if you do this. Two wrongs don't make a right. You're breaking the rules." I crossed my arms." What if you get caught?"

"We won't. Chill out man. We got this. I'm a master thief." Duncan said.

"That's what I was afraid of. You're turning her into you."

"I'm not turning into Duncan Aaron. It's just one simple theif." Courtney said." Trust me. I'll be fine."

"I trust you Courtney. It's just that... never mind. Just don't get caught, okay?" I sighed.

"Alright. Come on Duncan." She said.


I went back to the cabin. They came back with food. I ate it. Since it was actual food. I noticed Harold looking out the window.

"What are you looking at?" I asked, joining him.

"This." Harold pointed at Duncan and Courtney. We listened closely to listen to their conversation.

"You're still not my type." Courtney said ruffling Duncan's hair.

"Fine. Enjoy a peanut butter less life."

"Thanks. Enjoy prison."

"I will."

She then put her hands on his cheeks and kissed him. She then walked off smiling. I stared in disbelief and shock.

"Yes! Dude!" Geoff cheered.

"Told you she wanted me!" Duncan smiles.

I sighed and sat down on my bed.

"You alright Aaron?" Harold asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I'm just tired. Yeah. I've been up too long. Goodnight Harold." I said covering up with my sheet.

I went in my bed laying down. I should of known. I should have. Maybe I just didn't want to believe the obvious fact that's been in front if me the whole time.

She constantly said that she didn't like him. But... she did. Deep down she knew. And now... I know. And it hurts. A lot.

I guess this is what heartbreak feels like. I shouldn't have gotten my Hope's up. My eye were watering, but I kept them shut until I fell asleep.


The next morning we were hanging upside down from a tree.

"What you are experiencing is an ancient form of torture. By now the blood begun rushing to your head. The next stage is nausea.  Followed by dizziness." Chef said naming the order of the results of the head rush.

Duncan then fell. Bridgette checked on him.

"It's okay! He's alright." She informed.

I held onto the branch as the rest if us did the same. Owen tried to but farted in the process.

Heather got down and landed flawlessly. Owen the fell on her. Heather stormed off. Courtney started laughing.

"Courtney. What are you doing?" I whispered.

"Stop laughing this instant." Chef told her.

"I'm sorry. I can't help it." She said as she continued to laugh.

She then fell out of the tree.

"I expected more out of you soldier." Chef told Courtney.

"Ahem. Master Chief. I just have one thing to say to you." She started.

"And what might that be?"

"You really need to take a chill pill." She said the burst out laughing.

"Yeah. That's what I'm talking about." Duncan said high fiving her. She put her arm around him.

I simply got off of the tree and walked away. I walked passed master Cheif.

"I'm sorry sir. I can't take it anymore." I said, quitely storming off.

/Aaron:"See what I mean? He changed her for the worst. She wouldn't have done that if he didn't go play criminal with her."\


Turns out, Gwen beat Geoff with ease. Which means we lost. We headed to the elimination cermony. Everyone sat near each other. I sat to myself.

"I only have 6 marshmallows on my plate. These marshmallows represent the campers that continue to be campers. Here."

Courtney rolled her eyes and smiled at Duncan. It was only one night and she's a whole different person.

"You all casted your ballets in the confession can. If I do not call your name, you must immediately go down to the dock of shame, catch the boat of losers, and go home. And you can't  come back. Ever." Chris said.

"Duncan." Chris said.

"Yeah!" Duncan cheered.


"Yeah!" He cheered.

"Bridgette. Geoff."



I quitely walked up and took my marshmallow.

"Campers. This is the final marshmallow of the night..... Harold." Chris said.

"Yes!" Harold cheered.

Wait, what?

"What! You guys voted for Harold over me."

"Yes yes. It's always a shock."

"This is impossible. I demand a recount." Courtney demanded.

"Come on dude. I know for a fact that there were three of us that didn't vote her off."

Yeah. Plus me. Plus she wouldn't vote for herself... was it rigged or something?

They grabbed Courtney and threw her in the boat.

Duncan ran to see her off. I joined to see her off.

"I made this for you!" He said tossing her a tiny skull.

"Duncan! Okay this very werid and creepy but I love it!"

"Bye Courtney!" I waved.

"I'll never forget you two!" She said as she left.

And just like that she's gone. I sighed and walked to my cabin. I feel worse that she had to leave.

Okay. Thanks for reading. RIP Aaron's broken heart. Also, I'm probably just gonna write TDA on the same book since they'll both be around the same length.

Anyways thanks for sticking around. Bye!

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