Chapter 11: Just a little Trust

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I was staying to myself after the guys disagreement. I'm kinda disappointed. But, what happened, happened. Nothing I can really do about it.

I was poking at my breakfast. I wasn't really hungry. I drew my attention to see Duncan stealing a mug. Courtney quickly caught him in the act.

Though I didn't want to be bothered with Duncan so I continued to slowly eat my breakfast.

Courtney sat down next to me frustrated.

"Whoa, something bothering you Court?" I asked.

"It's Duncan. He is seriously annoying. He's accusing me of having a crush on him!" She said in frustration.

"I see. Well, you don't? Right?" I asked.

"Of course not. He's totally unbearable." She complained.

/Aaron:"Phew. Well that's a relief." I sighed.\


We headed down to the dock for Chris to explain the challenge.

"So. Last weeks challenge exposed a few Gopher issues. And I'm sensing a little something funky floating in the bass pond to." Chris annouced.

I noticed Duncan glaring at me. I didn't glare back though. I'm not stooping down to his immature level.

Duncan nudged Courtney. She pushed him over.

"This weeks challenge is gonna be centered around building trust. Because all good things begin with a little trust." Chris told us." There will be three major challenges that will have to be completed by two or more members of your team. Normally, we like have the campers choose their partners. But not this time. More fun for me." Chris told us.


We relocated to where the part of the challenge was going to be held.

"Okay. So for the first challenge, you'll be doing an extreme free hand. Rock climbing adventure. DJ and Duncan will play for the Bass Heather and Gwen for the Gophers. Here's your belay and harness." Chris said giving them their harnesses.

Heather quickly took the gear that Chris gave them.

"If you think I'm letting you hold me up, you're crazy." Heather told Gwen.

"You won't be holding her up exactly. One camper pulls the slack through the belay as the partner climbs. If the climber falls the belay will stop them from crashing. The catch? Both the side and the base of the mountain are rigged with a few minor distractions like... rusty nails. Slippery oil slicks, mild explosives, and a few other surprises. The person on belay must harness their up. It's all about trust people. And remember never let go of the rope. Your partners life depends on it."

Well. I guess I'm lucky I'm not doing this. They both began climbing. They were both doing pretty good. Heather then seen it was her perfect time to strike.

"Come on Gwen, you don't wanna fall...Behind." Heather said.

She yanked a rope, ripping her skirt revealing her underwear. DJ caught the skirt peice. But it threw him off gaurd and he fell.

Some how the rope ended up hanging both Duncan and DJ. Gwen managed to climb up the mountain. So she won the first challenge.


We then came to watch  Geoff and Bridgette Vs. Lindsay and Trent.

"And now round two the extreme, cooking, challenge." Chris annouced dramatically. "Each team must choose who cooks, and who eats."

Bridgette was going to cook for the Bass and Lindsay decided to cook for the Gophers.

"Today you will be preparing fugu sashimi, the traditional Japanese poisonous Blowfish." Chris told them.

I don't think that's gonna end well for Trent. It has enough toxic to kill 30 people.


Sometime later, they finished making the food. Bridgette's actually looked perfectly fine. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for Lindsay.

Geoff ate some and it didn't hurt or harm him in any way.

Trent took some and ate it. He punched his head three times and then screamed. Raised an eyebrow and the chuckled.

He then fell down and started barfing on the floor.


Later on, we went out to the forest for our next challenge.

"Good news. The third round involves three more challenges. It's the three blind challenges. It began with the blind William Tell. Followed by the blind trapeze, and culminating in the treacherous blind toboggan." Chris said.

Chris put glasses and an arrow on DJ."Like legendary marksman William . You will be knocking arrows off your partners head with crab apples." Chris told us.

"Wasn't it the other way around?" Courtney stated.

"Yeah. It totally was." I added.

"Shush. Also, the shooter will be blindfolded." Chris stated making us all gasp." The person who knocks off the arrow first while causing the least amount if facial damage. wins." Chris said shooting a crab apple at DJ. It hit him right in the nuts.

Me and Courtney both cringed.

"Ah, nuts. Leshawna and Owen, you'll be one team. Courtney and Sadie you'll be the other."

"I'm violently allergic to apples." Harold stated.

"Well, then consider yourself lucky then." I told him.

"Ooo! Let me shoot. I'm a good shot." Sadie said.

Courtney sighed.

"You better be."

"Okay. Let's rock and roll." Chris said excited.

We made sure we stood a safe distance and watched. They started to shoot. Owen seem to be able to take the shots better than Courtney.

Leshawna manage to shoot the apple off of Owen's head.

"I got her this time." Sadie said aiming.

"Leshawna won already!" Chris said.

"You moron. It's ov-oof" She started but got hit right in the head with and apple.

"Sadie, it's over man! Let it go!" Chris told Sadie.

"Oopsie. Sorry." Sadie said smiling.

"You're going down." Courtney said about to fall over.

I quickly manage to catch her before she fell over.

"Um. A little help here?" I asked.

Chef came over with with a wheelchair and took Courtney.


We headed to the next area.

"And now for the blind trapeze. To avoid serious injury, the trapeze has been set up over this pond...which is full of jellyfish." We  gasped.

Chris gave me and Heather a blindfold.

"You two will stand blindfolded on the platform until your partners tell you when to jump." Chris told us.

"And then?" Heather questioned.

"Then hopefully they'll catch you... or that's going to be one heck of a painful swim." Chris laughed." Okay, hut hut!"


I got on the platform. I'm kinda scared. I mean, It's jellyfish. One wrong move and I'm in for it.

"Alright Aaron. Jump now!" Harold told me.

I was going to but I didn't.

Harold sighed.

"Aaron. You gotta trust me on this one. You wanna win, right?"

"Yeah. I do."

I think I can trust Harold. I did help him yesterday. I think I'll be alright.

"Alright. I trust you Harold." I said confidently.

"Okay...1...2...3. Jump!" Harold said.

I blindly jumped. I was caught by Harold. I'm relieved that that's over.


After the jellyfish challenge, I went to go check on Courtney.

"Courtney? You alright?" I asked.

She woke up.

"Where am I?" She asked.

"You're in the imfermery." Heather answered.

"Yeah. You fainted after getting hit in the head with an apple. You feel better?" I asked.

"I guess."

I noticed Courtney looking outside the tent. I looked in the direction she was looking in. Duncan was getting a bunny?

"What's Duncan doing with a rabbit?" Courtney asked.

"I have no clue." I stated.

"Come on!" She yanked my arm.

We hid in a bush.

"Isn't it kinda rude to spy on people?" I asked.

"Well. It's Duncan. Not an actual person. Besides, I'm curious as to why he would want a rabbit."

"Fine. I suppose we could take a look into it."

"Good. Follow me, we don't wanna lose him from our sight." Courtney said.


We followed him all the way back. We came to see some sort of race going on.

"Hey DJ. Look what I found." Duncan said reveiling the bunny.

Me and Courtney both looked at each other.

"Okay. Tell me if I'm wrong. Did DJ's bunny get lost and Duncan find him a new one?" I asked.

"Yeah. I think so." Courtney whispered.

They finished the race. This was Courtney's time to strike.

"I can't belive you found a new bunny for DJ. You're a good guy." Courtney told him.

Well... I wouldn't go as far to say that. Doing one nice thing doesn't make you a good guy.

"What? No I'm not." Duncan said in denial.

"You are. You're actually nice."

What? Him, nice? That's not possible. He's literally the definition of a bad boy.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Duncan said, still in denial.

"We saw you do it Duncan. Right Aaron." Courtney stated.

"Kinda. Yeah." I added.

"Whatever. He wouldn't leave me alone. Stupid rabbit." Duncan stated.

Me and Courtney raised an eyebrow ,crossed our arms and smirked.

"Okay, fine. I did it. You two happy now. Listen. Don't tell anybody okay? I don't want them to think I'm soft or anything." Duncan explained.

"You're secret safe with us. Right Aaron?"

"Yeah. We won't tell."

/Aaron:"Like I said earlier. Because you do one nice thing doesn't necessarily make you a nice person. I mean, if you take a look of all the positive and negative Duncan has done, the negative outweighs it by a good bit. But for now, it'll be best to stay on his good side. Or the side that isn't as bad as the bad side."\

"And the bass are the winners of the tabagon race." Chris said as we cheered." Unfortunately, I said that these were blind challenges. But taking off the blindfold for a moment you broke the number one rule. Which makes the Gophers the winner of today's big challenge." Chris said as the Gophers cheered.


We headed to the elimination ceremony.

"Who wants tasty treat? A tasty goodie that represents exemption, security, piece of mind-" Chris started but was cut off by Courtney.

"Just get on with it." Courtney demanded.

"And if you don't get a marshmallow you have to walk to the dock of shame and you can never come back...ever. let's see, one for Duncan, One for Bridgette, one for Aaron, one for Courtney." Chris said tossing us a marshmallow." DJ, Geoff. Well done my brothers. Looks like we only have one left. Sadie, and Harold. The final marshmallow..." Chris said, making dramatic tention.

"Oh, come on already."

"Don't rush me! The audience eats up this kind of dramatic conclusion." He told her. She sighed.

"Harold." Chris finally said.

"You know what? That's fine with me you marshmallow eating freaks!" She yelled running off.

I'm a bit confused on her insult. Some time ago when you weren't voted off you were eating a marshmallow. So, would that make you... a 'marshmallow eating freak' too? Eh, not worth think too hard about. Courtney glared at her, eating her marshmallow.

"Well, you got your 'revenge' Courtney. Are you happy now?" I said, playfully.

"Yeah. I suppose." She laughed.


We made our way to the cabin. Well, I didn't. I was looking at the stars.

"Aaron? You coming?" Courtney asked.

"Yeah. I will." I said, still looking at the stars.

She came and sat down by me.

"Something on your mind?" She asked.

"Eh, no. Just, enjoying the campfire. I guess. You know. We're doing pretty good. You know, leading the team and everything."

"Yeah. We are."

"You know. I'm glad I actually came to this show. I made a very cool friend this summer. She's smart, outgoing, and she's basically good at everything." I smiled.

"Thanks." She smiled.


After hanging out I went back to the cabin with my stomach full if butterflys. With my heart flying to cloud nine. I fell asleep with ease.

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