Chapter 18: Paleolithic period

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I woke up after my good night sleep. I washed my hair and got ready for the day. I seen Courtney heading towards the trailers. I quickly caught up with her.

"M-morning Courtney." I smiled.

She swiftly turned around and smiled.

"Morning Aaron. Sleep well?" She asked, putting a hand on her hip.

"Yeah. I'm ready to help win today's challenge." I smiled.

"Well, good. Because we need to be at our best considering who our teammates are."

We walked into the girl's trailer.

"Hey girls." Courtney said.

"Sleep well?" I asked.

They all glared at us.

"Isn't anyone glad to see me?" Courtney asked, slightly annoyed.

"Well. If It's any consolation, I'm always happy to see you." I smiled.

"Well. Thanks Aaron." She smiled patting my shoulder

"It's great to have your hair." Heather said, touching our hair." Uh, here. Here. It's great to have here. Courtney and Aaron."

/Heather:"I have gotta get me some hair. Not Leshanwa's gross weave. Or Beth's pathetic ponytail. And I'm way too smart to be Lindsay blonde. But Courtney and Aaron's hair. Theirs would be perfect. I could make a combination of red and brown hair. I'm just gonna borrow these. K." I said, picking up the scissors.\

We then heard this alarming sound.

"Uh. What was that?" Leshawna asked.

We all met up with Chris, who was the one in charge of the sound that just went off. Who was dressed like a caveman.

"Is that boy wearing loincloth?" Leshawna asked.

"Why, yes. Yes he is." I simply answered.

"Like it?" Chris asked.

Duncan burst out laughing." Oh. It hurts. Alot." He laughed.

"You think that hurts? Wait 'till you hear what today's challenge is. Now, let's get started." Chris said.

"Eh, ehm." Courtney coughed, looking at Chris.

"Soon as I take care of a few formalitys. Thanks to Courtney's lawsuit. Her and Aaron will be playing by a different set of rules." Chris annouced.

"You said there are no rules." Duncan stated.

"There are when you have a good lawyer." Courtney smirked.

"Chef. Let's get this over with." Chris said. Chef came up in a loincloth and gave Chris a book.

"Eh ehm." Chris coughed." Rule 1: notwithstanding that contestants are not permitted contact with the outside world the contests hereafter referred to as 'Courtney or Aaron' may retain a personal digital assistant. Aka, her PDA. Or in Aaron's case, his iPhone ." Chris read.

"What?! That's so not fair! I'm the one with the boyfriend. " Beth stated.

"Care to take that up with her legal department, Beth? Huh?" Chris asked her.

Beth gasped.

"Didn't think so. Rule 2: whereas contestants will receive allocated meals provided by Chef Hatchet, Courtney and Aaron shall be entitled to gourmet dining experience with parties consisting of producers and myself as applicable. I hope you like Lobster." Chris read.

Okay. I guess I'm having lobster. Though I kinda feel bad about the huge edge we get. It's not really fair for the rest. Then again, we're not to blame for Chris giving them bad food.

Everyone but me and Courtney complained.

"Let's see your lawyers out of this one." Chris smiled.

"What? Me and Aaron are still sleeping in the same trailer as you guys." Courtney defened.

"Yeah. Don't blame her for Chris not giving you real food." I added.

"Where she and Aaron will have a pure goose down pillow. Extra lofty comforter and a 700 thread-count sheets. Oh, and their own private bathrooms." Chris added.

"Those are the new rules. Let's call them 'The Royal Set'. In honor of Courtney and Aaron. Who gets special treatment. And an unfair advantage." Chris said.

"Nice. Our spoiled princess didn't waste anytime hooking herself and her dog up." Duncan said.

"Funny of you to call me a dog when you're the one wearing a collar." I crossed my arms.

"And on top of that. You didn't waste anytime hooking up with Gwen after I left." Courtney said, narrowing her eyes at him.

"While I'm touched you're obviously still hot for me, my relationships that are none of you're business." Duncan smiled.

"You're on TV. They're everyone's business." Courtney said.

"Well then the whole world knows that I play by the rules... most of the time." Duncan stated." What? don't think you and your friend here can win the million bucks fair and square?"

"I could kick your two-timing butt with my eyes closed and both hands tied behind my back."

"Gonna be pretty tough eat lobster like that." Duncan argued.

"Courtney. He's not even worth your time. Don't give yourself to a delinquent like him." I said, pulling her back from Duncan.

"While I'm loving this show of hostility, I think today's challenges will help bring out your more primal instincts. Today's genre. The period movie!" Chris annouced

"Ooo! I love period movies. All the pretty petticoats and the dresses with puff sleeves." Beth said.

"Do we get wigs?" Heather asked hopefully.

"Chef? Do we have a wig?" Chris asked.

Chef picked up a wig with a bone on it. He then tossed it to Heather.

"Ugh. It smells like raw meat." Heather complained.

"That's because our period is the Paleolithic period. Which I thought you dum dums might guessed from my loincloth." Chris said.

"Pale Leo lips stick. Is that a new brand?" Lindsay asked.

"It's the stone age." Beth told her." We're going to be cavegirls."

"No talking cave people grunt and look confused. Which means,  for once you're all perfectly cast." Chris said.

"As much as I want hair. I am NOT putting that sick thing on my head." Heather said as Chris snatched the wig.

"No problem. You look pretty savage anyway." Chris said, about to walk away with the wig.

"Wait!" Heather said and quickly took the wig and put it on.

"Okay. Cave people and Prehistoric flicks do two things. Make fire, and use tools made of bones. Technically, you should also know how to bring down a mammoth with a stick. But since Owen is no longer here, no Mammoth no challenge. Here are your costumes. Get into character people." Chris told us.

Okay. This is worst than the deer costume.

"You've gotta be kidding me." Duncan stated.

"I never kid." Chris laughed." Actually I do, but never about something this funny." Chris told him.

"You'll look perfect Duncan. You're already a total neanderthal." Courtney insulted.

Duncan was gonna say something but couldn't come up with anything.


My prehistoric outfit was a bit similar to Duncan's, just in a dark red.

"Hello cast. Nice to see you all decked out for the competition. And might I say you all look pretty hysterical." Chris told us.

"Ow. I think mine still has a claw." Courtney complained.

Heather took out her scissors. Was about to cut Courtney's hair but then lowered it down to where the claw was.

"There. Got it." Heather stated.

"Chef! The tools for the first stone age challenge please." Chris said.

Chef came around giving each of us rocks.

"Rocks? Aren't we taking this stone age thing a little too literally?" Duncan asked

Harold then tried to explain how useful rocks can be. Duncan then dropped a rock on Harold's foot.

"Well. What do you know. Rock are useful." Duncan said.

Like I said before. If Harold really wants Duncan to stop bullying him, he's gonna have to take a stand.


"First team to collect the hidden fire wood and use the 'flint stones' to make fire. Earn something to help them with the second challenge." Chris stated." Ready. And... action!"


We found our wood. Me, Beth, Lindsay, and Courtney were sitting at where we were going to start the fire.

"I don't get it. How do you make fire with a rock?" Lindsay question in confusion." Oh. Is it like that game rock paper scissors?"

"Give me those." Courtney said, annoyed by Lindsay." I'll have this going in no time. I was a CIT you know"

"Oh, she is not back on that again. This isn't camp, it's movie set." Leshawna said.

"She is a total drama queen." Duncan added.

"Why. Because I think you're a dog for hooking up with Gwen?" Courtney asked slightly annoyed.

"Things are finally heating up." Chris said.

Heather cheered for Duncan. While me, Beth and Lindsay cheered Courtney on. We looked to see Duncan has already made a fire.

"Courtney. I thought for sure you'd be the first to burst into flames. Gapher's win the first challenge."  Chris said.

"Ugh! You obviously gave me fake flints. Nobody can stay a fire with these ridiculous props." Courtney whined, tossing them on the floor.

I picked them up and cling them together and a fire was made.

"Well, Court. Sorry to disappoint you my friend, but I guess they're not fake." I told her.


We got ready for the second part of the challenge.

"Time for our second caveman movie challenge. But first, Chef will pass your rewards from this morning. Chef. Weapons please?" Chris asked.

Chef revealed a pile of bones.

"Excuse me? Our reward is bones?" Leshawna asked in discussted.

"Hey. For Cave people were cutting edge technology and they're not your reward." Chris stated.

Chef gave everyone but me a giant bone. And gave everyone else on the opposing team a small one.

"Hey. What gives? We won the challenge." Duncan said." I made fire."

"Actually. You didn't. We reviewed the footage caught in camera and you made fire with a lighter.  Which is not a stone-age toll. Which means Aaron made fire first. The Grips are the winners." Chris annouced.

We all cheered together.

"Nice work Aaron." Courtney whispeared in my ear as I nodded blushing.

"Well well. Duncan 'I play by the rules' cheated. What a big suprise." Courtney said sarcastically.

"I've got plenty more for you sweetheart." Duncan smriked.

Courtney growled. I patted her shoulder to calm her down a bit.

"Eh, ehm." Chris coughed, getting our attention." The props department for caveman movies are bare-bones which means that all actors have to fight their on-screen enemies with."

"And who might these enemies be?" Leshanwa asked.

"Each other of. Grips tribe vs Gapher tribe." Chris told us.

"Cool. We have to fight each other with bones?" Duncan smiled.

Courtney then took Duncan down with her bone.

"I like your enthusiasm Courtney. Only you'll be fighting over there." Chris said, pointing to two small platforms over a tar pit." Each player that knocks his or her opponent off the column into that fake bubbling tar pit scores a point for their team. To the tar pits!"

First up was Lindsay and Leshanwa.

"I'm suppose to knock her off with this teensy-weensy little bone?" Leshanwa sassed.

"How do we know when to start?" Lindsay asked cluelessly.

"Oh. Don't worry. You'll know." Chris laughed. He blew into his Prehistoric horn.

The sound made Lindsay fall off of her platform. The Gaphers cheered.

"That's one point for the Gaphers." Chris annouced.

"Grr... that dumb blonde." Courtney grumbled under her breath.

"Hey, it was only the first match. I'm sure we can win the other rounds." I told her.

"Next up. Beth and Heather." Chris annouced

Suddenly a we heard a loud screech.

"Uh oh.  Looks like Lindsay's blood-curdling  screams have attracted a swarm of Prehistoric pterodactyls. This should make things interesting." Chris smiled.

"Cool special effect man, high-five." Justin said to Chris.

"Oh totally special effects." Chris said.

I don't think those are 'special effects'


Beth and Heather got on the platforms.

"Why don't you just jump off now and save us all the time?" Heather sassed.

Suddenly a pterodactyl grabbed onto Heather and snatched her wig. Heather then fell over but Beth caught her.

"Let go!" Beth told her.

"You let go!" Heather yelled.

"Okay." Beth let go and let Heather fall into the tar pit.

Me, Justin, Lindsay, and Courtney all cheered. Even Leshawna cheered. No one bothered to help Heather out of the tar pit.

"And that evens the score at one all for the Grips and the Gaphers. Next up, Justin and Harold." Chris annouced.


They both got on the platforms. Justin attacked while Harold dodged with ease. Then the Prehistoric beavers came.

The beavers swam through the tar. One started climbing up the platform. The other one took a bite out of the platform.

Harold fell but dragged Justin down in the process. Chris started laughing.

"That was awsome. Would've preferred to see some beaver carnage. But you can't have everything. Anyways. That leaves the teams tied. And us with a grudge match between Duncan and Courtney. On the same column. " Chris said happily. "You just can't write this stuff."

"Don't get too hyped. Duncan won't last more than two seconds." Courtney smirked.


Courtney and Duncan were on the platforms. She was hanging onto Duncan so she wouldn't fall.

"Knock him dead Courtney!" I encouraged.

Chris blew the prehistoric horn.

They both almost fell off. But they caught each other and ended up kissing.

"Oh yeah!  Now that's the stuff!" Duncan said thrilled.

"Don't lose your agame Courtney!" I encouraged. "Focus on your mission!"

They both smiled at each other. They were about to lean in for another kiss. Courtney than pulled her stunt and swung her bone right where it hurts him the most. He then fell off the platform.

I clapped for her." Alright Courtney." I cheered.

/Aaron:"Okay. So I noticed a difference between in the way Courtney treat both me and Duncan. She seems to treat him in more of a aggressive manner. While I seem to get the nicer side of Courtney. Which I do prefer." I said.( Heather cuts a part of Aaron's hair.)\

Chris burst out laughing." Awsome! Well, I'd say the Gaffers had a better chance at 1 million B.C. Before Courtney. As for the Grips, they win today's reward. A mammoth size prehistoric barbecue." Chris said.

The Grips were about to eat but the food ended up falling in the tar.

"Oops." Chef said.

"Look on the bright side. You still have your bones. You could use them to hunt for dinner." Chris told us.

Courtney looked at the Gaffers patting her bone.

"Well. I guess we're having lobster then." I said to Courtney.

The pterodactyl came and attacked Harold. Heather crawled out of the tar pit and saw it with her wig.

"Give me back my wig! Nobody messes with my hair!" Heather said.

We all watched in shock as she took it down amd dragged it across the floor.

"Probably tates like chicken. Speaking if chicken, tonight's surf and turf. Shall we?" Chris said to Chef.


Me and Courtney followed Chris to get our lobster.

/Courtney:"Duncan got what was coming to him. And so did I. Mm. Lobster and Belgian chocolate."\

/Duncan:"Why do they always go for the kewis? Why!"\

/Aaron:"Well. I'd say today went pretty well. Me and Courtney are still a team. And we are rewarded with lobster thanks to Courtney's lawyers."\

/Heather:" Reward challenges are such a waste of time. I wish we had a gilded Chris ceremony every night. Let's get on with it already, so I can get my million bucks and get a decent makeover. I mean, a super-sized serving of meat. Who cares? I've got something better. Courtney and Aaron's hair." I said, putting the bits I collected on my head. A lawyer then came in and fought me for it." No! You can't have it! It's mine! Well, it was theirs but I took which makes it mine." I defened as he snatched the strands of hair. I put back on the wig and I wouldn't come off." It won't come off. I have hair. I finally have hair!"\

After changing into my pajamas, I got into my trailer bed. Okay, this pillow is very comfortable. I also received a piece of my hair from my lawyer. Apparently Heather attempted to cut me and Courtney's hair.

It wasn't too much that was cut off. It was only a small amount. It'll grow back.

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