Chapter 17: Back into the action

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Courtney's lawyers filed her lawsuit against Chris. And, of course her lawyers won and got us back on the show.

Chris was having a challenge where the two teams had to crack a safe and then meet the banker tellers. Which me and Courtney were both the bank tellers. We were both wearing wigs to disguise ourselves. We had it all planned out. And that leads us to the present day.

Chris told the the Gaffers that since they arrived first, they get first crack at the bank tellers. We were staying turned around, keeping our identity a secret.

"Afternoon mam. That's a lovely set of legs you got there. But right now I'd like to focus on those lovely hands of yours. I need them, along with your assistant here to start filling this bag with cash." Duncan said.

Me and Courtney looked at each other and nodded.

"Anything else we can do for you today. Duncan." Me and Courtney said, taking off our wigs, revealing who we are.

Couetney smiled with her hand on her hip while I crossed my arms and grinned.

"Eeeh" Duncan squeeked and then fell over. Yeah, I think it was because of Courtney. Chris then came to explain why we're here. The Grips finally arrived.

"Teams. It is my honor. To report that Courtney and Aaron are is back for the duration of the game." Chris read as me and Courtney waved smiling." And we're all exceedingly happy about it."

"They got booted out fair and square." Heather said.

"Sorry Heather. Myself, Aaron, and the law from afflicted afflicted code and strouse would beg to differ. We filed a wrongful dismissal lawsuit against the producers. And won." Courtney smiled confidently.

"Good news, ay Duncan?" Harold said to Duncan, just for him to push him out of his face.

"So, Aaron, Courtney since you two were our bank tellers in the challenge. Great job by the way. You two get to decide which team deserves to win first prize. Your bag of loot." Chris said.

"You can decide Courtney." I stated.

"Okay. The choice is obvious. It's Duncan. I mean, the Gaffers. Since they were the only team that manage to get to me and Aaron's wickets. Congratulations." Courtney told him.

"Thank you." Duncan said in a confused tone.

"So,that  means the Killer Grips win second prize." Chris told them.

"What's second prize?" Justin asked.

"Courtney and Aaron. For the rest of the game. Or, until they're eliminated." Chris told us.

/Courtney:"Those Total Drama Dirtbags have some nerve making me and Aaron second place. They will definitely be hearing from my lawyer. Again"\

"So, Grips, Gaffers. You're get away cars are waiting. Better get a move on before the cops arrive." Chris said as we all stared." THAT MEAN GO!"

We all took off.


We arrived at our next meeting point.

"What's all this junk?" Justin asked.

Chris came by honking the horn.

"These are you getaway cars. Just waiting to be assembled." Chris said.

"That is so, not hot." Heather commented.

"If the vehicles were ready to go, it wouldn't be much if a challenge now would it." Chris said as most of us whined.

We started examining the pile. Duncan seemed to know what he was doing. He started staring at Courtney. Then he ended up squashing his hand in between the car and the tire.

"Ignore the side show and start putting together the chassis." Courtney told Justin.

"Is there something I can do where I won't get grease on my epidermis?" Justin asked.

"You're kidding right?" Courtney asked, annoyed.

"Hand modeling is one of the things that put me on the map." Justin defened.

"Obviously that would be the map of uslessvile. How did I get stuck over here? Where are the others anyway?" Courtney asked.

"Running away from Owen. Now could you  guys give me a hand?" I asked.

"You know how to assemble it?" Courtney asked hopefully.

"I might. I'll do my best." I said.


Some time passed and I had most of it assembled.

"Okay. I just need the wheels." I said.

"Nice work Aaron. It's nice to see someone that knows what they're doing." Courtney smiled.

Duncan and the Gaffers then drove off.

"Hey Courtney! Maybe you'll see more of then the back of me when the team's merge." Duncan said to Courtney.

"At this point, I'd take it." Courtney said.

"Let's go casanova!" Heather told Duncan.

"See, I would drive after them. But I dont have any wheels."

"Where are our wheels?! Where is our team?!" Courtney complained.

"Here we are. We had to rewire his jaw with my spare hair elastic. But that's the good news." Beth stated.

"What's the bad news?" I asked.

"These are kinda toast." Lindsay said.

"Just give me it. I'll try to see what I can do."

/Aaron:"As you know, I was always an indoor person. Thanks to my parents. But I always read about different things... like putting together a go kart."\

I did whatever I could with the wheels.

"Well. How are we doing?" Courtney asked.

"I think I've got it. Though I'm thinking Owen might not be able to fit." I said.

"That's fine. Everyone else get in." Courtney told them.

I took the drivers seat.

"Hey. Why can't I get in?" Owen asked.

"Well. You-" I started.

"Because you're too heavy. You already damaged the wheel." Courtney strictly said.

"Owen. I'll give you my next chocolate gilded Chris if you-" I started.

"Say no more!" Owen said excited.

"Okay. My first time driving. Here goes nothing!" I started up the cart and we were off.

"Go faster!" Courtney shouted.

"I can't. I don't think it goes any faster. And even if it could, the wheel would die out." I defened.


I kept driving the best that I could. We were starting to make it. It looks like Duncan's kart stopped working. Or ran out of gas. We drove pass Duncan.

"I knew I could with this. Even with a team of complete duds. Or mostly duds anyways." Courtney said, smiling at me.

Right after she said that, the wheel broke and the cart broke apart. We were so close.

"I WILL NOT BE SECOND PLACE!" Courtney yelled.

The Gaffers passed the finish line.

"Wanna bet?" Chris smirked as Courtney growled.

"First off I'd like to congratulate both teams for choosing to go green. But in the end, the Gaffers are the winners." Chris said as they cheered." This mean I'll be seeing the grips at tonight's gilded Chris ceremony. And Gafferss, even though you committed anything but the perfect crime you get to enjoy victory and your bag of loot."

I sighed in defeat.

"I'm sorry Courtney. I did my best." I sighed.

"Oh. It's not your fault. It's because the wheel was a dud. If it wasn't for Owen ruining our wheel, the kart wouldn't have fell apart!" Courtney stomped.


We head to the Gilded Chris ceremony. Courtney smiled confidently.

"Like always Killer Grips, one member of your team will not be receiving a coveted gilded Chris made of the finest Belgian chocolate." Chris told us."But not like always, and this is important to remember. This week, according to our lawyers none of you are allowed to vote off Courtney or Aaron. You got that dude? This show can't afford anymore lawsuits. My massage budget has been sliced in half." Chris said.

"Vote for Owen." Courtney whispeared to me.

"You sure?" I asked.

"You saw how far he got last season. Plus he was the main reason why we lost the case."

"Good point."

I voted for Owen. Chef delivered the votes to Chris.

"The gilded Chris awards go to. Beth, Lindsay, Justin." Chris said, tossing them a Gilded Chris.

"Why do I have three votes for Courtney and one vote for Aaron when specifically said you couldn't?" Chris asked.

"I guess we couldn't help ourselves." Justin said.

Yeah. You also couldn't help yourself during the challenge either. If it wasn't for me, we would've ended up caring the car pieces.

"No matter what, my finger would only press the Courtney and Aaron buttons." Lindsay explained.

"Well, that only leaves with two votes that Count." Chris said.

"Owen. You've been eliminated." Courtney smiled.

"Sorry Owen. You're really good at this game. And I kinda plan on winning." I told him.

"This is bull!" Justin complained.

"You can't do that!" Lindsay complained.

"Oh yeah. Well we just did." Courtney smiled victoriously.

Owen Sadly walked.

"Sorry bud. No choclate Chris award for you." Chris told Owen.

"Not even an ear?" Owen asked

"Speech! Speech! Speech!" Justin, Beth, and Lindsay cheered.

"He lost the game for us guys. Hello?" Courtney said discussted.

"Anything in your contract to stop him from speaking?" Chris asked.

"Well-" Courtney started but I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Just let him have his moment to shine. Besides, we're still in the game." I told her.

"Then a little light for my friend here." Chris said.

"I'd like to thanks the Academy!" Owen started.

"The Academy of the gilded Chris.trademark patent." Chris said.

"This had been the role of a lifetime. Thanks to Justin, who inspired me with his physical perfection and hotdog-enis. To Lindsay. Who is also beautiful in a soda popi, kind of way. To Beth,who  motavated me with her delicious crispy skin and her tender juicy goodness. To Aaron, who inspires me to be smarter. With a cheddar cheeitz spark.." Owen said.

Cheddar cheese itz? I'm a little confused.

"To Chris. Who also smells de-. No! You can't play me off yet. To my mom, who let me quit piano lessons. To my brothers, I'm sorry for stealing your Halloween candy." Owen confessed.

"We love you Owen!" Lindsay said as her, Justin and Beth gave them their gilded Chris.

I started to clap after his speech. Lindsay, Justin, and Beth joined the clap.

"Are you serious?" Courtney asked, raising an eyebrow." He made us lose the challenge!"

We all seen him off. I kinda felt bad for voting him off. Even though we never hung out, he seemed pretty nice. He even gave me a compliment... it was a very odd one. But a compliment is still a compliment. Maybe It's Owens way of expressing himself.

After the gilded Chris ceremony, we started heading back to the trailers.

"Well. It's cool to be back in the game." I said to Courtney.

"Yeah. We're totally gonna win." Courtney smiled.

"Well. Goodnight." I waved.

"Night." She smiled at me before walking in the girls trailer.

I smiled and then headed into the trailer. I got a glare from Justin and Duncan.

"What? Is no one happy to see me?" I raised an eyebrow, crossing my arms.

"Well. I am. It just sucks that we're in opposing teams." Harold said.

"Pfft. You just used Courtney to get back on the show." Duncan said.

I decided to ignore Duncan's comment. I'm not arguing with him. I picked a bed and went to sleep.

Not gonna lie, I'm really liking the interaction these two have. Anyways, thanks for reading. Goodbye.


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