Chapter 19: Athletic Trials

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I was peacefully sleeping in the guys trailer. I gotta say. I'm really liking this pillow. It's really soft. I then a really loud horn. It was that point that I knew that it was challenge time.

I walked outside to see Beth twirling Courtney's PDA.

"Hey. That's not yours!" I said.

Beth then threw it in the air. I quickly caught it with both of my hands.

"That was a close one." I sighed." Here you go Courtney." I said, handing her the PDA.

"Thanks Aaron. I don't know how that would've turned out if you weren't here." She sighed in relief.

"I'm so sorry. I must've been sleep twirling again." Beth explained.

"Did she say sleep twirling?" Leshawna raised an eyebrow.

"That PDA is me and Aaron's legal right in this game. Touch it again Beth and prepared to be sereved." Courtney glared at her.

Chris then came walking through with a trumpet, a hat, and a drum on his back.

"Morning sports fans. Who's ready to put up a good offense?" Chris asked.

"Spaghetti here! Get your hot spaghetti here." Chef said.

He tossed us spaghetti that was rolled up in a ball.

"That was breakfast." Chris told us.

"Pasta for breakfast?" Lindsay asked.

We all started eating our spaghetti.

"It's called, carbo loading, contestants. Today. You're all going to give 200% in our exciting sports movie challenge." Chris told us.

"You are aware that 200% is a mathematical impossibility." Harold told Chris.

Chef threw a spaghetti ball right in his face.

"Suck that getti ball you lovable underdog, destined to come back from certain failure. We've got a run." Chris said, walling off excited.

"Great. Another one of Chris's crazy ideas." Courtney grumbled.

"Yeah. Let's just hope this time that they're at the gilded Chris ceremony. And not us." I said.


We all got dressed into our normal attire and started doing these tiring sprints. They started off okay until we were doing it for a while.

"That all you got sports fans? Man up! It's time for more action." Chris told us.

"You've gotta be kidding me." I sighed.

"Three cups of spaghetti. Followed by a three K jog. All I'm ready for is a nap." Leshawna said, laying on the ground." What is this? Plastic lawn?"

"Actually, astroturf. Hello? It's a set." Chris told her." Today's competition is gonna require sweat, guts, heart, and sweat." Chris told us.

"You said sweat twice." Heather pointed out.

"That's 'cause It's just not your sweat you'll be dealing with. There's Chefs sweat too." Chris pointed at Chef who was doing push ups." You'll be pushing him the length of a field and he just a huge jar of jalepeno peppers. So, he's spraying like a gym class shower."

"We gotta push spiced up Chef like he's a football dummy?" Justin asked.

"Don't call me a dummy." Chef told him.

"Uh. I am not swapping sweat with a oversized jalepeno." Heather stated.

"You're taking it for the team. Now get your skinny behind out there and push that dummy." Leshanwa told Heather.

"You can do this one without me!" Heather stated.

"Gotta side with Leshanwa on this one." Duncan stepped in." You're doing it."

"Pfft. We got this." Courtney winked at me.

"Yeah. We came back to win." I grinned.

Chris blew his whistle.

Us Grips started running through tires. But they ended up getting stuck on our feet.

"These are so not normal tires." Beth said.

"My feet keep getting stuck." Lindsay added.

"Oh, really. I'm sorry." Chris said sarcastically. "Wait 'till they get a load of the mouse trap."

Suddenly mouse traps started going off in the tires that our feet were stuck in. We all tried to move our feet to avoid them.

"Snap to it losers." Chris told us.


Next, we were crawling through a mud pile. Similair to the one during the boot camp one in season one.

"I have never seen my school football team doing this." Courtney complained.

"Yeah. Dido. This is ridiculous." I added.

"You're right. But we had some mud and barbed wire left over from the war movie and it just seemed fun to me. Is it?" Chris asked smiling as we all groaned.


We finally got out of that muddy mess.

"That truly bit." Duncan scoffed.

"Who won anyway?" Courtney asked.

Chris tallied up the results.

"Nobody!" Chris annouced.

"Huh?" We all questioned.

"It was just to establish who's playing who for the real contest." Chris told us." We're running four sports contest with competitors seated according to these results." Chris annouced.

"Seated? There's a gardening challenge?" Lindsay asked cluelessly.

Courtney face palmed. I sighed at her cluelessness.


We went to the boxing ring to watch Harold go up against Lindsay.

"In the right corner-ner-ner-ner" Chris said through his mic making his own echo effects." From the Killer Grips-ips-ips-ips. The blonde bombshell. The live Lollapalooza. The blue eyed bruiser. LIIIINDSAAAAY!" Chris annouced as us Grips smiled at her.

"And in the left coner-ner-ner-ner. From the Screaming Gaffers-ers-ers-ers! The diluted dork. The lightweight loser. The knock-need-numb skull. HAAAAROLD!" Chris annouced.

"Me? Why me?" Harold asked.

"'Cause you and Lindsay came in last in the football drills. Loser vs. Loser. We're going to build to the top two players." Chris told Harold.

"Glove me." Harold said. They gave him giant marshmallow gloves.

"But, these are marshmallow." Harold said.

"Props. So you don't hurt those pretty actor faces. And in true boxing movie traditions. You'll be fighting in SLOOOOOOW MOOOOOOTIOOOON" Chris annouced.

Harold got in the ring, ready to fight Lindsay. They rung the bell. Harold tried to hit Lindsay but she dodged.

"Take that." She said punching him in the face. Harold was moving in slow motion. Harold was slowly knocked back but the slowly came back and attempted to punch Lindsay.

Lindsay grabbed his marshmallow and took a bite.

"Oh, don't eat it! Block it!" Courtney told Lindsay in her normal demanding tone.

"Courtney your-" Beth started

But Courtney wasn't listening.

"Play dirtier."

I was about to draw my attention to what Beth was trying to say until Duncan chuckled.

"What?" Courtney asked.

"I like when you talk like that." Duncan smiled at her.

Courtney sharply glared at him. I patted her shoulder.

"Don't pay him any mind. He obviously didn't learn from the Prehistoric movies."I said. I leaned closer to her ear." Teach him a lesson." I whispered and the leaned back and smiled crossing my arms.

"Oh, I will." Courtney said with a sneaky grin.

The rounds contiued to go on. Courtney covered her eyes at the sight of Chef. Lindsay got back up for round two.

Harold kept slowly attempting to attack but Lindsay kept dodging with ease.

"Come on Harold baby! You got the movers, you got the grooves!" Leshanwa said dancing.

"Why thanks Leshawana. It's nice to-" Harold started but got punched in the face.

"One. Two. Three." Chris counted.

"Get up Harold!" Leshawana encouraged.

"Four five six seven eight nine ten. And the winner is-is-is-is. Harold and the screaming Gaffers." Chris annouced.

The Gaffers cheered.

"Huh? But I knocked him out." Lindsay said.

"He scored a bunch of extra points for doing such great slow motion. And I had to doc you biting. Very unsportsmanlike miss.Tyson. " Chris told her.

"This was fixed. Chris going down." Lindsay said about to hit Chris but me, Justin and Courtney held her back.


We then headed to a badminton Court

"Hey. It's a miniature tennis racket. Where are the miniature tennis balls and how come the net is so stupidly high?" Justin asked.

"This is a badminton court, Justin." Chris told him

"There was never sports movie about badminton." Justin told Chris." That would be seriously lame."

"There was a movie about badminton. And it was very un-lame. And it stared the very talented... me." Chris said as no one said anything." Thanks for asking. I'd love to recreate my finest scene."

Chris got into character.

"I just want you to know. You guys are the best darn badminton I've had the pleasure of coaching." Chris said." You're beacons of freedom. Go show the Olympic Committee we desevre a shot. Show them. It's not badminton. It's goodminton. Heck, It's greatminton. Now get out there and win one for the flipper." Chris acted.


Chris sat down after his big performance.

"Playing for supremacy in our second round Aaron and Heather." Chris annouced.

"Me against him? Piece of cake. This dweeb had to cheat his way back into this game." Heather commented.

"Oh yeah? Well I hope you like butter. Because you're about to be toast." I said, getting in position.

"Watch the birdie." Chris said tossing me a bird.

"Feathers are about to fly." Heather said.

"Woo-hoo! Go Aaron. Show that bald dimwit who's the man!" Courtney cheered.

I threw the birdie in the air and swung. Heather hit the birdie back. I attempted to hit it back but missed.

"Serve to Heather." Chris said.

Heather served and I missed my shot. The Gaffers cheered on Heather as we continued to play. That's when Leshawna said this.

"Your chances of winning are just about as real as Beth's boyfriend. And Aaron, stop trying to impress Courtney because we all know you can't sweep her off of her feet."

This ignited a flame in me. I started to give it my all. I didn't miss a shot after that comment. I spun the racket in the air and it perfectly fired at Heather.

I went straight into Heather's wig. It knocked her to the ground.

"Get it out! Get it out!" She grumbled on the floor.

Chris blew the whistle.

/Aaron:" No one talks about me and my team and gets away with it."\

"We have a winner." Chris annouced.

The Grips came over and cheered with me.

"Now that's some greatmantin." Chris commented.

"You might have game boy, but you still don't have Courtney's heart. And Beth, you still don't have a boyfriend." Leshwana said.

This inturupted our cheering. I was about to say something but Beth beat me to it.

"You just resent me for being a champion baton twirler. Just like you resent everybody here." Beth exclaimed.

"Excuse me?" Leshawna sassed.

"Why don't you admit it? Or should we have Courtney play what you said about all of us on her PDA?" Beth said.

"Didn't Courtney tell you not to touch her PDA?" I crossed my arms raising an eyebrow.

"I did! I told you to stay away from my PDA!" Courtney exclaimed.

"It's on the Total Drama website, Leshawna." Beth said." Everything you said about all of us when you went on that spa night."

We all gasped.

"You said mean things about me?" Lindsay asked in shock.

"Let me see. Let me see." Harold said.

"No." Courtney defened.

"Come on Courtney. You know you wanna." Duncan smiled.

"Only because I think you all have the right to know what she said." Courtney said.

"There's nothing to see. You guys will be bored." Leshawna said.

We started watching the PDA.

"Mm. Heather. Is mean for the sake of being mean. Lindsay has half a brain cell, max. And is usually used going out shopping. Ooo, probably with Justin's giant ego! Oh, and Duncan. Likes to think he's a bad boy. But when Courtney was there,she basically dragged him around by his eyebrow ring. And Aaron, he's just third wheeling in their relationship. If she wanted you she would've kissed you instead of Duncan. He's always following her around like a lost dog. Get lost! Beth actually wears a side ponytail. A side pony. And Harold, dang fool's sweet on me. But He's getting about as much play as an old school cassette tape and in a world of MP3 players." Leshwana finished as her and Leshaniqua laughed at all of it.

"Ooo girl."

The footage ended. Me and everyone else glared at Leshanwa.

"You don't understand. That was outside the game. I didn't know anyone would see it." Leshawna defended.

"Still. It's rude and insensitive to talk behind peoples backs." I crossed my arms.

"So, you weren't just joking. I thought maybe you were joking." Lindsay said.

"Uhh. Yes! I was, and I wanted you to see it. Yeah, isn't that right. Haha. Psych." Leshwana laughed.

Yeah. No one is gonna belive that.


We all grouped up for the next part of the challenge. We were sitting on bleachers.

"Leshawna just told it like it is. I don't see what the big deal is. I do it all the time." Heather said.

"She called you mean and nasty." Lindsay reminded her.

"I can live with that."

"You can? Thanks girl." Leshawna thanked her.

"Don't push it. It's not like we're new BFFs." Heather said.

"SILENCE!" Chris said." The score is one to one. And now, second seed, Courtney will attempt to break the tie competing Greco, Roman wrestling with Duncan."

"He shoots, he scores!" Duncan exclaimed

"Time to teach him that lesson." I whispered to Courtney as she smirked.

/Aaron:"Well. This should be intresting." I smirked raised an eyebrow.\


They both got in the ring. Courtney did a few stretches. Duncan seemed to be panicking a little. Chris pulled a rope which changed the whole setting.

It went from a fighting ring to a play pin. We all looked confused.

"Wait a second. I have to wrestle her in a kiddy ball pit?" Duncan asked.

Courtney spat out one of the balls.

"Ew." she wiped her mouth." How long since these things have been washed?"

"Never. We got it from a local carnival." Chris told Courtney." A really cheap scheamy one. Now play ball." Chris said blowing a Roman horn.

They both dove into the ball pit. Courtney came out on top, putting Duncan in a chokehold.

"What's a matter big boy? Can't swim?" Courtney taunted.

"Shark!" Duncan screamed.

Courtney picked up the diaper.

"Ooo! The big bad diaper shark. Come on tough man!" Courtney said shoving the diaper in his mouth and then going down into the ball pit.

Everyone burst out laughing. She's doing really good.

Duncan came out of the ball put and spat out the diaper.

"That's it. No more mr. Niceguy." Duncan said as Courtney looked a little worried

"Remember Courtney! Keep your eyes on the prize! Take that punk down!" I cheered her on.

Duncan motion his hands, pretty much telling her to come over. She growled and did a fly kick and kicked him down.

She then got on top of him. He pushed her off of him and back into the ball put. He then jumped in the ball pit after her.

We all gasped. Duncan then came back up.

"What live under here anyway? A daycare center?" Duncan asked throwing a bottle and picking up a tiny little boy.

"Mama?" The child questioned.

Chef the scooped up the child and then got out of the pin. Courtney tapped Duncan. He turned around and started choking him.

Chris was then lowered into the pin.

"Uncle." Duncan said quitely.

"And we have a winner!" Chris annouced as us Grips cheered.

Courtney got up panting.

"In your face Duncan! I am the world champion ball wrestler!" Courtney exclaimed as we continued to cheer.


We reported back outside for the next part of the challenge.

"So, as we head to the fourth and final leg of the Total Drama sports tournament, the Grips are ahead two to one. Final face off. A slam dunk competition with points going to the most creative dunk. Let's play it for the camera." Chris said, tossing Justin the basketball." It's Justin and Leshawna."

The girls and I cheered for Justin.

"Alright. I call this 'the Justin freezes the Gaffers slam'" Justin said.

Chris blew his whistle. Justin started bouncing the ball, smoothly walking .

"Keep watching." He told us.

He kept going and bumped into Leshwna. The girls laughed. He then bounce the ball under Duncan, which then bounced off of Harold's chest and came back to Justin. That's pretty impressive.

The girl's kept laughing. Justin then ran. Snatched Heather's wig and put the wig in the ball and bounced on the trampoline and shot the ball through the hoop.

We all cheered for Justin's great work.

Leshanwa was next.

"I call this. 'The Leshawna climbs to the top  wham bam thank you slam!" Leshawna said.

"Real creative." Justin taunted.

Leshwana threw the ball with enough force to knock Justing into the trampoline and put hin right on the hoop.

"Point to Leshanwa and the Gaffers. Prepare for the ultimate extreme sports tiebreaker!" Chris said dramatically.


"Get ready for the battles of battles. The grudge match. The moment the world's been waiting for. A competion so intense. So bruting. So-" Chris was gonna continue but Leshawna cut him off.

"So what is it all ready?" She asked.

Chris came driving up in a cart waving a pink pompom.

"Pompoms?" Courtney questioned.

"Where there are pompoms. Ther are pompom girls." Harold said.

"The only cheering will be done by you and your team." Chris told us." Each team's gotta dig deep and create a cheer for someone they think deserves a cheering."


Me and the Grips grouped up in a circle.

"Alright. Listen guys, we need to put our heads together. Who should we cheer for and why?" Courtney asked.

"How about Chris?" I suggested.

"He's right. With Chris's nartatistic thinking. We'll definitely win." Beth added.

"Good thinking Aaron." Courtney smiled at me." But what would we say about him?"

"His name. Just, follow my lead." I stated as the Grips nodded.

/Aaron:" it all comes down to me to lead our team to victory. And that is what I'm going to do."\

The Gaffers went first. Long story short. Leshwna basically did this cheer which was basically a cheer about all of us.

"Yeah! How much heart did that have?! I'd like to see the Grips beat that." Heather exclaimed

Courtney looked at me as we both smirked.

"Chris, Chris, Chris, Chris! Chris, Chris, Chris, Chris! Chris, Chris, Chris Chris, Chris, Chris, Chris! CHRIIIIIIIIIIS!!!" We all cheered in sync holding up a poster of him.

"Amazing! The performance and the artistry the Incredible kissing up! We have the winners! Losers, I'll see you in the theater." Chris said as us Grips cheered.


After completing the challenge and winning. I received a bowl of icecream from Chris. Since me and Courtney are still getting the 'royal treatment'.

I sat down to myself thinking about what Leshanwa said.

"Aaron." I heard from behind me.

I turned to see Courtney walking with her bowl of icecream." Can I talk to you about something?" She asked.

"Is this about... well. You know." I started.

"If you mean what Leshawna said during and after the tennis challenge. Then, yes."

"Oh yeah... that." I said slowly. "Look. I can explain."

"I was hoping you can. You don't actually have a crush on me, do you?" Courtney asked.

Should I tell her? I mean, what's the worst that could happen?

I looked at the ground and looked back at her and sighed.

"N-no. I don't." I sighed.

"Then, why would she say that?" Courtney raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know. Maybe she assumed that I liked you. B-but I don't. We're just friends. Probably my best one. Nothing more, nothing less. She just said a bunch of false things about everyone."

"Well. Okay. Just wanted to make sure."

"Well. I guess you're now 100% sure." I smiled awkwardly.

I sighed in relief and guilt. Maybe It's for the best.

"Well, do you wanna watch a film on my PDA?" Courtney asked.

"Yeah. Sure." I grinned.


After we watched the film I headed to the guys trailer and went to sleep.

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