Chapter 20: The merge

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We were all sitting outside. Leshawna came walking by with her sandwich.

"Ugh. I keep eating like this and my booty's gonna get fiddy." Leshawna complained.

We all exchanged looks. Yeah, we're all still mad at Leshanwa for what she did.

"See. Now that's not kosher. What's a girl gotta do. I've said I'm sorry about that tincy spa lie a million times." Leshanwa said.

Courtney nudged my arm. I turned my attetion to her.

"And that'll be the only million she'll ever see." Courtney whispered to me.

"Yeah. She's gonna have to go soon." I added.

" Even my own teammates. Teamies!"

"Go Leshawna. Go Leshawna." Harold cheered with no energy

Lindsay then went to the trailer but forgot how to open it.

"Door! It's me Lindsay from this morning. You remember." Lindsay said.

"Door meet door nob!" Courtney told her annoyed.

"Oh! Yeah." Lindsay pulled the door nob.

A camera then came and scanned her face.

"Intruder alert. Entry denied."

The stairs form shifted into a slide form and a hole opened up in the ground and Lindsay fell in.

We all gasped. Duncan ran to check out what happened. He was shot in the back of the neck. Not with a gun, just a dart. He then fainted and fell into the same hole Lindsay was in.

Courtney gasped and ran to him." Dunkie." She said.

She looked in the hole. A hat then hit her in the back of the head and she fainted. She too fell into the hole.

"Courtney!" I screeched. "Call back if you can here me!"

I look to investigate the hole.

"Courtney! Answer me!" I called.

A dart shot me in the neck. I fought my hardest to resist its effects but I fell down into the hole and fainted.


I became conscious of my surroundings. Looks like everyone was kidnapped in this cave. Which we are now in. I rubbed my head. Which was hurting. Probably from the impact of the fall.

"Gr. Ow." I groaned.

"Aaron? Are you okay?" Courtney asked.

"Yeah. I think- I think so."

Justin started running back and forth. It looks like he hurt his eye. I got up and helped Courtney off the ground.

"You still have your PDA Court?" I asked her.

"No. I don't." She realized. "Hey! Where is my PDA?" Courtney asked as I followed her.

We seen Beth holding it.

"Ugh! Trying to steal it again I see." Courtney snatched it from her.

"No. I was just trying to give it back. Swearsies." Beth told her.

"See, I would believe you if you didn't steal it during yesterday's challenge." I stated.

Suddenly a screen appeared. We looked at the projection. It was Chris sitting in a room with a eyepatch and a cat.. Chris did a werid laugh.

"Welcome to the cloak and dagger world of spy movies men and women." Chris said in a horrible accent.

"Dude. What's with the bad Jamacian accent?" Duncan asked.

"Jamacian? More like Japanese." Leshawna stated.

"No. Swedish." Courtney said.

"Yeah. I agree. I think It's swedish." I nodded.

"Please. You're only saying that because princess over here said it." Duncan scoffed as I rolled my eyes.

"French." Beth guessed.

"Kinda sounds Italian to me." Harold stated.

"Um. Hello? It's Russian. And I shoulder because I am an actor." Chris stated.

"Really?" Duncan raised an eyebrow

"Any good spy in any spy movie must have three essential skills. One: the ability to deactivate a bomb. Two: The ability to escape an exploding building. And Three: the ability to fake an accent that makes people belive you actually speak the language. Like my fab Russian accent man. You'll need two of the three skills to get through today's reward challenges. Can you guess which two? Let me give you a hint. Not the thrid one man." Chris said, laughing.

Courtney gasped." Does anybody know anything about bombs?" Courtney asked quickly.

"I don't think so." I sighed.

"Oh. And one last thing. Since I'm really ho-hum bored of the teams. I'M BUSTING THEM UP! From now on it's every dude and dudette for themselves. I'll see you back in solid ground. Let the double-oh-sevening begin." Chris said getting attacked by his cat. The projection ended.

"We're still sticking to our 50/50 split, right?" Courtney raised an eyebrow.

"Of course!" I nodded.

"Good. Just checking." She said strictly.

"Breaking us up? After all we been through?" Leshawna asked.

*cue the 6teen montage*

"How do we get out of here?" Harold asked.

"I say we go this way." Lindsay said bumping into something." Ow. Not again."

"Got any ideas Courtney?" I asked.

"Yeah. The GPS on my PDA indicates an exit over there." Courtney said as I followed her.

"I don't normally trust technology but in this case I'll make an exception." Duncan commented.

"I'd trust that more than your brain." I Mumbled.

"What was that pipsqeak?" Duncan asked slightly angered.

I didn't give him a verbal respond. I would if he used my name. But since he didn't, I just rolled my eyes.

Justin sat down on a switch which revealed an elavator.

"Over here!" Justin said.

We all got into the elavator.


The elevator took us to a actual room. I scanned the surroundings. It looked very fancy.

"Don't I look awsome in blue?" Chris asked." Now for the first part of the spy movie challnge. See that case in the middle of the room? You have to get whatever's inside, 'cause you're gonna need it for part two of the challenge."

"No problemo. Easy smash and grab." Duncan said, walking towards the case. Suddenly a bunch of lasers appeared in the room.

"Eh, ehm. I need to finish. You gotta get whatever's inside without setting off the alarm. But be careful. Those lasers will cut you clear in half." Chris told us.

"I look a whole lot better whole." Lindsay said.

"Yeah. I'm pretty sure we all do." I raised an eyebrow.

Beth and Lindsay decided to go together. Just for them to get stuck.

I saw Courtney flipping through with ease. I noticed Duncan staring at Courtney's... rear end.

"Um. Duncan. Could you keep your eyes to yourself? That's kinda creepy. you're eyeing her up and down from behind." I crossed my arms, raising an eyebrow.

"Pfft. You should talk." Duncan scoffed.

"Excuse me? Are you accusing me of starting at her behind?!" I glared.

"Pfft. Like you weren't doing the same. And I can't blame you. It is a nice sight."

"You are disgusting. And a perv." I rolled my eyes.

I contiued to navigate through the lasers without a single misstep. Me and Courtney finally got to the sealed case.

"Okay! So, now what?" Courtney asked.

"Grab whatever's around and smash it open. Case probably isn't armed since the lasers are protecting it." Duncan told her.

"I disagree." Harold said." The case is quite possibly booby-trapped."

"Don't listen to his geekiness over here. Grab whatever you can and smash away."

I tapped courtney.

"What is it Aaron?" She asked.

I whispeared in her ear an idea. She smirked at me and nodded. Me and Courtney made some distance from the case. We stood on opposite ends and smirked at each other.

"What are those two doing?" Leshawna asked.

"Taking my expert advice no doubt and staying away." Harold said.

Me and Courtney both took off at the same time and did a flying jump kick, breaking the case. Her breaking one side of it and me breaking the other.

I picked up the bag and gave it to Courtney. She looked in it.

"So. What's in the bag?" I asked.

"That's odd. It's just a werid gun and some wire cutters." Courtney said.

"To escape a building that's about to blow?" Leshawna said.

A projector of Chris appeared again.

"The room blows in 10, 9, 8,7, 6, 5." Chris started counting.

Courtney instantly hugged me in fear as I hugged her back.

"3,2,1" Chris said as fake explotion noise went off.

Chris burst out laughing.

"Suckers! Hahaha! You should have seen the looks on your faces." Chris said.

Me and Courtney realized we were still hugging. We quickly released from our hug.

"S-sorry." I quickly apologized.

"Hehe. It's fine." Courtney chuckled.

/Courtney:"It was nice of Aaron to take the blame. Even though I was the one who hugged him. His heart was beating really fast. Besides, he was just as scared as me. He probably would've died of fright if I didn't wrapped my arms around him"\

/Aaron:"For a second. I really thought Chris was really gonna end our lives there."\

/Duncan:"Man, Courtney is this close to begging me to take her back. She's just using Aaron as replacement."\

I noticed Duncan sharply glaring at me. I decided to ignore it.

"You'll need the zip wire gun and the wire cutters for the next spy challenge. Whether Courtney and Aaron, our kungfu king and queen decide to share their tools with the tools. It's totally up to them." Chris said as we exchange smirks." Oh, by the way, the first countdown was just a test. Real countdown begins now. 30, 29, 28." Chris started counting.

"Ugh! What makes everyone think Chris is serious this time?" Courtney said.

"Yeah. His massage budget was cut in half. There's no way he has the money to do this." I crossed my arms.

"Personally, I'm not going to stay here and find out." Leshawna said.

"We can use the zipline to get out of here. But we need another structure of some kind for it to grab onto." Harold stated.

Leshawna felt around and found a trap door.

"You mean like, that building over there?" Leshawna pointed.

"What are we waiting for?! Let's get out of here!" Beth screamed.

"Uh. Not so fast. What do I hear for a ride to freedom?" Courtney asked.

"You gotta be kidding? You're willing to bargin with our lives?!" Leshawna exclaimed.

"Uh dun. And the offers better be good. I've already got a PDA." Courtney said.

"How about a bottle of my face brighter? Papaya is really good at perking up an ashy complexion." Lindsay offered.

Courtney just glared.

"My prized action figure transistor man, still in the box?" Harold offered.

Courtney shook her head.

"My French maid's outfit?" Beth offered as we all stared." What? I played a French made in the school play."

"Sorry. None of these pathetic offers interest me." Courtney strictly stated.

"What do you want woman? Time's running out. Can't you see?" Harold said.

"I share the prize money with you 50/50 if you win." Courtney stated.

"WHAT?" Everyone but me and Courtney exclaimed.

Wow. She's willing to do anything to win.

"I'll split my half if they agree." Courtney whispered to me.

"Uh huh. Gotcha." I whispered back." So, what's it gonna be guys. You in or out? Because we personally have no reason to save you from certain death." I asked them all crossing my arms.

/Aaron:"What? I'm not heartless. We're only playing the game. Besides, Chris is the one putting their lives at stake. Not us. So, essentially we're not to blame."\

"Fine." Duncan agreed.

"Okay." Harold said.

Everyone nodded. Me and Courtney were waiting for Leshawna.

"Okay, we're in!" Leshawna finally agreed.

"Nice!" I cheered.

"Good decision." Courtney said.

Courtney shot the grpple gun to the building we were trying to get to. She then tied the gun to a part of the building.

"How are we gonna get over there with only one line?" Justin asked.

Courtney quickly snatched Harold's belt.

"Grab on." Courtney said.

"I'd thought you'd never ask." Duncan grinned.

We all held onto Courtney. Using Harold's belt we managed to get from point A to point B.

"Get ready for the fireworks!" Harold exclaimed, covering his ears.

Nothing even happened.

"Another false alarm." Harold complained.

"That boy is just downright mean." Leshawna said.

/Aaron:" huh. That's pretty rich coming from the girl who decided to talk bad about everyone during her spa day."\

"As if we have the budget to blow up an entire building." Chris said." I was just playing with ya. Again. Because I can. Okay kiddies, time for your super spook challenge"

Chris pulled of the blanket which was covering trash can bombs.

"In front of you, you will see eight bombs. You will have to deactivate the bombs with only the tools you got from the last challenge. The wire cutters. Oh wait? Weren't Courtney and Aaron the only ones that got the wire cutters?"

Courtney the clicked the wire cutters. Chris laughed.

"Well. I guess everybody else will just have to find their own way of cutting the wires. Sucks to be you." Chris told them. "Any questions?"

"Where can I get the bomb schematics?" Harold asked.

"Do bombs come with instructions?" Beth asked.

"Am I wearing the right kind of bomb deactivating clothing? If not, where can I get the proper outfit? Preferably in cotton candy because that color is so right with my hair." Lindsay stated.

"Cool. If there are no questions then what are we waiting for." Chris started to walk off but stopped himself." Oh yeah. One more thing. Those barrels are with the most sticky the most noxious substances known to human kind. Yeah. That's right we're talking major stink bombs." Chris said.

Me and Courtney exchanged worried looks.

"You mean worst than Owens farts?" Harold asked.

"Yes. Yes it is." Chris said." Yo, Chef"

Chef came up and started the timers for the bombs.

"Good luck. 'Cause this time your gonna need it." Chris said leaving with Chef.

We all started to examine our bombs.

"I'll e-mail this pic to my lawyers. Those sharks will have a bomb expert back to me within seconds. OUT IF OFFICE REPLY?!" Courtney exclaimed." NOBODY SEND COURTNEY AN OUT OF OFFICE REPLY. especially when I'm paying them 20% of my settlement."

"You keep trying to get your lawyers to help. I'm gonna see what I can do about this bomb." I said.

"Hey everybody! Lindsay's cutting the blue wire!" Beth annouced.

"Great. Let us know how that works out for you." Courtney said.

"Can Lindsay borrow the wire cutters?" Beth asked.

Courtney took a moment to think.

"Hurry!" Beth told her." What more do you want? Besides, if the bomb goes off we'll all be stinked. Including you and Aaron."

"Um. You make a good point." Courtney said, tossing Lindsay the wire cutters.

Lindsay cut the blue wire. Her bomb stopped ticking. After Lindsay's success, we all agreed to cut the blew wire.

Harold used his teeth, Duncan ripped the wire, Beth reflected sunlight off of her glasses onto the wire ripping it, Justin reflected the light off his mirror onto his wire, Leshawna ripped her wire. Courtney used the wire cutters.

"So Done. Here Aaron." She said, giving me the wire cutters.

I cut the wire.

"And. Done." I grinned.

"Hold up. If we cut the wires, then why am I still hearing ticking?" Leshawna asked.

"This can't be!" Beth exclaimed.

"Brain we are so over!" Justin exclaimed.

"NOOOO!" Me and Courtney both whined in fear.

And just like that the bombs went off.


Me and Courtney seen the other in a pool of tomato juice.

"Excuse me? Do we get a De-sticking bath too?" Courtney asked.

"You'll get the juice when you ditch the 50/50 split." Leshawna said.

"Ha! Not on your life. You wish." Courtney stated.

"Okay then. Have a nice life with everyone shunning you two." Leshawna said.

Me and Courtney exchanged looks.

"Fine! Deal's off." Courtney said as we got in the tomato juice.

"Is everybody having fun yet?" Chris asked." Courtney, Aaron, and Lindsay. As the winners of the first and second challenges. You get the reward. An all expense-paid trip to-" Chris started.

"Paris? New York? London?" Courtney asked excited.

"Home, maybe?" I hoped.

"The mall!" Lindssay asked." What? It's the place where magical dreams happen."

"Nice try but no. It's an all expense paid trip to a local cheese factory!" Chris told us.

Courtney's excitment went down the drain as Lindsay clapped happily.

"While on tour, you'll get to sample all the cheeses of the world. From blue cheese to green cheese to headcheese. Which isn't technically a cheese but reeks just the same." Chris said.

"Isn't it great, guys? We get to cut the cheese together!" Lindsay exclaimed.

"One. I'm lactose intolerant. Two, I don't like you. And three, I can't reach my lawyers so they can get me out of this!" Courtney said, leaning her elbow on the end of the barrel pool. I patted her shoulder.

"It's okay Courtney. But it could be worse. You still have me going with you."

Well. That didn't seem to help. I think it'll be best to let her think to herself for a little bit.

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