Chapter 21: The Carnival (Extra chapter)

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After sitting in the tomato juice for a whole 12 hours. I washed my hair, and got my backpack for I can get some sort of souvenir from the factory.

Me and Lindsay were already waiting near where the gilded Chris would start. Courtney seemed angry when she arrived.

"You alright Court? You seem-" I started but was cut off.

"I'm stuck going to the cheese factory with her! How do you think I'm doing?" Courtney asked angered.

"Okay. So she isn't exactly the brightest tool in the shed. But it could be worst. You at least have me coming along."

The Limo finally arrived. I got in after Lindsay. I sat in between them since we know how much Courtney just loves to be around Lindsay.

Okay, I'm obviously being sarcastic. But I don't want her to get mad at her and possibly hit her. So this is probably for the best.

"Isn't this fantastic? All us three together." Lindsay said, pulling us towards her. "Oh I hope there's a cracker factory next door. I love cheese with crackers! Let's play a game. You name all the cheesed you can, and I'll do the same."

Courtney moved away aggressively. Lindsay started naming cheeses. I seen Courtney about to open the door.

"Wait? Where are you going?" I asked.

"Away from her! And I'm pretty sure if you don't want to lose any brain cells, you'll follow me." Courtney said.

"Courtney, wait. I kinda wanted to go."

"You want to to the cheese factory?" Courtney raised an eyebrow.

"It kinda sounds fun. Or interesting."

"Ugh! Fine. But only because my lawyers can't get me out of this."

The limo came to a stop.

"Alrighty, kiddies. Cheese factory is right there." The driver pointed.

We all got out of the limo.

"That's it. I change my mind. We're not going in there. I'm lactose intolerant. You can go in without me." Courtney said.

"Wait! You can't just leave!" Lindsay said.

"Um. Yes, I can. This is a waste of time. Come on Aaron." She said, grabbing my arm.

I thought she told me to go in without her.

Well. I guess were leaving. I guess it wouldn't be that fun without Courtney. It would be like going on a school field trip without any friends. Me and Courtney made some distance from the cheese factory.

"So, where exactly are we going?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know. But I'm sure we'll find some place that is better than that factory." Courtney explained.

"How about that place?" I pointed.

It looked like some sort of carnival.

"I'll go check it out. You stay here." Courtney told me as I nodded.


About 5 minutes later, Courtney came back.

"Okay. I have news. We can get in for free! Since neither one if us brought any money." Courtney stated.

"Okay. That's gr-" I started.

"But. The only people that get in for free are couples."

She pointed at a pink sign that said,"Cute couples get in for free and four tickets for any of the activities you're interested in."

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Courtney smirked.

"Wait. You don't mean we-"

She nodded smirking.

"I don't know. Isn't that like. Lying?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. I guess. They did have this cool fireworks show that was going to happen. But since you're not interested. I suppose we could do something else." Courtney said, about to walk off.

"W-wait! I'm in."

"Figured that would work." She smirked.

"Okay. So what's the plan?" I asked.

She whispered the plan in my ear. She smirked after telling me the plan.

"Just follow my lead." She smirked.


Me and her held hands walking towards the entrance. The girl, who was giving out the tickets raised an eyebrow at us. Was she not believing that we were an actual couple?

This gave me an idea. A bit risky, but it was worth a try. I kissed Courtney's cheek. Her cheeks turned slightly pink.

"Love you Courtney." I smiled at her.( I can't believe I just did that.)

"Aw. Aaron." Courtney played along.

"Aww. You two are too cute. Here you go." The ticket lady handed me our tickets.

We walked some distance from the entrance.

"Aaron! That was not apart of the plan!" Courtney crossed her arms.

"I know. But she wasn't buying it. We had to improvise. I did it so we could get in."

"You couldn't think of any other idea?"

"The kiss was that bad, huh?" I furrowed my eyebrows at her and frowned

"N-no! That's not what I meant!" She blushed." It's just that it was unexpected. That's all."

"Okay. Well. You don't have a problem with it right?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No. We got in. And that was our goal. We never speak of this again." Courtney said strictly.

"Gotcha. I still can't believe we got in." I counted our tickets." Hey. She gave us 6 tickets. Not 4. I'm gonna go give them back."

"No!" Courtney grabbed my arm." Let's just keep them. Her mistake, not ours!"

"You really did learn a lot from Duncan that night, haven't you?"

"Grr! Shut up!" She snapped.

"Okay." I said quickly.


We looked around to see if we could find anything interesting.

"So. See anything you like?" I asked.

"Hmm... I don't know. I wanna make sure we use our tickets on something we'll enjoy."

"Well. Just find something you'll enjoy. You're the one that got us in."

"No. We're the ones that got us in. So, what about the spinning cups?" Courtney pointed.

"Sure. Seems fun."

"Well, then let's go!" Courtney pulled my arm.

"Okay." I chuckled.


After going in the spinning cups, which was really fun. We started looking around.

"Okay. That was so much fun. But now I'm kinda hungry." Courtney said

"Okay. Let's see. How about over there?" I pointed at a pink tent." Says it gives out free lunch for couples. And since we still have two extra tickets..."

"Yeah. Might as well."

Wow. I'm practically going on a date with Courtney.


After enjoying our free lunch, night has fallen. And we still had two tickets left.

"Oh! We've got to do the feris wheel!" Courtney pointed.

"Oh... okay." I sighed.

"Something wrong Aaron?" Courtney asked.

"It's nothing."

"No. Tell me."

"Really It's nothing."

"I demand an answer." Courtney crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes.

"Okay. It's just that I wanted to go see the fireworks, but these are our last two tickets. But, since this was your idea. I guess we'll go with the feris wheel." I said softly.

"Aaron? We'll go see the fireworks." She said calmly.


"Yeah. I already chose most of our activities. It's only fair."

We went to see the fireworks show. We watched them go off in the dazzling moonlight. It was amazing.

I looked at Courtney. She smiled at the fireworks.


"Yes Aaron?"

"You look very pretty." I smiled.

"Aaron. We got in hours ago. There's no need to keep acting like we're a couple."

"No. I really meant it."

"Oh. Well. Thanks." She blushed.

We gave each other a smiled. We looked at the grand finale of the fireworks.


After the fireworks were done, we left out of the carnival.

"Well. This is not how I expected today to go." I said.

"Yeah. But I really had a fun time." Courtney smiled.

"Same here. Hopefully next time we can go in the feris wheel."

The limousine from earlier then stopped in front if us. The driver lowered his window and raised an eyebrow at us.

"Well. Are you two gonna keep standing  there or actually get in?" The driver asked.

We both got into the limo. Now that was a night to remember.

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