Chapter 22: Time to be Heroes!

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Me, Courtney, and Lindsay got out of the Lamo-sine.

"Where were you two? You weren't at the cheese factory."

"We left. Remember?" Courtney asked irritated.

"Oh yeah! I totally forgot."

"Ugh! How did someone as dumb as you get this far in the game!" Courtney complained.

"Calm down Courtney. So she's still in the game. Big deal. If anything we should be glad It's her and not a major threat." I stated.

"Good point."


I waved goodbye to Courtney and walked into the guys cabin. They were having a conversation.

"So. What do you wanna do?" Duncan asked.

"About the girls. We need a plan. And good thing Aaron's back. Because we could really use a brain." Justin stated.

"Huh? What do you need me for?" I asked.

"We have an even number of girls and guys. We need to get rid of one of the girls so we can have the advantage."

"Well. I would suggest Leshawna. But I'm already in an alliance so. Sorry. Can't help." I stated.

I pulled out my phone to text Courtney.

Me: Courtney. I think I know who we're sending home next.

Courtney: Really?

Me: Yeah. Leshawna. The guys are already going to vote for her. I think. So as long as we keep invincibility from her, we'll be good to go.

Courtney: Okay. Well. Goodnight.

Me: Goodnight.

I turned off my phone and went to sleep.


The next morning we all got up, still in our pjs to see Chef hanging from a rope in a nightie.

"Where are we?" Harold asked.

"And why is Chef in a nightie?" Leshawna asked.

Chris then swooped in(with a batman mask) to save Chef. Just for the rope to break and them to fall to the ground.

"I knew that budget wouldn't hold!" Chris said, as his hair was now ruined." That's what happens when production cheats out and now my hairs all messed up!"

"Uh. Is anyone here going to tell us what the heck is going on here?!" Courtney asked.

"Yeah. Because we'd really like to know." I added.

"When I feel like it." Chris said slowly fixing his hair." And now I feel like it. Today's challenges are inspired by the superhero flick"

"Today's challenges? Nuh uh! We just woke up, I haven't even brushed my teeth yet." Leshawna stated.

"Or had breakfast." Beth added.

"I'm going back to bed." Duncan said.

"Evil never sleeps. And neither will you. Besides, superheros don't do the things of mere mortals. They have screaming ladies to save." Chris stated.

"Uh. Accidentally many superheros are mere mortals. My favorite. The Incredible Owl Man. Catches thieves just like mice. But come morning he put his pants on one leg at a time. Just like the rest of us." Harold said.

"Speak for yourself boy." Chef said.

"How would you like it if Owl Man Scratch your eyes out with his talents?" Chris said as Harold fell over." I didn't think so. Now shut it! Now, there are three things intrinsic to all good superhero movies. One, superheros have superpowers. Two, superheroes save people. And personal favorite three, superheroes wear tights. Which mean you will all be wearing teensy tiny tight." Chris laughed.

Beth, Duncan, Lindsay, and Justin complained.

"Why are you all in your pjs. Get dressed and meet me back on set in superhero speed. Which means you should already be back here." Chris laughed." And make sure to wear something that goes with brightly hued spandex!"


"Maybe you can use that stench as your superpower. Gorgonzola girl." Courtney said to Lindsay.

"I wouldn't talk aged cheddar chick." Leshawna argued.

"You shouldn't be talking, either. You're power is probably talking horribly about people when their backs are turned. That power won't be so helpful during todays challenge." I crossed my arms.

Leshawna glared and kept walking ahead. Courtney stopped and crossed her arms.

"Come on Court. Besides. You only have to put up with her for one more day." I told her.

"Yeah. I suppose I don't need to get my lawyer involved in this one."


We got dressed in our normal attire and met back up with Chris.

"For the first challnge you will create your own superhero identity." Chris told us.

"Alright!" Harold exclaimed.

"You'll make your own superhero costumes using nothing but your fertile imagination. And TONS of spandex. And some other junk. You'll be judged on originality and style of costume, how rocking your superpower is and how cool your superhero name is. Top score wins an advantage in the next round. Chef will of course play the super villian. Which, let's face it won't be much of a stretch." Chris told us.

Chef, a long with his cat side kick came out in their costumes.

"Meet 'Pythonicus' and his sidekick Kitty Dander boy. They will sabotage you in every turn. Any questions?" Chris asked.

We all raised our hands.

"No. Perfect. And, action!" Chris said.

I took all the red material I could find and came up with an idea.

*cue the montage of Pythonicus and Kitty Dander boy sabotaging all of us*

After a lot of hard work, I had my costume complete.

(AN: Yeah. I think my favorite thing is the mask. Onwards and forward.)

I put on my costume. It fitted perfectly. Me and the rest were back stage.

"How do I look?" Courtney asked.

"You look. Amazing." I said in amazement.

"Thanks. I like your costume. Matches your hair perfectly." She ruffled my hair.


Courtney leaned foward and helped adjust my mask.

"There. It was tilting a little to the side." Courtney told me.

"Well. Thanks." I beamed.

Beth went first and got three points. Justin went and got two points. It doesn't even look like they put any effort into their costumes.

Harold on the other hand had a great costume and a power that came along with it... which was farting. Werid, but very effective. His costume got him 7 points.

Duncan was personally the worst if them all. No costume at all. Just a thrid eye attach to his costume. Which only got him two points.

/Aaron:"You know what seriously bothers me? That Courtney, a hard working girl falls for a lazy slimeball like Duncan... That wasn't out of jealously." I clarified.\

"Courtney you're up. Knock em dead! Show them what your made of!" I smiled.

"I will." She said.

She walked out confidently. Our powers were similar. I put in my earplugs so I wouldn't have to hear the sound she was making.

Chris said her power was effective and got her 8 points. I was ready to go. Courtney came back stage.

"Good luck Aaron." She told me.

I went on next.

"And who are you?" Chris asked.

"I'm Skull Jammer." I told him.

"And your super power?" Chris raised an eyebrow.


that's his power. Please proceed with caution and probably a low volume.)

I put in my ear plugs so I wouldn't be effected.

I took out my out my phone, and took out the file I downloaded earlier and played it at highest volume.

I couldn't hear what Chris was saying, but he was covering his ears and yelling something.

I stopped the audio.

"With that, my costume, my sophisticated mind and my black belt in karate. I will be able to protect those in need." I grinned.

"Okay. All of those are pretty effective. 9 points." Chris told me.

I walked back stage.

"Nice work Aaron." Courtney said smiling at me.

"T-thanks. It was pretty easy." I blushed.

Chris continued down the list. Leshawna had a costume and hers was better than most
Lastly was Lindsay who was literally a blonde Wonder Woman.

"I'm Wonder Woman!"Lindsay annouced.

"Wonder Woman already exists. And she doesn't even look like that." Courtney called out.

"Yeah. She should be out by default."I added.

"Not so fast. I'm liking the costume. What's your superpower?" Chris asked.

"Duh. I wonder a lot. And I have an invisible jet right here. Or did I leave it over there?" Lindsay pondered not fully sure herself.

"I'm pretty sure you don't even have one." I rolled my eyes

"You win! I loved Wonder Woman as a kid. 10 points!" Chris said.

"What! What about ORIGINALITY?!" Courtney asked.

"Yeah. I worked hard on my costume! But your telling me that we had to make a knock off of an existing hero to win?" I crossed my arms.

"Oh. I'm sorry." Chris said sarcastically." Is this your show? Oh. No. It's my show. Which means I make the rules." Chris said.

"Actually, I think my lawyers make the rules." Courtney said.

"Possibly. But I'm still the judge of the contest. And I deem Lindsay the winner. Which means she gets an advantage in next challenge."

"Yay!" Lindsay clapped.

"You may have won the first round, but we'll see who comes out on top. Come on Aaron." Courtney said as me and her started to walk off.

Lindsay gasped." Courtney and Aaron just stepped on my invisible jet!"

"Courtney. Aaron. Minus two points for stepping Lindsay's jet." Chris told us.

"What!" I exclaimed.

"Can I have a ride?" Harold asked.

"Sure? Who wants a ride in my invisible jet?" Lindsay asked.

"I do!" Everyone but me and Courtney exclaimed.


We moved to the set where the second challenge was going to take place.

"For your second challenge, we will be testing your superpowers. You'll have to leap over a building in a single bounce using this trampoline from the set of the movie Trampoline Thunder 2! Awsome flick. You'll be judged on how far and how high you jump and please properly time your landing as we wouldn't want you to land any where other than on this soft cushy mattress." Chris told us.

We look to see a very nasty, moldy, dirty mattress. And it had springs sticking out of it.

"Our first and foremost priority at Total Drama Action is your safety and well being." Chris laughed." Next, you'll have to save a woman falling from a building. The woman will be played by a sack of potatoes in a dress. Which will be a real catch for you guys. And finally you'll walk across a powerline during a meteor shower. The two people to finish the course with the best time wins invincibility! Lindsay you're up first. Ten seconds will be shaved off your time for winning the first round." Chris said as Lindsay clapped.

/Aaron:"I still think that I deserved to win that first round. Her idea was practically copyright!"\

"And action!" Chris said.

Lindsay went first. Got over the wall and fell on that horrible mattress.

"This mattress is so nasty." Lindsay whined.

"Oh, really? I'm sorry." Chris said sarcastically.

Lindsay pulled her leg out of the mattress and kept going. She would've caught the sack of potatoes if she was facing the right direction.

"Looks like It's gonna be real mashed potatoes tonight, ay Chef?" Chris said to Chef." None of that powdered stuff."

"Not such a Wonder Woman now, huh?" Courtney smirked.

"You've got issues." Chris said.

"This is coming from the guy that designs life threatening challenges for children." I said, raising an eyebrow.

Lindsay moved onto the next obstacle. She climbed up on the power line and got shot down by Chef... or Pythonicus. She then landed on another one of those mattresses.

"Looks like you didn't make it." Chris annouced." Harold, you re up!"

Harold jumped onto the trampoline and ate a burrito in the air to boost himself in the air. I personally think he used it for special effects. He got over the wall and bounced off the bed and saved the potato sack.

Though I think he was too into character because it took up some of his time. Harold flawlessly ran across the powerline and softly landed on the ground.

"Never thought I'd say this but nice work captain Alberta. Made good time too. 36 seconds. Could've done without the change in weather patterns though." Chris stated.

"Top that all-seeing jerk." Harold aimed at Duncan.

Nice shot Harold. About time he stood up to him.

"You may have forgotten that my real superpower is being able to cream dorks like you." Duncan grabbed his cape.

"Next!" Chris called.

Duncan went next, got over the building and rolled off the bed and kept going. He caught the potatoes and tossed it off and kept going. He got passed the powerline pretty well.

Leshawna crashed into the building. Beth tripped over the building. Long story short. Justin, Beth, and Leshawna didnt do too good on the course.

Me and Courtney on the other hand... we were the exact opposite. We flawless passed through the course. She was so amazing.

"While Captain Alberta did a surprisingly good job, even incorporating his superpower the winners of the second challenge and invincibility are The Human Cricket and Skull Jammer with 30 and 31 seconds." Chris annouced.

"YES!" Me and Courtney cheered. We both started using our ear recking powers.

"Don't make me change my mind!" Chris said.

We both stopped using our powers.

"You may be superheroes but you smell super gross. Time to hit the showers and decide who's gonna get kicked to the curve.


Me and Courtney were hanging out in the girls trailer. The other girls weren't here for some reason. Me and Courtney were still in our costumes. I'm kinda starting to like it.

"So after he failed his test, he blamed me for not studying. Even though I told him to study multiple times." Courtney complained." I stopped hanging out with that slacker after that."

"Yeah. I probably would've too"

We then heard a whistle from outside. Me and Courtney both got up and looked out the window. It was Duncan... great.

"I need your help. Both of you." Duncan told us.

"And why would we help you?" Courtney asked.

"'Cause you two won't have invincibility forever and I'm thinking It's just a matter of time before the girls give one of you two the heave-ho." Duncan told us.

Me and Courtney were both trying to come up with a comeback but we couldn't.

"You two have to convince Harold to vote for Leshawna. Captain Alberta just won't listen to reason." Duncan told us.

"And by reason. You probably mean your fist." I said as Courtney nodded.

"That too. Are you two in?" Duncan asked.

Me and Courtney gave each other a smirk and nodded.


We went outside the guys trailer.

"Psst. Harold. We need to take to to you." Courtney said.

"Me?" Harold questioned.

"Yeah you. It's very important." I said.

"You're the only person, aside from Aaron who can be reasoned with. The girls are gonna pick the guys off one by one. And you're the first to go." Courtney said

"She's right. It would've been me if I didn't win invincibility." I added.

"Why are you telling me this?" Harold asked.

"Seeing you today. I think we could take you with me to the Final four. But we need to take down the biggest threat. And I don't mean Duncan." Courtney started.

"Or Beth." I added.

"Or Justin." She added.

"Or Lindsay." Me and her said.

"You don't mean Leshawna? I won't!" Harold exclaimed.

"You think you can trust her after everything she's done?" Courtney asked.

"She's right. You never know what she's plotting behind your back." I added.

"It's up to you Captain Alberta. It's either her or you." Me and Courtney said together walking off.

"You're not actually thinking about taking Harold to the final four, are you?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No! I only have one alliance. And that alliance is going all the way to the finale." Courtney grinned.


After changing out if our hero costumes, we headed to the the next gilded Chris ceremony.

"And now. We vote." Chris said.

We all casted our votes. I voted for Leshawna.

"And the gilded Chris goes to Courtney, and Aaron. Justin and Beth. And Harold. And we're down to the final three. And Lindsay. And finally... Duncan." Chris annouced.

Lindsay and Beth both gasped." Leshawna." They both said together.

"You guys voted for me?" Leshawna asked.

Harold got on his knees and was practically crying.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know if I could trust you. But I made a mistake. A big mistake." Harold said hugging Leshawna's legs.

"Aw. Honey pie don't you worry. I made a mistake once too. Don't hate the player. Hate the game." Leshawna told Harold.

"You forgive me?" Harold asked.

"Come here sugar baby. Leshawna's got a while lot of love." She said, picking him up and hugging him.

Well. I guess that ends that.


I headed back to the trailer and went to sleep.



Okay. I'm so excited to release the next chapter. I'm really curious of the responses I'll get.

It's one of my favorites so far. Anyways, thanks for supposing my story. Bye!


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