Chapter 10: All out of fuel

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Aaron's POV

Me and the Amazons were the only team sitting in loser class. While the boys are in first class me and the rest of the girls are stuck in this dump.

"Economy can kiss my aching butt. Ugh! I bet Alejandro's in there right now making DJ feel welcome. That jerk!" Heather complained.

"By the time we win our way back into first the whole place in gonna smell like dude." Courtney cringed.

"Eh, ehm." I coughed." What's that suppose to mean?"

"Well, you're different Aaron. You don't smell like 'dude'. You smell, fresh and clean."

"Oh. Okay."

"I'll take dude over leeks anyday." Gwen said.

I stood up in front of the group and decided to start a speech.

"Okay girls. We really need to pick ourselves us. We need to get our winning steak back. We are team Amazon. We're the strongest team this show has ever had. We aren't gonna be beaten by a bunch of little boys." I stated.

"Aaron's right." Heather agreed.

"I agree. Let's kick some boy butt" Gwen punched her fist into her palm.

"We're in this as a team." I finished.

All the Amazons clapped at my amazing speech.

/Aaron:"I hope that's enough encouragement to help the Amazons get the rock back in their roll."\

We continued sitting in economy. Chris started speaking on the loud speaker.

"Attention passengers... AHHHH!" Chris starter screaming.

Me and the girls started screaming. The plane landed directly on the ground.


We all met up with Chris outside.

"2 airports. on an island the size of a postal stamp and he misses both. But somehow it's my fault." Chris complained.

"You bleed our money for the season in Chris work." Chef argued.

"Chris! Izzy and Owen need help." Courtney said, trying to get them from under the plane.

An ambulance came and picked them up and drove off.

"Izzy and Owen are going to be fine thanks to travel insurance, help is on the way. In 6 to 38 hours." Chris said.

"What about the rest of us?" Gwen asked.

"Well we're all out of gas, plane's busted, and we're broke. But the show must go on. We can't waste any of this footage. Think of the hits we'll get on cliptoon." Chris said.

"Where are we?" Tyler asked.

"Jamaica mon'!" Chris answered." We were supposed to land in Ochos Rios but, since somebody forgot how to glide, we'll have to do the challenges here instead. And fast, before whoever owns this dump asks for a location fee."

"Didn't you guys budget for the whole season?" Noah asked.

"Some things cost more then expected, airplane ready hot rubs don't grow on trees you know." Chris sassed.

"You must have am emergency fund." Heather yelled.

"Spent it on the last fuel up." Chris ssid.

"Which went so well." Noah said sarcastically.

"Grab your boards shorts and meet me by the waterfall." Chris said walking off with Chef.


We got changed into our swim wear and met back up with Chris.

Nice blouse." Noah chuckled.

"It's a dashiki mon'" Chris said with a Jamaican accent.

"Yeah, a woman's dashiki." DJ said.

"What!" Chris said suprised.

"Can we get to the challenge please." Courtney demanded as I nodded.

"I like to call this first challenge: the treasure hunt of death." Chris said.

"So, It's another water challenge?" DJ asked.

"'Friad so, wanna say a few prayers?" Chris asked.

"No need, I came prepared." DJ said.

"Your challenge begins with a dive off where we are falls into the lagoon far below." Chris said

"Which is full of what, sharks?" Noah asked.

"Nope." Chris said as we all sighed in relief." Electric eels and sharks!"

We all groaned.

"Player must tag team into the infested waters for as long as you can hold your breath to search the lagoon floor the pirate treasure. Aka the golden chains Chef always wears on karaoke night." Chris explained." First team to bring me Chef's treasure wins a major advantage in the next challenge. So good luck."


Cody, and Tyler were going to dive for our team. DJ is pretty much diving for himself since he doesn't have one anymore. The guys dived into the water.

"Go Cody! Show that shark who's boss!" Sierra cheered.

None of the guys found any treasure. Cody was the first one back and tagged Heather to go next.

"You have beautiful form." Alejandro smiled at Heather.

"What?" Heather then fell off the cliff.

Tyler dived again. Heather then came back after her bad dive and tagged Sierra. She dived in and made a huge splash.

An electric eel landed on Courtney head. It shocked her head.

"Got it." Gwen grabbed it but they both got shocked.

"Here. I'll help." I grabbed it and all three of us got shocked. I managed to throw it off her head.

"I think I'm getting burned." Gwen mumbled to herself.

Heather smacked Gwen and Gwen went to dive. Gwen came out of the water.

"I got the gold!" She informed us.

We all cheered. She then got shocked multiple times. Alejandro then tagged in and dived into the water.

He picked up Gwen and he took the gold. Heather ran down and stole it from him.

"Pirate booty. Check." Heather panted.

"Team Amazon wins round one." Chris announced.

"Yes!" Courtney cheered.

Chris then went to commercial. Alright, looks like the stars are aligned. We're gonna get back in first class.


We met back up with Chris For the second part of the challenge. Though Gwen is now out of commission.

"Team Amazon as winners of the first challenge you've also won this advantage for challenge number 2." Chris said.

"Helmets? Great, now what?" Heather asked.

"Oh just something I like to call: the bobsled of death." Chris said"Tada!"

Chris said as he showed us the giant track.

"Yeah, the intern who tested it will be out for, 10 months is it?" Chris asked Chef"We can't afford bobsled so you're gonna ride long boards in teams of 2 in bobsled style down Chef's track into the pool."

The pool. Was empty. So that won't work well in our favor.

"Each team gets three runs. Fastest total time wins! Ready." Chris asked.

"Lady's first." Heather said to Sierra and Cody.

"What?" Cody asked.


"Round one. Team Amazon! Ready?" Chris asked.

"Ready!" Sierra yelled back.

We watched them go through the life threatening course. They smashed into the empty pool. In total they got 47.36 seconds.

Next went team Chris witxh got a score of 58.49. Team Victory, or more so DJ went next and got 45.01 seconds.

"45.01 seconds. We have an new leader! Team Victory takes round one!" Chris said through his megaphone.

"Uh, we're all here now you don't need to keep using that." Courtney stated as I nodded.

"Maybe I just like it! Round two!" Chris annouced.


For the second round. Me, Courtney, and Heather were going next.

"Your lawyers knows the show's contracts inside and out. Chris can't really kill us, right?" Heather asked.

"Not in our contract. But who knows what they put in yours." Courtney stated causing Heather to gasp.

Yeah. Ever since me and Courtney(mostly Courtney) sued our way back into the show Chris isn't legally allowed to kill us.

"Go!" Chris told us.

We rode at a high speed. We crashed into the empty pool and got off very dizzy.

"Let's here it for the helmets people. The girls come at 56.28. Better than the boys first run, but not by much." Chris stated.

Noah and Owen went next and got 55.16 seconds and DJ went again and beat his own record.


Sierra and Cody went again and our total time was 2 minutes and 37 seconds. Next Tyler and Alejandro went and team Chris got a total of 2 minutes and 35 seconds...

That's not good... 

Some how, DJ's animal curse came back and knocked him off the course. Because of this, it was marked incomplete, and Team Chris took first.

Though now that there aren't three teams, we're gonna have to be way more careful.


We headed back up to economy. So much for this being the day we win first class.

August 25, 2019

Now, I'm pretty sure we're all excited that the about what chapter is next!

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