Chapter 11: Gwuncan begins

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Aaron's POV

Both teams were sitting in loser class. We should be consider ourselves lucky. If it wasn't for DJ's last minute loss, we would've lost one of our Amazons.

"Why are we in loser class? We won last time. Or didn't lose anyway." Heather crossed her arms.

"Chris said he needed first class for a secret special guess and what Chris needs-"

"Chris takes from us." Heather finished.

Courtney walked over and sat directly on Gwen's hand.

"Ah! Sunburn! Ow!" Gwen screeched and started blowing air on her hand.

"Oops. Sorry. How do you end up with sunburn on just one hand?" Courtney asked.

"Ugh! I don't know."

"Be right back." Courtney got up.

Courtney came back with a bucket with some sort of bubbly white substance.

"Here. Soak your hand in this." Courtney suggested.

"What is it?" Gwen asked.

"It'll cool the burn. It's a special mix of green tea and bird guano." Courtney explained as Gwen put her hand in the mixture.

"Ahh. Wait guano. Isn't that-"

"A nicey nice name for poop?" Heather stated as Gwen took her hand out.

"Ew! Ow!"

"Poop that's full of healing ingredients. I learned how to make it at CIT first-aid weekend. It's gross, but it helps right?" Courtney asked.

"Yes. Well, thanks for being nice-ish." Gwen thanked.

"Bonding over poop juice? Ugh! Is there anyone sane left around here?" Heather asked.

I rolled my eyes at her remark.

"This is a good thing. This bonding will make Team Amazon stronger than ever before" I grinned." A healthy relationship with your teamates is a step in the right direction."

/Aaron:" I guess this is a good thing. If Courtney and Gwen actually become friends, this means that whenever Gwen's around Duncan, we can trust her not to do anything with him. I'm starting to like this team a bit more."\

Chris started an announcement on the loud speaker.

"Attention helpless competitors. We've been denied permission to land. So you're gonna have to jump." Chris annouced as we all complained." And Chef may have miscounted parachutes. So you might wanna light a pepper under your butts and grab one before they're gone."


Me and the Amazons got a parachute and dove out of the plane and landed perfectly.

"Oh! London! Did you know queen Mary the second got engaged when she was only 15?" Sierra informed us.

"I actually didn't know that. Nice info." I pointed.

We all got on the bus. With me stuck sitting next to Heather. And Gwen and Courtney sitting together behind us.

"Wait? Where's Alejandro?" Heather asked.

"Yes. Where is he? The answer in a sec. But first, GUN IT CHEF!" Chris Yelled as Chef started driving the bus.

Chris grabbed a mic and started explaining today's challenge to us.

"London, home to loads of wicked stuff. Big Ben, the London eye, the sandwich stuffed with French fries known as the Chip Buddy."

"Yes please!" Owen said.

"London's also home to Scottland Yard. The world's biggest crime busting outbid. But there was one case even Scotland Yard couldn't crack: Jack the Ripper." Chris said. Making all of us gasp.

"A wack serial killer that terrorised Victorian London."

Chris showed us a portrait of the Jack.

"Today. You'll be tracking that bad boy down. But be careful. Jack's also hunting you. That's why team Chris is really really really really hot is now shorthanded."

"What! The ripper got Al? Not Al!" Owen whined.

"Next stop, the tower of London." Chris announced.

Me and Heather turned around to talk to Gwen and Courtney.

"Do you think he's okay? Um, because. Wow. Big advantage for us. Yay." Heather said.

"Yeah. Also, can I just say I know tons about the ripper. I did a speech on him in grade six." Gwen informed us.

"Wow. That's unexpectedly useful." Courtney stated as I nodded.

"The librarian said my fascination was morbid and occasionally offensive."

"Should we look for Alejandro? I mean, you know just in case this is all just some kind of dirty scheme of his or-" Heather started but Courtney cut her off.

Okay. Why is she so worried about him? Eh, not worth thinking too hard about.

"Let them look. Get this. My grade six speech. The tower of London." Courtney grinned.

"Wow. We're like a nerdette dream team." Gwen grinned.

"I'll say. That's definitely gonna give us an edge over the guys." I grinned.


We got off the bus and met up with Chris. Chris began explaining the challenge.

"Your challenge is to follow a series of clues through the tower complex all the way to the Ripper's secret lair. Bag the criminal mastermind before he gets you and you win. Your first clue will be found during the changing of the guard. And when I say change, I mean change the guard. Your first clue is hidden in it's uniform. So one of you has to strip him down to his gitch until you find it." Chris said as we all gasped.

"Whoa! Strip a dude? I'm out!" Tyler annouced.

"Up to you bro. A million bucks is all I'm saying." Chris reminded." And while your at it."

The tiny friendly little bell went off. Everyone groaned but me. This is actually an okay time to sing.

Owen: it's creepy how they stand there and don't even blink. I don't wanna see his bum all naked and pink.

Noah: Hey buddy? Can we bribe you? To stripe yourself down.

Owen: Yum-yum happy go time fish?

Noah: Don't kill him you clown.

Courtney: No way! I can't strip him. Duncan will freak.

Heather: And I'm allergic to uniforms.

Gwen: Okay that's just weak.

Sierra: I made a vow that Cody's the only man for me!

Gwen: Okay, so then I have to do it. Um, hello. Injury. Ow!

Aaron: If we're gonna find that clue

Heather: There's only one thing to doo!

Sierra: Force someone to strip hom down.

Amazon(Except Gwen and Cody): And sorry Gwen that's you.

Gwen: Ouch. Oh wait

Noah: If we're gonna find that clue

Owen: There's only one thing to doo!

Noah: force someone to strip him down

Owen and Noah: And Tyler, dude that's you.

Gwen: Sierra look. It's Cody. And I think he wants to strip.

Sierra: Poor honey. Quick, get out of those things. And that'll help I bet* kisses 'Cody'*

Gwen: Yeah, were gonna find that clue.

Heather: We're doing what Chris proposed.

Courtney and Aaron: Force someone to strip him down.

Amazons(except Cody and Sierra): 'Cause if we don't, we're hosed!

Courtney and Aaron: Totally ho-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-osed.

/Aaron:"She's amazing! Honestly, the best thing I enjoyed this season is singing with her! Her voice is just so amazing! Everything about her is just so... amazing! She's practicality perfect!"\

/Courtney:" I guess Aaron's time in choir and song writting payed off. He does have a pretty good singing voice."\

Sierra managed to find the clue in the gaurd shoe. The note landed perfectly in Courtney's hand.

"Pull taut atop a southern spire." Courtney read.

"Anyone have any clue what that means?" I raised an eyebrow.

Courtney gasped.

"Quick! Follow me!" Courtney exclaimed dashing off as we followed behind her.


We arrived at some sort of dark area.

"Oh my gosh! This is the very room that Anne Boleyn lived in before Henry the Eighth beheaded her." Courtney told us.

"What is with the creepy desk?" Heather asked.

"It's a medieval torture rack. Clues inside. Tie someone on and stretch." Chef laughed

"I volunteer Heather!" Gwen suggested.

"I second that motion!" Courtney agreed.

"Hey!" Heather defended.

"Serves you right for whipping me like a dog." I grinned.

"Who'd like to carry the motion? Cody, Sierra?" Gwen offered but they weren't here. "Um. Where'd they go?"

"Who knows?" I shrugged.


We put Heather on the torture rack. She was screaming in pain. Gwen was carrying out the motion.

"You did that on purpose you bitch." Heather complained.(AN: I actually don't know which word she used because It's censored out but I can only infer.)

"Every cloud has a silver lining." Courtney stated as her and Gwen laughed.

Gwen continued to stretch Heather.

"Stop enjoying this you bitch!" Heather told Gwen.

"Sorry. Sorry. But, come on. Like you wouldn't do the same."

Gwen continued to stretch her.

"That is not the point." Heather stated

We stretched Heather enough to reveal the clue. Gwen picked up the envelope and started reading.

"If your teamate can still use her feet, bring her down for something to eat." Gwen read.

"The banquet hall! Back downstairs off the courtyard." Courtney answered.

"You're really good at this." I grinned." Heather, are you okay?"

"Puh-lease. I'm fine." She stretched cracking a bone.

The girls continued to giggle at Heather's misfortune.

"At least tell me I look taller." Heather stated.

"Oh yes. You can be a runway model." Courtney stated.

"That's a stretch." Gwen smiled.


We arrived at the banquet hall. We decided to observe it from the outside before heading in.

"There's some kind of jewelry case on the table. I guess we go in and get it. Can it be thay easy?" Courtney pondered.

"You two gal pals go in. And our former sled dog too. I'll gaurd the door." Heather stated.

We a exchanged looks.

"How is that fair?" Courtney asked.

"I'll show you fair! Have you even seen the rack Marks on my ankles?!"

We backed away from Heather and we headed inside. Courtney started searching through the jewelry box to see if there's a clue in there.

"Come on. Come on. Where's the clue? Gold toothpick. Emerald studded toothbrush. What is wrong with these Royals in their dentistry?" Courtney asked.

"Ask the gaurd dogs." Gwen pointed.

Those don't look too Friendly.

"Hey, got anything round in there?" Gwen asked.

Courtney tossed Gwen a golden round item. She caught it. All she did is hold it above her head and their whole attitude changed.

"That's right. Follow the shiny ball. Now sit." Gwen ordered them and they listened.

"I'm impressed." I grinned.

"Oh. So cute. How did you do that?" Courtney grinned.

"I taught my lizards obedience. I guess Corgis are just as trainable. And inbred." Gwen spun the golden item and it revealed a clue.

We took the clue and headed back out.

"Heather we found the- Oh no!" Gwen exclaimed.

We saw her nail filer on the ground and immediately knew what happened. Gwen picked it up.

"Three teammates. Gone." Courtney stated in shock.

"Yeah. That's half of our team." I heavily sighed.

"Read the clue." Gwen told Courtney.

"The Rippers most natural place has two levels inside its space. Go use your sack to bring the guy back at the red starting line to the race." Courtney read." Think think."

"Okay. The rippers natural place. If I remember right from my speech he did his dirty work in Whitechapel." Gwen explained.

"So we go there and we look for a two-storey place." Courtney grinned." Come on."

Courtney took off running. We followed close behind her.


After traveling we started another discussion.

"I guess we forgot that most of Whitechapel would be closed." Gwen stated

"And that the only place open would be a grungy punk club." Courtney stated.

"I guess my hunch sucks. Sorry." Gwen apologized." We are so coming in last place."

"Yeah. It seems that way." I sighed.

"I don't wanna go back empty-handed. We should fill the bag with something." Courtney suggested.

We then heard a guy speaking loudly. We peaked out to see what it was.

"Welcome your number 1 'jammin punk crew band the Schnitzel Kickers!" The guy said

Courtney gasped and my eyes widened.

"Holy schnitzel! Is that-"


We didn't exactly catch the right criminal, but this is better than going back empty-handed. Though is it really? It's like either leaving your test paper blank or putting down a wrong answer that you know is wrong.

We got back on the plane at dawn for our teams results. We came back to see that everyone from both teams were okay.

"Sweet. Everybody's okay!" Owen grinned.

"Yep. Everyone's fine. You guys were so stupid to be worried." Heather nervously chuckled as everyone glared at her.

"Though it was reassuring to see some were concerned." Alejandro narrowed his eyes at Noah.

"You were watching everything?" Noah asked." Wow. That's awkward."

"Yep. Like an eel dipped in grease."

"Where I'm from that's a compliment. Tough neighborhood. But hey, we caught the ripper guy."

They revealed the ripper. We all gasped.

"Old man Gekins?!" We said in shock.

Chris then took off the mask to reveal someone else.

"Ezekiel!" We a gasped.

"Found him living in the cargo hold homeschooling with the rats." Chef explained.

"I was gonna let him back in the game if he could avoid getting captured but since he could not." Chef threw him out of the plane.

"So then who did Courtney, Aaron, and Gwen catch?" Heather asked.

"Well. Chris wanted a criminal. So, okay we didn't catch the right one but." Gwen revealed who we caught.

"Duncan." Everyone but me Courtney and Gwen gasped.

"You brought me back here. Ugh! Where's the stupid exit again?" Duncan started to walk off.

"Not so fast quitter. Thought you could skip out on the game, eh. Thought I wouldn't find you, hm..." Chris started.

"Um. You didn't. We did. Sorry." Gwen grinned.

"And that's why team Amazon wins today's competition." Chris annouced.

"YES!" Me, Courtney, and Gwen cheered together.

"What?" Noah and Owen exclaimed.

"Head on back to the elimination room dudes. First class goes to the ladies. As a consolation prize the D man is now on your team. But someone else is gonna have to go."

I got a lemonade from first class and joined Courtney and Duncan's conversation. She was lecturing him. The usual.

"And how could you think it was Okay to just leave like that?" Courtney scolded.

"Not to mention dragging her down the Pyrimid in Egypt and dragging her in the sand." I pointed out and sipped my lemonade.

"That too! That was not Okay! Ugh! Abandon me again and it will not be pretty. Now get over here you big lug. I'm not really mad. I just missed you." They hugged.

"Aww... that's beautiful." I sipped my drink.

"Everytime I ran from the cops. I thought of you." Duncan stated.

/Aaron:" Things are finally perfect the way they are. Duncan and Courtney are back together and now Gwen is a new friend of ours. And I'm friend-ish with Duncan. Things can't get any better."\


I was walking around the plane, enjoying my lemonade. I then bumped into Tyler.

"Oh. Sorry. Didn't see you there." I apologized.

"There you are! I was looking for you!" Tyler exclaimed.

"You were?" I asked.

"Yeah. I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Sure. What is it?" We started walking around the plane.

"Okay. Remember that Phobia factor challenge we had in season 1? How are you so fearless?"

"It's all in the attitude. You can't let fear control your emotions. As long as you know that you are bigger than whatever you're afraid of, you can conquer it. Like your fear of chickens." I stated.

"Okay. Cool."

We then heard a discussion in the confessional. It sound like two voices that I know too well. Me and Tyler exchanged a look and decided to listen. But we made sure to stay out of sight. Courtney did ask me to keep an eye on them.

"What happened to your paw?" Duncan asked.

"This is so stupid but I have no idea and I'm so glad you're here to mock me about it."

"Me two." He grabbed her hand.

"Ow. Hey."

I took a tiny peak. Duncan and Gwen lock lips. Tyler obviously peaked in out in the open. I growled, angered by what I just saw.

Why? Just why would he do this? I thought that they were dating. They worked things out and this is what he decides to do behind her back?

And Gwen? I thought her and Courtney were friend-ish. Why would they do this? Why? Just why?

I quickly grabbed Tyler's arm and moved us away from the scene.

"Please tell me I was seeing wrong? Please tell me I was?" I begged.

"I think we saw the same thing."

"No. No. No. no. No. No." I panicked. "That's not good. That is not good at all"

I paced back and forth.

"What should we do?" Tyler asked.

I heavily sighed.

"I'll tell Courtney. Not sure when, but I'm sure I'll find the right time and the right way to tell her."

I headed back up to first class. I sat down in first class. I saw Gwen walked in slightly uncomfortable. I gave her a sharp glare and turned my face to the window.

I studied the pretty sky and heavily sighed. Courtney then sat down next to me. She noticed my sad frown in the reflection of the window.

"Aaron? You okay?" She asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah. I'm. I'm fine Courtney." I sighed.

"You sure? You don't seem-"

"I'll tell you some other time. For now, I'm just gonna get some rest." I told her.

"Okay. Well, tell me when your ready." She got up and walked off.

Problem is it isn't my responsibility to tell you. It's someone else's.

August 26, 2019

An: Okay. So Gwuncan started. See I didn't want Aaron to just walked up and spy on them.

I wanted both him and Tyler to talk about a topic and then they just so happen to come across it.

It makes more sense to me. Anyways, thanks for reading.(This is probably the only story out there where the Gwuncan situation is for the better)

Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote(I-if you want)

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