Chapter 15: We are shearing sheep

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Aaron's POV

I was sitting next to Heather in first class. For some reason, Gwen thought it was a good idea to stay seated next to Courtney.

You know, the person who's mad at you and tried to tear you from limb through limb some days ago. I decided to just enjoy the chocolate chip cookies.

"Cookie?" Heather offered.

Gwen grinned, and was going to take it but Courtney snatched it and crushed it into pieces and narrowed her eyes at Gwen.

/Courtney:"I am so ready to push Gwen out the door at 30,000 feet. Uh, we have got to lose the next challenge. Aaron and Sierra will vote with me. But it'll take 4 votes to make sure their isn't a tie. For some reason, Cody still can't see the evil seeping from Gwen's poorly moisturized skin. So that leaves *heavily sighs* Heather"\

Sometime later, Courtney and Heather left out of first class. I'm honestly just tired of this whole Gwuncan situation. I just want to help Courtney get over that poorly built relationship and move on to someone new.

Duncan's POV

Me and the guys were in loser class discussing strategy.

"Ugh. Loser class again. Pathetic. Men, we must rise from the ashes and ignite the fires of victory." Alejandro told us.

"I'm all for starting fires." I stated.

"The Amazons are only powerful because they have Courtney, Heather, and Aaron. We need to break them apart. But how?" Alejandro pondered.

"Oo! Oo! Act like you're crushing on Heather and she'll go home same as Bridgette and Leshawna." Owen suggested.

"Bridgette and Leshawna? I thought I was the only guy who snagged double gold at the babe Olympics." I stated.

"Yes I was truly find of both. Sadly the fates were against us. I suppose I could attempt false seduction. But it goes against a gentleman's code." Alejandro stated.

"There's a code for that crud?" I commented.

"And if I seduce Heather. Courtney and Aaron would remain unaffected. If only we could weaken all three at once." Alejandro stated.

This gave me an idea.

"Pfft. Easy. Heather's kinda into you, right. And Aaron's been falling for Courtney since season one. So seduce Courtney." I suggested.

"Of course. If I flirt with Courtney, it would  distract all three of them from the game at hand. And Courtney and Aaron will surely vote off Heather. Brilliant idea Duncan." Alejandro stated as I pridefully nodded.

Aaron's POV

It doesn't even feel like I'm apart of a team anymore. Once again, Duncan ruins everything. As always. I heavily sighed and took a sip of my lemonade.

"Attention passengers, please move to the common area to prep for landing." Chris told us.

We got to the common area. Courtney was glaring at Gwen. Alejandro approached Courtney.

"Courtney. We need to talk." Alejandro told her.

"Um. Whatever Duncan said about me. It isn't true" Courtney stated.

"Believe me. I never listened to a word he says. In fact I tried to vote him off."


"Any man who cannot proceed your true worth is a fool. What I wouldn't give for a chance to- no. Forgive me. I have said too much."

Alejandro walked off. Heather joined our situation.

"You alright?" Heather asked, slightly disgusted.

"Yeah. You seem to be... different." I raised an eyebrow.

"Never better." Courtney stated, in a happier tone.

/Aaron:"Okay, using context clues in Alejandro's, um. 'Speech'. It's safe to say that he is now flirting with Courtney. But I don't trust the guy. You saw what bad advice he gave Courtney yesterday. I don't want Courtney to rush into anything like how she did with Duncan. We saw how that turned out."\

Today's forecast: clear skies with 50 degrees Celsius. Or say, 300 degrees Fahrenheit. Today's landing is gonna be more of a non landing fly by." Chris said opening the plane door.

"Jump, drop and roll. Come on! Let's go go go!" Chris stated as we all jumped off the plane, some landing better than others.


We met back up with Chris and he started explaining how today's challenge is going to work.

"G'day mate. I call today's challenge: The Marathon of death." Chris said."Part 1 is an emu race all the way to the blue mountains. I'm not saying the trip will be dangerous, exactly. But with venomous snakes, killer scorpions, and the very real possibility of sun stroke. I hope you all have your fairs in order. Whoever reaches majestic hanging rock first will earn a distinct advantage in the second half of the challenge. And yes. I said emu. Bring em' in boys." Chris yelled.

His interns brought over some emus.

"No saddles. After all it's supposed to be a challenge. Now go!" Chris yelled.

We all started chasing the emus around. I looked over and saw Courtney putting no effort into trying to get an emu. She is trying to lose.

How would I know? I mean, this is the girl who beat up a shark last season. Two of them actually. An emu would be no problem.

"Oh no. Oh this is tricky. Oh, I'll never catch one." Courtney acted.

Alejandro then approached her again.

"Allow me to be of assistants." He picked her up and put her on the emu." Oh, forgive me. I know you don't need my help. You need nothing."

"Well. I wouldn't say that." She pulled him closer to her.

"Really. Then I hope I can be of use."

/Aaron:"What on earth? She's only flirting with him because she knows that I disapproved of her methods of making Duncan jealous. Now that I won't help her with that, she decided to replace me. Great."\

I got onto my emu and followed Heather. Courtney was slowly riding behind us.

"Come on. Pick up the pace." Heather told Courtney.

"It's not me. It's the emu." Courtney defended.

"It has the brain the size of a walnut. Take charge!" Heather encouraged, as I nodded.

"So. Can I ask you something?" Courtney asked Heather." Just between us. Are you and Alejandro. Uh, you know. Thing?"

"What? No! Ugh. He wishes."

"Oh. Okay then. Perfect."

As soon as they spoke about him, he came running up.

"Hola, Courtney. Your emu is the luckiest creature on earth. It has the privilege of carrying you. See you at the top." Alejandro rode ahead.

"Did Duncan see that?" Courtney asked.

"He's the only one who didn't. Now hurry up!" Heather told her.

I slowed my emu down to Courtney's pace.

"Courtney? Can I ask you something?" I asked.


"Okay. I want you to give me an honest answer. Don't you think that-. Well, maybe-. Ugh! How do I say this? You're not actually thinking about getting in a relationship with Alejandro are you?" I asked.

"Maybe I am. What of it?"

"Well. I don't know. Maybe you shouldn't."

"What! Why not?"

"Well. You barely know him."

"Okay. You told me to move on from Duncan. Now that I'm moving on from him, you're telling me to stay stuck on him?" Courtney glared.

"No. That's not what I'm saying." I sighed." Look. I just don't want this to be another situation where your heart ends up in pieces again."

"Not every guy is like Duncan, Aaron."

"True. But every guy doesn't have to be like Duncan to be a bad choice for a relationship."

"Okay, why are you so concerned about who I date?" Courtney asked, clearly annoyed.

"I'm just trying to look out for you. Like any good friend would."

"Well I can handle myself." She narrowed her eyes.

"Ugh. Nevermind. Forget I ever asked." I went up ahead.


After two days of traveling, some of us finally arrived at the area Chris wanted us to meet him at.

"I knew the view would be beautiful." Alejandro said in Courtney's ear.

"Hoo. You're good." Courtney grinned at him.

One of the emus barfed.... I agree with the emu. She doesn't know the guy. A kangaroo delivered Duncan. He was covered in some substance.

"Ah. Sick. You get back here, one more round. I didn't hear no bell." Duncan stated.

Right after he said that, the kangaroo came back and punched him in the face. Me, Cody, and Courtney chuckled. Paying for your actions, eh.

Duncan glared at us then fell down. Heather then helped him up.

"Ignore them. They're just jealous." She told him.

Okay. What's going on with this team? Everyone on this team seems like they changed. Well, everyone but Cody and Sierra. They seem more or less the same.

"And team Amazon takes the lead!" Chris announced.

"Don't even think about going back for Owen this time. You'll just have to sit tight and wait for him to arrive. Team Amazon. Get ready to buckle up and take a long walk up a short cliff. Okay teams. Get ready to look death in the face and live to tell the tale! Or not. You know I'm easy. The challenge, part 2:Teams must take turns bungee jumping off hanging rock and plummeting to the bottom far far faaar below. To try and grab one of Australia's finest sheep. Three of those sheep have Team Chris is super hot logo tattooed on their side. Another three have team Amazon logos under there wool, not too far from their lethal jaw." Chris told us.

"Did he say lethal?" Cody asked.

"First team to catch and shear one of their own sheep wins first-class tickets to the next destination. And the losers head to elimination town. As the last to arrive,  Team me me me gets a pair of gardening shears. And as the first team to arrive, team Amazon gets this advantage." We looked over and saw Chef holding shears." Battery-operated sheep shears."

"Yes!" Gwen and Heather cheered.

Courtney growled. I patted her shoulder, attempting to calm her down.

"Time's wasting. Team Amazon. You're up." Chris pointed.

Courtney strapped up.

"Here goes." Courtney said frightened.

"Be careful Courtney." I told her.

Courtney dived. She grabbed a sheep but dropped it. She came back and fell right down. Her hair was a but messed up from the dive.

"That is so messed up." Courtney glared at Chris and Chef but they just laughed and high fived.

Next up was Gwen. She came back up, hugging a cactus. Guess karma is treating her well.

Cody dived next and got a sheep.

"The codeman delivers!" Cody cheered." You can call me the wool."

"Quick! Start shearing!" Heather exclaimed.

We all ran over. The friendly little be went off. We all groaned. It's a bit too hot for this.

"How about a song to make things go faster?" Chris suggested." Hit it!"

Heather: Shearing sheep. Don't be a creep.

It's the only way we'll fly first, peps.

Win the game, don't be so lame.

Try to lose this and your face I'll maim.

Aaron: shear the sheep, then with a smile

Courtney and Aaron: make yourself a giant woolly, woolly, woolly, pi-ile.*Sings while both playing a guitar*

Courtney: you had your chance and you turned him down.

So don't be giving me no cranky frown.

Amzons(except Cody): We are shearing sheep!

We are shearing sheep!

We are shearing sheep!

We are sharing sheep!

Sierra: EEEEE!

Cody: woah!

Heather: shearing sheep instead of you, only 'cause you don't have any, a-tatttoos.

I'll find a logo. We'll win again.

And I'll be here until the bitter end!

Amzons(except Cody): We are shearing sheep!

We are shearing sheep!

We are shearing!


Me and the girls finished our wonderful song. Heather was shearing a sheep. That is when Duncan and Alejandro started argueing.

"Not cool man. Not cool!" Duncan pushed Alejandro.

"But she's your ex. And I cannot help the way I feel about her!"

"Well figure it out or you're gonna feel a whole lot of pain!" Duncan threatened.

I think not. Duncan was knocked down by Cody, but back in the Yukons, Alejandro knocked down Cody. My money is on Alejandro. Courtney grinned at the sight of Alejandro fighting for her.

Owen the finally arrived. Heather finished shearing a sheep.

"Ugh! No logo!" Heather complained as Cody heavily sighed.

"THIS ONE'S FOR CODY!" Sierra cheered jumping off the cliff.

She didn't strap herself on so she fell straight down to the ground.

"MEDIC!" Chris called.

The medic came to help the sheep, not Sierra.

Next to dive was Owen. He dived but got a dingo. Heather dived and got us a sheep.

"Got one! Start shearing!" Heather stated.

"On it!" Gwen stated as Her and Cody went to help Heather.

Courtney's attention was drawn by Alejandro.

"I've been thinking about the future." Alejandro grinned.

"You have?" Courtney asked.

"Yes. Tomorrow. And the day after. And even the day after that."

"I'm aware of what the future is."

"Not when it comes to me." Alejandro flirted making her blush.

We looked over and saw Duncan......crying?




What? Him, cry? That's got to be some sort of joke.

"Hmm. Alejandro." Courtney dreamily sighed.

"Allow me to be of assistance." Alejandro offered.

Okay. That's it. This is just starting to get annoying.

"No thanks you." I stepped in." We don't need help from you. Our girl power team is winning. We can win without you."

I grabbed Courtney's arm and dragged her away from Alejandro.

"Aaron! Stop it!"

I managed to make some distance from Alejandro. I heavily sighed and let go of her arm.

"What are you doing?" She asked, clearly annoyed.

"Look. You're spending too much time with the enemy. I'm pretty sure he wans to win too." I crossed my arms, and raised an eyebrow.

"And I'm pretty sure he's head over heels for me. Now could you stop bossing me around?"

I was honestly frustrated by this point and was about to blow a fuse but I stopped myself.

"Fine. Go ahead. Be with the man of your dreams." I said faking a happy tone.

/Aaron:"If that man is the man of her dreams, that dream will never become a reality."\

The challenge continued on.

"Victory at last! Behold!" Alejandro annouced, holding up a sheep.

"Team I'm totally smoking hot wins!" Chris annouced.

Owen and Alejandro cheered. Duncan looked over at Courtney. Courtney pointed at Gwen and did a neck slice motion.

"Aw crud." Duncan complained.


We got back on the plane. We sat down in the elimination room.

"So?" Courtney started.

"Definitely." Heather happily nodded.

"We're talking about the same thing, right?"

"Yes. Voting off Gwen. Definitely."

"Just checking."

"It's been a tough day for many of you. But one of you is about to have the worst day of all. Sierra. Last to arrive. First to get injured. Courtney, slow with the emu, quick with the flirting. Cody, petty feud sent you spinning all the way here. Heather,Not your most focus performance. Aaron, you seemed more focus on bossing Courtney around than actually helping your team.  And Gwen. Duncan? Really? Let the voting begin. Cody, you're up first." Chris pointed.

Cody got up and fell over. Started walking the wrong way.

"Thataway." Chris told him.

"Thanks Chef."

We all casted our votes. As disappointed I am with Courtney today, I still am her friend. And since we lost, we might as well vote off one of the causes of our team weakening. Which is Gwen. Or new Heather. Or boyfriend stealer.  Or boyfriend kisser... you get the gist.

"Okay. One vote for Courtney, one vote for Gwen. A second for Courtney, a second for Gwen. One vote for Sierra. And the last vote is for.... Gwen." Chris announced

"It was an accident Gwen! I swear!" Cody stated.

"Gwen. Eleven 'o'clock. Exits right there." Chris pointed.

"Thanks. Suck it Courtney. In your face!" Gwen flew out the plane.

"YES!" Courtney cheered victoriously.

/Aaron:"Great. That could've been Duncan going out of the plane. Or one of the guys. Now our numbers are 5 to 3. But what's done is done. The teams probably aren't gonna last much longer."\

We headed down to loser class. I ate whatever candy I had left.

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