Chapter 16: We built Gwen's face

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Aaron's POV

Me and the girls were sitting down in loser class. I was sitting next to Heather in loser class. Why am I sitting next to Heather and not Courtney you ask? Well, I would if she was sitting down.

Right now she's over with Alejandro. Heather was trying not to look, but clearly looking over. Courtney was laughing, flattered by what Alejandro said to her.

"Ah. I bet you say that to every pretty competitor." Courtney smiled.

"Ah. But you are the only pretty competitor here."

"Ugly." Heather coughed.

"I wish I was up there. The air back here is just so stale and annoying."

"Perhaps I can make your journey a little sweeter." He kissed her hand." Wait here."

"Aw. Thanks, you."

Alejandro walked off and Courtney was practically on cloud nine. This is ridiculous. Alejandro came back with two cookies.

"Chocolate chip? My favorite." Courtney smiled.

"My mother always said the way to a woman's heart is a long road. But shortcuts are made of choclate." Alejandro pulled her towards him.

They then started to share a cookie romantically.

"Oh no. Did I just sit in some gum?" Heather asked.

"Mm. No." Sierra answered.

"I think I sat in some gum. Oh no!"

"Um no. You're all good." Sierra answered again.

Courtney continued feeding Alejandro.

"Someone look at my booty! Is it-"

"TOTALLY CLEAN! Wow. Obsessed much?" Sierra pointed.

Heather flopped down next to me.

"I see this is starting to get on your nerves too, huh?" I raised an eyebrow at Heather.

"Yes. This is just so dumb."

We watched Courtney feed Alejandro another bite. It does not take this long to finish two cookies. They're stalling on purpose.

"Can you at least do something about their disgusting flirting?" Heather asked.

"Yeah. This is going to far." I nodded.

I got up from the bench. I approached the 'couple'. Me approaching caught their attention.

"Hi. I hope you don't mind. I'm just gonna Barrow her for a sec. K." I faked smiled, and took Courtney's arm.

"Hey! What are you? Gah-" Courtney started but I yanked her arm, pulling her away from Alejandro.

"Get off of me!" Courtney glared.

I simply let go of her arm, crossing my arms.

"Okay. Aaron. What is with you? You've been acting different and I'd like to know why." Courtney crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at me.

"I've been acting different? I've been trying to keep this team from falling apart. You seem to forgotten our main goal after Duncan cheated."

"I still plan on winning, but I would be nice if you supported me in my relationship."

"That isn't a relationship. That is him, clearly pulling a stunt."

"Do you have any evidence of this?"


"Exactly. Could you please stop following me around like a lost dog?!" Courtney glared.

"I'm only trying to help!" I glared.


I gave her a shocked look and then heavily sighed.

"Sheesh. Okay. I'll leave you be." I frowned and walked away.

/Courtney:"Grr... what is with him? Seems like he never trusts me to do thing by myself."\

/Aaron:" What is wrong with her?! Gah! You know what annoys me the most about Courtney? Is that she'll say that I'm always right, and then refuse to listen to me! I'm only trying to look out for her like a real friend would."\

The plane did some extreme twists and turns and finally landed. We got out of the plane and everyone was freezing.

"Welcome to Sweden." Chris greeted us.

"Where are those jackets you ordered for us in the Yukons?" Chris asked.

"Um. I worked pretty hard on that accent. It would've been nice if somebody had commented."

"Dude. It's freezing out here." Duncan stated.

"Sweden? Hello?" Chris stated and walked off.

"Okay. Let's hear it." Courtney told Duncan.


"Your apology."


"For what? Ugh. For Gwen!"

Cody sighed heavily.

"For who?"

"For Gwen!" Courtney shouted at him.

Cody sighed again.

"Gah!" Courtney exclaimed.

Cody sighed loudly again.

"Stop breathing so loudly!" She shouted at him.

Even though I was still annoyed with Courtney shouting at me earlier, I patted her shoulder.

"I wouldn't even bother reasoning with Duncan." I stated.

"Hey. Mind lending me your coat again?" She asked.

"Really? If I didn't know any better. I thought you would go to your boyfriend for warmth.' I said with obvious sarcasm.

"Great idea." She pointed and went over to Alejandro.

"May I offer my Latin warmth?" Alejandro offered putting his arms around her." Let's make Duncan crazy."

"Thanks. Ale-hunk-dro."

Heather attempted to use Duncan but it didn't work. Chris then came back.

"The Jackets are here!" Chris announced as everyone but me cheered since I already have one. "In six to eight weeks."


We relocated to an area with some sort of building equipment on the ground.

"Before you is a mystery of building tools and pieces. Your first challenge is to use Alan keys, wooden sledge hammers, and your wits to turn your piles into whatever they're supposed to be when properly assembled." Chris said."Sadly the instructions were accedently shredded when they were put through a shredder. Anywho, first team to correctly assembled their watchawhosit wins a big advantage in part 2 of the challenge. So go!" Chris annouced.


Me and the Amazons were trying to figure out how to put this thing together.

"We should lay out the peices, try to figure out what we're building." Courtney suggested.

"Is that how you plan on slowing us down this time?" Heather asked.

Courtney was about to say something but Heather continued fiddling with the pieces.

"Stop! We don't even know what we're building yet." Courtney pulled the peice and Heather.

"Let go!"

"No you let go!"

The kept fighting over the peice.

"Would you two please stop?! The guys are gonna beat us if we keep this up." I stated.

Cody gasped and started working.

"Cody's got it! He's got it!" Sierra drew both Heather and Courtney's attention.

"Cody! Stop!"

"Let him go! He's obviously figured it out." Heather stated.

Courtney sighed annoyed. The guys then blocked us so we couldn't see what they're building.


Cody kept building until it came down to 1 peice.

"That's the last piece!" Heather exclaimed.

"Alright Amazon's. Whatcha got?" Chris asked.

"Ta-da!" Cody exclaimed.

We all started. We built Gwen's head...

"That's what you made us build?" Heather asked, picked up a sledge hammer and started chasing Cody.

Sierra then step in and knocked Heather over.  Heather and her started fighting. Sierra hit Courtney in the head making her fall over. I kneeled over and checked on her.

"You Okay Courtney?" I asked.

"I guess." She rubbed her head.

The friendly song bell then went off.

"Time for a song." Chris annouced.

"WE'RE BUILDING A BOAT?!" Owen shouted

Me and the female members of the Amazons gasped. Duncan facepalmed and revealed their boat.

Heather: They're way ahead, so we got to go.

Courtney and Aaron: we've got to build something to sail. Something we can row-ow.

Sierra: It doesn't have to be a boat.

Amazons(except Cody): As long as it stays a float.

Oh why did we build Gwen's face?

Alejandro and Duncan: It's almost ready to set sail.

Duncan: Just hammering in the final nail.

Amazons[except Cody]: Ohhh.

Owen: We really did this fast.

Alejandro and Duncan: Soon we'll be back in first class

Alejandro, Duncan, and Owen: Because they built Gwen's face.

Amazons[Except Cody. As always]: We built Gwen's face.

Team Chris: We're gonna take first place!

Amazons: Because we built Gwen's face.

Aaron and Courtney: AH-YEAH-YEEAH!

Amazons( Except Cody and Sierra): We built Gwen's face!


Chris approached team Chris.

"Nice! Team me be hot takes the lead! And she's a beauty. Here's your reward for finishing first." Chris said.

He gave them some rocks.

"Uh a bunch of rocks?" Duncan questioned.

"It's like Chrismas all over again!" Owen whined.

"Now take your ship to open water and sail north until you find Chef. Where you will receive your next instruction." Chris explained.

"I'll pull!" Alejandro stated, ripping off this shirt.

"With your shirt off?" Duncan asked.

"Questions are for later. Actions are for now! Push like the wind"

Courtney and Heather were admiring Alejandro's fit physic. Me and Sierra exchanged a confused looked.

"I think I have an idea." Sierra stated.

"Good. Eh, ehm." I coughed." Courtney, Heather! Our team is over here."

I caught there attention.

"Thank you. If Gwen's head is hollow-" Sierra started.

"Ha. Don't get me started." Courtney commented.

"We can just lop off the top of her head and ride in her like a boat." Sierra suggested.

The girls agreed to Sierra's plan. We sawed off the top of Gwen's head. The ice then started to crack.

"We're out of time!" Sierra exclaimed. She threw Cody in the boat.

"Everybody in" Courtney exclaimed as we all hopped in. I sure hope this works.

The ice crack at Gwen's head floated.

"She floats! Phew." Sierra stated." Let's get 'em!"

We put up our sail and took off going after the guys. Courtney was steering in zig-zags.

"You are Zig-zagging on purpose to slow us down." Heather pointed.

"I am not! It's impossible to steer straight in this stupid goth head." Courtney stated.

"I'm sure Courtney is doing her best." I defended.


We finally managed to meet up with Chris and Chef. Chef loaded the cannon in our Gwen boat.

"NO WAY IS SHE CAPTAIN!" Heather and Courtney pointed at each other.

"Well, Someone's gotta wear the hat." Chris stated.

"Um. Chris. I'm one of the offical leaders of team Amazon. I'll take it." I stated.

"I nominate Cody." Sierra stated.

"Okay. I guess that works."  I shrugged.

"Fine. Let's go sink some boys." Heather tossed the hat on Cody's head.

"We need matches to light the cannon." Courtney narrowed her eyes at Chris.

"I'm sure you'll think of something. Buh-bye." Chris grinned.

We got and our boat and chases after the guys.

"Great! We'll never catch up with them! Just look how far away they are!" Heather complained.

Suddenly, the guys turned their boat around.

"Look! They're turning around!" Sierra pointed.

"Why would they do that?" Courtney asked.

"Because boys are stupid. Battle stations!" Heather demanded.

She says this while 2/5th of the team is made up of male members.

Sierra tore off a peice of Gwen's wooden head and put in on the cannon. Sierra placed a ball on one side of the log and Courtney and Heather jumped on it.

The ball landed in the water. Duncan didn't seem too pleased at the fact that the girls fired at them. They decided to fire back.

Their aim was better than ours. It hit Gwen's nose. Or wooden Gwen's nose.

"GWEN!" Cody panicked

Cody ran off and I steered the boat after he ran off. He put one of the balls into the cannon. Picked up some wood, made a fire and lit the cannon.

Cody landed a shot in. Take that for calling us guys dumb, Heather. Then Courtney, Heather and Cody started fighting over the last ball.

"PREPARE FOR INPACT!" Sierra exclaimed.

Heather and Courtney noticed the shot about to hit them and quickly moved out of the way. This left Cody to get hit. But Sierra took the shot for her man. That looked painful.

"Are you Okay?" Courtney asked.

"Thank you." Cody squeaked.

We got back up. Courtney put the last ball into the cannon. Cody lit up the cannon and fired. But we missed once again.

Though team Chris knocked down their own sail. Me and the girls were sailing pass the boys.

"Thanks for turning back to fight. Suckers!" Courtney teased.

"We'll enjoy first class for you!" Heather teased.

We passed the boys. I continued to steer Gwen's head. I happened to turn around and see Owen soaring through the sky. What. On. Earth?

Our boat collapsed and we were all now wet. Chris then came by.

"The captain always goes down with the ship. Normally means his own ship. But. Whatevs. Team me wins! Amazons. I'll see you at elimination."


Me and the Amazons headed to the elimination ceremony.

"Bye bye Courtney." Heather waved as me and Courtney exchanged worried looks.

"Ah. The elimination room. This is where one of you will be tossed into the darkness to plummet out of my life and possibly to the end of your own. And if this weren't a reward challenge. That would happen tonight. Psych. No vote tonight. You're all safe. For now." Chris told us.

"Yes." Me and Courtney cheered as Heather and Sierra complained.

"As we speak. Team perfect me is getting their reward. Swedish massages perform by a genuine registered massage therapist." Chris told us as we all groaned.


We headed down to loser class after the elimination ceremony. I sat alone in loser class, looking out the window.

Hopefully this team gets its act together.

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