Chapter 19: Be on the look out for a missing Cody

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Aaron's POV

I was sitting down alone in loser class. Duncan was happily whistling to himself. And Heather and Alejandro sitting next to each other.

"Smiling? Whistling? This is the happiest I've ever seen you." Alejandro stated.

"What can I say? It's like all my problems were shoved out of a plane." Duncan stated.

Yep. Those 'problems' that you made for yourself. Alejandro and Heather were both denying their feelings for each other and kept saying things at the same time.

I still don't get it. I don't get how Duncan can just be completely proud of himself after what he just did.

/Aaron:" Yeah. After what just happened, I'd say my chances of winning are in the toilet. After Courntey's elimination, I lost the only vote that I could count on in this game. And the rest of the group isn't really bonding material."\


The plane landed and we all met up outside waiting for Chris. Chris came along and Alejandro and Duncan burst out laughing.

"Nice dress!" Duncan laughed.

"It's traditional Massai warrior gaurd. And it came with this." Chris revealed a spear.

He tossed it right at him and Duncan barely dodged.

"Woah. Watch it." Duncan stated.

"Trust me. That's the least dangerous thing that will happen to you today. Welcome to the beautiful Tamzania. Home of the Serengeti plains. And over 70 different kinds of animals. That can kill you." Chris informed us.

We then heard a bunch of tin cans making noise.

"What is that noise?"

We turned around and saw Sierra walking with Cody on her back.

"Sorry we're late." Sierra said happily.

"What's with the cans?" Chris asked.

"Oh. I didn't have time to finish the 'just married banner.' You like?" Sierra asked.

"Very walking dinner bell for lions. You Okay in there Cody?" Chris asked but got a blurred response.

"Pure poetry guy. I can see married life is treating you well."

"Due to the temporarily weakened condition of my husband. I'll play for the both of us." Sierra informed.

"Okay. Challenge time."


"Part 1 combines 2 of Africa's most popular sports: Socccer and Cricket. I call it: Soc-it to me! The 'me' meaning 'you' of course." Chris told us.

"Is Chef expecting a blizzard?" Heather asked. Chef was wearing a blue snow suit.

"Behold: the penalty parker. Made specifically to help people sweat out their cheating ways. Looking hot Chef. Each player must run one at a time, from the starting line to that pile of African Safou plums. Grab as many as you can carry and run back." Chris explained.
"And you'll be doing all this while your fellow competitors pummel you with soccer balls." Chris added.

"Oh, pummel by a soccer ball, how painfum." Duncan said.

Chris then hit him with a soccer ball.

"OW!" Duncan yelled.

Hm... nice shot.

"Next, take plums you brought back and whack them with a cricket bat to smash those gourds, like this." Chris demonstrated but ended up hitting Chef. "Whoever smashes their gourd open first will win a reward which will be very helpful in the next challenge. Now, positions people. Wifey, your up first." Chris told Sierra.

"Ready, steady, Serengeti." Chris blew a whistle and Sierra took off running.

Sierra was doing pretty good. She was using Cody as a human shield unintentionally. She grabbed her grapes and started to head back and it only took Alejandro one shot to get Sierra to drop her stuff.

"Awsome." Chris laughed." Duncan. Top that."

Chris blew his whistle again and Duncan took off. I was about to kick a soccer ball at Duncan but I saw him kick the ball back at Sierra, just to use Cody to block.

Duncan got his plums and started heading back.

"I told you soccer's a wimpy- gah!" Alejandro and Heather both fired a ball right at Duncan's headed.

They both cheered but growled when they saw each other cheering. I went next.

It started out okay, but then I ended up dropping all of my plums thanks to Alejandro.

Heather went next and she started off well to. Alejandro kicked a ball and missed but it then came back and hit her.

Not to sure how that did that. But Heather managed to get her plums back. Alejandro then went next.

We all attempted to kick him but like the perfect person he is he kicked all of them back at us.


"Remember. First person to smash through gets the advantage. And. Go!"

We all started to hit plums with a bat in attempt to hit our gourds. Heather seemed to be really good at this. She managed to open her gourd first.

"And the winner of our first challenge is Heather." Chris annouced.

"Yes! Bada swing bada!" Heather cheered.

"The rest of you have ten seconds left to crack your gourds. And trust me you want what's inside." Chris told us.

Alejandro cracked his second with ease.

/Aaron:"Okay. I don't know who this guy is related to but he's literally like 99% perfect at everything we do in this game. I mean, it's practically like his family was raising him to play this game."\

I managed to open my gourd the correct way. Duncan on the other hand just threw the bat to open his.

Sierra tried but she didn't manage to crack her gourd.

"Broken. But not a gourd. No success for Sierra or Cody. Which will make it much harder for them to deal with this!" Chris pointed to a box with what seemed like, a crazy monster inside.

"Uh. Shouldn't we be running right now?" Duncan stated.

"Yes! You should be scared!" Chris told us." Part two of your challenge is a genuine Afriacan Safari. And the prey-" The box then moved again making us all gasps."Why only the most dangerous and shovistic animal of them all!"

The intern reavealed Ezekiel.

"Ezekiel!" Chris annouced.

We all gasped.

"But you shoved his dirty butt out the plane in London." Heather pointed.

"I know! He's like a one man cockroach infestation." Chris told us." But when a certain blonde who's name rhymes with Blainley ratted out Zeke, Chef went hunting and found the scrawny lunatic down in the hole. I should warn you though. He's totally feral thanks to all that time with the animals. Whoever nabs the beast formally known as Ezekiel, wins invincibility and first class seats to our next destination."

"With the player of their choice. Blah blah blah. Where's my reward?" Heather complained.

"In a second! Go to your gourd and check what's inside! They'll be what you use to hunt with." Chris told us.

Duncan took a slingshot out of his and said,"Oh yes! You know how many windows I've broken with this thing?" Duncan said.

"What's the pocket for? Magic beans?" Heather asked sarcastically.

"Close. Tranquilizer balls." Chris said."Sling them with enough velocity and they burst on contact, numbing the area and receiving a heartily dose of sleepy goodness. Watch as this intern demonstrates " Chris fired at the intern making him fall right asleep."See. It's like paint ball only with naps! Now stand back, people! We're going to give the violent psycho a head start. Hey frosty, release the beast."

Chef carefully opened the cage and Ezekiel hopped out and then hopped off.

"It doesn't even look like him." Sierra stated.

"Yeah. Well it sure smells like him." Heather plugged her nose.

"Okay. Since Heather won the first challenge. She gets six tranc balls. Alejandro and Aaron. You cracked yours open so you get three. Duncan. Two."

"Hey. I should get three. I cracked my gourd too." Duncan stated.

"You cracked it improperly." I glared.

"Aaron's right. You beat your gourd with a cricket bat. And Sierra. Since neither you or Cody put a dent in your gourd. You get these. And one ball each." Chris handed her goggles and two tranc balls.

"No sling shot?" Sierra asked.

"Nope. You're just gonna have to throw the balls hard enough to make them burst. Which will be hilariously unsuccessful. I'm sure. And go!" Chris told us as we took of.


I didn't really have anyone to work with. So, I decided that I would attempt to work with Sierra. I saw her with Cody, who doesn't look like he's in a good state.

"Hey Sierra." I waved." What are you up to?" I asked.

"Just trying to work things out with future husband!" She said excited.

"Oh. I see. Is Cody okay?"

"Yeah. He's just falling under a spell from my love tea."

Love tea? Eh, not worth thinking to hard about.

"My mom always said I was good at arts and crafts. And relentlessly tracking down pray. Now I just need something stretchy." Sierra stated then gasped." Of course! Cody's emergency gitch! He always keeps a lair handy just in case. Do I know my hubby or what?"

"Clearly. Hey, I  was wondering maybe us three can work together. I can help you keep an eye out on Cody. And you make sure Duncan doesn't get the chance to try and bother him again."

Though Sierra didn't seem to take in anything I just said. She made a slingshot out of Cody's underwear which is pretty impressive. A bit weird. But impressive.

"Ezekiel! It's nap time." Sierra stated.

Sierra started to test her slingshot. She shot some fruits and then a rhinos rear end. The rhino groed and Sierra took off running. I followed behind her as fast as I could. She's really fast.

Sierra then rolled over the floor and Cody flew out of her backpack and got stuck in a tree.

"CODY! I'LL GET YOU DOWN!" Sierra shouted.

Suddenly Heather came by yelling and crashed right into Sierra.

"Lion. Bad hair day. Jerk stole my amo." Heather panicked.

Um... what? Sierra smacked Heather.

"Cody's stuck in that tree!" Sierra pointed.

We were all attempting to jump and reach Cody. Or, that was Sierra's plan. It would be smarter if we just climbed into the tree.

"See. I'm helping. Don't make me go it alone. I am no threat. Cody and I are just friends." Heather explained to Sierra.

"Well it doesn't take long to fall under his manly spell. Okay. I'm going to get a big stick. We'll hook it under the strap and lift him out of the tree. Come on Aaron."

I followed Sierra. Hey, I'm trying to make this alliance work. Me and Sierra got a big stick and met back up with Heather.

"Hey guys. Look what I just found. Zeke tracks." Heather pointed out.

"Ooo wee!" Sierra squealed/cheered/Clapped happily.

Heather clapped along faking excitement. All of our attention was drawn away from the Zeke tracks when we heard a loud monkey.

We looked up and saw a monkey grabbing Cody.

"CODY!" Sierra screamed.

The monkey roared at us and hopped off with Cody.

"Follow that home wrecker!" Sierra screamed and ran off.


Later on, me and the girls huddled in a bush. We saw something moving in a bush. We all exchanged looks.

"We fire on three." I stated.

"Um. Hello? I don't have any tranquilizer balls. Remember?" Heather reminded.

"Here." I gave Heather one of mine.

"Alright. On three. One." I started.

"Two." Sierra starred.

"THREE!" me and the former Amazons went running out of the balls with the tranquilizers.

Alejandro shot both me and Heather. Me and Heather shot Duncan. Duncan shot Sierra. And Sierra shot Alejandro. Then we all blacked out.


Chris managed to wake up Duncan first. Chris wanted us to sing. He seems to always pick bad timing on the song challenge aspect of the game.

Half an hour of you guys sleeping!" Chris complained."Oh, yeah. That's going to be great for ratings! I want a song pronto! No matter where the traq balls hit you and how groggy you might be! Now sing!

Well. Here we go again.

Heather: Well It's a beautiful day, on the Serengeti. The perfect time to snag a pup. I'll find Zeke, and win this dumb game. As soon as my leg wakes up.

Alejandro: Going alone just makes you look sad and pathetic. Plus you'll die without a trace.

Heather: Hey!

Duncan: We teamed up and almost had Zeke. I could see the zits right on his face. Really we were that close

Heather:"Almost" gets you nowhere around here. You're a loser duo, and that's all.

Alejandro: "Loser" is what the lion told you when you couldn't find your balls. Tranq balls that is. I wonder where they went.

Sierra: I better sing or I get kicked out*faints* I got something I want to say. Cody? Cody? Cody? I can't feel my face. Where'd you put it? Cody? Cody!? *Faints again*

Heather: Well It's a beautiful day, on the Serengeti.

Aaron: A perfect time, to snag a pup.

Heather: I'll find Zeke and win this dumb game. As soon as my leg wake up. My legs.

Alejandro: My hand. *gets punched by Duncan*

Duncan: My arm.

Aaron: My neck.

Sierra: Oh my face.

Everyone: Wake up! Wake Up!

"Someone better catch the Zeke fast! The plane is taking off in an hour with our without you!" Chris told us.


Me and Sierra continued to look for Cody. I'm gonna need her vote if I want to get rid of Duncan.

"Cody! Oh no!" Sierra said worried.

Duncan then joined our situation.

"I'll help you find him on one condition. You have to vote for Heather or Alejandro." Duncan stated.

"Sierra. Cody knocked him out in Greece for a reason. If Cody doesn't trust him, neither should you." I stated.

"You're right. The only alliance I have is with my husband. Got it!" Sierra pointed at him and Duncan heavily sighed.

All part of the plan. I think. Hopefully I can work something out with this group.

"Who cares about votes and alliances the million dollar statue of Cody made of prize money right now. Monkeys stole my husband!" Sierra exclaimed.

"And we're gonna find your husband. Come on Sierra." I started walking off as she caught up.


We got into a tree as we continued our search for Cody.

"Cody? Wifey and brother-in-law on the way." Sierra stated.

"Brother-in-law?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Just roll with it." Sierra narrowed her eyes.

"Sure. Hey is that-" I pointed at Cody's shoe.

Sierra picked it up.

"Cody's shoe." Sierra sniffed it." He's close."

We then heard a monkey making noise again. We saw the monkey attempting to talk to him. Cody waved friendly at the monkey.

"Cody!" Sierra called out to him." Come on."

Sierra hopped out of the tree as I followed.

"Are you okay?" Sierra asked worried.

"Much better actually." Cody smiled.

"I knew my love potion would cure you eventually." Sierra clapped

"Did you say love potion?" Cody asked as Sierra squealed and was about to give him a hug.

The monkey the roared at her.

"Careful. It really likes me." Cody warned her.

"Likes likes you?" Sierra asked.

The monkey started rubbing Cody's foot. Cody happily sighed at the foot rub.

"Oh no you didn't!" Sierra shouted.

The monkey snapped and three of its pals showed up. Sierra roared. She started to beat the monkeys with ease.

The monkey that was holding Cody's foot looked traumatized. Sierra turned around at the monkey that was holding Cody.

"Take your sticking hands off him ya darn dirty ape!" Sierra glared.

The monkey ran off as fast as it could. Sierra picked up Cody.

"Nice work Sierra." I clapped.

"Now let's go find Ezekiel!" Sierra exclaimed.

/Aaron:"I know Sierra is trying to counter all of my hard work. But that's okay because I'm countering her counter with another counter. It's called a counter top. Hello? It's something I learned from a very good friend of mine named.......Courtney." I sadly/heavily sighed.\


Me and Sierra arrived at the scene if Duncan getting beat up by Ezekiel.

"There's Ezekiel. Ugh! I'm out of ammo." Sierra stated.

I took out one of my tranquilizer balls but when I was about to fire Alejandro shot them.

"We did it!" Heather and Alejandro exclaimed hugging each other.

They them realized they hugged each other and then played it off like they weren't friends.

"Whoa. Congrats Alejandro. You are on your way to first-class." Chris stated.

"I would have had a shot if he didn't steal all my ammo." Heather glared but Alejandro mischievously shrugged.

"Aw. You guys are so cute." Chris teased them." Now quick grab Duncan and let's get the heck out of Africa before Zeke waked up!"


We got in the plane and we flew off. Me and Cody both came to the agreement that we both can't stand Duncan and me him and Sierea agreed to vote him off.

I sat down in loser class. Me and Duncan happened to make eye contact. He gave me a glare as a returned a sharp one.

"What are you looking at?" Duncan asked, clearly annoyed.

"Nothing much, clearly." I responded.

"That's rich coming from you."

"Oh really? Because I'm not the peice of garbage that has to go to Juvie just to keep my act together."

"Psst. You're just mad about the fact that I got to date Courtney and you didn't."

"Excuse me. I'm pretty sure your the one mad. You probably broke up with her because you realized you aren't good enough. But it makes sense. Where do I even begin with you're differences? Let's see. One has a brain. One doesn't. One actually has a future planned. The other is probably going to end up on the street because-"

"I don't care about your stupid opinions Aaron."

"I know. That's why I'm stating the facts." I glared.

Duncan stood up and got in my face and honestly just started arguing nonsense to me. I got up incase he was going to try to pull a stunt of some sort.

"You know, I hope you're proud of yourself. But it's okay. Because now that Courtney isn't with you, you're now Gwen's problem. And I'm pretty sure your gonna cheat on her too."

"I thought you of all people would be glad that I left Courtney. I mean. You were always jealous of the fact that we dated."

"I wasn't jealous! Iwas glad when you two reunited. But then, like always you have to screw things up. And I bet you'll screw things up with Gwen too."

"Don't talk about Gwen!" Duncan swung his fist right at my face. I felt the impact of his fist hit my face.

My heart rate sped up and I growled. I swung my fist as hard as I can and punch him almost knocking him over.

This fist swinging process continued until I managed to knock Duncan down.(AN: hey. If Cody can do it. So can Aaron)

"You're a horrible person for what you did to Courtney. And I hope you realize that." I glared and walked away.

We both managed to give each other a black eye so Chef ended up giving Duncan ice for his eye and me an eye patch.


After that, we headed to the elimination ceremony.  Chris was looking over the votes.

"Mmm... tensiony. Alrighty then. One vote for Aaron. One vote for Duncan. A second vote for Duncan. A second one for Aaron. Another vote for Duncan. And the last vote goes to is Aaron. It's a tie." Chris annouced.

"Which means we're gonna resort to a tiebreaker and whoever wins it gets to stay, right?" I asked.

"Tiebreaker? Who said anything about a tiebreaker? You two are so out of here, see ya." Chris tossed us parachutes.

"Kinda expected that. I've gotten out of bigger jams than this Mcla-" Duncan started but was pushed out of the plane..

"Aaron. The exits thataway." Chris pointed.

I walked toward the door. I looked back and I saw Alejandro with a deviously smirk. I heavily sighed and jumped out of the plane.

An: I know. Seems like things keep getting worse for our buddy Aaron.

Sorry if there are spelling errors. I seem to be really bad at noticing them. I would use grammerly, but it corrects things that I don't want to correct.

Then when I read through it, I sometimes don't notice the mistakes because my mind autocorrects it for me.

Sorry, again for nott updating. I got back in school and it's kicking my butt already. And It's only the beginning.

Anyways, thanks for reading and comment what you think. And don't forget to vote!(I-if you want)

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