Chapter 18: I didn't think it would end like this

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Aaron's POV

Me and Courtney were sitting together alone in first class. Since we won the challenge and got 'married' we were awarded with a wedding cake.

Which is pretty good. So we we're just enjoying our cake and raspberry cream swirl icecream on the side.

Though I'm a bit worried about Courtney. I mean, after Duncan broke up with her, our friendship has been different.

I mean, at first it was for the better but now I feel it's for the worst. Ever since she's been hanging out with Alejandro, it feels like we haven't been close friends.

I mean. We stil stand up for each other and stuff and we're still on for the 50-50 split, but now I don't really feel like we're as close as we were before.

"I am loving this cake." Courtney stated, taking another bite.

"Yeah. It is pretty good." I grinned.

Blainley then started talking through the PA.

"Attention fellow passengers. Feeling alone in the game? Looking for an ally you can call your very own? Consider joining forces with me. You won't regret it. This promise is not legally binding. Offer may be withdrawn at any time." She finished.

Me and Courtney gave each other a look.

"Pfft. No thanks. I already have an ally that I can call my very own." Courtney smiled victoriously.

"True. We are pretty good at this game." I grinned.

Me and Courtney continued to enjoy our cake and icecream in first class. I hope she doesn't hang around Alejandro.


We landed in our next destination. We got out of the plane and met up with Chris.

"Ni hao. Welcome to China. A vast country with ancient history, culture, innovation, and delicious sauces. Our first challenge is torn from the pages of a rich history. In 8 billion B.C. king Dimsun led a retaliation of donkey warriors down this very great wall."

"8 million b.c was the Miocene era. There were dinosaurs! " Courtney said.

"Yeah, what she said. We've provided a selection of vehicles to race to our next destination. First come, first served. It's the Chinese way. Ready. Set.." Chris was about to tell us to go but the phone inturupted him. "I better get this. Mclain here. Yeah, I'm trying to host a show here."

"Do we go or what?" Heather asked.

"Mmmhm. Yep." Chris told us, I think.

"Yeah, we go?" Alejandro asked.

"Yeah, can we do this later?" Chris asked.

"So we go now?" Duncan asked.

"Okay, fine!" Chris demand as we all took off.


We were all running together. Heather got smacked down by Blainley. Me and Courtney exchanged a look and kept going.

Me and Courtney found two bikes. We both sat down and we were about to go until Heather started arguing with Courtney about who gets the bike.

"Mine!" Courtney exclaimed.

"No! I was here first and-" Heather started.

Our attention was drawn by Alejandro riding by in a skateboard. Courtney took the chance and rode over Heather's foot. I followed behind her.

We kept going as fast as we could. Courtney bike then got stuck. I quickly stopped my bike.

"Courtney. You need help?" I called.

Alejandro came by and attempted to pull Courtney's bike out of the creek. Duncan burst out laughing.

"So, ms.CIT is now ms.I can't do it myself?" Duncan stated.

"Would you just mind your own business?" Courtney shouted.

/Aaron:"Grr. one thing I still can't stand about this show? Duncan. He is just such an annoying pain. At first he was just annoying but now he's just trash and should be ashamed of himself for what he did to Courtney."\

"Come on man, just leave her. Let her stew on her own stuck-up juices." Duncan commented.

Alejandro took her by the hand romantically.

"You know I would never leave you to stew in the juice, right? I would do anything to help you continue in this game." Alejandro told her.

"Thanks you. And if there's anything I could do to help you-" Courtney blushed.

"Oh? I will remember that." Alejandro stated.

I growled, angered by Courtney's offered.

/Aaron:"You just saw what I saw, right? She's willing to work with him! But she's suppose to be in alliance with me! Gah! Seriously. What is Courtney's deal? Maybe she's playing Alejandro the way she did Justin. But it doesn't really seem that way. She seems way into him to be an act."\

Alejandro managed to get her bike out and bounced his eyebrows at her.

"Great work. Now let's go!" I demanded, riding ahead.

We continued riding ahead as fast as we could. Duncan was arguing with Courtney.

"Just standing around and insulting me while the race is still on only means one thing. You're a loser." Courtney told Duncan.

"If annoying you is wrong, I don't wanna be right." Duncan grinned.

"Of course. It's not like you're ever right about anything." I stated.

"Please. All three of you-" Alejandro started.

"See. Even Alejandro-" Courtney started until we rode right into a mine and blew up into the air.


Me and Courtney fell right into a pig pen. It just smells horrible. I rubbed my head and checked on Courtney.

"Ow. That mine sure took me by suprise." Courtney groaned, rubbing her head.

"You alright Courtney?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Now Where's the exit to this thing?"

"Um Courntey-" I started.


"We have a bigger problem." I pointed at the group of pigs surrounding us.


We managed to get out. We're not physically harmed or anything like that. But now we smell horrible.

We managed to find the place where the challenge was going to take place. We then heard Duncan say,

"If It's Courtney. Tell her she's a loser." Duncan said.

Courtney coughed, getting both Alejandro and Duncan's attention.

"Courntey! I am filled with relief." Alejandro told her.

"Oh yeah? Well I am filled with rage! Do you know where I landed? In a pigpen. Do you know how thoroughly me and Aaron got snouted?! It's a good thing I have a very strong stomach." Courtney finished.

"Ah. Good to hear." Alejandro deviously grinned at her.

What is he planning? Me and Courtney sat down on a bench since we aren't competing this challenge.

"Okay. You have to eat each bowl of delicious food. Opening your mouth to prove it went down. If you're last to finish or you puke. You go sit with Courtney and Aaron on the Loser bench."

"I am a CIT. I am not a loser." Courtney clarified, leaning on her hand annoyed.

Ever since the whole Gwuncan thing, things seems to be getting worst for her. And she doesn't seem to like taking my advice. Nor does she seem to like me trying to pull her away from Alejandro.

They started eating donkey meat. I watched everyone attempting to eat the meal. I couldn't see Alejandro eat since he dropped something. But he ate it while picking it up.

Everyone finished but Cody and he joined us on the bench. I noticed Courtney eating something.

Thought I don't know where she would get food from since this place seems to serve low quality food. Maybe she's chewing gum... Next they were forced to eat live meal worms.

Blainly seemed to be enjoying the food Chef was giving out. But I won't judge. We all like different things. I still didn't see Alejandro eat because he dropped his hair tie.

Wait a second? You're telling me he can finish his whole bowl of worms while bending over and picking up a hair tie? Okay, that doesn't seem right... what's he up to...

Heather was out next. She barfed right in Chris's face and joined us on the loser bench in frustration.

Courtney continued to eat... whatever she was eating. Heather gave her a look and Courntey turned around and almost puked but swallowed it and coughed.

Okay. So she's not chewing gum. You wouldn't swallow gum.

Okay... something is going on here. Why is she eating something that doesn't taste good?

Next up they were eating starfish on a skewer.  Honestly this just keeps getting worst. Once again, I didn't see Alejandro eat. And Courtney is struggling to eat whatever she is eating.

Wait a minute.... she said she had a strong stomach... he said he found that interesting.....wait a sec.


"Courntey. What are you doing?" I asked.

She pointed at her mouth full of food as an excuse to not answer me.

Duncan was benched next. He sat down next to Heather and noticed Courtney eating.

"You're having a snack while you watch this? You are sick." Duncan stated.

"Oh. You are the last person who should be calling anyone sick." I glared." You know what I find sickening? The fact that you thought it was fine to cheat on Courtney and then act like she's crazy for being mad. You're a real cheat."

Duncan scoffed and rolled his eyes at my remark.


They moved on to the next dish. Chris didn't even know the name of this one. They started singing again. I took this time to ask Courtney someting.

"Psst. Courtney? What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm just enjoying a snack." She answered.

"You sure? That doesn't look like a sn-" I started but my attention was drawn by Heather inturupting their song.

"Wait? Stop! Why does Blainley's food look so much better?" Heather asked.

"It's exactly the same!" Blainly defend quickly.

Woah. How did I not notice her food looking like actual food? Guess I was caught up in catching Courtney.

Chris got a call again and walked off.

"And why does Alejandro keep bending over while he's eating?" Heather asked.

"I got a better question. Why does old Courtney keep chewing her cut back here?" Duncan asked.

"I do not!" Courtney defended.

"You have a little something-" Alejandro pointed.

Courntey tried to cover it up and sheepishly smiled after being caught in the act.

"Chris? What are you going to do about all this crazy cheating?" Heather asked, annoyed.

"Okay. Budget. Blah blah blah. What are we suppose to do?" Chris asked, still on the phone.

"Get off the phone and host the flipping show! Alejandro is slipping his food back to Courntey. And someone is giving Blainley actual food instead of grossocity." Heather explained to Chris.

"It is a lie!" Alejandro lied.

"So not true!" Courtney lied.

"Get over it!" Blainley stated.

"Listen. We gotta wrap this up, so here's the dealio. One last round. Whoever wins gets invincibility in tonight's vote. And they get to take the person of their choice up to first class with them." Chris stated.

"At least change Blainley's bowl to prove she's not cheating and move Courtney away from Alejandro." Heather stated.

I agree with that last part. Keep them as far apart as possible.

"Fine. Blainley. Switch bowls with Sierra." Chris td Blainley.

Sierra happily swapped their bowls.

"Courntey. Put this on to prove you can keep your mouth shut." Chris said, tossing her a mask.

Courtney put on the mask, annoyed.

"This is ridiculous." She stated.

"Let's get this done." Chris stated.

They sung one last time. Alejandro and Blainley barfed before Chris could even finish. Sierra happily finsihed her bowl. The song end with Sierra singing,

Sierra: Cody's in first class with me. And my 'love me' teeeeeeaaaaa!

After Sierra finished, Courtney barfed up what she just ate.


We got back on the plane. At this point I was just furious.

/Aaron:"I'm really disappointed with Courtney this season. Our alliance was called the 'Courtney and Aaron Alliance' for a reason. It was made only for the two of us. JUST US TWO! But you saw what she did out there. She took Alejandro over me so many times this season! After all I've done for her!"\

An: I suggest sad instrumental. You know, to set the feeling of this whole event.

I stormed out if the confessional with a growling frustrated look on my face. And then I happened to bumped right into Courtney.

"Hey. You okay? You don't look so-"

"We need to talk." I said, grabbing her arm.

"Hey!" She whined.

We walked to some other part of the plane where there was no one else to listen or eavesdrop on our discussion.

"Okay? What is with you?" Courtney asked me, clearly annoyed.

"What's wrong with me? I'll tell you what's wrong! You've been treating me horribly! that's what's wrong!"

"Ugh! I have not!"

"Oh yeah! You haven't? You've been rude and taking advantage of my kindness."

"Ugh! Shut up Aaron! I am not taking advantage of you! You clearly aren't being supportive of my choices!"

"Maybe because your choices are wrong!" I glared.

"Ugh! So now you're doubting my capabilities?! You see what I mean by not being supportive!"

"Courtney, I thought we were friends because we could share our honest thoughts and feelings of each others choices! I've given you so much encouragement, but when I suggest you to not do one thing, you don't even listen to me!"

"Here we go again! For the last time Aaron! YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME!"

"I know I'm not since cleary you still decided to make bad choices when I advised you not to! But you never listen to me! Ever!"

"Gah! You are seriously starting to get on my last nerve!"

"You're last nerve? I've been putting up with you taking Alejandro over me ever since Gwuncan! I've known you for way more than what he has! I actually took the time out to get to know you as the person you were and who you are today! All he is interested in is using you in the game! He's only friends with you for your vote! He saw how hurt you were when Duncan left you and he took advantage of you!"

"He did not!"

"Oh yeah! Are you telling me he actually cares?! If that's the case, then go right up to him and see how much he knows about you! If his list compares to how much I know, then maybe I'll consider even him your actual friend!"

"No fair! You've known me for longer! You're bound to know more!" She glared.

"Then if that's the case then why is it that you trust him way more than me?!"

She didn't give an answer.

"I want an answer."

She still didn't give me one.

"Answer me Courtney. Why do you trust him way more than me?"

She still didn't give me an answer.


"STOP YELLING AT ME!" Courtney shouted at me.

We both heavily panted after all of the arguing.

"You know. We wouldn't be in this situation if you'd just listened to me for once." I sighed, heavily breathing.

"Oh yeah! Well we wouldn't be in this situation if you actually trust me to make choices! Instead, you watch over me like you're the boss of me!"

"I'm only looking out for you like a real friend would! You clearly can't tell the difference between a real friend because a fake one would just tell you what you'd want to hear. But a real one AKA, me would tell you the truth and try to help you get through your problems!"

"Well you haven't helped at all! All you've been doing is hounding over me like a lost dog!" She shouted.


"Well you haven't been there for me at all!"

"Really?! Then would you like to tell me the name of the person that has been there for you all three seasons of this show? The person who always been there when he felt you were down! The person who always tried to help you see light on every dark coner! The person who was there for you, when Duncan broke your heart and left you! Would you like to tell me how useless that person was!"

"Grr... you know what? I had enough of you running your mouth and not supporting me!"

"You can't lie to yourself saying that I haven't been supporting you. I'm the only person who actually supported you in every choice you made."

"Great! And now you're telling more lies."

"More lies? The only lies you've been hearing are the ones you've been telling yourself about how Alejandro feels about you!"

"Gah! Shut up Aaron! You always think you're right about something when really you're just as bad as Duncan!"



"Well I hope you find a good replacement for my job! But then again, you're probably gonna make friends with one of those people who will only tell you want you want to hear."

"Grr... shut up Aaron! Just shut up!"

"You know what bugs me? The fact that you used me and didn't even feel bad about it once. You kissed me only to make yourself feel better and to get revenge on Duncan. I thought we were friends! I'm not just some toy where you can just pull whatever strings you want. You just selfishly toyed with my emotions! It hurts so much it burns!"

"Ugh! Now you're trying to make yourself look like the victim! Unbelievable!"

"And the fact that you still choose to think I'm wrong after everything we've been through together! But no! You're once again blinded by 'love' and refuse to listen to me try to help you! I hope you're proud of yourself Courtney! As your friend. I accepted you for everything you were good at and all of your flaws. When everyone went against you in season 2, I stood by you because you were my friend. Now, I don't even know who you are! And you let the game and Duncan change you for the worst!"

Courtney then blew a fuse.

"I DON'T NEED YOU TELLING OR BOSSING ME AROUND! I WISH I NEVER EVEN MET YOU!" She yelled and smacked me right across the face.

I felt the sting from the smack. I looked at her with disbelief and sadness. She then realized what she just did and gasped and cover her mouth.

"Wait. Aaron. I-"

"I don't want to talk anymore." I said.

"But. I-"


She gasped and then huffed.

"Fine. I will." She stormed off.

I watched her leave as I felt my heart shattering in millions of peices.... what did I just do?

I started to rethink the whole situation. I just lost my bestfriend.... over a guy.

I can't believe that just happened. Maybe I shouldn't have approached the problem like that.

Maybe I should've asked in a nicer tone or figured out a better way to explain myself. But I can't take back what happened.


Later on that day, we headed to the elimination ceremony. I decided to vote for Duncan. He's always a good choice when it comes to who to vote if next. Chris started reading the results.

"Blainley, Courtney, Blainley, Courtney, Sierra-ly, Duncan, Blainley, and the final vote goes to... Courntey. It's a tie."

"Yes! Prepare to go down Blainley! I am excellent in a tiebreaker situation!" Courtney glared.

Chris then received another call.

"The producers are breathing down my neck and I'm getting a lot of flack on this budget stuff so I was thinking why don't you both take off?" Chris told them, tossing them parachutes.

"What?!" They both exclaimed.

"How is getting rid of me going to save money?" Courtney asked.

"Weight on the plane, food budget, I don't know. You're just both really annoying me." Chris said.

Courntey and Blainley started walking off.

"Prepare to hear from lawyers. And Duncan prepare for a personal defamation lawsuit whole I'm at it." Courtney glared at him.

"Buh-bye." Duncan grinned as I glared

"And Aaron. I hope you're proud of yourself! You just lost the only ally and friend you had!" Courtney sharply glared at me.

I could feel her sharp tone hitting straight into my already broken heart.

"Not so fast, I have some things to say first. Ezekiel, he's still hiding in the hold. Sierra, Cody has voted for you every single time. Get a clue. Aaron, why won't you just give up on Courtney! She doesn't like you. Get a clue! Heather and Alejandro, just give it up and make out already."

"Can you get her out of here?" Heather asked, clearly annoyed.

"I don't know. This part's kinda fun." Chris said, smiling.

"Oh, you wanna hear something really fun? They wanted me to host the show! You only got the job because I said no and-" Blainley started but got herself and Courtney pushed out of the plane.

I heard Courtney scream, being pushed out of the plane. I hope she landed okay.

"Is it really quite in here all of a sudden or is it just me?" Cody nervously chuckled.

I heavily sighed and got up and headed down to loser class. It doesn't feel right. She's out of the because of me.

If I just didn't choose today to have that argument with her, she would still be here. I tried to get whatever rest I could that night.

An: I know. I know. Very intense chapter. Don't worry, the story won't end the same way the writers of Total Drama decided to end Duncney. I am not giving up on these two.

Yes, it is sad seeing Courtney and Aaron not getting along. But I can't let be all sunshine and rainbows. It would be unrealistic. Really unrealistic.

No friendship is perfect. Friends have disagreements. Aaron wouldn't be a real freind for Courtney if he never can speak his mind to her. So, anyways, thanks for reading and don't forget to vote.

I'll see you around next time!

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