Chapter 30: A fancy boat race

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Aaron's POV

After a nice sleep in the Spa Hotel, I got a lemonade and headed off to check on Gwen and Courtney.

It's good that we're all together again. I walked in the room.

"Morning girls! How was your sleep?" I asked happily.

"Oh. I just dreamt I was riding a fluffy unicorn across clouds made of marshmallows." Gwen said happily.

"Yeah. They're soft beds alright." Courtney grinned as me and her sat next to Gwen.

"Yeah. Agreed." I grinned.

"A couple of days ago, I was ready to quit. Now that we're all friends again, I never want it to end." Gwen grinned.

That was actually really sweet of Gwen. Like I said before, it's nice that we all came back together again after Duncan ruined it.

"I hope we make it to the finale together." Courtney grinned.

"That would be amazing." I grinned.

"What about Scott?" Gwen asked.

"He's cool and all but like you say, you gotta put friends first."

"Aww..." me and Gwen smiled.

"If I don't win the million bucks, I hope one of you do." We all said together.

/Gwen, Courtney, and Aaron:"And I mean it too"\

"So. Do you guys wanna go get breakfast?" I asked.

"Yeah. Sure." Courtney grinned.


We all got changed from our sleeping attire and headed down for breakfast which as always, was to die for. An announcement came on.

"Attention campers. Please gather upfront. Right where Duncan's being all, sweet." Chris told us.

We met outside to see Chef in a jeep.

"Gr... no I'm not!" Duncan growled.

"Duncan. You fixed my jeep. You're a good kid " Chef grinned and drove off.

Alejandro started bragging about how he survived in Boney Island and how he has a special way with animals.

"ENOUGH WITH THE SELF PROMOTION AL!" Chris yelled through the megaphone. "I have a big announcement. Today the teams are being merged!"

We all gasped.

"That's right. From now on, challenges are for individual winners only. And everyone is at risk of getting the not so royal flush." Chris's phone started to ring." I have to take this. It's my stylist. Yeah. How come my socks don't match my shirt?"

What's with this guy and his phone calls? Chris hung up.

"Mmhm. Yeah. Guy thinks I'm colorblind. As if. Anywho. This week's challenge is a regatta around the island."

"A re-whata?" Duncan asked.

"Regatta. It's a boat race." Chris explained.

"So why didn't you say that?" Duncan sassed.

"Because I'm classy. Hello? First person to successfully circumnavigate the entire island wins immunity and night at the Spa hotel. Don't worry, we'll keep things interesting by providing some obstacles for you." Chris laughed." Some of the boats are seaworthy. Some are sink-erific. And they're all first come first serve starting...... NOW!"

We all cheered and took off running.

"Come on guys! Let's go!" Courtney exclaimed as me and Gwen followed Courtney.

"Hey! Can I be part of your alliance?" Duncan asked.

He's kidding right?

"Why?" Gwen asked in disgust.

"I can use some allies. And can protect you from people like Mike."

"That seems more like a gain for you and not for us. I can protect us."

"Ha! Like he's a threat." Courtney stated.

"I'm telling you. He's dangerous. I knew him back in Juvie when his name was Mal." Duncan told us.

Me and the girls exchanged looks and burst out laughing.

"Yes. Because having your name changed and being a Juvie punk is so dangerous." I rolled my eyes." Listen. We don't need your help or you 'protecting us'. Courtney is a CIT, Gwen took on a psycho killer with a chain saw and a hook. And I have a black belt in karate. I'm pretty sure we're safe. Now get lost."

/Aaron:"I don't know what Duncan was expecting. What, was he expecting us to happily except him into our alliance? No. Just no. After what he did to Courtney and Gwen. Not gonna happen."\

Alejandro was in the lead. Me and the girls hopped in a purple boat and took off riding. Since Courtney has the most boat experience, she took the wheel.


We were doing pretty good.

"Gwen, Aaron, and Courtney reach Coconut ally!" Chris annouced.

We then heard something falling from above us.

"Uh oh. What's that?" Courtney asked worried.

We looked up. Suddenly a bunch of coconuts fell on Courtney's head.

"Hey!" Me and Gwen both exclaimed but we both quickly noticed Courtney almost fell out of the boat.

We acted fast and quickly grabbed her.

"Courtney!" Gwen exclaimed.

"We got you!" I informed.

We pulled her back onto the boat.

"Thanks guys, I almost go my hair wet." Courtney grinned, adjusting her hair.

"We would never let that happen." Gwen told her." You're hair is fantastic."

"I agree. I could stare it all day." We all intched closer together like how best friends do.

"Your hair is. What's your secret?" Courtney asked.

"I double condition." Gwen informed.

"Really?! Same here!" I grinned." I love both of your hair."

"Agreed." Gwen agreed.

"We all have pretty good hair." Courtney added.

Suddenly, dynamite blew up behind us.

"GAH!" All three of us exclaimed.

We saw that our motor was blown up.

"Great." Courtney commented sarcastically.  Courtney started pounding her fist on the motor.

"Ladies." Alejandro waved as he drives by.

Then Scott, Duncan, Zoey, and Cameron passed us using Scott to attract Fang to use Fang as their motor.

Me, Courtney, and Gwen heavily sighed.

"This just in. Mike still has the lead. And thanks to the rift rafters new engine, guess who's last?" Chris grinned.

"Last place? Aw man." Gwen crossed her arms.

Courtney continued to take her anger out on the engine. Me and Gwen looked in the boat and found two paddles.

We both got on the tip of the boat and took the initiative. We both started paddling the best that we could.

Which was making a fair amount of distance, but not as much as the rest.


Me and Gwen kept paddling. It feels like we've been doing this for hours. Okay. Maybe I'm over exaggerating.

Courtney continued to keep punching around the boat. Suddenly the engine started functioning again, and the boat started moving.

"Oh. Thank goodness. Let's go!" Gwen exclaimed.

"On it!" Courtney grinned and took control of the wheel again.

Me and Gwen got off the tip of the boat and watched Courtney steer. Considering how long we got stuck, we're making a great comeback. We managed to get pass the raft and get pass Mike and Zoey.

Now we just gotta get past Alejandro so we can win this thing. We were getting pretty close. We saw Alejandro sitting in his boat, not moving at all.

"What's Alejandro doing? His engine must've died!" Gwen stated.

"Guess he'll have to Alehand-row-row-row his boat." Courtney joked as we all burst out laughing.

We heard a boat honk behind us. We saw Mike and Zoey catching up.

"Hurry! They're gaining on us!" Gwen exclaimed

"That Synchro Captain and Coaching Minnows better kick in!" I exclaimed.

"You bet it will!" Courtney sped up." That's right! Not on my yacht!"

/Aaron:" So. Freaking. Amazing!"\

"Alright!" Courtney cheered.

"Yeah!" Gwen cheered.

"Woohoo!" I cheered.

We kept cheering as each second we kept getting closer and closer to the finish line. Alejandro barely crossed the finish line before us.

"Oo! Alejandro wins it by a nose. Courtney, Aaron, and Gwen come in second." Chris told us.

So. Close. But hey, if it wasn't for that dynamite thing, we would've won.

We all got on the dock after the race.

"Wait a minute? Where's Duncan?" Chris asked.

We then heard a very loud boom.

"What the heck was that?!" Zoey exclaimed.

We saw a lot of black smoke rising up. Chris looked through his binoculars. He gapsed at what he saw.

"MY COTTAGE!" Chris cried out.

Courtney took the binoculars.

"You call that a cottage? IT WAS A MANSION!" Courtney exclaimed.

"Can I see those?" I pointed at the binoculars.

Courtney handed me them and I looked.

"Yeah. That's definitely not a cottage. Seems more like a mansion."

"So many pictures of me. Gone. All. All gone." Chris heavily sighed.

What's with his monuments being blown up by contestants? I mean. The plane. Mount Chris more. And now his mansion. Or his 'cottage'.

"We'll build you another cottage." Chef patted Chris's shoulder.

"IT WAS NOT A COTTAGE!" Courtney glared.

I smiled to myself. Classic Courtney. Some things just never change. Sometimes you gotta just appreciate the great things in life.

Like seeing your best friend get mad over misnaming a property. Chris heavily sighed again.

"As winner of today's challenge, Alejandro gets immunity and a night at the Spa hotel. And he can bring one person along with him." Chris states.

Everyone but me went hoping that Alejandro would invite them.

"As much as I would love to bring you all. I cannot play favorites and break all of your hearts." Alejandro explained.

"As for the rest of you, time to hit the voting booth." Chris told us.


We headed to the elimination ceremony.

"Good new. As a reward for making it to the merge. There will be no Boney Island for any of you tonight." Chris told us as we all cheered in sync.

"Do you know how many statues of me were lost in that explosion? Five!" Chris complained.

"Can we just get on with this ceremony already?" Courtney sassed.

"Told ya! Told ya I was a villian!" Duncan pointed at Gwen and Courtney.

"NO ONE CARES DUNCAN! THEY'RE OVER YOU!" I glared." Blowing up property doesn't make you look cool. It makes you look stupid. This is literally how you get sued... idiot."

"Before you vote for the first time as individuals. I have a special suprise for 'boom boom' over here." Chris glared and pointed at Duncan as I grinned.

"Aw. Chris. You shouldn't have." Duncan grinned.

"You're under arrest for the destruction of a private cottage." An officer told him.

"IT WAS NOT A- GRRRAH!" Courtney complained as I patted her shoulder.

"Way to go bad boy. I hope looking cool, is worth getting locked up again." Gwen told him.

Okay. Gwen is definitely good in my book. She definitely changed. It's nice that our trio reunited.

"It is! I'm gonna rule Juvie!" Duncan stated.

"See. Here's little lesson in law that I learned from Courtney. If I'm not mistaken, Chris's 'cottage' is considered private property which you destroyed. A major piece of property. So, you won't be put in Juvie." I smirked.

"Nope! It's a big boy jail for you bro. And it's gonna be a real slammer." Chris laughed.

"Um. Wait. It was an accident. Come on guys. Have a heart."

He is the very... very.... very last person that should be telling someone to have a heart. He's had this coming.

"I didn't know you weren't suppose to put a toaster in the microwave. Gah! Snuggle muffins!"

/Aaron:"Karma. You have completely collected Duncan's debt. Thank you. And on top of that. Gwen nor Courtney showed no concern. He was just a phase for both of them. They both deserve better than jail boy over there."\

"Ah. Justice. Okay. It's voting time!" Chris stated.

We all voted for Mike. Since. You know. Why not?


We came back and Chris is going over the results.

"Well. I believe this is a first. The votes have been tallied and it's unanimous tonight's flush of shame recipient is Cameron." Chris annouced.

We didn't vote for Cameron. We voted for Mike.... eh. Doesn't affect me or the girls, so.

"WHAT! how could it be unanimous? I didn't vote for myself!" Cameron defended.

"I didn't vote for him either." Zoey added.

Mike just shrugged. Wow. That's supportive.

"Relax. Since Duncan the destroyer is gone, Cameron gets yet another stay of flush of shame. You're still in the game for now." Chris informed as Cameron sighed in relief.

"Sweet!" Mike grinned.

Well. As long as our trio is safe, I'm good.

An: Okay. So I read over all of the comments(I was not expecting as many responses as I got. Some of you are the silent type). Anyways, It seems like you guys are interested in Courtney and Aaron in the Ridonculous Race.

So I guess I'll give it a go.

And I also read the comments about the chart. It seems like most of you want me to cut the chart out.

But now I feel bad for the smaller amount that did vote for the chart idea. So. Here's what I'll do.

I'll make a chapter without the chart and that'll be the official plotline. But, to be fair I'll make a version if Courtney did make the chart(because I'm sure someone's curious as to how Aaron would react if he saw the chart.)

Anyways. Thanks for all of your support. And I'll see you around!

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