Chapter 31: A Search for a missing host

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Aaron's POV

Mike, Zoey, and Cameron were looking for clues or evidence for the possible person who tampered with tonight's votes.

This doesn't involve me, but it is distracting. So, instead of going to sleep, I went to the girls side of the cabin.

Courtney and Gwen were up talking.

"Hey girls." I waved.

"Oh. Hey Aaron." Courtney grinned.

"Hey. Mind if I hang in here for tonight? The others are searching the guys side of the cabin for clues." I explained.

"I don't see why not." Courtney said.

"Yeah. Just use Jo's bunk." Gwen pointed.

"Okay. Well. Good night." I sat down on the bed, layed down and happily sighed.


I woke up the next morning. I rubbed my eyes and stretched. I don't know where Chris got these bunks, but they seriously don't do the job right.

I want that pillow that I had back in season two. I miss the trailer. At least there we had actual beds.

But complainly about it mentally won't get me anywhere. I sat up, tied my boots, put on my jacket and headed outside.

When I walked out I saw Courtney on top of Scott kissing.... what on earth did I just walk into?

Scott took one of his shoe laces and tied it into a ring.

"Uh. Will you be my boyfriend? Uh, no. Uh. My boyfriend. Me yours. Me, boy. Just. WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME?" Scott asked, offering her the ring.

Courtney happily grinned.

"Yes." She answered.

/Courtney:"My first ring. I'll keep it in my pocket. No way his shoe lace goes on my finger. Boys pee outside. In the dark!"\

Courtney walked out of the confessional.

"Ehm erm." I coughed, getting her attention.

She swiftly turned around.

"Oh. Hey Aaron."

"Um. Do you not remember what we agreed on?" I asked.

"The agreement?" She asked.

"No distractions. Ring any bells?" I asked." Especially the boyfriend ones."

"Oh yeah.... that..." Courtney said slowly.

"You stated that you weren't going to get in a relationship this season." I crossed my arms.

"Well. Scott's different. Besides, he's on our team."

I raised an eyebrow.

"Please?" She pleaded.

"Ugh! Fine. I will say he's definitely a step up from your previous boyfriends. I guess he seems okay for you to date. Just make sure you keep your head in the game. Okay?" I stated.

"Don't worry. I intend to." She smiled and swiftly walked off.

/Aaron:"Okay. So she fell in love. Again, with a guy she just met. Though Scott his a huge improvement from Duncan. At least Scott doesn't insult her every minute and treats her with respect. I can actually see them working as a..... couple. Of course, I will simply just get over Courtney. Maybe the universe is giving me a sign. Scott and Courtney are meant to be and I'm meant to be with. Someone else. Maybe."\

We headed to the Spa hotel and met up with Chef.

"Where's Chris?" Courtney asked.

"Just hush up! You'll see in a minute." Chef told us

Suddenly a screen turned on. It looked like Chris was hosting a party of some sort. Party hat and confetti.

"Welcome to episode 100 of Total Drama! To celebrate, I have an extra special 100th episode challnge." Chris laughed.

He pulls out a list. I'm assuming that's the plan for today's challenge.

"I hope no one is allergic to rhinoceros or fire, or poison, smallpox, glutton." Chris read as someone very familiar looking started to appear behind him.

"Is that....?" Gwen started.

"It is." I answered.

"Urea-formdehyde, terror, tree nuts," Chris contiued but didn't notice Zeke.

We all tried to warn him but he got attacked. Chef spat out his coffee over the screen making it turn off.

"I.. that can't...ahh! New challenge. Find Chris!" Chef demanded.

"You want us to hunt for Zeke! No way! He's psycho crazy!" Gwen states.

"Hey! If no one saves Chris. There ain't no show. Which means no winner and no million dollars!" Chef told us.

"What?!" Mike said.

"That's not fair!" Courtney said.

"Hold on! We accept this challenge but only if the one who finds Chris gets immunity for the next vote." Alejandro stated.

"And permanare residence in the Spa hotel for as long as they're in the competition!" Courtney pointed.

Hm. Good one Courtney.

"And! We get to take two people with us for a night!" I added.

"And they get to send one person to Boney Island." Cameron added.

He must've learned some stuff from the villians team.

"Fine! Deal! Just find Chris!" Chef told us.

"Last season Zeke was living in the mine. Maybe that's where he took Chris." Zoey stated.

"TO THE MINE!" Chef pointed.


We headed to last seasons mine.

"Huh. Looks like It's still sealed up." Mike stated.

"Maybe there's another way in." Cameron guessed.

"Then find it " Chef tossed us flashlights." I'm heading back to the hotel to see if I can get the monitors working."

"Let's do this!" Gwen stated.

"Yeah! Four lookouts. We're bound to win." I added.

"Um. Yeah. Sorry. But it's our one hour anniversary and four's a croud. Bye." Scott told us.

Courtney giggled.

"Sorry." Courtney ran off.

/Aaron:"Great. Just great. I should've know this was going to happen. Her and boys. What is her deal? Okay. I'm starting to not like this relationship. Her head needs to stay in the game!"\

Gwen tried her best to find a group to stick with. And now. I'm on my own.


I did a bit of looking around and found some sort of entrance. I shrugged, turned on my flashlight and cautiously walked in.

I kept walking at a steady pace keeping an eye on my surroundings and listening closely for any potential noises that could be threatening.

I then heard a discussion up ahead. I moved closer to hear better.

"I like your eyes. Both of them. O-on your face." Scott grinned at Courtney." They look good."

"Oh. Um. Thanks. I like yours too." Courtney grinned.

"Both of them?" He asked, shinning the light directly in her face.

"Okay. Sure. Can you stop burning my retinas now? I can't see anythin-"

Courtney slipped right into some sort of hole.

"Courtney! I'm your girlfriend!" Scott jumped after her.

I slid down after them to see if they were okay. We all landed badly. But not too badly. I rubbed my head after the fall.

I looked over and saw Cameron kissing Courtney. What is going on today?

Scott got up and growled.

"Oops. Sorry. Uh. I mean. WOAH! WHY'D YOU KISS ME?" Cameron exclaimed.

Scott was growling in anger.

"Huh? You kissed him? Why!?" Scott glared.

"I! What? Are you-" Courtney started.


"We fell-"

"You're so-"

"Just listen-"

This went for a bit.

"Run!" Mike whispear screamed.

No one seemed to noticed I was here.

"I can't believe I ever liked the eyes inside your face." Scott glared.

"So now you don't?" Courtney asked.

"No. I don't think I-" Scott started.

They finally noticed Ezekiel heavily breathing near them. Zeke roared at them. They both started screaming. This is where I took action.

"Don't just stand there! Move out of the way!" I grabbed Courtney's arm ran us away from the scene.

"What the-" Courtney just realized I was here and moved us away from the scene." Aaron? Where did you-"

"You see. I ran in into you guys and-" I started but the floor below us cracked and we fell down to a lower level.

This time, I didn't land the best way possible. My head hit the ground.

"Ow." Courtney groaned. She noticed me laying out the ground.

"Oh my gosh! Aaron! Are you okay?!" She panicked.

I wanted to give her a response. I was fighting as much as I could but I blacked out.(AN:Someone would probably die from this but this is Total Drama. These teens survive some outrageous stuff.)


I woke up with an annoying pain in my head. I slowly lifted my head and rubbed the back of it. Not as bad as I thought.

I heard a voice heavily sighing relief.

"Phew. Good. I'm glad you're okay." Courtney said.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Where are we anyway?" I asked.

"I don't know." Courtney heavily sighed.

"Hey? Are you okay?" I asked.

"No. I'm not." Courtney heavily sighed." Scott broke up with me."

She covered his face and quietly cried. I patted her back.

"There there. I'm sure there's someone that'll make you happy."

"No there isn't!" She removed her hands from her face.


"It's the same story everytime! I go out with a guy and they just end up leaving me. And it always ends with my heart being broken! It's just not fair!" She cried her heart out.

I furrowed my eyebrows and frowned. I could hear her crying her heart out.

"Maybe it's just me. I mean. We both saw how good my relationships were. Duncan was mostly into my more aggressive side. Alejandro didn't care at all. And Scott doesn't even believe me. I was trying to tell him that Cameron kissed me. And he didn't even let me explain."

"I saw." I sighed." It's not you. Maybe it's just the guy. Maybe you just need a guy that's just right for you. One that trusts you. Knows you well. And one that meets your standards."

"And where am I going to find that?"


"Exactly." Courtney heavily sighed." Maybe I should just focus on law school again. None of these relationships ever work out."

"Well. Don't give up on love completely. There's someone. I'm sure."

"Really? And how are you so sure of this someone?"

I looked down and sighed.

"Once again, I let love blind me again. I lost Duncan, I never even had Alejandro, and now... I lost Scott." She whimpered and cried.

"Courtney. I'm sure there's someone." I comforted.

"Aaron. It's nice that you're trying to cheer me up. But I'd rather you tell me the truth rather than telling me I want to believe."

"Courtney. I'm not telling you what you want to hear. I'm telling you the truth like a good friend would."

"Well you're not really explaining this 'truth' well."

"What I'm saying is the answer to your problem may be closer than you think."

"What's that suppose to mean? You said that to me twice."

"Well... m-maybe it would be better if I showed and not tell. I-if you wouldn't mind."

"Eh. Go ahead. Today can't get any worse." She sighed.

I put my hands and Courtney's shoulders. I can't believe I'm doing this. I leaned forward and kissed her.

She seemed a bit shocked but to my suprise she actually kissed back. This doesn't even feel real. Feels like a some sort of dream.

I pulled back, my heart practically beating out of my chest and I was panting. Courtney's blushed a bit, but still looked at me in shock after what I just did.

"A-Aaron? Wha- why di-" Courtney stammered.

"Shh." I said calmly putting finger to her mouth stopping her from talking." I'll explain."

I removed my finger from her, took my other hand off her shoulder and heavily sighed. I could feel my heart racing.

"C-Courtney. When. When I first met you, on the island. When we first shook hands, I felt this spark. This bond. I could just feel something special about you. My gut was telling me the whole time that I. I had feelings for you. I've always had feelings for you. But ever since then it just feels like my feelings just grew and I held them in for a long time."

"But. B-back on the the film set. You said you didn't have feelings for me. You said I was your best friend and that's all."

"I. I lied." I sighed.

"You did?"

I nodded.


"I. I didn't want to get in the way. I couldn't find the right time to tell you. At the time, you seemed into Duncan. Then after he left, I didn't want to rush you into another relationship after you just got out of one. Then Alejandro came along and broke us apart. I just didn't know the right time. But what I would like to know is. Well? Do you feel the same? And maybe after the competition... well. Would you be my girlfriend?" I asked hopefully." I know you've had a lot of bad experiences with dating. But, I can show you that you should give another shot at love. I'll show you that it's not your fault your relationships end the way they do."

Courtney seemed shocked.

"I. But. I can't. What if I ruin our friendship like how I did before? What if it ends because of me again?"

"It'll be different. And it wasn't you that caused your relationships to end. It was just that they were bad guys. When I saw how every guy treated you, all I wanted to do is treat you like the rare treasure you are." I put an hand on her shoulder." So. Please. Will you go out with me? Please. I'll do everything in my power to make you happy. I feel my heart belongs to you."

She looked at me worried. She sighed and gave me a smile.

"Okay. Aaron. I'll-. I'll go out with out after the competition."

"You will!" My eyes lit up.

"Yeah! I kinda liked you too. More than a friend would."

"You did?" I said shocked.

"Yeah. But you told me you only saw me as a friend so I decided to scratch out the idea of us even being a couple."

"Wow. Well, I'm just glad we're here together now. Don't worry. I won't let you down. You'll always have a friend in me and a shoulder to lean on."

I embraced her in a hug. She seemed a bit shocked, but she happily sighed and hugged me back.

I started to hear some noise.

"Hey? Do you hear that?" I asked.

"Yeah. I do." Courtney agreed.

We both quickly got up. I picked up the flashlight and shined the light in the direction I heard the noise.

"Stay close by." I told her, and walked forward.

I kept walking forward. I kept shining around the dark area to see if I saw anything there. I saw a dark shadow lurking in a corner.

I shined the light on it and I saw Ezekiel. Me and Courtney both screamed. And just like that, we were attacked.


I woke up to the sound of cheering. I saw Courtney kneeling down seeing if I'm alright. I sat up and observed my surroundings. We were in a cage if some sort.

I saw Gwen holding a bazooka.

"This is for Cameron." Gwen aimed and fired at Ezekiel.

We all cheered.


After Gwen saved us all, we headed to the elimination ceremony.

"Gwen wins our never to be repeated or spoken of again challnge. She saved all of us. But more IMPORTANTLY she saved me." Chris said."So, I'll honor the deal Chef made the Spa hotel is yours Gwen. Who's heading for exile on Boney Island?"

"Alejandro." Gwen said proudly.

"And who are you taking to the Spa hotel?" Chris asked Gwen.

"Courtney and Aaron." Gwen said happily as me and Courntey cheered.

"As for who goes home, no vote is required. Cameron is too ingured to continue. So, as rules in my cruel street dictate, he must be flushed." Chris stated.


After Cameron was flushed, me, Gwen, and Courtney headed to the Spa hotel. We all took our dinner up stairs and decided to eat up stairs.

Courtney didn't want Gwen to know about the kissing stuff. So we didn't bring it up. We all just enjoyed our night together.

After our dinner we went to sleep.

An: So. After 500 year of waiting. They're finally making progress people! I wouldn't say they're officially dating. But they plan on doing it after they're off the show.

Anyways. Thanks for the support. And I'll see you all next time!

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