Chapter 32: A Obsta-kill course.

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Aaron's POV(As usual)

I was in the guys bedroom of the Spa hotel. Alone, since I'm the only guy in the Spa hotel. Well. Chris was here, but I assume he left.

I sleepily sighed and got up. Once you lay down on those beds, you have a hard time getting off them.

I headed downstairs and saw Gwen and Courtney laughing together enjoying their breakfast.

"Morning Aaron." Courtney and Gwen both waved.

"Morning." I grinned." I have the most vivid lucid dream ever. I had this dream where I jumped off of this really high up building and started flying in the clouds. It was the most amazing thing ever. It felt so real. I could even feel the nice cool breeze hitting my face."

"Wow. Sounds like you had a good sleep." Gwen said.

"Yeah. It was an amazing experience."

I sat down and joined the girls for breakfast.

"I'll be right back." Courtney walked out.

Me and Gwen exchange a look with slight confusion. Not sure why she randomly left... eh. Not gonna think too hard about it.

"So. Gwen. Courtney told me you're taking an interest to art school." I said, starting a conversation.

"Yeah. I'm pretty good at art and stuff. So I kinda wanna make a career out of it."

"Oh. That actually suits you. I can actually imagine you doing that."

"Yeah. So. Do you have a plan for the million?" Gwen asked.

"I think I can think of something."

Our attention was drawn by Chris speaking on the loud speaker.

"Attention maggots! Last one to the beach drops and gives me fifty. Hut! Hut! Hut!" Chris said on the annoucer.

"I guess we should get going." I said.

"Yeah. I suppose we should."


We all were a bit tired after running to meet up with Chris.

"At ease maggots. About time you got here. I was almost getting bored. Glad you could join us Alejandro. You know the deal. Last one here, equals push ups there." Chris pointed.

"Of course I'm gonna be the last one. I was exiled on Boney Island." Alejandro stated.

"You mean, "I was exiled on Boney Island, sir." Chris said through his megaphone.

"Listen up worms. Chef's boot camp challenge in season one was tough. But this is season five and things are about to get a while lot more hurt-ey with Chris McLean obsta-kill course. Patent pending! To win this full on race challenge and avoid getting flushed, first you'll have to conquer the fun tires. Get through them and you're on to rope slope. Some ropes are more reliable then others. So, choose wisely, but not too wisely that'll spoil the fun... for me. Next, the snapping bars."

"Why are they called that?" Zoey asked.

"Oh you'll see. Then it's on to a pleasant run through the duck and cover. Come out of that alive and you're in for a real treat."

"Pfft. Piece of cake." Scott grinned.

"Oh. In that case-" Chris started.

"No!" Scott exclaimed.

"Everyone has to wear a heavy pack for the whole challenge." Chris stated as Chef dropped the packs in front of us as we all complained.

"Abandon your pack and you'll race eventual penalty. Seriously. This is gonna be awsome." Chris stated.

I picked up my pack. I put it on my back. I noticed Courtney looking at Gwen and Zoey. They were giggling together.

/Corutney:"Zoey better not be forming an alliance with Gwen. Or telling her about me kissing Scott, Cameron, and Aaron. Or both! Grr! Why didn't I take that lip reading course?"\

"On your Marks. Get set. GO!" Chris blew his horn as we took off running.

Scott so far was in the lead.

"This is easy." Scott grinned.

A log then popped out of the ground and Courtney bumped right into it. The impact caused her to fall back.

Luckily I managed to catch her arms into mine.

"Courtney? You okay?" I asked concerned.

"Yeah. I guess." She rubbed her head.

I assisted her and we continued to navigate through the tires. With due time, we managed to get through.

We saw Gwen and Zoey laughing together while climbing the wall.

"You two better not be talking about me kissing Scott, Aaron, and Cameron!" Courtney exclaimed.

How does Zoey know about all the kissing stuff? Maybe Courtney told her this morning? Eh, either way I guess she knew.

Gwen gasped.

"You kissed Cameron?" Gwen asked.

"Not only that, she kissed him while we were going out!" Scott called out.

"For the last time, he kissed me!" Courtney stomped.

I grabbed Courtney's arm.

"Come on. We don't have time for this. We have a race to win." I stated as I headed us in the direction of the ropes.

"If we survive this, you and I are having a little chat Courtney." Gwen told Courtney as she heavily sighed.

/Aaron:"Why is Gwen so mad about Cameron kissing Courtney? What did she like him or something?"\

Me and Courtney started to climb up the ropes as fast as we could. Scott was following us but the rope he was climbing zapped him.

After getting to the top, I hopped down and landed a bit heavy but nothing too bad. A bit steep but still. Not so bad.

Courtney smoothly jumped down and followed behind me. We made it to the snapping bars.

I put Courtney on my shoulders and climbed up for the both of us. I let her start crossing over first and I followed behind her.

I honestly can't stand these bars. They annoy my hands, but mentally complaining about them won't get me far.

I kept following behind Courtney. A turtle hopped up and bit her leg. This broke her concentration, causing her hand to slip off the bar.

I quickly grabbed her arm, preventing her from falling into the pond.

"You Alright darling? I mean, Courtney?" I stammered.

"Yeah. Nice catch." She blushed."Ow."

She noticed the turtle still biting her. She forcefully kicked it off. But since I'm still holding onto her with one hand, I can't go any further on the bars.

"Got any ideas?" Courtney asked.

"Yeah. I have a few. Here. Climb up." I told her.

She put one of her hands on my shoulder. Then moved the hand I was holding to my other shoulder and moved up to my height.

Our faces were inches apart. Which I didn't mind. She's very pretty.

"Hang on sweetheart." I told her.

"Oh. Um. Okay." She blushed, getting better hold of my shoulders.

I got us across to the end of the snapping bars. She jumped off and I shortly followed after.

/Courtney:"You know, if I known Aaron would be this sweet in a relationship, I probably would've started dating him sooner. But hey. Better now than never, right?"\


After getting pass the snapping bars, me, Courtney, and Gwen all met up and started running through the duck and cover area.

Me and the girls found a rock to hide behind. They were most focused on boy kissing stuff than the actual challenge.

"So you admit you kissed Cam, while you were with Scott." Gwen stated.

"Nope. Cameron kissed her. I saw the whole thing." I stated.

"Why would he do that?" Gwen asked, kinda angered.

"Maybe because he thinks I'm pretty." Courtney narrowed her eyes at Gwen.

I mean. Who wouldn't think Courtney's pretty? Well... aside from Heather.

"S-sure. Yeah. O-of course. It's just it kinda came out of nowhere." Gwen stated.

"Okay. For now. Let's just focus on the game. We have a challenge to win." I stated.

Mike then came out if nowhere.

"Hey. So I was thinking of voting off Alejandro next. Thoughts?" Mike grinned.

"Absolutely." Courtney grinned.

"Yes." Gwen agreed.

"Sure. I won't miss him. Come on. Let's go." We took off.


After we managed to get through that leach area, we got to a edge. Which also had a line above us. Which looks like it could be used for ziplining.

"You didn't say we were gonna need our packs." Scott frowned.

"Told you there would be a penalty, bro." Chris said through his megaphone.

Eh. Not gonna focus too much on that. Me, Gwen, and Courtney hooked ourselves up and started ziplining.

This is amazing. Well... it was amazing. We ended up crashing. Not our best performance. But we're not dead, and that's always a win in my book.


"Congratulations campers. This was the fastest voting process in Total Drama History. The votes are unanimous. Except for one particularly artistic entry." Chris pulled up a photo of Mike with devil horns and other extras.... interesting.

Scott laughed at what I would assume is, Alejandro's art work.

"I wish I had thought of doing something like that." Scott continued to laugh as Mike glared him down, stopping him from laughing.

"But. Everyone else wants Alejandro to surf the porcelain wave machine." Chris annouced.

"Aw... man." Alejandro sighed.

"Gee. What a shame. Not really." Chris grinned.

For once. I agree with him.

"First. Since Zoey won the challenge. She and a camper of her choice gets to enjoy the spa along with yours truely and Gwen."

"Nuh uh. No way!" Gwen refused.

"You said what now?" Chris glared.

"I can't take another night stuck in that hotel with you. Especially without Courtney and Aaron not being there." Gwen complained.

"Fine. Boney Island it is." Chris shrugged as Gwen gasped.

"So. Zoey? Who you bringing?" Chris asked.

"Mike. He's the only reason I won." Zoey stated.

"Aw. Really? You're the best." Mike and Zoey hugged.

Yeah. Not sure what Duncan was talking about with Mike being dangerous. He just seems to be an ordinary teen(aside from his disorder) in love with a red head.


Not many of us went to see Alejandro off. Me and Courtney wished Gwen good luck before her departure.

Me and Courtney headed to the girls side of the cabin, stayed a up a bit to strategize and then went to sleep.

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