Chapter 33: Making our Sundaes

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Aaron's POV

It was the next day. Me and Courtney were in the girls cabin together. We were just enjoying each other's company.

"So, you're saying you know how to control your dreams?" Courtney grinned.

"Yeah. I-I could teach you if you want. Everything feels so real. You can do anything you want in your dream. As long as it isn't too startling that you jolt awake."

"Well. Maybe you could teach me sometime." Courtney grinned.

Me and Courtney headed outside. Chris started an announcement bright and early.

"Attention punching bags. Please gather in the forest clearing. And bring your padded undies. Because today's challenge is a buttkicker." Chris stated.

We saw Chef driving by and drop Gwen off. Literally.

"Hey Gwen. How was your night on Boney Island?" Zoey asked.

"Not bad actually.  A woolly beaver tried to eat me so I climbed a tree to the top and slept in the canopy. Fell asleep looking at the stars." Gwen explained.

"Wow." Zoey started.

"Yeah. What a nightmare. Luckily Gwen is super smart and totally strong so she lived to tell the tale." Courtney hugged Gwen as I happily nodded in agreement.

"Well. Welcome back Gwen." Zoey said as her, Mike, and Scott left the scene.

"'Welcome back Gwen'." Courtney mocked.

"What?!" Gwen pulled away.

"Nothing. I was just noticing that cutthroat vibe Zoey has about her. So two-faced. We should shun her." Courtney stated.

"Um...." Gwen started.

"Are you still mad at me for all the kissing I did? Because like I said before, Scott was an accident and both Aaron and Cameron kissed me." Courtney clarified.

I felt myself blushing of the memory of kissing Courtney.

"I'm not mad at you. I just hope your head is still in the game." Gwen pointed.

"Don't worry. I can reassure that Courtney's number one priority is the game." I stated." After ending her relationship with Scott, we got to strategize last night."

"So you guys still wanna go all the way to the finale with me?" Gwen grinned.

"Of course we do. Right Courtney?" I grinned.

"Gwen. I promise. It's me, you, and Aaron. Right to the end." Courtney smiled.


Me and the rest of the competitors headed to where Chris wanted us to meet him.

"Behold. My sad skinny interns. I totally forgot to feed them this week." Chris smiled.

Mike obnoxiously laughed... what is wrong with him? They're is that funny...

"I know. Funny right?"

"No. Not really." I crossed my arms giving the interns slight looks of concern.

"It is. Anywho, today's challenge is a race to make a delicious sundae and serve it up to the good ole what's-his-name. And who's It's over here." Chris stated." So, to make this fun, for me you'll have to travel to the most dangerous areas on the island to procure the ingredients of this desert. Your icecream awaits at the top of the diving cliff, which the ice machine has been making nice and slippery all week. The maraschino cherries are perched on a rock in the swamp. You'll find chrushed peanuts in the cafeteria. And the final ingredient. Chocolate sauce can be found in a pool surrounding a recently planted mutant fire flower." Chris explained as Chef started handing us our bowls.

"You're sick McClain." Gwen pointed, receiving her bowl from Chef.

I agree with Gwen. His twisted mind is sickening.

"What can I say? Prison changed me... for the better. The first person to have their sundae completely consumed by the interns wins. On your Mark's. Get set." Chris blew his air horn.

We all stood there.

"What are you waiting for? They're hungry. SCRAM!" Chris yelled, blowing the horn as we took off.

Me, Gwen, and Courtney were sticking together.

"Okay. So, I suggest that we all try to complete the course as quick as possible. Doesn't matter which one of us wins. As long as it isn't Zoey." I explained.

"Good thinking Aaron." Courtney complimented.


Me and Courtney were both going up the snowy cliff. Gwen was way ahead of us.

"Gwen has scooped up first place." Chris announced.

"Nice work Gwen!" I cheered.

"Wa hoo! Yeah!" Gwen slid down.

This caused Zoey and Courtney to slide down.

I was about to go back and help Courtney.

"Keep going! I'll catch up!" Courtney told me.

"Okay. Stay safe." I told her.

I followed behind Mike. Me and Mike both got our ice cream and slid down.

"All clear!" Mike said as he slid down.


Courtney managed to catch up to me.

"I assume Gwen is still up ahead." Courtney said.

"Yeah. I'd assume. I haven't seen her since the diving cliff. So I guess she still has her lead." I stated.

Chris then started an announcement.

"Gwen's first to the cherries. Will she keep her lead? Not if snappy has anything to say about it." Chris said on the annoucer.

"Snappy?" Courtney questioned.

"Probably one of Chris's cruel pets." I guessed.

"Hopefully she's okay." Courtney said with concern.

"Hopefully." I said.


We kept going. We arrive at the swamp. We saw where the cherries were located. Okay.

"I guess we walk through the swamp water to get it." I said starting to walk towards the swamp water.

Courtney quickly stopped me.

"No. I have a better idea." She said.


She got a log and put it on the swamp water. She got on and floated towards the bowl of cherries.

"Ugh! My foot is stuck." Zoey stated.

Courtney picked up two cherries and started to head back. She got back, hopped off the log and handed me a cherry.

After that, we took off running in the direction of the cafeteria.

"Nice thinking back there Courtney." I grinned.

"Well. It was nothing really." Courtney grinned.

Chris then started speaking on the annoucer.

"And Mike is the first to enter the crushed nut zone. Where he'll face off against the newly rebuilt Total Drama machine." Chris annouced.

"The what?" I questioned.

"Is he talking about that weird robot suit that Alejandro was stuck in?" Courtney guessed.

"Hm... maybe. Eh. Either way, I'm sure it's nothing we can't handle." I grinned.


We arrived at the cafeteria. You know, that place where we would eat our breakfast and dinner in season one. It's interesting that no one even hangs out there anymore.

Courtney and Gwen bumped right into each other.

"Gwen. I-" Courtney started.

"No time to chat. Mike's still in the lead. Watch out for the machine." Gwen warned then took off running.

I helped Courtney up and we walked in. As soon as we entered we heard some noise. We saw the robot approaching.

"Gah!" Courtney exclaimed and started running." This can't be legal."

It started chasing after Courtney.

I put my bowl down and forcefully kicked the robot. It was stunned for a while. While it was stunned me, Zoey, and Courtney took the nuts that we needed and left. As we left Scott was just arriving.

"And Mike is the first to reach the fire chocolate zone." Chris annouced." But Gwen is hot on his heels."

Me and Courtney kept running as fast as we could.

"Gwen exits the chocolate fire zone and retakes the lead." Chris annouced.

Hmm...Not bad Gwen. Not bad.


Me, Zoey, and Courtney took cover behind a rock. Mike was also hiding behind this rock. Those two started having a discussion.

"Okay. I'll distract the flower while you go get chocolate." I told Courtney.


"Don't worry about me. Once you get your chocolate run as fast as you can."


"No questions asked. You got us the cherries. It's only fair. That's the plan and it's final." I told her getting up.

I drew the flowers attention and it started trying to blast me. I managed to dodge.

Courtney got her chocolate and ran off. Zoey shortly took off after her. Mike got his choclate, shoved a rock in its mouth and it blew up.

Scott then arrived at the scene.

"Hey! What are you doing!" Scott said.

"Oh. Uh. It was an accident. Sorry." Mike said then laughed leaving.

Me and Scott exchanged a look.

"Dirt would've been a first choice as a topping back home. See you at the finish line. Sucker." Scott ran off.

Um... rude...

"I guess I use burned coals." I sighed to myself.

I put the coals on and took off running. My icecream started to melt a bit. Eh, it'll be fine... I think.


I managed to catch up with the rest. Everyone but Courtney was here for the final stretch.

"Run faster! I don't care who wins as long as it's not Courtney!" Scott exclaimed.

"Tada! Short cut!" I heard Courtney cheer.

Out of nowhere she boosted in front of all of us. Scott, Zoey, and Mike complained as me and Gwen cheered.

"Hahahaha! Woo!" Courtney cheered.

"Nice going Courtney!" I grinned.

"I win! Eat it interns!" Courtney ordered.

"Suprise! Change of plans! You have to eat your own sundae." Chris said.

Everyone cheered about the change of plan. Well. Everyone but me. Mine is partially melted. But I guess it's still icecream so.

"First to finish wins immunity. Everyone else is on the chopping block. So, dig in." Chris stated.

/Aaron:"Huh. Interesting. My icecream is kinda not really icecream anymore. I mean, it's just slightly cold cream with a cherry and coals in it. So, essentially it won't even give me brain freeze."\

We all started eating as fast as we could.

"Gah! Brain freeze!" Gwen exclaimed as Scott laughed." Easy to laugh when you have no brain to freeze."

I shoved the rest of my icecream down my throat.

"Done!" I exclaimed holding up my empty bowl.

Icecream tastes a lot better cold but you can eat it way quicker when it's warm.

"Boom. Just like that, Aaron wins the challenge and immunity." Chris said as me Courtney and Gwen cheered.

I wiped the chocolate off my face and grinned. Finally. My first win.


After winning the challenge, we all headed to the elimination ceremony.  Me, Courtney, and Gwen sat confidently together 

"Elimination time. Remember, tonight Aaron's got immunity, so pick your favorite loser so I can get flushing." Chris grinned.

I along with Courtney and Gwen voted for Zoey. After casting my vote, I happily sat down.

"Okay. You all casted your votes. Let's see. We have one vote for Courtney. One for Zoey. Another vote for Zoey. And another for Courtney. And another vote for Zoey and the last vote is for.... Courtney. Which means I get two flushys tonight!" Chris cheered as every single one of us gasped. Well. Except for Scott.

"Courtney." Me and Gwen said sadly as Courtney sadly sighed.

"Come on. Let's get flushing!" Chris said enthusiastic, rubbing his hands together excitedly.


First to flush was Zoey.

"Bye Zoey. I'll win for you!" Mike waved to Zoey.

"Okay Mike. I believe in you." She gave him a kiss and then got in the toilet and was flushed.

"Courtney. You're next." Chris grinned.

Me, Courtney, and Gwen exchange looks. Courtney and Gwen gave each other a hug. After they hugged Courtney looked at me.

"D-don't worry. Me and Gwen will win. Even though you're out, you're still apart if our deal. Right Gwen?" I grinned.

"Yeah. Totally." Gwen agreed.

"Well. Thanks guys. I'll be rooting for you two." Courtney told us.

Courtney gave me a kiss on the cheek, putting me in shock. I felt myself blushing. Courtney got into the toilet and was flushed. I heavily sighed.

"Congrats on making it to the final four. Aaron, the Spa hotel is all yours because from now on, winners can't take anyone along with them." Chris stated.

"Okay. But Gwen still has permanent residents in the Spa hotel, right?" I asked.

"Nuh-uh. No way. I'm not going back in there." Gwen said.

I guess Chris really annoyed her. Eh, not gonna think to hard about it.


After my dinner. I headed to the Spa hotel.

"Ah. It's great to be back." I happily sighed." It would be better without all of these new paintings of Chris... It's a bit creepy." I said to myself.

Suddenly Chris popped through one of his paintings.

"Only four competitors remain.  Who's here to stay? And who's gonna get flushed away? Good painting right?" Chris asked.

"Um...." I started, still startled by the fact Chris just popped through a painting.

"Find out next time on an all new Total Drama All-Stars!" Chris said.

"Okay... I'm gonna go to sleep." I cover my head and turned away from Chris.

An: RIP. Two of my favorite characters gone. But in order for my writing plan to work I had to get rid of Zoey and Courtney.

Anyways, sorry this took a while. School has been shoving textbook work down my throat. Thanks for reading. And don't forget to vote.[I-if you want]

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