Chapter 5: What's not to love about New York?

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Aaron's POV

Me and the girls were sitting together in economy class. Cody sat alone, still trying to recover.

"Stupid economy section." Heather complained. "What is that horrible smell?"

"Deafeat." Gwen answered.

"I could have pulled the sled faster if Heather wasn't whipping me." I glared.

"We both know that's not true."

"First chance we get I'll totally help you two vote her off." Gwen told us.

"Glady." I nodded.

"Can we whip her off." Courtney suggested.

"Do as you please." I stated.

"Ugh. Whatever." Heather stormed off and went to go talk to Cody and Sierra.

"We have to get back into first class. This part of the plane is a total dump." Courtney told us.

"Agreed. Hopefully we can win for
we can get back in." I sighed.


We met Chris in the cargo hold. We got in a giant boat.

"Take a seat, grab a handle and I'll tell you where we're going." Chris said.

"Why are you wearing a life jacket?" Noah asked.

"Because there's 14 of you but only 1 valuable me! Hit it Chef!" Chris yelled .

Suddenly a hole appeared in the cargo hold and the boat was sent right into the water.

"Welcome to New York City!" Chris introduced.

We got onto dry land and Chris started explaining the challenge.

"Your first challenge is a carriage race to Central Park. Which I like to call: Liberty or Death." Chris stated.

"Oh I always dreamed of riding a horse-drawn carriage!" Owen exclaimed.

"Don't even think about making Aaron the horse. Heather." Courtney said to Heather as we both glared at her.

"Slow down conclusion jumpers. It's a baby carriage race."

"So where are the carriages?" Leshawna asked.

"Yeah. Hope you brought your climbing gloves." Chris stated as we all complained. The carriages were on lady liberty's crown.

"Wow Chris. I think your mischievous spirit makes the game." Sierra smiled.

"Thank you Sierra. It's nice to be appreciated." Chris grinned.

"Appreciated? I love you. I always did. Even way back when you were making those terrible movies about talking cats." Sierra stated." I was even going to call my first fanclub: The Christian's. But that name was already taken."

"Okay, less chatter, more splatter- I mean climbing, more climbing. We'll leave the splatter to fate. Anywho, once you reach Lady Liberty's crown, pull up the rope to bring your team up faster. Once your teams up, grab the correct carriage off the spike, race back to your boat and follow the buoys to Central Park!" Chris said.

"Um, so when do we go shopping?" Lindsay asked.

"We don't." Chris simply said.

"NOO!" Lindsay screamed.


We were debating on how we should climb. Seems like this team has to debate in order to do something.

"Why don't I go first, make sure it's safe for you ladies." Cody explained but Courtney stopped him.

"I know exactly how we should climb."

"You're not gonna suggest we belay again are you? Because that worked so well in Egypt." Gwen rolled her eyes.

"But- no- I. Nevermind." Courtney changed her mind.

"I think Sierra should decide." Heather stated.

"And I think I'm gonna start climbing." I stated as I start climbing up the rope.


"It's been twenty five blistering busting minutes and nothing. You guys are bumming me out."

I'm moving as fast as I can. These ropes are annoying. I was the first Amazon to reach the top. I helped pull the girls and Cody up. And now we were working on getting Sierra up.

"Let's go! I'm tired. I'm hungry. And I gotta pee." Chris complained.

We finally got Sierra on the crown. We all cheered.

"I'll get the carriage. Which is something only a really valuable teamate would do." Heather stated.

We watched Heather carefully get the carriage.

"Hey Chris, know what? I own every one of your TV appearances on DVD. Even your cooking show. Keep it plain with Chris McClain. Your recipe for white rice is so great. It's totally unfair you got canceled after one episode." Sierra stated as everyone laughed.

Heather came back with the pink baby carriage.

"Tada! Like I said. Valuable." Heather stated.

"Team Amazon takes the lead." Chris annouced.

"How do we get back down?" Courtney asked.

"Fireman's pole, anyone. It's only a thirty story drop." Chris stated.

Me and the Amazons checked it out.

"Ladies first." Cody stated.

"Um. Heh. He." Sierra nervously chuckled.

"As leader of team Amazon, I will make sure It's safe for my fellow teammates." I stated.

I took the carriage and slid down the pole, holding in my scream the whole way down. I didn't land in the worst way possible. Only minor damage to my arm.

"All clear!" I yelled back up to the girls.

The rest of the group slid down the fireman's pole.

We dashed out of lady Liberty and made our way to the boats. We found a pink one and hopped in. Courtney started the boat and drove off.

"Cody!" Sierra yelled.

"Turn around!" Gwen shouted.

"What?" Courtney asked.

"Courtney! We have to turn around. We lost Cody!" I shouted.

We started heading back the opposite direction. We passed Victory and Team Chris on our way back.

"Great! We've gone from first place to last! Nice work Courtney!" Heather complained.


"Oh, don't even start Heather. If it wasn't for you I would've been able to get us in first class yesterday. You're the last person who should be talking about what this team is doing wrong." I glared.

Sierra pulled Cody into our boat and we took off again. We drove right into the sewers.

"The sewer? Ugh! Sometimes I hate Chris! Okay, all times." Heather complained.

We drove right on an alligators head and landed as we all screamed. The aligator continued to chase us.

We got eaten by the aligator. And then spat out of the sewer.

"Woah. Nasty. That's the kind of stink that never comes out. Make the gator sign a savior so we can show it on TV." Chris told Chef.

"Chris. You are such a brilliant commander. That's why you always stood out in your boy band." Sierra stated.

"Chris was in a boy band?" Owen asked.

"Moving on." Chris tried to quickly skip it.

"Back in the 80s he was. Making trouble is easy to do. But making you love me is painful." Sierra sung.

"You were in fametown?" Gwen asked.

We all burst out laughing. That one was just... I think that's almost as bad as the canceled cooking show. Almost.

"I really admire how you never let mockery get to you. I'll have include that in your obituary. I already have a draft. Wanna hear? Chris Mclain was born in 1978-" Sierra started.

"That is it! Zip it! PERMANENTLY! GAH!" Chris said to Sierra." Alright, focus people. Welcome to the second half of the challenge. Bobbing for big apples NYC style. Here's how it's gonna go down. Teams must push their carriages along one of the three paths to Central park's famous turtle pond. There, one member of each team will Bob for some very special apples. Using only their mouths. No hands. Once they get it to shore, the rest of the team must load it into their carriages and race to the finish line in the heart of Central Park. And what's a baby carriage without a baby?"

"Oh! A shopping cart." Owen answered.

"It was a rhetorical question."

"Oh Chris. That is so-"

"ZIP IT!" Chris shouted at her." One member of each team must ride in the carriage and stay there all the way to the finish line."

"Cody." Me and the Amazons pointed.

Noah and Lindsay decided to do it for their teams.

"Victory got here first. So they get the shortest path to the pond. Team Chris is really really really really hot gets the longest path on the left. And team Amazon gets the longest path on the right. Oh, a little traveling music please." Chris requested.

"It's always been a dream of mine to dance in New York City." Courtney smiled.

"Well then. allow me to share this amazing dream of yours with you." I smiled at her.

"So we're really doing this music part every single time?" Leshawna asked.

"Fun, huh?" Chris stated.

Courtney and Aaron: What's not to love about New York city?

Courtney: The taxis honk out of New York ditty!

Aaron: The crime is high! The pigeons fly!

Aaron and Courtney: What's not to love about New York?*spins Courtney around and performs a dip*

Owen: The lights are brighter, the fun is funnier.

and the bagels are bagel-er,

And the bums are bummer

The dirt and grime make every alley shine!

What's not to love about New York?

Lindsay: The stores, and the fashion! Big shows where stars passion!

It's crazy 'cause the city sleeps!

DJ: Dance break!

*DJ begins tap dancing. Leshawna dances causing him to cringe*


Heather, Sierra, Gwen, Aaron, and Courtney: Subway trains, and the hustle-bustle

Amazons( Aside from cody) and Lindsay: Cappuccinos while the mobsters tussle.

Owen: And pretzel stands for all us pretzel fans! What's not to love?

Owen, and Lindsay: What's not to love?

Amazons, Lindsay, Owen, and Noah: What's not love.... about New York?!

After finishing the song, all the teams arrived at the pond at the same time.

"Remember. No hands." Chris reminded us.

We started debating who was going to get the apple.

"My perfect ballet leaps close the gap. Now someone dive in before we lose the advantage." Courtney stated.

"Ooo! Last year, I broke my leg in the egg and spoon race at the Chris McClain fanclub picnic." Sierra informed us.

"Hold up. There's a Chris Mclain fanclub picnic?" Gwen asked.

"Apparently." I raised an eyebrow.

"It's awsome. There were like, six of us. Anyway, I had to stay off it for over a month and I took the seal training cours online." Sierra imitated seal noises." Handy, huh?"

"I repeat. Dive in!" Courtney told her as Sierra ran off.

Sierra balanced the apple on her head and made her way back.

"Go Sierra!" Gwen cheered.

"Hurry!" Me and Courtney both shouted.

"You're so weird." Cody stated.

Alejandro got his apple and pushed his teams carriage. DJ then got his teams apple and Leshawna pushed their carriage.

Sierra finally got out of the water and used her head to carry the apple to us.

"Hurry!" Heather shouted.

She dropped the apple on Cody and we took off, with me pushing the carriage.  We some how got pass Team Victory and arrived first. Which is great.

"And the winner of the New York challenge is Team Amazon!" Chris annouced as we cheered.

"Team Victory. Congrats on not coming in last." Chris told them as they cheered.

"And team Chris is really really really really hot you're facing elimination for the first time. But you won't have to go through with it 'cause this is really a reward challenge." Chris annouced.

Team Chris celebrated.


We headed back on the plane.

"As the winners of this reward challenge, team Amazon gets to keep or dump the prizes contained in the apples. So have at it ladies." Chris stated.

"Hey!" Me and Cody complained.

"Sorry. Have at it ladies. And father and baby." Chris told us.

"Hey." Cody whined again.

I guess I was called the father because I pushed the carriage.

Cody got up and hit the first apple with the hammer. It revealed a bunch of candy.

"Candy!" Cody grabbed his bag and started storing as much as he could.

"Hey! Leave some for the rest of us." Courtney told him.

"Course. No prob. Sure thing. Come to papa." Cody continued stuffing them into the bag.

Sierra pounded her fist on the apple and inside was a bunch of apples.

Heather stood up and talked to Sierra. Then got everyone's attention.

"I think I deserve to open the last one." Heather stated." All things considered."

"The carriage swap did help us win."

"But we wouldn't have lost either way. So don't get all big headed." Courtney told her.

Heather used her nails to open the apple.

"What the? A meat grinder? This must be the booby prize. Forget it." Heather picked it up and opened the plane door.

"Wait!" I stated.

"Maybe we should keep it. Just in case." Courtney stated.

Heather threw it out the plane.

"That really is satisfying." Heather stated.


After getting our rewards, we headed up to the first class compartment. I picked up a lemonade and my candy. and sat down to myself.

Okay, we are winning first class so often. I don't intend on gaining weight from our candy rewards.

I took out my phone and one of the PS4 controllers I packed. I connected it to my phone and started to play Minecraft.

Courtney's POV

After Heather threw the meat grinder out of the plane, we headed up to first place. I sat down in first class with my raspberry cream swirl.

I was kind of bored. This team isn't exactly full of interesting people. I wonder how Duncan is doing.

I didn't want to think about the fact that he left me in the game. I know. Aaron told me to think positive, but I just can't believe he would just abandon me like this. I thought about what Aaron told me,

"Well. I'm always here. You have my number. You can always call or visit when you're not busy, K." Aaron grinned pointing finger guns, and winked.

Yeah. I guess I could see what Aaron is up to. I took hold of my bowl, got up and went to go check up on Aaron.

I saw him sitting down, playing a game on his phone.

"Hey Aaron."

"Oh. Hey Courtney. What's up?" He grinned, pressing the start button to pause his gameplay.

"Nothing much. Just came to see what you were up to. That's all."

"Ah. I see. Just playing Minecraft. I managed to connect my PS4 controller to my phone."

"Oh. Well, I guess you're busy. Well. I best be going then." I sighed, taking a scoop of my icecream and serving it to myself.

"Do you have your phone on you?" He asked.

"Yes. It's right here." I took it out of my pocket.

"Can I see it for a sec?"

"Um. Sure." I handed it to him.

He scanned over my phone for a second.

"Say. Would like to play with me again? I brought an extra controller just incase you might wanna play again."

"Of course! I-I mean. Yes. Because you would enjoy it." I lied.

Like I said. I'm not letting Aaron know I like this weird, block head game. Maybe instead of thinking about what I would want to have...

Maybe I should think about what I have. I still have Aaron in the game with me. We got really lucky to be put on the same team three times in a row.

Well. The first time was more so luck. The second time we were bound to be put on the same team because of our lawsuit. And then this time with the pyramid situation.

I'm really glad to have a supportive friend like him.

"And. There. All connected. You ready?" He asked.

"Um. Yeah."

He handed me his red controller and he picked up his organge one.

"So. Let's see how much you remember. What should we do first?"

I thought to myself about the time we hung out over his house and perfectly remembered what he told me.

"Okay. You told me that we should start off by getting some sort of the defense. So, I start off with breaking a tree, right?"

"Yes. Go on."

I moved my character towards the tree. I was about to press square but I remembered at the last second that I use R2 to punch.

"Then after that I use the wood I collected to make planks, use the planks to make sticks and use both the stick and the planks to make a sword."

"You're really getting good at this." He smiled.

"Of course I am. I catch on fast." I bragged.

"You sure do."


We continued to play for sometime. I really have improved. The last time I played, I died right as it turned morning.

This time, I managed to build a tiny hut and sustain all of my health. I'm still not sure why I find this weird game fun, but I do.

I looked over at my melted bowl of icecream.

"Well, my icecream melted."

"And the ice in my lemonade melted." He chuckled.

"Eh. We'll just get more. For now, I'm gonna attempt to go in this cave."


After finding a good place to save, we turned off our phones. I don't like having my phone heat up too much.

We decided to just talk about random stuff, which all went well.

"Well. I'm probably gonna get some rest. Since we have another challenge tomorrow." Aaron stated.

"Yeah. Well, Goodnight Aaron." I waved.

"Sleep tight."

I sat back in one of the golden chairs and went to sleep.

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