Chapter 6: A traditional German dance

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Aaron's POV

Me, Courtney, and Gwen were sitting together in first class. Now that Duncan's out of the game, we don't have to keep close eye on her.

I was sitting in first class enjoying my lemonade... because I can. I'm really likening our chances of winning this season. Chris started speaking through the PA.

"In preperation for landing, please unbuckle your seatbelts and head to the cargo hold." Chris told us.

"Challenge time already?" Courtney complained.

"Afraid so. This guy just never runs out of ideas." I sighed.

I finished my lemonade and me and the rest of the teams headed to the cargo hold.

"Now what?" Leshawna asked.

The floor below us opened up and we all fell down into the snow. I pushed the snow out of my hair and got up. Chris came hovering down to talk to us. According to Chris, we landed in Germany.

"We're in avalanches territory. So you might wanna keep it down." Chris wispeared.

"What! There's a sale at the khaki bar! Ahhhhhh!" Lindsay scream. Tyler and Cody covered her mouth.

"Welcome to today's musical challenge, avoid the song-alanch. To avoid a potential tumble down mountain, then a sucktaculer climb back up, you might wanna keep the singing nice and not loud." Chris whispered.

We all began whisper singing.

Noah: Keep it down, so I can win the loot!

Owen: Try I will. But I still got to fart, No toot.*Noah and Heather shhh Owen*

Heather: Toot on, but you're still out of luck. You suck the lemon chuck.

Gwen: Wait till you're voted out for being such lout!

Courtney and Aaron: We'll Dance a hig when Chris shoves you out the plane!

Alejandro: When you don't hold back and leave the pack, truly there is nothing stopping you, you, you.

Leshawna: Swimming in your eyes, It's butterfly's and suddenly there's nothing I can do. Sorry Harold.

Lindsay: Wait. Something's itching in my brain. Someone's back in the game. My former flame. And Tyler's your name! You're just the same oh, Tyler, Tyler, Tyler, Tyler, back you came!


After Tyler screamed that loudly, the snow avalanche came tumbling down on us. Which didn't end so well. Chris came hovering over us again and burst out laughing.

"Hahahaha. Awsome." He laughed as we all groaned.


We met back up with Chris and waited for him to explain the challenge.

"Don't think of it as raw meat, think of it as raw building material. Over fifteen hundred species of sausages call Germany home, hence the theme of our most efficient challenge yet." Chris said.

"Shut it, and stuff it!" Chef yelled.

"Danke Chef." Chris thanked Chef" Each team must make a giant German sausage by shoveling meat into the grinder. Push it down and grind the mixture into an oversized sausage case without losing a figure or toe."

"What about thumbs? Are they cool?" Owen asked.

"I'm sorry, sausages? This is the most disgusting challenge yet!" Heather complained.

"Count yourselves lucky that you're not making hotdogs. No breaks, hooves, or butts in this meat pile." Chris said."You'll have to shovel fast or get stuck with an incomplete sausage, which will be a lot harder to roll down on down a hill."

We looked over to see a nice, perfect, smooth hill.

"Uh, no. Not that hill." Chris told us.

We drew our attention to another hill which was the complete opposite of the other hill.

"That's the spot." Chris stated as lighting struck right in front of it." Of course if you had a shiny electric meat grinder, you can just plug into our portable generator and voila. Sausage stuffed in seconds."

"Ugh! I knew we should have tackled her when you threw the grinder out." Courtney argued at Heather.

"You didn't disagree at the time." Heather defended.

"We did! We were trying to tell you to not throw it out." I glared.

"What kind of self involved, lazy, useless, formally bald dimwit thinks a reward doesn't eventually come in handy." Courtney yelled at Heather.

"Speaking of rewards, can we expect one at the end of this salmonella challenge." Leshawna asked.

Owen's stomach then growled."mmm. Samonella." Owen said.

"Oh, don't worry, there will be a reward for those who make it down alive. And there will be a punishment for one of the sorry losers on the losing team. Behold, the penalty hosen." Chris said showing us all a German hosen.

"Go, go, go!"


Me and Courtney started shoveling meat up to Heather so she could stuff it into the grinder.

"Forget it! Shoving meat into the grinder is dangerous. I'm valuable. Who got us the win in New York?!" Heather stated.

"Seriously Heather? Now you're insulting the whole team. We all won as a team. Sierra got us the apple." I glared.

"And may I remind you of who threw out the electric grinder?" Courtney glared as we both continued to shovel.

"Yeah. But I-"

"SHOVE IT!" Me and the rest of the Amazons yelled at Heather.

We continued to shovel. Heather was barely shoving the meat into the grinder. She was about to barf.

"Um. Less yacking. More packing." Courtney told her.

"Well at least I'm doing something." Heather pointed out.

Heather pointed out Sierra making a meat version of Cody. She kissed it and smiled happily. That's raw meat she's kissing.

We all gave a confused look.


We continued to shove the meat into the grinder.

"This is a disaster. Thanks to Sierra there's no meat left."

"We could use meat Cody." Heather stated.

Sierea was hugging meat Cody. It then slipped out of her arms and slid down the hill

"Meat Cody! No." Sierra cried.

"Um. Or not." Courtney stated.


Both of the opposing teams had a sausage. Well, sort of. Team Victory made there's right. And Team Chris was using Owen as their sausage. While we were stuck with barely anything.

"Way to lose the challenge Heather." Courtney stated as we all glared at her.

"Ooo! I know. Jump on it! Do it!" Heather stated.

"Well. We already lost. Might as well look like bigger idiots." Gwen stated.

We all jumped on whatever meat we had. It shifted into some sort of board.

"Perfect. Now come on. Here's where we make our decent!" Heather stated.

We started surfing down the hill. We slid up a stump taking us into the air.

*cue the savage footage of us on the board*

Unfortunately, we all fell off the board and we all rolled down the hill together in a giant snow ball.

Somehow, we weren't dead. In fact, not one bone broken.

"Congrats on arriving first Team Chris is Really Hot" Chris said extending the 'Really part of the name "Way to use Owen's face as a break pad Alejandro."

"Did we won?" Owen said confused.

"One to part two of today's challenge. Competitors must learn and perform a traditional German dance on this very platform. The mats are rigged to deliver a hilarious and painful jolt everytime one of you miss steps or I need a laugh. Last team standing wins."

"Where's the reward you promised?" Leshawna asked.

"Patience mine flower. Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot, first to arrive, first to get a reward." Chris said tossing them really heavy hats.

He tossed team Victory very light fluffy hats.

"And in last place. Team Amazon." Chris stated. Tossing me, Heather, and Cody a hat.

"Maybe it's reverse psychology. The losing team gets the best reward." Sierra stated.

"Whatever let's you sleep at night." Chris stated." Now since team illusive victory is down by 2, let's even it up. Amazon's, three dance, three sit out. Team Chris is really really really really hot, three dance. Two sit out. And Victory. Two dance. One sits out." Chris explained.

"How is that fair?" DJ asked.

"You're kidding right. And which member of the losing team must wear Da Penalty Hosen?" Chris asked the Amazons.

I felt someone tap my shoulder. Which was Cody.

"Can you volunteer to wear it so Gwen won't see me in those?" Cody pleaded.

"Eh. Sure." I shrugged.

"As the most mature and strongest Amazon who won't complain about wearing it, I nominate myself." I stated.

"Eh. I was going to pick you, but now that you nominated yourself I'm not. Cody. Congratulations." Chris tossed it to him.

"Nooo!" Cody whined.


I got on the platform, waiting for further instructions.

"Follow my lead and no body gets hurt... yet. Right knee up, left arm swings, stomp, jump, slap your thighs, kick your butt. Jump and clap." Chef demonstrated.

Sounds easy enough. We were all dancing on the platforms. Suddenly we were all shocked. Ouch.

"It's challenge time." Chris said.

Ouch. I almost felt over after that shocking moment....

"Last person standing on the platform wins the challenge for their team. This gonna be fun." Chris stated.

/Aaron:"Well, I'm pretty sure everyone remembers how well I fought against Justin. My main problem is the small amount of space and the fact that we have to dance to not get shocked. All of this while focusing on your opponent."\

The platform elevated itself higher off the ground. We all looked down at the distance from the ground. I was up against DJ. Which shouldn't be much if a problem.

We all started to awkwardly dance and fight on the platform. Cody seemed very scared to fight Alejandro.

"Come on Cody! Knock him off the platform!" Sierra cheered for him.

Cody attempted to smack Alejandro but missed, the Alejandro smacked him and Cody twirled off the platform.

"Ah. Come on. Seriously?" I raised an eyebrow and saw Cody's face in the snow.

My attention was then drawn back to my opponent when I felt my cheek smacked. I gave DJ a sharp glare and forcefully kicked him off the platform.


We moved onto the final round. It was me vs Alejandro and Heather vs. Leshawana. Well, let's see why Cody fell off the platform.

I got to the final four last season. I'm a strong player. I'm not gonna be intimidated by some guy in a helmet. This is how you approach your problems. It's all about the attitude. Believe that you can.

"Come on Aaron! Don't burn out now!" Courtney encouraged.

"I don't intend to." I winked at her

"Stay on the platform Leshawna!" DJ encouraged.

"I'm not going anywhere!" Leshawna stated.

"That's it! Seize the day!" Alejandro cheered her on.

"Ugh! She's not even on your team!" Heather smacked Leshawna in the face.

"Ow! I'm gonna seize the you! You had this coming for three season!" Leshawna knocked Heather off the platform and jumped off and started smacking her in the face.

Everyone down below was cheering her on. Alejandro waited for me to hit him. I gave him two punches to the chest and forcefully kicked him off.

"Team Amazon wins again!" Chris annouced.

"Yes! Team Amazon for the win!" I cheered shooting one leg up in the air.

I then felt a sudden shock through my body.

"Ouch! Chris! Quit it!" I yelled.

I sat down on the platform after that jolting shock.

"Dude. Seriously. What happened?" Noah asked.

"Heather sacrificed herself to distract me and her brilliant plan worked. I am most disappointed in myself." Alejandro said.

"Oh yeah. I totally planned that. Ouch." Heather complained.

/Aaron:"That is what she gets for whipping me and using me as her personal dog!" I crossed my arms.\

"Team Amazon. Fresh baked strudel awaits you in first class." Chris told us.

We all cheered.

"Your welcome." Heather stated.

"Team Chris is really really really really hot, once again you're in not winner not total loser purgatory." Chris stated." Team opposite of Victory. You're voting someone out."


We got back on the plane and enjoyed our baked strudel.

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