Chapter 7: The Amazons Kidnapped in the Amazons.

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Aaron's POV

Me and the rest of the Amazons were in first class. Courtney helping Heather fix her bruised face with makeup. It's amazing what makeup can do.

"Looking good." Courtney smiled.

Chris started an announcement.

"Brace for landing. We've arrived at our next destination. The Amazons! But the runways a little short." Chris stated as me and Courtney buckled our seatbelts.

"Team Amazon in the Amazon. That's gotta be a lucky sign." Gwen stated.

Sierra gasped. Me, Courtney, and Cody looked over our chair at Gwen worried about what she just said.

"Whenever a team predicts good luck they always lose." Sierra pointed.

"But I didn't- no I just meant-" Sierra quickly covered Gwen's mouth.

"Gosh, I hope none of the Amazons said this might be lucky for them. That'd be disasteress." Chris annouced.

Gwen sadly sighed.


Chris landed the plane. We got out of plane and Chris started explaining the challenge.

"Welcome to the Peru!" Chris greeted." Birth place of the Mighty river. This challenge is called the Am-AHHH-Zon Teams must hike along the Inca trail through the Peruvian jungle all the way to Macchu Pichu. Hidden somewhere among the ruins of Macchu Picchu, a golden treasure awaits discovery. Find the treasure to win first class passage to our next destination. Last team to arrive at Macchu Pichu will have to send someone out the elimination door. And be warned, the jungle has many, many viscous insects." Cody's hand shot right up.

"Yes Cody, the legal department made me well aware of your deadly allergies and insisted we supply an epipen." Cody dashed up to Chris to take it, but Chris refused.

"Wouldn't make sense to give it to the person who has the allergies. What if you need an injection while your unconscious?" Chris said.

"Oh! Oh! Me! I can take it!" Sierra volunteered.

"Who can get to carry this?" Chris grinned.

"OOOOO! CHRIS! CHRIS!" Sierra waved her hand.

Cody ran up to Gwen and gave her a sparkling eye look.

"I'll take it." Gwen stated.

"WHAT! NO! I'm the only one who knows what sends Cody into anaphylactic shock. Black ants. Brown ants. Red ants." Sierra started listing a whole list of things.

"Goat saliva? Must making dating a little tough, ay Cody. Here you are, Gwen." Chris tossed it. Sierra glared as Cody silently cheered.

"In the jungle are the Zing-Zings, a native tribe who have never encountered modern men and are not about to. So if you spot a Zing-Zing, do not make contact." Chris said.

"How far is Mucky Pigeon?" Owen asked.

"Macchu Pichu is just a hop, skip, and a jump. Plus 18 hours." Chris said as we all groaned."The jungle is too dangerous to travel at night so teams will have to break at dusk and wait to move along the trail at sunrise."

"And I assume there are no tents?" Alejandro stated.

"Correctumundo. Now, since the playing area is too dangerous. Each team will get a walkie talkie in case of emergency. Teams, I wish you good luck. Or at least, a lack of death."Chris said with an evil grin.


We walked until we came across two paths.

"Maybe we should go right." Gwen suggested.

"No! Left. Even if it's wrong. At least everyone will be wrong." Sierra stated.

"Yeah. Safety in numbers. Just thinking of you ladies." Cody stated.

"Let Gwen decide. She's the one who's feeling 'lucky'." Heather stated.

"I said I was sorry."

"If you're right, you're a hero. If you're wrong, we know who to eliminate."

"You're parents must love this show. Gets you out of the house." Gwen walked ahead as Heather blew raspberry.


We continued down the trail we were going. It had bugs and flys around the place.

"I hope we're going the right way." Courtney stated.

"Yeah. Dido. We have to keep our numbers advantage." I stated.


We kept walking and came across the native tribe showed us and warned us about.

"Zing-zings. Shh. We can't make contact. Stay still and-" Cody started but didn't notice them approaching us.

When he turned around he screamed. The Zing-zings pointed their spears at us... that's not good.

"Well. Well. Lucky us." Heather glared at Gwen.

Gwen pulled out the walkie. I would attempt attacking, but when I think about the situations It's too risky. I don't wanna put the team at risk, I don't know what they're capable of, and I don't know who they have connections with.

"Chris. We need help. Chris. Chris. No batterys." Gwen stated.


We were tied onto a tree. With Sierra on the far end next to Heather. Gwen in the middle, with Cody next to her. Courtney next to Cody, and me being on the far end next to Courtney.

"The batterys in my flashlight should fit into the walkie-talkie. But I can't reach my back right pocket." Cody stated.

"I can do it. I can reach."

"Ow. Quit it. Gwen. You're closest." Heather whispered.

"You are not allowed to enjoy this." Gwen stated.

Cody smiled excitedly. Gwen dug into his back pocket.

"Killer Casanova kissing mints. Hair gel. Saw body spray. X-ray glasses."

"What color are Cody's undies?" Heather asked.

Gwen put on the glasses and looked down there and then turned around like she was traumatized.

"Who wears undies in the Amazons?" Cody blushed.

"Uh. Could I barrow those glasses?" Sierra asked.

Gwen continued to dig in the pocket. Cody had this werid look on his face while she was doing it. Seriously... what's with the dirty minded people on this team?

"Uh. I think I got it." Gwen stated." Ow!"

Cody's epipen stuck in her paw.

"You'll be okay. I swear. It's just like a big shot of adrenaline." Cody told her.

"How big?" Gwen asked.

"Okay. I'm starting to think it's not in that pocket. Courtney. Check his other pocket." I told her.

She dug in the pocket and got the flashlight. Me and Courtney gave him a 'really?' Look.

"Oh. Back left. My bad." Cody shrugged.

Seems like you would be able to feel what's in your pocket.

Gwen put in the batteries to the walkie-talkie and turned it on.

"CHRIS! CHRIS! THIS IS GWEN!" Gwen panicked.

"Walkie-talkie are for emergencies only." Cody stated.


"Way to go Cody." Tyler jumped in.

"Thank you." Tyler thanked.


"Gwen epipened herself. We need help." Courtney stated.

"E-mer-gen-" Chris started.

"We are being held up at spear point by the Zing-zings. Help. Us. Now." Heather whispered.

"We're in first place! Hi Tyler!" Lindsay cheered.

Well, I guess we did go the wrong way.

"Okay. Team Amazon remain calm. And-"

The little friendly bell went off.

"You must be joking."

"Do we have to sing backup?" Owen asked.

"Nope. This one is all Amazons. But let's make it end with a little solo from Heather. Annnnd. Begin."

The Zing-zings started playing a guitar. We all started rocking back and forth to the music. Hetaher started off the song.

Heather: We should've just gone left. We wouldn't be in this mess.

Courtney and Aaron: Now we won't be in first class. Instead we're coming in dead last.

Sierra: I said so to but then Gwen used Cody's EpiPen.

Heather:  Now if he gets bitten-

Cody: My obituary written.

Sierra: Oh, what would you do then?

Gwen: Tied up, rope no joke. Spears in our face. Get us out of this place. Ain't have any luck that I anticipated. Probably means I'm eliminated. Yeah, I'm out!

Heather: Out! Oo! Oo! Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

The Zing-zings gasped, dropped their guitars spoke in their native language and ran off.

"Is my missing tooth that hideous?" Heather asked.

The Zing-zings revealed a wooden statue with a golden tooth.

"I think they think you're a god of some kind. Which means the rest of us are expendable." Cody told us.

They untied Heather and forced a golden tooth in her mouth.

"The gold tooth. Crazy or what I mean it's Crazy right I mean it can't be me thinking it's crazy it's crazy crazy crazy." Gwen said really fast.


The next morning Gwen was snoring obnoxiously.

"Her snoring is making me crazy?" Sierra asked.

"I think you mean crazier." Courtney added.

"Um. Hello? Heather, tell them to untie us." I stated.

"What if I ask, and it makes them angry? Angry enough to sacrifice one of you? You don't want that." Heather smirked.

"She's got a point." Cody stated.


Some time later, Chef arrived at the scene.

"Chef!" Me, Sierra, and Courtney exclaimed.

One of the Zing-zings pointed a spear at Chef.

"It's okay. If you wanna get ok their good side. You should kneel before me. I'm a bit of a god to the Zing-zings." Heathee suggested.

"They aren't Zing-zings. They look like local Peruvian teenagers." Chef stated, cutting the ropes.

"But. The outfits." Cody pointed.

"The spears." Sierra pointed.

One of the 'Zing-zings' pulled out a peice of paper.

"Actors in this Shakespeare in the jungle production of Mcbeth." Heather stated in shock." I let actors put a tooth in my mouth. Ew!" Heather complained.

"Guess you weren't a god after all." Sierra smiled.

"And you lost the challenge. Y'all gotta vote someone off." Chef reminded us.

"If only there were someone we can blame for all of this. Morning Gwen." Heather smiled.

Gwen yawned.

"Did we win?" She asked, smiling hopefully.

Sierra and Courtney glared at her. I gave her a 'you're kidding right?' Look.


We got back on the plane. Me, Gwen, Courtney, and Sierra were sitting together, having a group discussion.

"You did lead us to disaster but I'll join you guys in vote for Heather to. On one condition. You have to stop being so nice to Cody." Sierra pointed at Gwen.

"If it means Heather is finally gone. You've got a deal." Gwen agreed.


We went to the elimination ceremony. We casted our votes.

"Alright Amazons. Are you ready to find out who you chose to eliminate? Whatcha think Cody? You give that a big fat thumbs up." Chris grinned." Let's take a look at who you all voted for. Just for fun."

We started watching the votes on a tiny screen.

/Gwen:" I vote for Heather. And Chris. There's $10 in it if you forget to give her a parachute."\

/Courtney:"Goodbye Heather. Wow, feels to good to be true."\

/Aaron:"I vote for Heather. Sure she's a somewhat valuable player, but she used me as a dog. And I don't think a teamate who thinks she can treat her teamates as dogs deserves to stay."\

/Heather:"I vote Gwen."\

/Sierra:" I vote for Heather. I use to say that in my bathroom mirror all the time and now here I am doing it. This is so awsome!" \

/Cody:" I vote for Sierra. She's like the stalker girlfriend I always thought I wanted. Until I got one!"\

"There. All done."

Sierra started crying.

"Let's just get this over with!" Heather glared.

"I guess this would be a good time to watch Heather fall out of the plane. You know if this had actually been an elimination round. But it's not! Suprise!" Chris laughed.

All of us aside from Heather gasped.


We headed back to loser class with these poor conditions.

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