Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter 14

Dan could hardly believe the difference twenty-four hours could make. This time yesterday you would have gotten long odds against the chances of them all sitting down to breakfast together as a family, far less laughter being present at the table.

When Sirius had observed how well the three teens were getting on at dinner, he had asked Amelia if Susan could stay the night. As they would all be meeting at the ministry this morning anyway, Amelia quickly agreed. Having her niece arrive at the trial in the company of Harry and Hermione would instantly quell any nasty rumours over the Prophet 'line theft' story.

The three had chatted well into the late evening before Hermione approached her father with a request that knocked Dan for six.

"Dad, is it okay if I sleep with Harry again tonight? He had terrible nightmares last night and woke the whole house, only holding me kept them away. This should get us all a good night's sleep, we need to be fresh for this trial tomorrow. You don't have to worry though, Sirius was in the room with us and would be again tonight."

Dan felt his new resolve had been tested to its limits already but what other option did he have than to say yes. He really believed his daughter about the sleeping part, and they could effectively be married in a matter of months or even weeks. Both certainly appeared far chirpier this morning leading to his attempt at teasing his future son-in-law.

"You're looking far happier this morning Harry, sleep well?"

"I had a great night's sleep, apart from Sirius' snoring."

Emma was the one who brought up what they would be facing today, she also couldn't miss the positive changes in Harry. "Are you all set for the trials? I think we all could have done with a day off first but that can't be helped now."

Harry's hand found Hermione's as he tried to put everyone's minds at rest. He understood they were concerned about his welfare and that was a strange feeling for Harry, nice but still strange. "I think yesterday was my lowest point ever, that was until Hermione explained what a fool I was being. After that, I feel I could leap tall buildings in a single bound."

It was only Susan and Sirius who didn't get Harry's joke, the purebloods having no concept of Superman. Tonks though brought him back down to earth. "The way your luck runs Harry, you'll probably need superpowers before the day is out."

What should have been a joke saw Hermione nodding. "With the Potter luck, there's just no way today is going to be straightforward. Harry doesn't have to go looking for trouble, it usually knows just where to find him and likes to pop in from time to time."

Even Susan was nodding at that. "Its a bit premature this year though, it's usually June before Harry's called into action as things come to a climax."

Dan found his eyes watering and Emma pounding on his back, he'd unfortunately been drinking coffee when Susan had made her comment and almost choked. Sirius and Tonks were also in difficulty but that appeared more about stopping themselves bursting into laughter. Harry and Hermione meanwhile just sat quietly as their faces glowed almost red hot.

"Did I say something wrong?"

Emma herself was fighting back the laughter, though more so at her husband's discomfort with Susan's choice of words. "No Susan, just an unfortunate turn of phrase for this early in the morning. Dan just discovered he can't breathe and drink coffee at the same time."

This destroyed all resolve and the room rang with the sound of laughter, again something you would have gotten long odds against.


The press was waiting on them as the group entered the ministry, thankfully the director of the DMLE was too. Amelia soon shepherded them through to a small, private waiting room beside the court. "First the good news. I just received an owl telling me a certain search in Little Hangleton proved positive. A team of ministry curse-breakers are heading there as we speak."

Dan was still struggling with regarding this as good news, it suddenly brought an event he was dreading having to deal with a massive step closer.

"Now today's proceedings are being held in open court, we wanted as many of the public in there as possible to witness what these people were up to. The Prophet went crazy over the line theft story and has really stirred public opinion up. So far, there's been no sign of Dumbledore but I will have a dozen of my best aurors inside that court, just in case."

This drew relieved nods from the adults so Amelia continued. "Auror Tonks will be sitting beside Harry and Hermione as she will also be called as a witness. Sirius, you, the Grangers and Susan will be sitting further back in the court. We already have their confessions under truth serum so today is basically to establish exactly what went on the morning of the second task. Is everyone okay with these arrangements?"

The trio who would have to take the witness stand shared a quick glance amongst themselves before confirming that they were. Amelia led the rest into the courtroom to take their seats, only after much hugging and wishing of luck though.


An auror led the trio into the court, it was certainly an imposing sight that greeted the teens. The massive room was octagonal in shape, with a ceiling that appeared to reach into the heavens. The first impression each of them thought of was that it resembled an amphitheatre, and both teens hoped they wouldn't be thrown to the lions today. The reason for those thoughts was obvious, they were currently standing in another octagonal space in the centre of the room that would correspond to the amphitheatre's arena. This was clearly the working part of the courtroom while seven of the eight segments coming off the central space contained raised and banked seating. It appeared as if hundreds of witches and wizards had crammed into the courtroom, desperate to see for themselves just what was going on in the heart of their community.

The final section contained only five rather regal chairs, this section was obviously reserved for whoever was judging the case. The hexagonal arena was beautifully built from some kind of really dark wood none of them could identify. Although almost black in colour, it effortlessly reflected light the attached gas lamps provided so everyone could see exactly what was happening. This was anything but a cosy setting though, the two eight feet tall cylindrical metal cages in the centre of the floor easily destroyed any idea of homely decor.

The trio were led to a seating area, immediately noticing that their family was in the first row of raised seating behind them. Harry had Hermione on one side, Tonks on the other with the rest of his family guarding his back. He felt ready to face anything they could throw at him.

On opposing sides of the cages were two tables, they assumed one was the prosecution as Amelia was sitting there. That left the other for the defence council. Tonks had obviously been in court before as part of her auror duties and was explaining in whispers to the young couple how things would work here today.

The judges entered and began taking their seats, Harry thought one of them might be Neville's gran but it was hard to tell as she wasn't wearing her trademark vulture hat. It was after the court official summoned the prisoners that the real drama began. Snape and McGonagall entered the court through the floor to appear inside the cages. Even though those bars looked as if they could contain Hagrid, both prisoners were chained to the seats they occupied.

Snape had his sneer going full blast, especially after spotting Harry, but McGonagall appeared a broken witch. Their former head of house seemed to have aged at least a decade and didn't even lift her head to look upon the courtroom. From where they were sitting, all three could clearly see the tears running down her cheeks.

Harry knew McGonagall's betrayal had really hurt Hermione, she was the one professor more than anyone else his betrothed had looked up to and respected. "Remember love, this is the woman who was okay with feeding me potions to break us up. This is the woman who got you out of bed and put you at the bottom of the Black Lake. She also didn't seem to mind I was going to be fed a potion to make me Dumbledore's mindless follower. Save your sympathy for those who deserve it."

She squeezed his hand and bravely nodded her head. Hermione knew everything Harry said was true, it still hurt though as she watched her former role model reduced to this.

Hermione was called to give evidence first as Amelia skilfully and considerately led her through the confrontation with McGonagall, right up until she woke soaking wet in the Black Lake.

The defence council introduced himself as Julian Micawber, both teens taking an instant dislike to the wizard.

He was of medium height yet large of girth, it looked like he hadn't been able to see his toes for some time. He was obviously attempting to appear distinguished but his entire elder statesman image was ruined by vanity. Julian Micawber was bald but attempting to hide that fact with the most ridiculous comb-over either Harry or Hermione had ever seen. The little area of hair growth he did still possess must have been about a foot long on the left hand side of his head. This was then combed over the acres of exposed scalp and abracadabra – bald no more!

This wasn't the reason for their umbrage though, it was the superior sneer he wore while addressing Hermione that got Harry's back up. His first statement / question saw the rest of Harry's body following as he shot to his feet.

"Miss Granger, I understand that you're born from muggle parents? Surely you wouldn't expect an old pureblood like Minerva McGonagall to respect an argument that certainly wasn't developed with people like you in mind."

Hermione's gaze though was drawn to Harry, he'd shot to his feet and she could see that it was only Tonks' grip on his arm that kept him over there. One of the judges also noticed this and commented on it. "Mr Potter, do you have something to add here?"

Harry stood straight and his green eyes bored into the defence council. "Yes sir I do. Miss Granger is the future Lady Potter and I will not sit here and listen to that position being brought into question. I myself notified our former head of house that my betrothed should not be approached without my presence, or does my status as a half blood render that conversation immaterial too?"

Harry then heard a well-known voice coming from directly behind him, the voice might be instantly recognisable but the commanding nature of it was new to Harry. "If it pleases the court, I also have some information to add. My godson is also my heir, making Miss Granger the future Lady Black too. I know I have been away for quite a while but when did it become common practice to publicly besmirch the family names of Potter and Black?"

Unlike his hair, Micawber's courage was not held in place by a sticking charm. It flew right out the courtroom as he found himself faced with the angry heads of two of their society's oldest families. The growls from the public galleries helped it on its way as Madam Longbottom's comments from the judging bench ensured it wouldn't be returning anytime soon.

"Well spoken sirs. Mr Micawber, the young lady here is wearing the Potter ring and that family's crest on her robes. You will treat her with the courtesy and respect these entitle her to, otherwise we can arrange alternative seating for you."

As the Longbottom matriarch's eyes moved to the cages behind him as she said this, her message was loud and clear. The other four judges nodding in agreement reinforced just how sticky a wicket he was currently on.

Amelia couldn't believe how stupid Micawber had been until she considered he didn't know Harry or Hermione. Julian obviously thought he was dealing with a couple of teens that could easily be bullied into confusion and contradictions. She decided to have a slap at his bare arse since he'd just had his drawers pulled down. "I would also like to remind the defence council that Miss Granger is a witness here, she's not the one on trial."

His opening question was just Micawber's lead into attacking the little bitch for not trying to save Potter's magic. The ferocity with which people had rushed to her defence left him with nowhere to go. Continuing down his intended route could see another prisoner cage added to the courtroom, Julian never wanted to win a case that badly. He was beginning to think he'd been foolish to take this case in the first place, this was not the kind of publicity he'd imagined receiving when he accepted.

"My apologies to the court, and of course Miss Granger. I was merely trying to establish how a witch of Minerva McGonagall's standing in our community could err so badly, I felt sure there must be extenuating circumstances."

"Oh there was!" This drew all eyes back to Hermione as she exorcised the image of McGonagall she'd built up to replace it with one that was more truthful. "Professor McGonagall believed every word and complied with every request Dumbledore made of her. She never questioned his orders, even when those orders saw her knowingly break the law."

She then rounded on the broken woman inside the cage. "You were supposed to be taking care of us, not plotting and acting to take our futures away. You then had the nerve to try and push the blame onto Harry when you got caught! Where is your great Albus Dumbledore now?"

Micawber now realised he was in way over his head. He quickly announced 'No further questions' before scurrying back to the relative safety of his seat.

Harry gave the returning Hermione a reassuring hug along with a quick kiss as she again took her position at his side, it was now Tonks' turn in the witness chair. Again Amelia skilfully led her through the previous attempt to poison her with potions on Valentine's Day before getting a visit from Dumbledore in the middle of the night.

Tonks really hadn't spoken about what happened with Dumbledore, there had been other pressing matters after Dobby fetched Harry a sobering potion to revive her. A certain Miss Granger had been depending on them, since she' been stuck at the bottom of the Black Lake. The young auror's emotions were there for everyone in the courtroom to see.

"Dumbledore placed me in a full bodybind while I was asleep, I couldn't move a muscle as he slowly poured firewhisky into the funnel he'd stuck in my mouth. He couldn't help boasting that his buddy Snape was currently in Harry's room and that they had plans for him that they didn't want me interfering with." Amelia had her stop a moment and allow Tonks a drink of water before continuing, the entire courtroom was hanging on her every word.

"I knew that being found drunk while on protection detail would end my career, and could even see me facing charges, but all I could think of was what they had planned for Harry. If they were prepared to take the risk of showing their faces in front of an auror, then I knew it must be bad. It would have come down to a disgraced auror's word against Albus Dumbledore, he would have gotten off Scot - free."

Amelia then produced the tainted Gillyweed Snape had supplied Harry with, and explained what the potion the plant had been marinated in would do to anyone ingesting it. That this was the exact same potion that they had tried to poison an on duty auror with was even more damming. Tonks then told the court why she accompanied Harry into the lake before the second task began.

"Harry had already decided he needed to get out from under Dumbledore's thumb before this happened, everyone has since heard how he intended to do this. Now knowing just what we were dealing with meant Harry wouldn't leave Hermione down there one second longer than he absolutely had to. We just didn't know how far Dumbledore would go..."

Tonks found herself being interrupted by her boss. "As the court knows, Auror Tonks and Mr Potter had to fight a running battle with the merpeople in their quest to get Miss Granger to safety. This behaviour is unusual for our underwater friends so we questioned the one who attempted to skewer Miss Granger with a trident after she had been rescued. We discovered Albus Dumbledore had paid two meremen to ensure Miss Granger did not leave the water alive."

The explosion of noise this revelation caused in the courtroom took all of Amelia's aurors almost five minutes to restore order. Harry had a shaking Hermione in his arms, a quick glance behind saw a crying Emma being consoled by Dan. Sirius appeared ready to render the two people in the cages into potions ingredients.

Amelia handed the confession from the captured merman over to the judges and informed the court that they had been arrested and prosecuted by their own high council. She then asked her last question of Tonks.

"It's clear to the court that you knew Mr Potter intended to deliberately give up his magic that morning, why didn't you do anything or inform anyone about this?"

"An auror on protection detail is required to work within the restrictions of a secrecy oath between them and the person they are protecting. I talked Harry into informing the auror department of his treatment inside Hogwarts, this lead to the headmaster being investigated over the basilisk incident. I was hoping he would be sacked, and therefore Harry wouldn't have to go through with his plan, unfortunately Dumbledore escaped with merely a reprimand."

Tonks looked over toward the young couple as she finished answering Amelia's question. "Both Hermione and I did everything in our power to shift Harry from this course, the trouble was neither of us could argue against his conclusion. If he didn't get away from Dumbledore then Harry Potter was going to end up dead."

A fifteen-year-old girl had just handed Julian Micawber his arse in a sling, he had no desire to repeat the process by going up against an auror. He wisely decided to stay in his chair and waive his right to cross-examine.

Tonks got needed hugs from both teens as she returned to her seat, now it was Harry's turn to take the witness stand.

Amelia had hardly began to lead Harry through his evidence when the trial was interrupted, Cornelius Fudge stormed into the courtroom.

"Stop this trial, new evidence has been brought to my attention..."

This in itself would have been enough to cause a commotion. The minister's guest though eclipsed even that statement, and answered the question of where this information had come from. Albus Dumbledore strode into the courtroom as if he owned it, totally ignoring the fact that he was the second most wanted man in the country.

Amelia had been half expecting something like this and swung into action. "Aurors, arrest Dumbledore!"

The old wizard suddenly found himself covered by a plethora of wands. Dumbledore again was unconcerned but Fudge appeared about to have an apoplexy. "Put those wands down, this man is under my protection."

Not a wand waivered, far less was withdrawn. "The aurors answer to me minister, and at the moment I have some questions that need to be answered. After working on this case, it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if Dumbledore had you under an imperius curse."

"Don't be silly Amelia, Albus just explained what was really happening. We need to release the prisoners and then Mr Potter can accompany them back to Hogwarts."

This saw all eyes switch to Harry, only to discover he wasn't sitting in the witness chair anymore. His location though wasn't a mystery for very long. Snape's voice rang out around the courtroom, pinpointing Harry's whereabouts.

"Potter, what the fuck are you doing?"

Harry was standing next to Snape's cage. It was his wand that drew everyone's attention though, it was currently sticking through the grid of the cage and only inches from his former professor's head. "It really is quite simple, if I return to Hogwarts with Dumbledore then I'm as good as dead. I would rather end it here and now, with all these good people here as witnesses. Oh, and I intend to take you with me."

"Mr Potter, what are you playing at?"

"Quite simple minister, first curse to come near me I blow his fucking head off. A reducto curse should do that quite nicely from this range. Dumbledore wants me dead but it's going to cost him his pet death eater."

Dumbledore spoke for the first time that morning, apparently still unconcerned at the situation. "I really can't allow you to do that Harry."

"Oh I really expect you to try and stop me. This time though I'm not immobilised in my bed and there are hundreds of witnesses."

"Stop US Harry, you know we're in this together. Should be an interesting time for you McGonagall, let you know what the old man really thinks of his faithful follower. I can't see anyone being fast enough to get both of us."

Minerva was staring at the business end of a vinewood wand that was only inches from her nose, it was the determination in the girl's eyes though that spelled real trouble for the former depute. "Miss Granger, I had no idea Albus meant for you to die in that lake..."

"Yeah, and I believe it wouldn't have made the slightest bit of difference, you would still have put me down there."

The judge sitting in the centre of the five then got involved. "This is a courtroom, I will not have this kind of behaviour here."

"If it's a courtroom, then let's see some justice." Tonks had walked over and put herself between Harry and Dumbledore, with her wand joining the rest of the aurors in being directed at the old wizard.

"Auror, what is the meaning of this? You are only making this situation worse."

"Just doing my job Minister, protecting my charge from those who wish him harm. Dumbledore certainly falls into that category."

Harry could see they were only one mistake away from having blood on the walls, one flash of a photographer's camera and it would all kick off. That some of that blood might be Hermione's saw him speak out.

"The one with the power to vanquish the dark lord approaches, and the dark lord will mark him as his equal – the prophesised one is me." Harry used his non-wand hand to lift his fringe and remind everyone of his mark.

"He will have power the dark lord knows not – we know what that power is now and are getting ready to use it. And either must die at the hand of the other – I have to kill him and am ready to do so, but not to further the aims of Albus Dumbledore."

"You'll do whatever your told Potter, once I get some potion into you." Snape didn't really need to shout as Harry's words had silenced the courtroom, everyone would have heard them even if he'd spoken softly.

Harry stared at the man in disgust before addressing the minister directly. "Minister Fudge, would you condemn me to that? I don't know what Dumbledore has told you but I promise it won't be the entire truth. He didn't even tell these two what he was up to. Hermione and I have been working closely with the DMLE and the unspeakables in order to bring Voldemort down. There is a plan that's generating results even as we speak."

Amelia took over, speaking to the minister without ever taking her eyes off Dumbledore. "Mr Potter is speaking the truth Cornelius. We know why the dark lord didn't die that night and are taking actions to ensure he will meet his end. We've already discovered two devices he used to anchor himself to this world and, as Mr Potter said, a team of ministry curse-breakers are right this very minute getting us a third."

For the first time in the proceedings, Dumbledore was visibly knocked back on his heels. "How is that possible?"

"It's possible because we shared information. Dumbledore has known about this for over a decade, and done nothing. Even worse, he told no one. Mr Potter has now killed the dark lord three times, but he keeps coming back. We hope to be in a position soon where that will no longer be possible."

Dumbledore was trying to recover. "It doesn't matter, there are still things you don't understand."

Amelia's gaze quickly moved to Harry, his slight nod gave her permission to do what she needed to. "Oh we understand everything, including Mr Potter's part in it. That is why he will be the last to be dealt with, undergoing an auror supervised ritual to finally get rid of the last trace of Voldemort."

This really knocked Albus for six. "There is no such ritual..."

Amelia jumped all over him. "Just because you couldn't find one doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. Before you start casting aspersions, let me categorically state here and now, in front of all these witnesses, that this ritual is pure light magic."

Cornelius' mood had fairly shifted, he was practically praying Amelia was telling the truth. "Can you really get rid of you-know-who once and for all?"

"We need Harry on our side, but the answer is yes. Harry is currently living at a secret location under auror guard, he's vital to the entire process. Dumbledore, I'll have your wand now."

Dumbledore appeared broken but not defeated. "I really don't think that's necessary Amelia, I have something here that negates the need for that." He very slowly moved his hand inside his robes and removed a scroll. "You see, Cornelius was kind enough to sign a ministerial pardon for Minerva, Severus and myself before we came down here."

Amelia so wanted to slap that sly smirk off his face, instead she took the offered scroll to verify his claim. "Can I ask minister if the pardon is just for this crime or a lifetime up until now?"

It was a clearly embarrassed minister who had to admit he didn't know. Dumbledore had arrived with the form already drafted, he'd merely signed it.

The judge in the centre wanted to see the document, as there was a legal question to be answer. Could a Minister of Magic pardon someone of crimes committed before he became minister?

As Amelia was levitating the scroll up to the judges' platform, a well-aimed reducto curse reduced it to confetti. Harry's voice rang around the courtroom. "Well, who would have believed it? Snape actually taught me something useful."

The centre judge stared down at Harry before making a proclamation. "Mr Potter, I warned you this is a courtroom. You are fined one hundred galleons for firing that curse."

Harry thought that was more than fair and quickly agreed to accept his punishment, his wand was now back inches from Snape's head.

There was a slight twinkle in the same judge's eyes as he then addressed Amelia. "Madam Bones, did you read this so-called ministerial pardon before Mr Potter's unfortunate case of accidental magic?"

"Sorry sir, I never had the time."

"Well, as the minister has already stated he signed it without reading the contents, we are only left with the word of Albus Dumbledore that the former document was indeed what he claimed. Having listened to all the evidence in this case, I would have to say there is no way this court could accept the word of such a wizard as truthful." The other four judges all were nodding in agreement of this ruling. "For all we know, that could very well have been his grocery list. Therefore, I call upon you Madam Bones to do your duty."

Any pretence that Dumbledore was still in control of the situation was now long gone. He had over a dozen auror wands trained on him but it was the two on Minerva and Severus that really made his mind up. With the pink haired auror placing herself directly between him and Potter, there was no way to stop the little shit carrying out his threat. With the animosity that existed between the two, there was also no doubt in Dumbledore's mind that Harry would indeed blow Severus' head off. It was a beaten man who handed over his wand, only to be searched and his spare discovered. Screens were conjured and within seconds he was reduced to his underwear, there would be no hidden portkeys this time.

As the screens were removed, Albus Dumbledore was left standing there in a plain prison robe before being led to the third chair that had appeared in the courtroom. The instant he sat, chains began to wrap around his body and a prisoner cage grew out the floor.

It was only then that Harry and Hermione relented in their vigils and raced to embrace, the sound of cheering suddenly ringing in their ears. Amelia had erected the safety wards the instant Dumbledore had appeared, those in the public galleries had heard every word though been helpless to interfere. It was only with their removal that those in the court section could once more hear them.

The young couple were then joined by a relieved Tonks, she quickly led them over to where they could talk with the rest of their family. Emma was an emotional wreck while Dan and Sirius appeared as if they'd just run a marathon. Amelia came over to congratulate the trio, and offered comfort to a crying Susan. The judge called for a fifteen-minute recess and they all headed back to the room they had used earlier.

Emma came rushing into the room and engulfed both of them in a hug, needing the reassurance that they were actually still in one piece. "I was screaming like a fishwife at Dumbledore until Sirius told me they had put up some kind of protective barrier, we could hear you but not the other way around. You frightened years off my life when you pulled that stunt."

Dan had a question he needed to know the answer to. "Could you really have killed those people in cold blood?"

Harry decided to answer for both of them. "In cold blood, probably not. If Dumbledore had started anything, then yes. These are not nice people Dan, they abused their position of authority and almost got the both of us killed on more than one occasion."

Amelia was holding Susan while adding to the conversation. "Dumbledore certainly believed they would carry out their threat, that was probably the deciding factor in him surrendering without a fight."

They were then surprisingly joined by the five judges, Madam Longbottom chose to be their spokesperson. "I know this is highly irregular, but so are the times we live in. We're here because of the claims made that you have a viable plan to defeat Voldemort once and for all. What can we do to help?"

Harry didn't hesitate for a second. "Put those three away for a very long time."

The head judge wanted some more information. "Do you know what Dumbledore's plan actually was?"

Amelia thought the answer might carry more weight coming from her. "The prophecy Harry alluded to was actually made to Dumbledore before Mr Potter here was born, that's why his parents went into hiding."

Augusta corroborated that statement. "At the time, this prophecy could have applied to two children. Harry here and my Neville. Voldemort chose to go after the Potter's first and Harry bears the scar from that night."

"Best guess is that Dumbledore wanted to lead Voldemort to Harry, thus completing the prophecy. With the prophecy no longer in play, Dumbledore himself could defeat Voldemort. Why else would he set a trap inside a school, and then employ Voldemort to teach our children?"

The head judge wanted a few things clarified. "I'm assuming this plan of yours is secret, since the minister didn't know the first thing about it. I'm also assuming you'd like the details kept that way for the moment?"

"Sir, do you know what a horcrux is?" Harry's question shocked all five of them, and provided his answer. "Voldemort made a number of these and that's what we are destroying. At the moment we're searching for the last two before I have to undergo a ritual, then he'll be gone for good. Dumbledore has known about this for years, I slapped a destroyed one on his desk after defeating the basilisk, yet he's done nothing but try and have me killed."

The attitude of all five judges had now hardened. "Time we got back out there and finished our business for today."

No one in that room expected any of the prisoners to be sleeping anywhere but Azkaban tonight.


Julian Micawber had used the break to empty the contents of his hip flask, he would be paying a visit to the rest of the bottle the instant he returned to his office. He was sitting back at his table, having been under it during the confrontation, and nothing was going to move his arse from its relative safety until this case was over. Amelia was once again using all her skill to lead the Potter lad though his evidence but Julian didn't give a shit, nothing would convince him to stand and ask any more questions. One thing he would like to know though was just who the hell these people were?

They had yet to sit their OWL's but both were already working with the aurors and the unspeakables to take down Voldemort. While he had taken cover below the table like any sensible person would, they had drawn their wands and charged into the fray. Julian didn't have one shred of doubt that McGonagall and Snape would have been missing their heads had Dumbledore not complied with Amelia's order to surrender his wand.

Watching while Potter destroyed evidence, a ministerial pardon no less, was something that would stay with the lawyer for the rest of his life. That the five judges, Director of the DMLE and even the Minister of Magic then colluded to treat this as a misdemeanour meant the writing was on the wall. Dumbledore's time was over and the Potters would be their society's golden couple. Even the Granger witch's circumstances of birth would be overlooked if she assisted Potter and finish the dark lord once and for all.

The old fool then didn't do himself any favours by attempting to claim that everything he had done was for the greater good of their society, it didn't wash with anyone. The upshot of that claim though was Dumbledore had just basically admitted his guilt to the court.

The public had already made up their mind and it would appear the couple had the full weight of the establishment behind them as well. It would be a very foolish person who stood against those odds, Julian's parents hadn't raised their son to be a fool.


With no classes at Hogwarts, students from the three schools had gathered in the great hall to listen to the trial being broadcast on the WWN. Tension was certainly running high as Hermione told her tale. Most of the students had gotten to know and like Tonks through the auror helping in class, hearing her evidence didn't lessen the tension in the slightest. Dumbledore's arrival took that tension to boiling point.

When Harry threatened to blow Snape's fucking head off, there was loud cheering at three of the house tables with wands being drawn by the lions. Remus screaming at the Gryffindor's to behave, that, and the fact Hermione now had her wand on their former head of house, knocked some of the fight out of them.

Everyone suddenly recognised that the trial at the ministry wasn't a game any longer, people they knew could be dead in the next few minutes. When the radio commentator explaining that the curse they just heard being cast was Harry Potter blasting Dumbledore's pardon to tiny pieces, this actually drew cheers from all corners of the great hall. The Slytherins had no love of Dumbledore either.

The fifteen-minute recess allowed the staff to once more regain control, threatening to end the broadcast if their behaviour became unacceptable again was an effective deterrent. Listening to Harry's evidence left everyone wondering if they would ever see Potter or Granger in the castle again. No one could blame them if they chose not to. They also couldn't see any other verdict but guilty being returned by the judges. The biggest cheers of the day though were reserved for when all three prisoners were sentenced to life in Azkaban.

Ron shortly found himself cornered by his sister and Neville, Ginny was in no mood to stand on any ceremony. "That was your supposed best friends who just went through that, and you still haven't written to them. Screw you Ronald Weasley, Neville and I will be writing to them today."

This drew quite a bit of attention with more Gryffindor's wanting to drop them a line. When the three champions also expressed an interest in doing this too, Remus became involved.

"I'm having dinner with them tonight, anyone who wants to contact them can give me a note and I'll deliver it then."

This scattered the forming crowd as they all headed off to put quill and ink to parchment. Remus was really looking forward to tonight, he'd not had a chance to meet with Sirius since regaining his freedom. Hogwarts had been desperate for Remus to start right away so this was really his first opportunity to visit since the whole debacle of the second task kicked off.


Cornelius was sipping a snifter of brandy while wondering when his hands would stop trembling. He couldn't believe how close he'd come to losing everything today. Harry Potter had literally saved his political life when he blew that pardon to smithereens, the public would have demanded the minister received similar treatment if those three had walked free from court today.

Amelia had demanded, and received, an unbreakable vow from him not to reveal just what the ministry and Potter were up to. Hearing the full story certainly didn't help with the shakes. That Albus had all this information yet chose a path diametrically opposed to what the ministry intended to do effectively sealed his fate.

In a way, Dumbledore's greatest mistake was his attempts to exclude Miss Granger from the equation. It now appeared as if she was in fact going to be the solution to all their dark lord problems. Her love for Mr Potter was there on display for everyone to see today. Thankfully, when she eventually saved them all, it was going to be a much more private affair. That was not something Cornelius wanted broadcast on the WWN.

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