Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter 15

Dinner that evening not only included Remus as a guest, Amelia and Susan were quickly becoming regular visitors while Croaker was there to provide an update on his horcrux search. Since the focus of that search would be moving to Hogwarts tomorrow, Remus was also being brought into the loop.

"We recovered a hidded ring that we think may have belonged to Salzar Slytherin. It's definitely a horcrux and fits exactly into the pattern my formula forecast. We can now confirm that there are two more to discover, with hopefully one of them being at Hogwarts."

This news was greeted enthusiastically, though a worried Dan asked the question of when they thought they would be able to get their hands on the remaining horcruxes?

"If we find another one in Hogwarts tomorrow, it then becomes a case of systematically checking properties of known and suspected death eaters. Unless we get really lucky, that could take a while."

Harry was reminded of a conversation with his first magical friend. "Hagrid once told me that there was no place safer in the magical world than Gringotts, could it possibly be there?"

This floored everyone for a moment before Amelia finaly gave her thoughts on the matter. "I would have to say that's a distinct possibility, I have to also say its one I hope is wrong. I have no idea how we would go about gaining access to someone's vault. I can't imagine the goblins cooperating in any search, far less getting our hands on anything that search throws up."

The magical users there all apparently agreed with that opinion, all except Harry and Hermione. "I think the goblins would want to see Voldemort gone just as much as we would."

Hermione agreed with Harry. "The may not let us search vaults, or even enter them, but we don't have to. Croaker's detector should be able to pinpoint the exact vault, could a goblin then enter and finish off the horcrux?"

Harry could see exactly what his betrothed was proposing. "Nothing would be taken from the vault as the destroyed horcrux could just be left in there."

Amelia and Croaker shared a glance before she answered for the ministry. "I think that's such a good idea, I will approach Gringotts tomorrow and ask for a meeting with the director. It may take a few days but that will allow Hogwarts to be searched, along with the more prominent death eater properties."

There was a great deal of delight around the table. The trial had been a spectacular success for them and they were making amazing progress in the horcrux hunt, it was now time for Amelia to dish out the bad news. "As the entire trial was public, all of magical Britain now knows Harry here is vital to defeating Voldemort. I don 't think there was enough information broadcast for anyone to tie Hermione's vital role in the process, but again everyone knows just how deep your relationship is. Even with an auror guard, I really don't think it would be safe for you two to return to Hogwarts until this is over."

Both Harry and Hermione glanced over at the pile of letters Remus had brought them from Hogwarts. They planned on reading them after dinner and had been looking forward to seeing their friends on Wednesday.

Amelia attempted to soften the blow. "You both can get underage exemption licences so you can practice magic here, and of course Tonks will still be asigned to you so she can help with lessons too!"

Harry glanced toward his godfather. "Sirius, if we got permission from Hogwarts, could we have some of our friends stay here for a weekend?"

Sirius thought this was a great idea. The last thing he wanted was these two isolated from people their own age. "We certainly have the room, and you know Dobby and Winky just love having guests. I have no problems whatsoever with your friends staying here."

Sirius wasn't the only one who thought this was a good idea, Amelia could clearly see her niece enjoyed it here. "I think I can speak for the ministry when I say that any reasonable request from Harry Potter will be met with a very big yes. By resonable, I think anything less than asking to be minister of magic would get a positive response."

This drew a chuckle from Croaker, he really liked these people and hadn't enjoyed himself as much in years. Intelligent and meaningful conversation was so hard to find yet, once again, they were sitting around this table and helping make the world a better place."Personally, I think either Harry or Hermione would make a better minister than the person currently in that office. Then again, I also think Dobby would probably do a better job than Fudge."

The two of them not going back to Hogwarts really pleased Emma. Not only would Hermione and Harry be staying at home, she would get to see them performing magic and meet some of their friends. She also couldn't help but notice her husband's reaction every time the horcrux hunt was mentioned. Dan was doing his best to cope with an impossible situation, and that situation appeared to be heading toward them at breakneck speed. They were going to have to speak about it again when they were alone.

With the school only getting back up and running on Wednesday, they decided to ask their friends if they could visit the following weekend. Now they would need to read the letters and work out who they wanted to invite. From the pile of parchment on the table, it appeared as if half the castle had written.


Minerva McGonagall sat alone in her cell with only her tears for company. Hermione Granger's wand in her face today had been a life-changing moment for the former Head of Gryffindor. There was not one shread of doubt in Minerva's mind that the witch would have carried out the threat to blow her head off.

Miss Granger reminded Minerva so much of herself when she was a lot younger, both with her ideals and total commitment to them. The young witch had faced down the minister of magic and head of the Wizengamot in defence of her wizard, clearly prepared to pay the ultimate price for that action if she had to. Minerva had done the same with Dumbledore for many, many years, but she now realized the similarities between her and Hermione ended right there.

While Miss Granger had Harry's full confidence and was clearly heavily involved in their decision making, Minerva had blindly followed a wizard she thought had all the answers. Today had shown her just how foolish that course had been. Yes, Albus certainly had answers. Those answers were not necessary the right ones though, and definitely not all the answers available.

It was now clear to her that, right from that night they left Harry with those terrible muggles, Albus had decided the boy had to die. That the son of James and Lily had such a terrible life, and she played a major part in that, was eating away at her soul. The dementors weren't here yet but Minerva doubted if she would ever have a happy thought again for them to feed on. Still, the old witch knew she would need to work fast before the debilitating effects of being in close proximity to those abominations robbed her of the will to do what was needed.

She had already ripped and braided the thin blanket her cell came furnished with, the complimentary wooden bucket for personal relief would also be needed. By upending the bucket and standing on it, Minerva could just reach the metal bars that adorned her cell's tiny recessed window. It took a bit of doing with her hands trembling so much but she eventually managed to firmly secure one end of her improvised rope to the sturdy chunks of metal that were intended to ensure she was contained in Azkaban.

Minerva could feel the dementors approaching, and that actually made the next bit easier. If this is what the rest of her life now held for her, it was time to end it. Minerva McGonagall, former Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts kicked the metal bucket away.

She was found hanging there the next morning, the word 'sorry' scratched on the wall of her cell.


After their guests left, Harry and Hermione retreated upstairs to read the letters from their friends and start to work on their replies. It was well over an hour later when Tonks stuck her head in the door to check they were okay. The sight that greeted her was so cute, she just had to get the other three up to see this.

Hermione was cuddled into Harry as the letters were scattered all over the bed. Both clearly had a trying and tireing day as they appeared to have been sleeping for some time. Emma had just wondered out loud how they were going to get them to bed without waking the couple when Dobby popped into the room. A few of snaps of his fingers saw the letters piled neatly on the bedside cabinet, Harry and Hermione changed into their sleepwear, the bedcoveres pulled back and the now floating couple gently lowered back into the bed, still holding each other.

Dan was slowley shaking his head. "I could have done without seeing that for at least a few more years."

Sirius had immense sympathy for the troubled father. "I have known Hermione for less than a year but already she means the world to me. If that was anyone else but my godson in that bed with her, I would be standing here wanting to rip his lungs out."

"I've watched them for a couple of months now and can honestly say I've never seen a young couple more devoted to each other. We all saw what they did today, Hermione was out her seat the moment she saw Harry in trouble. I couldn't have stopped her, even if I wanted to. Harry was the exact same when he knew she was at the bottom of that lake. After hearing what Dumbledore had planned for her, I'm now so glad he was."

Sirius was nervously running his fingers through his hair as Tonks' comments saw his thoughts returned to that trial. "Nearly gave me a bloody heart attack! I still can't believe they pulled it off. Dumbledore thought he had all his bases covered and yet still ended up in Azkaban. I hope they parked his ancient arse in my old cell. Planning the murder and enslavement of children in his care makes him worse than any death eater in my book."

Tonks was in total agreement but then asked the question that had troubled her since her boss brought it up earlier that night. "How do you two feel about having to leave your house for now, and needing an auror stationed at your practice?"

This drew a shrug of the shoulders from Emma. "Amelia made a very good case for it. If they can't get to Hermione or Harry, they might come after us. Staying here won't be a hardship and she promised to assign an auror who will at least be comfortable in a non magical environment."

"Hey, maybe they could take over for Janet on reception?"

Emma liked her husband's idea immediately. "They would need to be pretty bad not to be better than Janet. Perhaps she'll take umbrage and hand her notice in?"

Dan didn't think they could be that lucky. "Janet outlasted the last dentists in that practice, and will probably still be there when we leave."

Sirius had a suggestion he was sure would work. "Perhaps you should get Hermione to stick her wand in the woman's face? Scared the life out of me, and I wasn't even the one she was pointing it at."

The four withdrew, leaving the young couple unchaperoned tonight. Since it was beginning to appear as if they would effectively be married within a few weeks, none of the adults really saw the point.

Emma already had a long and detailed talk with Hermione regarding available methods for not making her a grandmother anytime soon. Now that they were going to receive underage exemption licenses, Sirius intended to fulfill his duty as godfather by teaching his godson the contraceptive charm tomorrow.


Remus expected the enquiring faces that greeted him at breakfast, he just wished there was better news for them. "Sorry guys, Harry and Hermione had a meeting with the DMLE and the unspeakables last night, they didn't get a chance to read your letters until after I left. I'm sure you'll hear from them within the next few days."

With Cedric being older, and his father working in the ministry, he caught the undertones contained in the professor's words. "So they won't be returning on Wednesday?"

Remus wouldn't lie to them, and he wanted the surprise the couple were working on to be just that, a surprise. "It was decided last night that, until Voldemort is defeated for good, they really do need the security of a secret location. I'm sure they will tell you more about it when they write."

Watching the disappointment in their faces, and knowing about the invitations that would soon be winging their way to Hogwarts was almost as good as a prank for the marauder. The map in his pocket was a great reminder of his past, as was the person who loaned it to him. Remus thought Harry grew more like his father by the day, and couldn't be happier with the lad's choice of life mate. If there was one thing Remus knew with all his heart it's that James and Lily would be immensely proud of their son.

He was also delighted to play any role in the final defeat of the monster who murdered his friends that fateful Halloween. Even if that role was only to assist Croaker with his search of the school, Remus wanted to play his part. With Croaker's detector now proven to work and the marauders' map to aid them, he was sure if that piece of filth was in Hogwarts then they would find it.


Harry and Hermione were in high spirits the following morning as they discussed with their parents the compromise they had reached before falling asleep last night. All four adults were delighted to see them so happy after the events of yesterday.

"...we just realized from reading their letters how little they actually knew of what was going on..."

"...we also felt terrible about placing the other three hostages in more danger..."

"...but we still have the problem of Cho not being able to stand Ron..."

"...and Ron not being able to stand anywhere near Fleur..."

" we would like to invite them as two separate groups..."

"...over two weekends..."

Watching them finish each other's sentences just underlined to everyone there just how close these two were. Tonks though asked the all-important question. "Good plan, but which group do you ask first?"

The couple blushing told everyone they'd gotten right to the heart of the matter. Hermione gave their answer while Harry explained their reasoning.

"...we would like to invite the other champions first..."

"...we walked away and left them that morning barely having time to say cheerio!"

Their auror bodyguard could only smile at that. "I was there remember, I think we had enough on our plates that morning though I agree with your choice. What about Susan, what group are you putting her in?"

"We were actually thinking of asking her both weekends. She's the only person our own age who actually knows what's going on."

Emma couldn't help but pull her daughter's leg here. "And it gives you someone to talk about your boyfriend with..."

The couple were saved the further embarrassment of having to answer any more questions by Dobby's announcement that Amelia Bones wished to see them. She was invited right in and it only took a casual glance to determine she wasn't here with good news. "There's no easy way to say this so I'll just come out with it. Last night, Minerva McGonagall hanged herself in her cell."

Hermione emitted a sound that was half shriek, half gasp of terror and found herself smothered in Harry's arms before anyone else could react.

Amelia had expected a reaction like this and pulled no punches. "Hermione, you need to listen to me. This was in no way your fault. McGonagall spent her time in her ministry cell reflecting on her choices in life. The only thing keeping her functioning was her belief that Dumbledore knew what he was doing. When that was shown to be nothing more than some demented ramblings about the greater good, her world collapsed."

Amelia was now kneeling beside a sobbing Hermione, trying to ensure she had the distraught witch's attention. "We have professional people at the ministry who should have spotted this, and didn't. We were all too busy celebrating the capture of Dumbledore, and anticipating the final end to Voldemort. The ministry dropped the quaffle on this one, not you. You two caught the snitch and won us the game, we're the ones who messed up."

Hermione had trouble speaking through the sobs, she eventually managed to get her message out. "I can still see her eyes as she appologised for putting me down there. McGonagall desperatly wanted me to believe she knew nothing about the mermen, I just blew her off."

Tonks was now also kneeling beside the sitting girl. "Harry said yesterday he didn't know if you two could have carried out your threat and I applaud that honesty. That doubt didn't show though, which was what won us the day. McGonagall placed her faith in Dumbledore while you chose the young man currently clinging on to you for dear life. There is no doubt in my mind who chose the better wizard, and that was her downfall."

Amelia could understand this reaction, the witch in question had been their head of house for nearly four years. She didn't know if this would help but decided to give it a try. "She left a final message scraped into her cell wall. I may be making assumptions here but I personally think it was meant for you two. It was only one word but it spoke volumes. It simply said sorry."

Harry was now sobbing too as Dan and Emma took over. They helped the young couple to their feet and headed off in the direction of what they were all begining to regard as Harry and Hermione's bedroom.

Amelia felt awful for having to tell them that news and attempted to appologise to Sirius.

"It's better they find out about it this way, rather than discovering tomorrow's headlines. Just a pity Dumbledore hadn't decided for once in his life to do the decent thing and hang himself with that ridiculous beard of his. That would have seen me celebrating."

This didn't get the reaction he expected from Amelia, Sirius soon discovered why.

"Getting thrown in Azkaban didn't appear to bother Dumbledore nearly as much as the shock of discovering all his secrets were known. McGonagall's death though has hit him pretty hard. She was his most trusted lieutenant and this would seem to be the most extreme way possible of saying she no longer believed in him. Dumbledore is sitting there and you can practically see him questioning every decision he's ever made. We've already got him on suicide watch."

This saw Tonks enqiring about the other prisoner, her boss' disgust was plain to see. "If there is one person currently in Azkaban I would like to see kissed by a dementor, then it is Severus Snape. It's hard to say who that man hates most, Harry, his father or his godfather. He really was looking forward to seeing Sirius kissed last summer and also wanted the Potter line to die with Harry. The man has no morals whatsoever. Why Dumbledore thought this thing was suitable to be in charge of children is as much a mystery as it is a disgrace."

"It's hard to take that so many death eaters escaped without any punishment yet I found myself in Azkaban. The corruption in our society goes all the way to the top, and everyone just accepts it as normal. That more than anything has to change."

"I think Fudge is finished. The entire country heard that he'd given Dumbledore a ministerial pardon and only Harry's quick thinking saw them get what they deserve. We're concentrating on the demise of Voldemort but putting our own house in order will quickly follow. Snape gave us a lot of information on his death eater compatriots but so far we've not been able to do much about it. With Dumbledore now in Azkaban and the end of Voldemort closing in, we will be rounding these criminals up when Harry and Hermione finish him off."

Their discussion was interrupted by Winky with a Gringotts owl for Amelia. "I can't believe this, I have a meeting with Ragnot today at one. They have also asked if I could bring Harry and Hermione with me. It would seem we gave more information away yesterday than we thought."

Sirius was concerned whether they would be able to attend but Tonks disagreed. "I think this is exactly what they need, something to take their mind off this. If possible, I would like to see some of their friends here this weekend?" She left to see how her charges were, and give them the news.

Amelia too had to leave, though promised to be back in time to collect the young couple for their visit to Gringotts.


Both searchers were beginning to get frustrated. The detector had unerringly led them to the seventh floor yet, the minute they got there, it began acting up. The unspeakable had never seen anything like this. "It's almost like one minute its there and the next not, anything on your map?"

Remus shook his head by way of an answer, all he was getting from the map was the two of them walking up and down an empty corridor. "Perhaps we should have brought Harry and Hermione with us, they seem to have all the answers?"

This drew a chuckle from Croaker. "There is no reason to doubt they would have eventually found it. They did after all discover the chamber of secrets, and that had been hidden for a millennium."

"You really do rate them that highly?"

"If they complete seven years of Hogwarts, they will undoubtedly be the top two students in the school. Whichever order they finish in, only those two will decide. Both are incredibly powerful and, while Miss Granger is frighteningly bright, Mr Potter's insightful way of looking at things makes them a brilliant team."

Remus couldn't argue with that. "Sound's as if you've already got your eye on them as future unspeakables?"

"I have, and they know this. Amelia has also offered them jobs in her department, and that was before most of this kicked off. We both know they are only going to get better as they mature so got in quickly before they were flooded with offers. I can't wait to see just how powerful any children they have will be."

"Do you really buy into that theory?"

"Oh, I this case, most definitely. I don't accept all the pureblood nonsense though, that just illustrates what can happen when a good, sensible idea is taken to extremes."

Remus had never heard this argument before so was eager to learn more. Croaker loved talking over his theories with people intelligent enough to understand them, and open enough to listen. He wasn't going to pass up on this opportunity.

"In the early days of magic, our ancestors must have noticed that a child produced from the union of a witch and wizard resulted in a magically more powerful offspring than if they only had one magical parent. The pureblood philosophy that generations of magical ancestors increased this effect is where all the trouble starts. They casually ignore the initial power of the parents and, more importantly, just how closely those same parents are related. This isn't a sound theory they adhere rigidly to, nor is it a religion, it's a recipe for disaster that leaves our society in the state we are in today."

Remus thought he had the gist of it but wanted to make sure. "So you're saying any kids should be powerful because their parents are powerful, and the only way their family history enters into the equation is that they're not related before marriage?"

"Yes, while nothing in life is ever certain, I think the numbers certainly favour that outcome. Had they been cousins, there would have been a lot of other factors that would introduce degrees of uncertainty to those same numbers. The entire concept of pureblood supremacy is so flawed as to be laughable. That its supposed champion had a muggle father just about sums up the credibility of their entire argument."

Those comments set Remus thinking. "I suppose it's ironic that Voldemort's first defeat was masterminded and executed by a muggleborn witch, and then his final demise will be brought about by another. All due to their love of the same wizard too!"

Croaker hadn't really thought about the current situation in those terms before, he liked it though as this appealed to his sense of neatness and justice.

Remus' frustration was now beginning to show at their lack of results, people were counting on him and he didn't want to disappoint. All he could think of was he needed to find that horcrux while he repeatedly walked up and down the corridor, studying his surroundings for any hidden passages. Croaker's "Where the hell did that come from?" had Remus spinning around to see a large ornate oak door where there was previously only stone wall.

As the horcrux detector indicated this was where they needed to go, both headed through the door and entered an Aladdin's cave of discarded objects. It would have been so easy to become distracted with the immense hidden treasures the vast chamber contained yet both wizards managed to retain their focus. They were on a mission and that came first. Both intended to return here and explore their discovery fully though, once they figured out how they got in here in the first place.

The detector was once more working perfectly and led them unerringly to an object that Croaker recognized immediately. The former Ravenclaw had trouble believing what his eyes were telling him. "That's Rowena Ravenclaw's lost diadem, its been missing since the time of the founders." His spell then confirmed the worst. "It's also a horcrux, which means we're going to have to destroy it."

Remus understood not wanting to destroy a priceless founder's relic though, to finally destroy Voldemort he would wipe out a castle full of them. The unspeakable levitated the item into his protected bag before heading back toward the exit. All thoughts of searching through the vast room were now forgotten, due to the unenviable task facing the former Claw. Being remembered throughout history as the man who destroyed Ravenclaw's diadem was not something Croaker had contemplated when he'd gotten out of bed this morning.


Tonks had been half right, giving the couple something to do had helped them recover from the shock of McGonagall's death. Harry's comment that they could use this trip to Gringotts to get Hermione an engagement and wedding ring instantly completed that journey as once more excitement reigned.

Amelia was rather surprised to discover two chirpy teens on her return, she was not surprised in the slightest that Tonks insisted on accompanying them. She was soon very grateful for her young auror's insistence as the portkey deposited them on the steps of Gringotts bank. Their sudden appearance drew quite a bit of interest but Amelia could certainly have done without the green killing curse that tried to close their accounts.

Tonks pushed her two charges out of the curse's path, and in the direction of the bank doors. Harry and Hermione didn't need telling twice, they raced into the relative safety of the enormous marble building. Amelia meanwhile was laying down some covering fire, shooting stunner after stunner in the direction the curse had originated from. The two goblin security guards also took off in that direction so Amelia followed them into Gringotts where the quartet soon found themselves surrounded by a goblin security squad. As their razor sharp weapons were all pointing away from the four in the centre, they felt it safe to assume the goblins were there on protection detail.

The shaken quartet were led directly into Ragnot's office where the goblin leader awaited them. Harry didn't even take the offered seat before demanding to know what had just happened. His question was directed at Amelia but it was actually Ragnot who offered an answer.

"Please take a seat and I will explain. I'm afraid Monday's trial painted a very large target on you Mr Potter."

This saw both Harry and Hermione slump onto a large chair, not caring if them sharing upset anyone. They had almost been killed again and needed the comfort of holding on to each other.

When the room settled, Ragnot took up his tale. "Mr Potter has already experienced the trouble a magically binding contract can cause, I'm afraid those troubles are far from over."

Hermione couldn't accept that. "Harry's out of that competition. Professor Moody's impersonator paid the price with his magic, that takes Harry out of that contract."

"You are of course correct Miss Granger, I was referring to other contracts which you have just discovered can be just as deadly."

They were interrupted by a goblin entering the room and speaking with Ragnot in their native tongue, the goblin leader translated as his officer left. "I'm afraid your attacker got away, your DMLE are now on site and wish to interview you all when we are finished here. After you hear what I'm about to say, you'll probably want to perform those interviews inside Gringotts."

Amelia just nodded to acknowledge Ragnot's generosity, she had no intention of giving any assassins another shot at the two teens.

"The magical contracts I am referring to are the ones between the dark lord and his marked followers. They swore on their magic to serve him always and, should Voldemort meet his final demise, that's what it will cost them. They of course didn't realize that when they agreed but that won't matter now, a contract is a contract."

Hermione caught on at once. "Oh shit! We went and announced to the entire country that Harry's just about to finish him off for good. They don't know that killing Harry will do the exact thing they're trying to avoid."

This had Ragnok sitting back in his chair. "Ah, It is as I feared then. You intend to perform a soul bound ritual to force the piece of Voldemort out of Mr Potter?"

Amelia fielded this question. "That was our intention, after we disposed of all the other pieces. Do you foresee a problem with this?"

"Unfortunately yes. Driving a horcrux out by destroying the object cannot be defended against, Mr Potter is an entirely different case. Voldemort survives as a wraith because he can draw a trickle of magic from all his marked followers. That is the force you have to defeat if you wish Mr Potter to survive the expulsion, the combined magic of all the death eaters."

Hermione was now on her feet, everyone could hear the pleading in her voice. "Please sir, please tell us you have a way to do this?"

"We have a way to help Miss Granger, but it will require an even bigger sacrifice on your part."

Harry was beside her before Hermione could answer. "Hold on Hermione, this is one of those things we discuss as a couple. I'm the one who dives into things without thinking, remember?"

"Well said Mr Potter. I also need to ask Madam Bones just how serious the ministry is on destroying Voldemort, now that you know some of your most prominent citizens will lose their magic?"

Amelia didn't hesitate. "The main focus of my department is to bring down Voldemort, and his organization. We were coming here today because we think the final piece of the puzzle may be held in a Gringotts vault..."

The goblin leader cut her off. "You have the full support of the goblin nation on this matter, Voldemort is an enemy of us all. I'm sure we can work out procedures that lie within our banking treaties."

Hermione was holding Harry's hand as she asked the question they needed to know the answer to. "Sir, what sacrifice do I need to make to help Harry?"

Both teens paled as they heard the price they would need to pay, Hermione recovered first. "Okay Harry, but you get to tell my dad."

"Oh shit! He'll probably just kill me on the spot, save the death eaters the trouble."

Hermione didn't give a fig about protocol at the moment, she kissed Harry before stating her demands. "Just make sure you've got another ring on my finger first Potter, my father would never kill my fiancé."

This even drew a smile from the goblin leader. "Assuming Mr Potter survives his encounter with Miss Granger's father, I shall begin plans at once for the ceremony. When would be the best time?"

Hermione blushed as she realized all eyes were on her, and what she was actually being asked. "Probably the weekend, isn't there spells to determine that?"

"Yes, but we want as little magic as possible to interfere with this. That gives us a few days to search the vaults..."

It was now Amelia's turn to cut across the goblin leader. "Actually, we've created a horcrux detector that should lead us directly to where it's hidden."

That really drew a smile from Ragnok though Tonks missed all the byplay, her entire focus was on the young couple staring into each other's eyes. She just had to ask. "Are you two sure about this?"

The determination in Hermione was there for all to see. "Yes, I will not lose my Harry over something the both of us want anyway. He still gets to tell my dad though, but this time I'll be there."

"I think I better sit in on that one too!"

This gave Harry an idea. "Do you think Ragnok would lend us that squad of guards that escorted us in here?"


Tonks led Harry and Hermione back home, only to walk straight into an emotional storm. Emma was sobbing uncontrollably while Dan appeared ready to kill dragons with his bare hands. Hermione shot towards her mum, hoping to learn what the problem was. She was even more worried on discovering that her mother was so distraught as to be unable to speak. Her father though had no such problems and was ready for a good loud rant.

"The bastards just destroyed our home. Matt Davies called me on my cell phone. Said he saw a couple of strange characters hanging about the back garden so phoned the police. While he was on the phone, the entire house just burst into flames. Matt said it was an inferno and nothing could have survived that, everything's gone."

This was also hard on Harry. "I'm sorry Mr Granger. This is my fault but I can pay to have your house rebuilt..."

"This is not your fault Harry. Sirius explained that we were at war, now I believe him. The house was well insured but that's not the point. It's the fact these bastards will get away with destroying our home that's driving me crazy."

Tonks couldn't think of a worst time but they all needed to know. "The war visited us today as well, a killing curse was fired at these two on the steps of Gringotts."

This saw Sirius shoot out his seat and engulf his godson in a hug. "We're okay Sirius, Tonks hustled us right into the bank while Madam Bones blasted away at whoever attacked us. Like here though, they got away"

Emma was clinging onto her daughter, she was distraught for another reason rather than the guilty not being punished. "All our memories and mementoes were in that house. How can insurance pay for the loss of Hermione's baby pictures? Those are priceless and irreplaceable."

Like Tonks, Hermione couldn't think of a worst time to bring this subject up but it had to be done. "What if I told you we had a way to make every guilty wizard and witch pay, end the war and replace those baby pictures?"

In the resulting silence, Tonks let her wand slip unnoticed into her hand and hoped Dobby was still in 'protect Harry' mode.

Dan quietly answered his daughter, the fervour of revenge clearly visible in his eyes. "I think that is something we would all really like to hear."

Harry kept his promise to his new fiancée and told her father, the scream of 'WHAT?' could probably have been heard all the way to the ministry of magic.

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