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|AJ's Third P.O.V.|
|August 14th, Monday, 7:49 am|

A snuggly AJ laid as still as a brick. The only movement was the slight rise and fall of her chest. Her features were much softer in sleep. She snuggled into the soft eiderdown duvet as it caressed her cheek. The young girl's mother rushed into her bedroom holding a white double-breasted jacket. Flicking her daugther's bedroom light switch upward, Janet snatched the covers off the sleeping black head. The two had a late discussion the night beforehand about April's lazy efforts of trying to miss out on school whenever the new year started.

Janet wasn't going to fall for it this time. Normally the working woman left it to either one of her older siblings to wake her up and left the house after their father.

However, most times the sibling bond came in the way and April would find herself watching anime and eating Cinammon Toast Crunch instead of being at school learning basic history.

April let out the loudest groan that could escape her mouth and gripped her covers, which Janet was quick to snatch away again, "Get up! You're late. Get up!" Her angry voice only grew when the teenager failed to do as instructed.

April wanted to be late. She wanted to miss her first day back at that school. She wanted to disappear out the school's roster.

Just the thought of everybody's eyes on the "insane" girl who was too weak to finish her 11th grade year made her heart beat.

How fun it's going to be looking into the eyes of her enemies and the eyes of those against her.

Sleep doesn't sound too bad.

"April, get up! Up! Now! " the more she raised her voice, the more April wanted to choke her.

"AJ, get up! I'm trying to sleep!" her older sister, Erica, yelled from across the hall.

If thoughts could kill, they would both be dead.

April opened her eyes and lazily got out her bed.

She reached for her phone but was cut off her by her mom rushing to her bathroom.

Standing up in pure despair, April wondered if school was worth it or not.

Maybe she could drop out?

The last thing she wanted is another year full of work, stress and work.

AWF High wasn't a bad school.

It was better than that school.


After many shouts and mumbling witch curses, April changed into the school clothes she set out beforehand:

April grabbed her phone and searched around to make sure she didn't forget anything, "Bring me back the apple sauce. I used to love them." Erica languidly dragged out.

"I'll bring you back a two piece combo of fuck and an extra side of you,"

and with that the young girl ran out the bedroom before her older sister had time to physically rebuttal.

Making her way out the door, April felt a banana get thrown at the back of her head,

"Breakfast is important!" her mom screamed and slammed the door.

Such a loving mother she was.


Despite struggling to eat and ride a broken bicycle at the same time, April managed to make it the hell-hole awaiting her.

WWE High School.

What would everyone think when they see her again?

"Wow! She has grown!,"


"Wow! She has gotten shorter,"


"Man! She stills look the same!,"

or even

"Her boobs have gotten bigger!"

Okay, that's just a wish of hers that will never come true.

April was feeling uneasy now that she was actually here standing in the school she left behind.

Why did her mom have to bring her back? So many familiar faces and maybe even some unknown ones.

But she already made it harder on myself by being late.

How should she find her class? What homeroom is she in?

'Damn it, April, you've done it again.'

Shaking the thoughts out her head, the teenage girl shakily stepped in the front office with her chest poked out and flexing her invisible muscles.

"Name," said the office lady.

Her physical presence was here but her mental one was some where else.

For some reason, dropping out is starting to sound really good right now.

"A....April Mendez..." she fiddled with her hands while watching her type away on her computer.

The lady reminded her of Roz from Monster Inc.

She finally made eye contact with April when her tardy slip printed out, "Go to the 12th grade schedule files in Stephanie's office and grab Mr. Test's homeroom. Your first period is Trigonometry with Ms. Trish," April tried not to show her pale expression at the instructions.

'Lord, hi, please do not let Stephanie be in that office.'

April fiddled with her hands even more. It was a year when she disappeared but a year couldn't make up for the other two when she gave Stephanie pure hell.

She didn't mean to of course. Nobody wanted to deal with their parents' heartbreaking expressions hearing theat their child wasn't being the innocent bean they knew them to be.

It was, however, Stephanie's fault.

She had some weird obession with April.

Peeking her head inside the office, hoping the long nose witch's presence was not in there, April was greeted with relief when her appearance was nowhere to be found.

April shakily searched for her schedule.

She learned back in AWF that you didn't get your schedule until like three weeks later or so.

WWE High School was called different for a reason. Here you get your schedule on the first day.

"Such a great way to start the damn day, AJ. You're late, your homeroom is with somebody you don't know, you feel like you can't breathe and you've found your schedule. Super great. Now how are we going to stall?" she spoke to herself in a voice of another.

April angrily fixed her backpack, now wondering why her legs weren't moving.

'Right! I've turned into jelly! Nothing is worst than being late on the first day back to school! How foolish of me!'

She felt like a damn 9th grader.

'No, that was the year of my braces. Get out thought! Get out!'


There are numerous hallways in WWE High.

It's a rather huge school with four different levels for four different grades. The 12th grade level is on the top floor.

It would be dangerous to keep all the 9th graders that high up near glass windows.

It will be a bit confusing in your first year --- not like this is Harry Potter or anything --- but once you keep going and going around the entire school, you'll get used to it.

April squeezed her Harley Quinn backpack close to her chest and checked over her schedule.

Ms Trish.

"I remember her. She was my favorite teacher before I transferred schools. Said she couldn't wait to get me in her class. Hopefully her relieved face will ease the butterflies in my stomach..." April said to herself.

April checked her Angels of Death watch, her face turned white as chalk. Her eyes and her mouth were frozen wide open in an expression of stunned surprise.

"It's 8:21? I'm too late!"

She took one last breath and sprinted to Trigonometry. It was almost over.

What would be the point of showing up?

But she can't miss the syllabus, the lesson introduction or maybe even the essay on what they did last Summer --- wait, the school probably changed.

April ran in without noticing and stopped once realizing the area switched from lockers to Math equations.

'Too far, April. Too far.'

Ms Trish grew a big smile seeing the young girl.

How happy April would have been to return it if the stunned faces staring her down wasn't so easily noticeable.

^Ms. Trish^

April hugged her backpack tighter, "Slip," Ms Trish commanded, holding her hand out for April's tardy slip.

Her smile was still visible.

'Well, at least somebody here missed me.'

The classroom was staring at her like she was a murderer.

I could murder you all and get away with it.

Ms Trish pulled out her syllabus and handed it to her in return, "Sit." she commanded, nodding her head to the open seat near her desk.

'Awe, did she miss me that much? If Ms Trish doesn't leave hopefully the year goes by smoothly.'

April avoided eye contact with everyone and plopped her petite self in the germ infected death desk, or that's how she saw them.

"Harley Quinn in the flesh," the voice behind her spoke. April continued to lower her head as the grin on her face spread.

The voice held out her hand and April bumped it, "I missed you, AJ. Don't leave me again," she warned as April chuckled.

'I had no choice. The school was slowly destroying me. I had to protect myself.'

Ms. Trish rubbed her hands on her pants and some of the boys in the back of the class whistled.

April rolled her eyes remembering this was all they talked about when they first arrived here.

Some boys wanted to take Ms. Trish class. Some boys offered her help. Even Punk. Punk always offered every girl help but April.

'No, we're not starting that. Forget him, April. Forget him.'

She opened her backpack and pulled out the Harley Quinn notebook she bought over the summer.

"Trigonometry is a branch of mathematics, related to geometry, that studies the relationships between the sides of triangles and their angles. Three of these relationships are the sine, cosine and tangent functions. Before we can study these relationships, we need to review the Pythagorean Theorem and briefly study special right triangles," Ms. Trish started writing on her board and you could hear complaints mixed with oohing at the sight of her ass.

Well, this year is going to be fun.

She raised up out of her seat and looked over April's shoulder, "Always prepared for the basics, huh?" She grinned.

Knowing what she meant, April flashed her pen in her face, ".....Always.." April responded in her Snape voice.

And just with that she hugged April.

She fully hugged her not caring about Heath Slater pulling his glasses down to get a better view.

"I missed you, April," she repeated, truly meaning it this time.

April smiled and hugged her back, "I missed you, too, Emma," and now her nerves felt a bit at ease.

|Thank You For Reading|

So this was the first chapter of  ᵇᵉᶜᵃᵘˢᵉ ˡᶦᵏᵉᵈ ᵇᵒʸ ; ᵃʲ ˡᵉᵉ. I really hope you all enjoyed it. Yeah, it's supposed to be a comedy story, since it is based around WWE superstars but I still wanted realistic subjects in it.

Note: I don't ship a lot of the couples I put together in here; I felt like it or thought it'll be unique. Meaning: Becky and Fandango, Chad and Peyton, et cetera. Besides some will later break up. Y'all have no idea how surprised I was when Corey and Carmella actually became a couple Irl. I've always paired them together in my WWE fanfics. ☠️

Yeah, I've been rewriting WWE High School for some years now, and this book was officially unpublished until Ms. Sabrina Carpenter decided to drop "emails i can't send to you" and now I've brought the series back. It reminded me so much of the plot I created for April and I started missing it.

Thank you for reading and don't forget to give me feedback! I love you guys and remember my PM's are always opened!

|Love You All|

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