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|Meet the men of ᵇᵉᶜᵃᵘˢᵉ ˡᶦᵏᵉᵈ ᵇᵒʸ ; ᵃʲ ˡᵉᵉ|

1. Cm Punk / Phillip Brooks
Age: 20 (He failed a grade... maybe two. I was thinking of Eddie Munson)
Best friends: Jeff Hardy, Elias, Justin Gabriel and Corey Graves
Love Interest: Maryse. He fell under her beauty spell after his friends pushed him to get over the absence of AJ when she transferred.
Character: He's full of sarcasm, he can be a huge asshole and think his opinions are above other's. He tells people about themselves bluntly. He date from time to time but AJ was the only true woman he loved. He rarely goes to school, normally ditching with Corey.


2. Jeff Hardy / Jeffery Nero Hardy
Age: 18
Best friends: CM Punk, Aleister Black, Adam Cole, Corey Graves, Lita, Paige, Ruby Riott
Girlfriend: Tiffany
Character: Jeff is the chill guy in Punk's circle, normally being the collected one in situations where he believed they're overreacting. Despite being chill, his antics goes against his personality. He likes to mess with Vince, dye his hair, paint his nails, and he plans on getting some tattoos in the later future when him and Tiffany are settled in a house together. Speaking of Tiffany, he loves her more than life itself. When it comes to robbing or doing acts of wrong with Punk and Graves, Jeff chickens out, knowing he couldn't risk losing Tiffany. He keeps his circle tight but he doesn't have a problem with anybody as long as they don't hurt his family, friends, or girlfriend.


3. A.J. Styles / Allen Jones
Age: 17
Best friends: Finn Bàlor, The Club, and Sami Zayn
Love Interest: Sasha Banks
Character: A.J. likes to stay away from drama. He normally isn't a finger unless someone's messing with his sister. He sometimes pays attention in class; he's very great at the subject Chemistry but he struggles with mostly everything else. He likes to keep his circle small, learning from past friendships not everybody means you good. The only girl he's currently crushing on is Sasha. While it might drive others away, Sasha's confidence and attitude pulls him in. He has to admit it.


4. Finn Bàlor/ Fergal Devitt
Age: 18
Bestfriends: A.J. Styles, Emma, Sami Zayn, The Club, Sasha Banks, Candice Styles, AJ Lee, and Becky Lynch
Love Interest: He grew a huge crush over Emma during the Summer.
Character: Finn is a sweet student and he loves helping students with their work. He's a part of the Activity Club and helps with all the school events, posters, and most of their things. He's a bit of a nerd mixed with a geek. He loves reading comic books, including watching anime. He used to call himself the male AJ before the school turned on her.


5. Sami Zayn / Rami Sebei
Age: 17
Best friends: A.J. Styles, AJ Lee. He has an on and off relationship with Kevin Owens.
Love Interest: AJ Lee
Character: He's a strange boy but he's pretty funny. He's like a comedian and enjoys making people laugh. He can be too nice but that's why he has A.J. to tell him when he needs to put his foot down. That's what he did with Kevin.


6. Chad Gable / Charles Betts
Age: 17
Bestfriend: He talks to every one.
Girlfriend: Peyton Royce.
Character: Chad is an athletic student a part of the school's football team. Most of his time is taken up by practicing and trying to manage his grades. He used to be friends with Jason but he couldn't deal his girlfriend anymore. The two fought after Jason refused to break up with her and hasn't spoken since. Ever since the fight, Chad's been going to the gym more, focused on himself and working two jobs to pay for Peyton's future bakery.


7. John Cena / John Cena Jr.
Age: 19
Friend: Daniel Bryan
Love Interest: A secret girl that nobody knows about.
Character: John has to have everything how he wants it. He used to be the captain of the football team but got injured; Brock Lesnar took his spot. So, John switched to basketball instead, where he quickly dominated. John is very strict about his grades and motivates himself to keep up the good work. He lives with his friend Daniel Bryan, moving out of his house when he turned 18 like he planned on doing. Nobody has their career goals set better than John. That's a fact he knows.


8. Daniel Bryan / Bryan Danielson
Age: 17
Best friend: John Cena
Girlfriend: Brie bella
Character: Daniel is like the leader of the school. He's always participating in everything and treats his girlfriend the best way he could. He's not athletic but he did try-out for the Basketball team. He's an A plus student, helps in promoting a safer environment, helps promote vegan life and helps with the school's fundraising events.


9. Dean Ambrose / Jonathan David Good
Age: 18
Best friends: Roman Reigns, Seth Rollings, Randy Orton, James Ellsworth
Love Interest: Paige
Character: Dean plans on bettering himself this school year before he enters adulthood. No, he doesn't have college in his future but he also has not ending up like his alcoholic father in his future. And what better way to keep a steady path than staying close to his brother Roman? He thinks Roman's a square, always has, but he knows Roman wants the best for him and Seth so he doesn't complain.


10. Jimmy Uso / Jonathan Solofa Fatu
Age: 17
Friends: Kofi Kingston, Sami Zayn, Cedric Alexander, Montez Ford, Apollo Crews
Girlfriend: Naomi
Character: He's like his twin: a class clown, always making jokes. Both are on the basketball team and their dad the school's lunch maker. Lately, he's been trying to become more like his cousin Roman; the favored cousin in the family. He's been hitting the gym to become more athletic, reading up on philosophy books, and considering changing a few of his beliefs to match Roman's. He's tired of how he's seen within his family, but he hasn't told Jey the issue. He knows he'll brush it off.


11. Fandango / Curtis Hussey
Age: 17
Best friends: Tyler Breeze and Dolph Ziggler
Girlfriend: Becky Lynch
Character: He's a dancer and is a part of the school choir. He's a very fashionable person and can be full of himself. He likes the thought of Becky more than Becky herself. He can't handle the sports side of her or her strong personality, sometimes trying to change it or asking her to calm down. However, he hates seeing her with other guys. So, he's been trying to cut certain guy friends out of her life. It's a goal of his.


12. Justin Gabriel / Phillip Paul Lloyd
Age: 17
Best friends: He's really close to everyone.
Girlfriend: Milena Perez / Gurerro
Character: He's a sweet boy, sometimes violent. But mostly everyone loves him, even the teachers. When he loves someone, he falls hard. Whether he loves them as a friend or more. He's the closest friend to Punk, caring about his well-being and wanting to lead him on the right path, but he also wants to focus on his own path, having to leave behind babysitting Punk and keeping him straight.


13. Seth Rollins / Colby Daniel Lopez
Age: 17
Best friends: Dean Ambrose, Liv Morgan, Adam Cole, Elias, Sasha Banks, Becky Lynch
Love Interest: Becky Lynch
Character: You know the youngest sibling who gets away with being a brat and picking fights? That's Seth. Out of Roman and Dean, Seth is the most childish in the trio, and despite promising Roman he'll grow this year, he doesn't feel like putting in the work to do so. The trio practically lives together, Dean and Seth are always at Roman's house, so, Seth endures Roman's lectures and looks of disapproval nearly 24/7. Roman is the oldest in the trio, already had graduated this year so he thinks it's his responsibility to guide his brother's right. Problem is - Seth is rather tired of him. Very, actually.


14. Elias / Jeffery Daniel Sciullo
Age: 18
Best friends: CM Punk, Jeff Hardy, Corey Graves, Bray Wyatt, Renee Young
Love Interest: No one.
Character: The guitar playing star of WWE High. Elias is another member in Punk's Cult of Personality circle. He, however, rarely attends school, spending his days either on vacation or doing whatever he wants. He doesn't believe in the school system, nor it being mandatory to physically attend. "You can pick up smarts from anyone" is what he likes to say. His friends get on him about it though. They all care for each other, so when someone is missing, they mention it to the person later.


15. Corey Grave / Matthew Polinsky
Age: 19
Best friends: CM Punk, Jeff Hardy, Baron Corbin, Aleister Black, Justin Gabriel
Girlfriend: Carmella
Character: Corey and Punk are twins; rule breakers, loud, and... pretty controlling. When Corey gets the chance to, he has no problem taking over projects, plans, operations. Offering him your own opinion goes in one ear and out the other. If it benefits Corey, he sees no problem with listening to himself. That's one reason why he had no problem cheating on his previous with Carmella before splitting up with her. He wanted Carmella; got Carmella and now they're happy. He caught slack about it from Jeff and Justin but he didn't care - it benefited him.

|See you Monday Night|

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