Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter 29 - Radio Ga Ga

Pomona would be delighted to know her interview came across as nothing like Dumbledore's pompous pontificating from the previous week's broadcast. Rather someone who was very proud of what they were trying to achieve, and had every right to take pride in those achievements. The Headmistress laid the groundwork for those being interviewed after her.

In Hogwarts, you could have heard a pin drop as every wireless had groups gathered around it. The pureblood Greengrass family extolling the facilities and quality of Professors available at the Institute was a bitter pill to swallow for those who were refused entry.

Gerald Greengrass was talking about meeting with the Institute's potions Professor to try and incorporate some of the things he'd seen fitted in her classroom into his own potions business. After hearing that, Daphne going into raptures about their potions class was perhaps expected. Her younger sister had different ideas. Astoria claimed she liked the outdoor section of the library best - because she could work with friends on their assignments in the sunshine - the weather wards ensuring a pleasant temperature all year round. Not only did they not have to converse in whispers, they were even allowed drinks and snacks as they worked.

Dumbledore counted Poppy Pomfrey as his original betrayer. With hindsight, it was now obvious that she was protecting Potter and Granger from him. She was one of the first members of his staff to resign, and hearing on the wireless how she left Hogwarts to immediately portkey to Italy and Potter was just kicking a wizard when he was down. Anyone who'd ever shared a conversation with Poppy couldn't fail to hear the happiness and contentment in her voice while speaking about her new job - or should that be new life. This broadcast was turning into as much of an embarrassment to Albus and Hogwarts as the Halloween fiasco had been.

The interview with Dean Thomas gave a totally different viewpoint, from someone who previously had to give up so much while attending Hogwarts.

"I can phone home every night now, and talk to all my family. I can even phone my Nan, who knows nothing about magic. My Nan is just chatting to her grandson as usual, and over the moon my new school lets me call her. My dad was a wizard, but he died when I was young. My mum is a muggle, and so is my stepdad - my kid brother and little sister too. None of them had ever seen me do magic before - and this is my fourth year of being taught it. They were one of the families who visited last month, like everyone else Harry's school blew their minds. They saw me do magic, even got to see me in classes - and I was able to take the kids up flying on a broom that weekend. They had a great time."

Lyndi was honest enough to say she hadn't appreciated that problem, and asked what else had changed for Dean now that he was attending the Institute.

"I'm a football nut, most of my friends back home are too - you've no idea the amount of time we waste blabbing about our favourite team and players. If you switch quidditch for football, then most teen wizards and witches will know exactly what I mean. Here's the thing, for ten months of the year I can't watch my team, can't listen to their matches on the wireless or even read about them in the newspapers. When I go back home at summer, not knowing the latest goss has me sticking out like a sore thumb - and it's against magical law to say why. For the last three years it's like I drop of the planet for ten months, and it has my mates wondering if I'm getting banged-up for shoplifting or something. After the BBQ tonight, I'll be shooting straight for the Institute's tv room, and watching The Hammers play The Gunners on Match of the Day. Having these links to my 'other' life just helps me out so much."

Lyndi thanked Dean, before they moved on to the next recorded interview.

For anyone connected to the Ministry or the Wizengamot, bar Amelia and Augusta, it was the Grangers being interviewed that had them cringing.

Emma wasn't pulling any punches, she very eloquently tore the British Ministry apart. "We walk down Diagon Ally with the phrase 'filthy muggles' being shouted at us. The front door of our family home was magically blown off, and a pair of Death Eaters attacked us, yet the Ministry wanted to put Dan and myself on trial for defending ourselves. Everyone knows what happened when we attended a Wizengamot session. Here, we're respected Professors. We are always made very welcome in the beautiful magical shopping section in Naples. The Italian Ministry of Magic also couldn't have been any friendlier, or more helpful, when we were there to apply for Italian citizenship. No Italian wizard has ever fired a curse at us, far less the cruciatus. Sadly, we can't say the same about their British counterparts."

Trying to move the interview onto happier ground, Lyndi asked why they changed the name of the course they taught to Modern Studies. Dan quickly answered that question.

"Our jobs are to help protect the Statute of Secrecy, by preparing young witches and wizards to handle today's modern muggle world. When we were figuring out what to include in our syllabus, Amelia Bones told us that over thirty percent of the obliviates carried out by the British Ministry were caused by wizards and witches not knowing how to dress or behave in a muggle environment and exposing magic. That is a massive amount of potential breaches, and one we hope our teachings here will eventually put a dent in."

While the recorded Granger interview was being transmitted, Lyndi had made her way around to Harry's garden for the final interview of the evening. As the recording came to an end, she seamlessly cut back in to broadcast live again.

"Now, while I've been at the Institute for a few days, I have deliberately avoided talking with its owner - wanting our listeners to be part our first conversation. I'm now sitting with Lord Potter, his betrothed Hermione Granger and a young girl who I don't know. Would you like to introduce yourself?"

Getting a nod from Harry, while Hermione squeezed her hand, Joan knew no harm would ever come to her while sitting between these two.

"I'm Joan Potter, and I'm four. I was an orphan, just like Harry, when he asked me if I wanted to be in his family. I said yes."

"Thank you, Joan, and you are now officially the youngest person I've ever interviewed. Would either of you like to expand on what Joan said?"

Hermione was nipping this in the bud, they didn't want their interview to go in that direction. "Not really, Joan basically said all that needed saying. She lives at the Institute, spending school nights staying with my parents and her weekends here in her bedroom next to mine. No one was interested in the orphanage before, we would hate to see that changing because a former orphan is now a Potter. I'm assuming you've got other questions to ask, otherwise this will be a very short interview."

Lyndi actually laughed while saying 'I'll do my best'. Hearing the story Luna had told her from their perspective was pure gold. It wasn't too difficult to imagine them planning the Institute while supposedly quarantined in the Hogwarts infirmary. It also probably explained why Poppy Pomfrey was the first member of staff appointed.

"I've noticed you both keep a low profile here, especially on Friday when the visiting parents arrived. Is this normal behaviour for you two, or is it because a reporter was roaming throughout your school?"

"During term time, Hermione and I are just another two students. The Headmistress does a fantastic job of running the school, she certainly doesn't need any help from me, it was actually her who invited you here. When we have our scheduled family visits, we want those visitors focused on the students they're here to see - and the school. I'm a distraction so I make myself scarce until the Saturday. It gives everyone time to settle down, and Joan loves our BBQ's."

Lyndi again changed subject, and this time specifically targeted Harry.

"Your admission policy for students attending the Institute is causing a lot of confusion back in Britain. Could you explain your policy - if you have one?"

It was now Harry who was laughing, before explaining the reason for his laughter. "I'm sorry, but that was just so funny. You see we're using the exact system magical Britain invented, we just turned it upside down. In Britain, your entire future is locked-in, from the day you are born. If both your parents are pureblood, then you're top of the tree - with all doors open to you. If only one of your parents is a pureblood, you might still be able to eke out a good living - depending on connections. If neither parent is pureblood, already good jobs at the Ministry are denied to you, and membership of the Wizengamot is absolutely not going to happen. If either of your parents are muggle, then you're really going to suffer career-wise. If both your parents are muggle, you're almost bottom of the pile. Stone last are those orphans who don't know their parentage. Flip that upside down and you have our admission policy - up until we reach twenty students per year group. That's how many students the Institute was built for - we're not elite, just exclusive. We don't want to be any bigger because the Institute is following a different model - one where smaller classes results in a better school experience for our professors and students. The people who will never get a fair chance in Britain are the very people who we will give that chance to here - and they are grasping it with both hands."

"Oh dear. We ran a competition to give our listeners the chance to ask you a question. This one was put forward by so many of our listeners that we'd be here all night if I read their names out. I think I already know the answer but here goes. If Voldemort was defeated tomorrow, would you return to Britain - to Hogwarts?"

Harry didn't even have to think about it. "No, and I'll tell you why. Over a decade ago Voldemort was defeated - yet nothing changed. I built Pi with my own gold, it's also my gold that pays all the salaries. Yet there are people in Britain who, just because of their circumstance of birth, think they have the right to tell me what to do with our school - in Italy! Their arrogance and sense of self entitlement is actually staggering. That the people usually on top in Britain find themselves at the bottom of our lists is their hard luck. I don't hear them complaining about the lack of opportunities in Britain for the people at the top of our list - the bottom of theirs. Far too many people have invested time, energy and their ideas in seeing the Potter Institute become the success we know it can be. We're certainly the new kid in town but the Institute is here to stay. Hermione, myself and Joan will all graduate from the Potter Institute, as will many others for decades to come."

Expecting an answer along those lines, Lyndi changed direction once more. "Have you any idea how either of your names came out of the Goblet of Fire?"

There was not a shred of doubt from Harry with his answer. "Albus Dumbledore. While I don't know if he physically put my name in, he certainly would have arranged it. When your go-to signature spell is a compulsion charm then you can see it wouldn't be difficult for him to arrange my name to pop out of the goblet."

"And the other names?"

This had Harry smiling. "It would take a really powerful wizard casting spells on the goblet to get it to spit out more than three names. Once those spells had been cast though..."

Lyndi was more than smart enough to put it together. "The door was then open for anyone's name to be put in there."

"Exactly, can you imagine if a slip of parchment with Cornelius Fudge written on it had come out of that goblet? Britain's Ministry would be an international laughing stock." Harry was basically letting Fudge and Co know things could have been so much worse.

"We will portkey to Hogwarts just before the task, and leave immediately after we finish the task. The Italian Ministry doesn't want Dumbledore anywhere near either Hermione or myself, so will be sending a couple of Italian hit wizards along with us to ensure the old wizard keeps his distance."

Joan couldn't help but chip in at that point. "I'll kick the old wizard in the ankles if he comes anywhere near."

As Joan was hugged by Hermione, Harry was smiling at both of them. Lyndi's next question killed that smile.

"There's apparently a Yule Ball at Hogwarts, with the champions leading off the dancing..." The reporter didn't even get to ask the question she was leading up to, Harry swiftly cut Lyndi off.

"There's a meeting here tomorrow between the Board of the Black Orphanage and the Institute. The entire orphanage has been invited to spend the Christmas holidays with us here in Italy, that invitation was issued during the summer. We've all been working on this for months, and tomorrow's meeting is basically to confirm all the arrangements. Hermione is on the Orphanage Board and this is the Potter Institute. There's no way either of us will be leaving here over the holidays. It's also Joan's first Christmas as a Potter, Hogwarts simply has nothing to offer that can come close to any of that. I'm sure Dumbledore will be able to cast a compulsion charm on someone to partner him, they can then lead off the dancing. I understand Snape is now married but I'm sure Albus and Draco would make a striking couple." Hermione was howling with laughter in his head at that image, that she still managed to keep a straight face impressed the hell out of Harry.

Lyndi was loath to ask this question with Joan sitting there, but was all out of time. This would be her last question. "Are you worried that 'Granny Voldemort' might actually make an appearance?"

"Not in the slightest. We trust Amelia, she'll have her Aurors primed and all over the situation. If Granny V turns up then Amelia will throw her a going away party - Granny V will be giving one last final performance on her farewell tour."

"And with that, it's our time to say farewell too. I would like to thank the Institute for their fabulous hospitality, and their cooperation in making this broadcast something I hope everyone listening at home enjoyed. This is Lyndi Lang bidding you a fond farewell from the beautiful Potter Institute in Italy."

As her assistant signalled they were now off the air, Lyndi slumped back in her chair and handed her microphone over. "Thank you so much for this opportunity, there are people at our station turning green with envy that you chose me for this."

"We wanted a reporter who would tell the truth, not follow an agenda laid down by someone else. You proved that reporter was you with your Hogwarts broadcast. I hope you now realise we have nothing to hide here."

Nodding in agreement with Harry, Lyndi was going over the interview in her head. "I think it went very well, apart from Miss Granger shutting me down over Joan."

"We'll, we won't apologise for that. These two simply clicked from the moment they met - and get closer every day. Joan is our family, end of story - no other questions are needed."

Cuddling Joan, Hermione made a suggestion. "This one's too hyper for sleep any time soon. Fancy taking her for a walk on the beach?"

This was greeted by excitement by both Potters. As the radio people left their garden, Dobby arrived and popped them to the beach.


Barchoke portkeyed into the Institute, ready for the meeting. It was unanimously agreed to deal with the main topic first - the Christmas visit of the orphanage. Since this was something everyone present wanted to happen, the meeting was more about confirming the logistics as any possible problems had long since been taken care of. When everyone was happy with the final arrangements, only then did Barchoke distribute a few copies of today's Prophet. He then gave a few spoilers to the contents of the newspaper.

"Since that fateful Halloween, Magical Britain developed an insatiable appetite for any news or facts on the boy-who-lived. That has now been surpassed by their new obsession - The Potter Institute. Almost half of that newspaper is filled with articles written by people at the Prophet who were sitting listening to last night's wireless broadcast - it's bizarre and unprecedented but the whole country is going ga-ga over this. We have more distraught parents at the bank, while two members of the Hogwarts board were escorted from Gringotts at the point of goblin steel - they weren't taking no for an answer. Pomona's interview was very well received, and her throwaway comment about arranging a quidditch friendly has already seen three professional British teams offer to come here..."

Glancing at the headlines and listening to Barchoke, Pomona was not a happy Headmistress. "This was supposed to ease our problems in Britain, not create more. This is a school, let's not forget what we're here for. Positive publicity is all well and good, it can't be allowed to shift focus from our main aim - the educating of our students. You all know I'm fully on board with the orphanage visit, and I think there's great benefits from the family visits. How do we stop all the other stuff, these people making demands of us?"

With a wry smile, Harry answered his Headmistress. "You don't. The only thing I learned from Lockhart, probably the only bit of truth the git spoke, is that 'fame is a fickle friend'. These people making demands are easily ignored, or they can taste goblin steel. The press and radio are going to write or say stuff anyway, so let them get on with it. I think the institute just goes back to what it was doing. There's no way a professional quidditch team is coming here though - simply for all the free publicity their visit would bring. We also don't want the orphanage's Christmas visit to be seen as some publicly stunt, everyone here knows that's not why it's happening. I'm not against Xeno doing a small piece to say what a great time the kids had, but no more than that."

Barchoke had to report he'd already been approached by the radio station, offering a fortune to the orphanage or the Institute, to broadcast the Christmas visit from Italy. Pomona and Sirius immediately killed that idea stone dead, with everyone there fully supporting that decision.

Hermione had been thinking some things through, and had a suggestion to offer. "We all liked the idea of a friendly quidditch match before this happened, but against another school. Can I suggest Accademia di Magia Milano, for the Saturday after the first task? We don't know what will happen at Hogwarts, so it might be nice to give our students something to look forward to."

Looking at her Headmistress, Hermione elaborated on her thoughts. "You and Remus would be the ones to know if we should invite anyone from the Italian Ministry. They all arrive in the morning, play the match, a quick tour of the school, have a meal with us and then portkey home - minimal interruptions to our normal Saturdays."

Pomona had always liked the idea of a friendly match being played against another school, and this match not affecting anything other than that Saturday was also a point in its favour. "It would be nice to invite a few of the Italian Ministry along, just to say thanks for all their help. What's our stance on press coverage for this event? I'm assuming Xeno would be happy to cover it for the Quibbler but I don't want hordes of the Italian press descending on us."

It was actually Francesca who offered a suggestion. "If you explain that to the Ministry, they will allocate a photographer and a reporter to cover the event. Our newspapers extensively covered last night's broadcast too, they especially loved Harry saying the Potter Institute was here to stay. I know what playing this match will do to the Institute's credentials in Italy - boost them significantly - but I don't know how it will be perceived back in Britain."

Minerva was of course in favour, and already looking forward to watching the match from her balcony. "Since we all work and live in Italy, I can't say I'm too bothered what Britain thinks about us anymore. I could easily see myself buying a little house and retiring here so the opinions of people who live in another country are starting to mean less and less to me."

Laughing at how the Prophet had gone nuts over his "Granny V" comment, it was Hermione who mentally prodded Harry to speak about the 'secret' project currently being considered.

"Your retirement is years away, and we may have options for you before that time comes. B & P Holdings are already looking into tracts of land for sale around here."

This had all eyes on Harry, but his were focused on his godfather. Clearing his throat, Sirius spoke. "Things are at a very early stage. IF we can find a suitable piece of land to buy, and the Steward of House Potter has successful talks with the Italian Ministry, then we can get this wonderful architect I know involved. We are thinking a few years into the future here, but how many of us already want to make Italy our home."

When Francesca leaned in and kissed Sirius, it was left to Harry to take up the narrative. "I said at the summer we were asking people to basically change their lives, and that has quickly become even more evident with their response to the Institute."

Pushing the issue of the Prophet on the table away, he let the present company know what their current thinking was - and where it could eventually take them.

"We're creating a community here, and it's everything we could have possibly hoped for. What happens when our students graduate though? Returning to Britain might not be an option for our graduating students, far less our orphan or muggleborn students - no matter how well they do in their NEWTs. We're thinking about creating another option for our students - and anyone else who wants to stay here. A magical village in Italy, owned by us, would allow people somewhere to prepare for what comes after the institute."

Sirius once more took up the narrative, his excitement for this project clearly visible. "We want a fully functioning village though, one where people can live and work. Shops, restaurants, bars and whatever else we can attract. It won't be hidden like the Institute, and I can see some locals working and possibly living there too. We've already got someone in mind to run this project - and oversee the village when it's completed - but we're still at the very early stage of seeing what's available to us."

Jillian was unashamedly crying by this point, though smiling too. "Every time I see Joan, it makes my heart sing with how happy she is. As you already knew, and my visit here confirmed, your students from the orphanage are having the time of their lives. You were already giving them a future none of us could ever have dreamed of, but this is beyond fantastic."

Taking a moment to wipe her happy tears away, Jillian had more to say. "Harry mentioned changing lives, you changed all of ours from the day you walked into the orphanage. I have all these feelings inside of me now, and don't know how to handle them. We spent so many years struggling to just keep the orphanage open and put some food on the tables yet, in such a short space of time, we have all this. Christmas was never a happy time for us, the holiday just seemed to emphasise what we didn't have - parents or any spare gold to even celebrate. I feel I need to kiss someone in thanks..."

Sirius just couldn't resist. "Well Remus is actually spending today looking at some possible sites, I'm sure he would appreciate being kissed when he returns..."

Harry followed on with the gentle joking. "He's also unattached, so isn't likely to get slapped for kissing a beautiful woman."

Jillian laughed along with everyone else, though was now blushing profusely. Whether that blush was because she let her emotions show, or the thought of kissing a handsome Professor, she wasn't sure. She certainly wasn't adverse to kissing Remus Lupin under the mistletoe at Christmas, Jillian was sure that could be arranged. She didn't know both Harry and Sirius were sitting planning the exact same event. It might be a prank, but it might lead to so much more.


Draco was having a quiet meal with his mother and Severus. "Has the teasing stopped yet dear?"

Rolling his eyes at the question from his mother, Draco gave her the answer she was looking for. "Yes mother. The rumours that Potter and Granger will have to face a dragon in the first task are all anyone can talk about now. Is there any truth in those rumours?"

Knowing it was only a matter of time before the press were all over this, Severus didn't see any point of keeping it a secret. "Yes, the champions will have to face dragons. How do you feel about that?"

He couldn't help but notice both adults were focused on what his answer was going to be so Draco took a minute to gather his thoughts. "Before the summer, I would have been delighted - hoping Potter and Granger were ripped apart by the beast. A lot has changed since then. Potter is seriously messing with everyone, and that could easily been yours or my name that came out of that goblet. He has reason to hate both of us, and only you marrying my mother got us out from under the bloodfeud Potter declared on the Malfoys."

Nodding in agreement, Severus waited to see just how much Draco had grown up. He didn't have long to wait.

"The old me would have been pissed off that Potter didn't even consider Draco Prince worth bothering about. Now I'm just happy not to be facing a dragon, and I think his 'date with Dumbledore' jibe was just to remind me things could have been so much worse. Since he stuck it to Dumbledore so easily, he really could have had Fudge entered in this farce. Being further down Potter's list of enemies is actually a good thing as far as I'm concerned."

Very pleased with that answer, and also nodding in agreement, his mother pushed for more. "How do you feel now about Potter and his betrothed facing a dragon."

He again took a minute to think before answering. "Being able to do what he did with the goblet, you have to believe Potter also knew what the first task was. That means he's confident of dealing with it, otherwise Granger's name would never have been anywhere near that goblet. Potter would kill anyone who even threatened Granger... or her parents."

That last bit was particularly hard for Draco to say, and saw his normally aloof mother lean over and kiss his forehead. She'd been a lot more demonstrative lately, and Draco was putting it down to her pregnancy hormones. Draco wouldn't admit he preferred his mother this way, or that he was excitedly looking forward to having a sibling. There was no way Draco was admitting to have changed that much.


Cornelius was making his way to see Amelia, after having a torrid morning. Explaining the facts to people who had never let a little thing like that stop them from getting what they wanted before. This was very hard work for the Minister, telling wealthy purebloods no was not something he had a lot of experience with. Potter's school was on Italian soil, with the Institute's owner also having Italian citizenship. It didn't help that the Italian Ministry of Magic had also granted temporary citizenship to every current student attending the Institute - with a guarantee of full citizenship when they graduated.

The Minister of Magic couldn't even send a message to this school - without going through the goblins - far less make any demands of its owner. He needed a discussion with Amelia, the Ministry's only link with Potter, to bring up some points that had been raised by many individuals visiting his office today.

Walking through the Auror Department, you couldn't really miss the different attitude here from the rest of the Ministry. The witches and wizards here seemed to stand that bit straighter today, and appeared ready to take on anything thrown at them. Cornelius wondered if Harry Potter saying he was confident the aurors could handle 'Granny V' was responsible for the air of competency that everyone appeared infected with.

Finally reaching Amelia's office, and taking the offered seat, Cornelius really didn't know what to say when his Head of DMLE asked what she could do for him.

"To be honest Amelia, I'm not really sure. I've had people in my office all day, each with a suggestion more desperate and bloody ridiculous than the one before them. That wireless broadcast was devastating on a few fronts. Potter was being entirely truthful when he claimed his school would be there for many years, he's invested a fortune in it. This has really lit a fire under those who thought it a flash in the pan, especially since it's looking increasingly likely that Hogwarts will close its doors for the final time this summer."

"Why would Hogwarts close?"

"It's actually operating three Professors short at the moment, with another two already confirming they will leave for new jobs in Drumstrang at the summer. Even Dumbledore can't dodge the ICW forever. When he's put on trial, I'm sure neither of us think he'll escape unscathed. There's also a recruitment drive from Drumstrang and Beauxbatons, they seem to be cherry picking Hogwarts students to attend their schools. With Potter taking another twenty for his Institute next summer again, that's going to leave only those students the other three schools don't want attending Hogwarts. At that point, it's simply not financially viable to open the castle. I'll be forever known as the Minister who shut Hogwarts."

"Rubbish!" Amelia's answer shocked Fudge, as she'd intended.

"Augusta and I had long discussions over sending our charges to the Institute, these were not decisions we took lightly. Augusta claimed the two main stumbling blocks for getting any changes made at Hogwarts were Dumbledore - who opposed any advances on principle, he wanted things kept the way they were - and certain members of the board not wanting to spend good gold on the wrong type of witches and wizards. You're saying Dumbledore will be gone, and all the 'wrong type' will attend the Institute - where's your problem? Let these people put their gold where their mouth is. Harry certainly did - and look how that turned out."

"If only it were that easy..."

Amelia was in no way ready to take part in a Ministerial pity party so decided it was time Fudge learned some home truths.

"Hogwarts is a problem, but by no means the biggest you're facing. We both sat through trials where some of our former most prominent citizens confessed to crimes so vile, there was no other option but to sentence them to death. That these crimes were all committed by witches and wizards who thought the purity of their blood justified and excused their actions is sickening not just to us in Britain - but witches and wizards the world over. Magical Britain has had its head up its own arse for a century or more, searching for that bit of pure blood that makes us so superior to everyone else. What a load of bullocks!"

Fudge couldn't refute any of that but Amelia was in no way finished.

"The Potters and Blacks have already left Britain, and I can't see them returning. Two of this countries oldest families who couldn't stand the stench of a country that was rotten to its core. They might have been the first, I guarantee you they won't be the last. Harry's Institute is not only showing its students a better way of life, those monthly family visits are opening the eyes of a whole different generation too. Students who graduate from any of these three schools will not return to Britain and accept what's on offer to them here. I'll be honest with you, Cornelius, the day after Voldemort is dealt with - my resignation will be on your desk. I have nothing else lined up, I just can't work here any longer."

Fudge sat in stunned silence for a moment, before his brain kicked back into gear. "If you leave, how will we contact Potter?"

After all she'd said that this was what concerned Fudge the most left Amelia shaking her head in dismay. "Why would you need to contact a fourteen year old Italian citizen? First thing on your list should be cleaning up the Ministerial hiring policy - assuming there is an official one - and put a stop to the nepotism, cronyism and blood bigotry that runs rife through every department at the moment. Second, the Ministry of Magic has a duty to educate the witches and wizards of Britain. Start a fundraiser to either save Hogwarts or build a new school. Get the people who come into your office complaining about things to help actually fix the problems."

A blustering Fudge was already manufacturing excuses to why her suggestions could never work, and cemented Amelia's decision to leave the Ministry - and possibly Britain. She had one final comment for Fudge though, who was now standing and getting ready to flee her office.

"You're the Minister of Magic, Cornelius, yet you stand there saying these things are impossible. Harry Potter has shown the entire country exactly what's possible - and that's why you've had people in your office all morning complaining. In any comparison between what he's achieving in Italy and Hogwarts or the Ministry, we lose - badly. That this is undoubtedly the opinion of the entire country leaves you with some very difficult choices to make. Since the very first Death Eater trial, maintaining the status quo was never a viable option. You have to lead the country onto a new path, Cornelius, or sit back and watch everyone take a different path to pastures new outside Britain."

Amelia thought his choice was obvious when Fudge couldn't wait to leave her office. Glancing up at the calendar on her wall, with the date of the first task clearly highlighted, Amelia could hardly wait to get out of here too. She really had nothing lined up, but was pretty sure where her chosen path would lead.


Taking Amelia's advice to heart, Ludo set about making the first task the biggest entertainment spectacle he could. With the actual task now an open secret, Ludo decided to invite a multitude of press to report on the dragons arriving at Hogwarts. While the dragon handlers were angry at the camera flashes upsetting their charges - making their jobs harder and even more dangerous - the press loved it.

Ludo was actually asked to pose for a picture, with the dragons in the background. This would see Hogwarts back on the front pages, for a positive reason this time. It certainly helped that no Hogwarts student would be facing any of these monsters. It also gave those competing more information on exactly what they were facing. Both the foreign champions had been invited to today's unveiling, or offered the chance to study them in depth later. Somewhat surprising to Ludo, both chose the second option.

Hagrid had asked Ludo if he could bring his students along to see the dragons when they were timetabled for Care of Magical Creatures, but had been told he would need to ask the dragon handlers for permission. Recognising one of them was Charlie Weasley, Hagrid was sure the answer was going to be yes.

No one even commented on the fact that Albus Dumbledore was nowhere to be seen.


The issue of the Prophet featuring the dragons proved to be very popular. None of the champions might have been there but that didn't stop them attaching stock photos of Harry, Hermione, Viktor, Fleur, Dumbledore and Granny V. While there was some speculation about who would face which dragon, there was certainly no debate over the dragon to be avoided. The Hungarian Horntail was the stuff of nightmares.

The issue certainly proved popular with four Death Eaters.

"The Ministry are so confident of taking down this thing that used to be our Lord, they are even inviting an audience along to watch. There's a part of me that wants to turn up and throw their whole fucking carefully planned day into total chaos - see how the spineless bastards respond to that. I know it would be pointless though, and distract us from our real targets."

The three wizards let out silent sighs at Bella being sensible about this.

"There will be aurors everywhere because they're expecting trouble. By the time the second task comes around, they'll think their problems are all over. That's when we strike." The look of adulation Bella graced her husband with showed she was totally on board with that plan.

It was Augustus who had to introduce a note of caution. "We might have the house owners turning up here for the Christmas holidays. While disposing of them would be the work of a few moments, the last thing we want is to draw attention to ourselves. I've been looking for another bolt hole but haven't yet seen anything suitable - not giving us the same problem of the owners turning up for Christmas. We might be better with something really remote."

"I'll stay in a fucking lighthouse if we have to, anything for a shot at causing Potter hurt. We'll hopefully find out the date of the second task, directly after the first is finished. That's only a few days away, we can wait until then to make a decision." When Bella was being sensible, there was every reason to agree with her.


Hermione was getting ready to face the day when she felt a sharp spike in Harry's emotions that swamped the bond their rings provided. Rushing through to their sitting room, she found him sitting reading a letter someone had sent him. Since their mail was heavily screened, and Harry was smiling, she recognised this couldn't be bad and slipped onto the sofa beside him.

"It's from Hagrid. He's documented each of the four dragons, listing all their strengths and weaknesses. Hagrid didn't want us stepping into the arena unprepared..."

A kiss from Hermione rebooted Harry's emotions. "He's a good friend, who we'll see tomorrow. Is there anything there that we didn't know?"

"Hagrid's studied the actual dragons we'll be facing, rather than just having species specific information, so yes. Also, he agrees that whoever draws the horntail is in a world of trouble. Makes you wonder what champion Dumbledore intended that beast for? Amelia has assured us that the draw will be fair, and she'll be waiting for us tomorrow."

"A certain Miss Potter is waiting for us today, so we better get a move on." Another kiss proceeded them leaving to greet Joan and have breakfast.

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