Chapter Thirty

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Chapter 30 - Feeding Time

For Antonio de Marco, today was personal. His wife taught potions to these students, his family actually lived at the Potter Institute - and they all loved it here. He and his partner were charged, by the Minister himself, with keeping Harry Potter and Hermione Granger safe on their visit to Hogwarts. Antonio had certainly volunteered for this duty, and had even trained with Harry and his crew a few mornings. He was well aware this couple had good people around them, but he would officially be in charge of the group - and sanctioned by Amelia Bones to work in Britain on the day of the tasks.

"Ok people, let's check those emergency portkeys. No one leaves the Institute without theirs." Antonio winked at Joan, which had the little girl giggling. She ran about the Institute with his own children, and treated Antonio the same as they did - as a six foot five cuddly teddy bear. He fervently hoped Joan's opinion of him didn't change today. The chosen group were primarily going to support the young couple competing, but all of them could hold their own in a fight.

The rope portkey was stretched out amongst the entire party, with Antonio double-checking everything before counting down to activation.


Amelia was accompanied by six aurors, while waiting on the party from the Institute arriving. It might seem like overkill but, as with Antonio, this was personal for her too. Not only did Amelia know every single person who would arrive from Italy, Susan would be part of the group too.

The loud crack that signalled the Institute's arrival was quickly followed by them dropping into a formation that was clearly rehearsed. Leading was Pomona and Filius, Minerva stayed at the Institute - claiming she couldn't be anywhere near Dumbledore without drawing her wand on the old goat.

Harry and Hermione followed next, with an Italian hit wizard either side of them. The Grangers, Joan, Sirius and Remus were behind them, their job obviously to protect the group's youngest member. Ron and Millie, Neville and Luna, Susan, Hannah and the Weasley twins completed the group.

With Amelia dispersing her aurors to cover the group, they started to make their way to the stadium and champions tent. When the attack came, it was carried out with the precision and ruthless efficiency this trio was known for. That the initial screams almost instantly turned to laughter was the only reason curses didn't start flying. Harry and Hermione though moved like lightning to ensure their accompanying Italians didn't take any action.

"It's fine, they're very good friends we haven't seen in a while. They'll be making their way toward us in a moment - once they're done torturing the twins." Harry had barely finished speaking when Angelina had Hermione wrapped in a hug.

"How can I ever thank you. I nearly put my name in that stupid goblet - have you seen those dragons?"

Katie now had Harry in a hug, but still managed to reprimand her fellow chaser. "Way to go, Angelina. Who do you think is going to be facing those same dragons this afternoon?"

A mortified Angelina was now trying to apologise while Hermione caught movement out the corner of her eye. "Joan, come and meet some of our very good friends." The little witch's demeanour changed instantly, she would say hello - rather than use her new boots to kick ankles.

Pomona took control of the situation. "Girls, that was a very, very stupid thing you just did - you could have been mistaken for Granny V. Had you ran at these two first, I guarantee you would have been cursed. Sorry Fred and George, we should have recognised that half of Hogwarts would want to attack you."

Since each twin had an arm around Alecia, all three of them started the laughter off before the Gryffindor chaser got herself back under control. "Oh, I can't tell you the last time we had anything to laugh at here. Dumbledore isn't exactly known for cracking jokes - well, not any that are funny. Those Institute robes are amazing too - they even make Fred and George look sexy."

With smiles and laughter, the group plus three moved forward toward the stadium. Amelia did signal for a pair of aurors to cover the rear of their group - they didn't want any more surprises. Without exception, every student they passed stopped and stared at them - like they were exhibits in a zoo or something, rather than just another school group. Upon reaching the stadium, Harry and Hermione knelt down as Joan threw her arms around both of them.

"Sweetie, I don't want you to worry. It might look scary but we'll be in control. If you don't want to watch, just cuddle into Granny Emma."

"Hey, I'm too young to be a Gran - remember?" With Joan now giggling, Emma counted that as a win. Leading her away saw the couple rise with their game faces on.

The twins steered the three chasers away from Harry and Hermione. "We wished them luck before leaving Italy. The group needs to stick together, strength in numbers."

A serious Fred and George was enough of a shock to see the girls moving forward without any questions.


Antonio entered the champions' tent first, not seeing Dumbledore there he signalled to his partner who lead the rest in. Harry and Hermione were accompanied by Pomona, Filius and Amelia.

"I told you Dumbledore wouldn't be here yet. He'll want to make a last minute grand entrance, wearing robes so bright they'll make your eyes bleed." Harry was hardly finished speaking when Ludo Bagman was introducing himself.

"Lord Potter, such a pleasure to meet you. Miss Granger, delighted. May I introduce Viktor Krum and Fleur Delacour, representing Drumstrang and Beauxbatons respectably."

"So zis is ze little boy zat will compete also! Did you bring zese grand aurors to protect ze girlfriend?"

Harry was about to laugh at this obvious attempt to upset them before the task, until he noticed Krum callously ogling Hermione. Harry always thought his betrothed looked good, but with her hair tied back and her dragon skin armour emphasising that fabulous figure under those fitting Institute robes - she was a knockout.

"The little boy said on the vireless you vould not be going to the ball. You vont to come vith me? - ve have good time. Yes?"

'Harry, let me handle this.' Popped into his head via their rings and saw him smiling, anticipating Hermione letting rip at this arsehole.

"That would be a definite no. Oh dear, we were going to take it easy on you two as well. Let's be honest, we hardly need the money - and certainly not any more fame. I've heard quidditch can be a short career, an injury can put an end to the fame and money at any moment. I suppose you're used to grabbing everything while you can, though I'd advise you to be careful about overreaching yourself - it can have very nasty consequences."

Turning her attention to Fleur, and completely dismissing Viktor at the same time, Hermione aimed a few barbs at the French champion too. "Hopefully you're going to try and be a bit more creative than flouncing out there and batting your eyelashes at the dragon - otherwise you'll get roasted. Obviously the schools you attend are rather slack on teaching their students manners. Then again, they can only work with what they've got."

As both their Heads were quick to defend their students and schools, Harry wore a wide grin. "Now who needs adults to protect them?"

Viktor was about to get angry with this boy when he spotted something alter in those green eyes, the boy seemed to grow in stature and power, this dramatic change stopped the Bulgarian in his tracks. Victor was actually relieved to discover he wasn't the subject of the boy's rage.

Harry spun around and was right in Karkaroff's face. "Listen Death Eater, don't you dare speak to my betrothed like that. You see we both know exactly what you are, and what you did while worshiping at the feet of your old master. Along with that knowledge, we also discovered the parseltongue spell that connects to your dark mark - and we both can cast it. My betrothed took down three of your former brethren who cast the death curse at her - the same brethren you cowardly betrayed to save your own arse - right in the middle of a packed Wizengamot chamber. Don't believe me, then pull your wand and prove us liars - I dare you!"

Igor had turned an unhealthy ashen grey as he very slowly moved his hand well away from his wand. Harry nodded, but his anger was still in evidence.

"Very wise decision. Your old master might just turn up here today, yet we're left having to deal with these two petty pricks deliberately trying to rile us. They're in way over their heads, probably still actually believing this is a tournament to be won. News flash - this entire circus was arranged by Dumbledore to get me back at Hogwarts, and hopefully under his control again. Today we could even have the other Dark Lord to deal with too - what's a thousand galleons compared to that. The reason no Hogwarts students entered was we managed to get word to a few friends just how dangerous this tournament could be. They've already suffered through Voldemort teaching here for a year, a sixty foot basilisk roaming the corridors of the castle and - my personal favourite - swarms of dementors sent here by the Ministry to keep us safe. They've seen supposed figures of authority play with their lives too many times already, no one was about to volunteer for a lot more of the same."

Harry then used his betrothed's tactics and deliberately turned his back on Igor, knowing Hermione had him well covered. He then focused on Olympe. "Hagrid is a very good friend of ours, he asked me to set his portkey for Boxing Day - so he can still take you to the ball. That friendship buys you some slack with us, but these two here think this is some kind of game. They haven't a clue what they've gotten themselves into, conscripted into performing in Dumbledore's latest three ringed circus. If Riddle shows up, you need to get them the fuck out of here. Dumbledore doesn't care who his plans hurt - he never has - but we do."

A shocked Olympe could only nod in agreement. This was no little boy, here was a powerful Lord of an ancient and noble house - ready for deadly battle and taking no prisoners today.

The tension was eased slightly by Antonino's partner mock whispering to him. "Hey, Antonio, why are we here again?" The words had hardly left his lips when the reason finally showed up. Exactly as Harry had predicted, the old wizard's robes were so colourful and surreal, Salvador Dali might have designed them.

"Harry my boy, so good to..." Albus never got to say anymore as two wands were now forcefully pressed into his old body, their points almost ruining these especially created robes at his chest and back.

"We are here at the direct order of our Minister, specifically to stop you interacting in any way with our citizens, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. You can either agree, or we will stun you and take your wand until it's time to face your challenge."

Albus was raging, but knew - due to their very deliberate positioning - he couldn't take out both of these obviously highly trained wizards before getting stunned. He simply couldn't risk having his wand taken. "Amelia, how is this possible?"

"Fudge was forced by the Italian Ministry to grant these two a special dispensation, allowing them to operate in Britain on task days. The Italian Ministry simply doesn't trust you not to cast any spells, slip compulsions or potions to their citizens. If Minerva was here, you would already be stunned and wandless - deservedly so for your abysmal and unlawful treatment of her. Minerva says the only time she wants to see you is in court, where hopefully you'll finally be made pay for your many crimes."

As usual, when something was said he didn't want to acknowledge, Albus simply ignored it. He couldn't ignore the wands currently poking him and was forced to agree to their terms. Albus was shocked that his word alone wasn't acceptable to them - they wanted a magical oath - one they actually brought with them already written out. Albus was about to refuse, before spotting the clause at the end that stated his oath would only be active for twelve hours.

"Just so there's no misunderstanding here, deviate from what's written there and we're going to assume you're trying to cheat the oath. We will then stun you and take your wand."

Only after Dumbledore had given a word-perfect rendition of their oath did the tension lessen - but not by much. Ludo seized the opportunity to get things back on track.

"Now then, inside this bag is a model of the dragon you will have to face, and collect a golden egg from its nest. Around the model's neck is the order in which you will compete. Ladies first." Ludo deliberately offered the bag to Hermione. She drew a model of a Swedish Short-Snout, with a number one around its neck. For once in Wizarding Britain, something was self-explanatory - though Bagman felt he still had to earn his money.

"The students from the Potter Institute will go first, and face a Swedish Short-Snout dragon. Miss Delacour?"

"The Common Welsh Green, and position two."

When Dumbledore drew the Chinese Fireball, Harry could see from the smirk on Amelia's face that Riddle had deliberately been given the worst dragon, and was going last. Harry headed straight for their Italian guards and threw up a quick privacy bubble.

"This is going down today. Riddle is near, I can almost feel him. If he turns up, you need to still focus on Dumbledore. He simply won't be able to help himself from interfering with whatever goes down. When he does, stun his wrinkly old arse back into St Mungo's. Hermione's letting everyone else know what's happening..."

Amelia shooting out of the champions' tent let them know her mission had been accomplished. As everyone but the champions, plus their two Italian guards, left the tent at a more sedate pace - Harry and Hermione sat while silently discussing their strategy.

'With Joan in the audience, I want this to look as easy and non-threatening as possible. I don't want her worried.'

'I know, love. Hagrid's notes gave us the perfect bait - we'll use it. Sorry for losing my temper earlier but the bastard is near, and those two clowns were trying to play games. That, and the fact I'm not used to people staring at you like a piece of meat. You had Krum almost drooling just by standing there - and the French champion is a Veela.'

Hermione's laughter was running through his head while they waited to be called - they were ready.


Ron was experiencing similar problems as people were staring at Millie as if she had two heads. With their bright blue robes, the Institute students were impossible to miss on a dreich, miserable Scottish November day. Thankfully they all had warm clothing on under those robes. The stares were bad but the whispers that weren't really whispers were much worse - 'surely that's not Bulstrode - if those robes do that for her I want a set.'

Getting prepared to do something about Millie's poor treatment, Ron's focus changed when Professor Flitwick arrived - and passed on the message that Harry thought this was happening today. All eyes were now scanning the stadium, personal slights were pushed to the sidelines - for now.

With the dragon already in the arena, Bagman finally announced who would face it - Harry and Hermione. Just before they walked out, Bill sat down beside him. "I got word to Charlie, and Pomona's sitting next to dad. We're all over this little brother."

Before Ron could answer, Harry and Hermione entered the rocky arena. Hermione made her way over to their section and waved up to Joan. Harry started levitating rocks, being careful not to upset the wary dragon. After a warning burst of flame, she seemed content to sit there and guard her eggs - as long as nothing got too close to them. As Harry moved his biggest rock yet into the rudimentary rectangle he'd quickly laid out, Hermione then made her way over to assist with the next stage of their plan.

With a wave of his wand, the large rock was transfigured into a roasting whole pig, slowly turning on a spit over an open fire. Harry's transfiguration was so good, the entire stadium could practically taste what was roasting from the wonderful aromas being giving off.

The dragon was clearly tempted. She could easily ignore the babble created by one two-legs shouting loud enough so everyone heard his words, the noise of the fat dripping off her favourite food - and sizzling as it hit the hot coals under it - was drowning out all other sounds and driving her crazy. When combined with the delicious aroma, the dragon was slinking toward her meal before realising she'd actually moved. Finding the roast was right at the very limit of movement the chain around her neck allowed, a delicate nibble soon had an entire delicious haunch slipping down her throat.

As the dragon stretched in for a second mouthful, it was time to implement their plan. Working with speed, precision and unbelievable power, Harry and Hermione combined in complete synchronisation to transfigure the rocks Harry had placed into iron bars. The cage appeared to organically grow out of the ground and, before the dragon could swallow its second mouthful, it was trapped - with its precious food inside the cage too.

Hermione gave another wave to Joan, a massive double thumbs up to a laughing Hagrid, before becoming invisible and heading for the nest - and the golden egg. Harry stood guard on the dragon but needn't have worried. All her senses were being overwhelmed by gorging on her favourite food, though 'favourite' really didn't do this justice. The keepers had told Hagrid they couldn't cook or eat bacon anywhere near this dragon, the smell alone drove her crazy.

He stepped back as a once more visible Hermione joined Harry, and held up the golden egg - the crowd went nuts.

Three of the judges were applauding too, but Igor wasn't happy. He was still smarting from his abysmal treatment by these two in the champions' tent - and intended to make them pay now. "Vere vos the spectacle in that? It vos far too easy, vos their dragon drugged to be docile before the event?"

Igor hadn't expected an angry Arthur Weasley to turn on him, few would. "They have a little girl in the audience that both think of as a daughter, Harry and Hermione would be concentrating on not alarming her - rather than entertaining you."

"Vy did they bring her then?"

Pomona was all over that question, and Igor too. "When they left the Institute at Halloween to rescue Arthur and face Voldemort - remember him - Joan was of course left behind. She worried herself sick, and asked to come here today. They got their egg in a timely fashion, no one was hurt and that was some world class transfiguration on display - I could almost taste that roast myself. Nowhere in the rules does it say they have to be entertaining while completing their task."

As Ludo called on the judges for their marks, Pomona had no hesitation in awarding the full ten points available. Arthur too gave full marks before Olympe almost grudgingly awarded a nine. Igor really wanted to give a four, thought he could get away with awarding a six but Olympe's nine had killed that idea. Seven was probably the lowest mark he could give, without getting lynched, so that's what he did - to howls of derision.

As the howls died down, the young couple still in the arena found themselves being approached by a rather flustered redhead. The family resemblance meant both could guess who this was.

"Charlie Weasley? What can we do for you?"

"Hi, eh - this is rather embarrassing. There's eight of us trying to end your transfiguration, and we can't. If you don't mind, we'd like our dragon back."

Since there were amplification charms set on the arena, everyone heard their conversation and laughter broke out around the stadium. Walking over to their cage, a somewhat dopy dragon was leaning against the bars - you would have sworn it was grinning.

Scratching his head, Charlie offered an explanation. "She's never ate that much pig before. We only give her scraps, usually when trying to get her to do something she doesn't want to."

Thinking for a moment, they came up with a plan. Harry verbalised their thoughts so everyone would know what was happening. "We wouldn't want to hurt her. Hermione, you get the bars and I'll get the dragon."

Before any of the handlers could say anything, the bars dissolved back into rocks but the dragon was still held in position - by Harry's magic. Raising his wand slightly, the dragon floated six inches off the ground. "Where do you want me to put her?"

The silence inside the stadium was absolute. Charlie didn't break it as the power of speech had temporarily deserted him. He simply pointed before leading the way, Harry and Hermione followed with the floating dragon. The seven astonished dragon handlers snapped out of their stupor when the dragon left their sight, there was still a job to do as the arena needed to be prepared for the next dragon.

In the judges' box, Arthur couldn't resist tweaking Igor's nose. "Was that entertaining enough for you? Charlie is a very powerful wizard, working with dragons demands you be that at the very least, yet eight dragon handlers couldn't end a transfiguration Hermione took down on her own. I'm glad most of my family was here to witness Harry levitate a dragon, that's not something anyone's seen before either."

By the time the handlers had the Welsh Green set in the arena, Harry and Hermione were sitting with their family and friends. It was time to see how the other champions fared.


Fleur's plan was obviously to try and charm the dragon to sleep. It might have worked too, if the commentator had stayed quiet long enough for the dragon to nod off. Since Bagman loved the sound of his own voice, that was never going to happen.

"I hope they've got a plan B" Dan had barely finished speaking when their 'plan B' showed up.

A frustrated Victor had come to the same conclusion, the dragon wouldn't be able to sleep with that idiot shouting and trying to whip the crowd into a frenzy. He made the decision to switch plans, but crucially never told his fellow champion what he was doing.

Viktor cast a Conjunctivitis Curse at their dragon's eyes, his direct hit causing the dragon great pain. That pain instantly ignited the Dragon's rage and an angry roar was accompanied by a gout of super-hot flame being blindly shot into the arena. To her credit, Fleur reacted very quickly but it was never going to be fast enough to avoid injury. With her hair and robes aflame, Fleur dived behind a protective rock before using her wand in an attempt to extinguish those flames.

She didn't quite manage it all before losing consciousness, which put Fleur out of the task and - within a few seconds - out of the arena. This alarmed her already worried headmistress, until Pomona provided Olympe with the reason Fleur was 'missing' and her champion's new location.

"We didn't expect Dumbledore to have any safety procedures in place, so we brought our own. Your champion could clearly take no further part in this, but was still in grave danger. She has been removed to the medical facility."

Olympe let out a sigh of relief before glaring at Igor. "Zat boy of yours is a imbécile Bulgare sanglant!"

Victor, or the 'bloody Bulgarian imbecile' as Olympe had just christened him, was currently trying to dodge an enraged and temporarily blinded dragon. The word 'temporary' was what really frightened the Drumstrang champion. The more this beast's eyesight recovered, the greater his chances of ending up as toast became. He was now relying on stealth and speed to steal the golden egg, casting spells just provided the dragon with clues to his location.

Finally getting his hands on the prize, there was now only one thing on Victor's mind - get the fuck out of here. Tucking the egg under his arm, fear lent him speed as he sprinted for the exit. Sensing the movement, the dragon whipped around and its tail caught Victor squarely on his chest. Getting forcibly thrown into the air before hitting the ground some yards away actually proved to be a good thing for the Bulgarian, as the location where he'd been running a split second ago was now an inferno.

The impact of the dragon tail, and then being slammed into the rocky ground, left Victor with only one option. He began his agonising crawl to get out of the dragon's range. Clearing that range had Victor laying there in relief, though it took Bagman's many calls for assistance before a healer and his young nurse eventually turned up. Getting levitated out of the arena on a stretcher was not how Victor had imagined today's task ending, but he was simply relieved to get out of there.

When the judges were asked for their marks, Pomona gave everyone her honest assessment of what she'd just witnessed. "Their teamwork was non-existent, leading directly to one of them being injured so badly she couldn't continue. A teammate's health should always come before ambition, and the method used also resulted in two of the dragon's eggs being destroyed." Her wand drew a four in the air. Arthur followed that with a five.

Olympe stared daggers at Bagman as she too was honest with her assessment. "I believe my champion would have accomplished her task, if not for outside influences." Her six drew applause from around the stadium. Igor's eight again saw him cast as the pantomime villain - boos and jeers ringing out all around him.


Dumbledore's entry into the arena wasn't accompanied by much of anything, some polite applause the best that could be said for his greeting. With the Ministry overruling him and allowing today's events to be broadcast live on the wireless - thankfully with no interviews a stipulation of said broadcast - most of Europe's magical population would be listening in to this. It was beyond time Albus Dumbledore reminded those watching and listening just what a powerful and talented wizard he was.

Harry figured out Dumbledore's strategy very quickly. The convocation of eagles was a nice bit of transfiguration, and a good tactic to get the Chinese Fireball from her nest - except they didn't. They merely harried and tormented the dragon with no attempt made to move the Chinese Fireball from protecting her eggs. Dumbledore then added a pack of half-a-dozen wolves to the mix, and they looped around the outside of the nest - attacking when an opportunity presented itself but again appeared to be content with containing rather than moving the dragon.

"He's gonna drag this out, hoping to dazzle everyone with his brilliance. Meanwhile the dragon is just trying to protect her eggs." As the number of attacking eagles and wolves were slowly being reduced by the dragon, Dumbledore picking a particular large rock for his next feat of transfiguration caused Harry and Hermione to reach a decision.

Hermione hadn't been standing idle while waving to Joan. She'd applied a triggered transfiguration to some large rocks. This was originally intended as a little surprise for Tom, but Dumbledore picking one of them had Hermione casting the trigger - a harmless spell that couldn't be seen by the naked eye.

A pair of male unicorns were appearing from the large rock when something unbelievable happened - totally stumping Albus. He lost control of his transfiguration as the entire thing became small, shiny metal balls. Watching as these metal balls cascade onto the floor of the arena, Albus missed another three doing the exact same thing. Moving to choose another rock for transfiguration, the old wizard was suddenly up in the air - before slamming into the ground on his back. His feet had simply shot out from underneath him.

A winded Albus lost control of his transfigured animals. The remaining pair of eagles flew out of the stadium, while a trio of wolves approached - looking for easier prey than the dragon. That they too were now sliding around uncontrollably on the ball bearings was a sight to behold - and comedy gold. Roars of laughter now rang around the stadium and, thanks to the wireless broadcast, would reach much further than those present.

He easily cancelled his transfiguration on the wolves but nothing Albus tried affected these blasted metal balls. It was another ball that ignited his temper, a ball of fire from the dragon got close enough to seriously singe his robes - ruining them. With a scream of anger, Albus fired off a stunner so powerful that the dragon was knocked unconscious. Not only did this let everyone see he had been toying with the dragon, watching as Dumbledore inched his way toward the nest - holding on to anything he could grab - was still incredibly funny. It was rather sarcastic cheers that greeted Dumbledore's raising of the golden egg above his head.

Using this distraction, Hermione cancelled her ball-bearing transfiguration while Bagman was calling for the judges marks. Pomona had to dry her eyes, she'd been laughing so hard.

"Oh my,'Dances with Wolves' was hilarious. This is purely for entertainment value." She awarded Dumbledore a two, to howls of laughter all around the stadium.

"Albus Dumbledore tormenting a creature he's more powerful than, now there's a surprise" The watching audience weren't quite sure how to take Arthur's comments, or the one point he awarded.

Olympe picked up on this too. "Ze earlier champions treated ze task wizz respect, and zeir selected créature magique wizz such dignity. It was not surprise zen to learn zey are great friends wizz 'Agrid, zey certainly nevair learn any of zat respect or dignity from you." Her award of one point was actually greeted with applause.

Igor gave his lowest mark of the day, a single point, and got cheered. This entire tournament was nuts. A fuming Dumbledore stormed out of the arena. Amassing five points in total from four judges was hugely - and very publicly - embarrassing for the old wizard, especially since he was holding onto his job as Headmaster by his fingernails.

Harry and Hermione were delighted with the results of their 'prank', both understood Dumbledore was far too powerful for the dragon to do him any real harm. No, it was only his image as this great and benevolent wizard that took a very public pounding today. Joan was again hugged them both, before moving behind and sitting between Luna and Millie. This had been prearranged, leaving the six at the front free to act while those behind had their backs covered. With Filius and Bill there too, all of them were on high alert, Joan would e as safe as they could make her. It was getting close to showtime.


Riddle had exploited a serious flaw in the security cordon around the stadium, simply walking from the Whomping Willow tunnel to their current position at three a.m. Avoiding the few aurors given the duty of patrolling the stadium perimeter in the middle of the night proved to be ridiculously easy. Having already carved the required runes into small stone tablets, it only needed the application of a little magic to create this 'hide' and be concealed inside the arena hours before the task was scheduled to begin.

It was impossible to determine whether it was the massive and fearsome dragon the handlers eventually managed to get into position, or the possibility of Lord Voldemort appearing at any moment that caused an unnatural hush to settle over the stadium.

Bagman thought this was his moment to shine, and Ludo was relishing everyone's focus being on him. It was time.

"Since Tom Riddle didn't attend when the other champions drew their dragons, he was awarded the one remaining for his task. I now officially call on Tom Riddle to complete in the first task of the Triwizard Tournament."

It was as if the stadium had been covered by a shroud, the silence quickly became oppressive - with some people seemingly afraid to breathe. Amelia soon shredded the shroud of silence as her voice reverberated everywhere.

"Bagman, don't be an arse. Call for him three times, and then his magic will be gone. This is no time to draw out the tension."

Ludo again called for Tom to complete, repeating his call immediately after finishing the second one.

The old woman appeared to walk out of a large rock at the back of the arena. Her hands were raised, as Voldemort needed to buy enough time to reveal the information they hoped would save them. The screams Granny V's appearance caused were silenced by the same person calling for that very same thing.

That forced silence didn't last long either however as Fred Weasley's piercing wolf whistle echoed around the stadium. Not one to be left out, George's shout of 'what you doing later, babe?' actually raised a few nervous twitters. The twins' actions had removed some of the fear factor that even the name 'Voldemort' generated. Those red eyes were now focused on the group wearing those oh so recognisable robes.

Trying to ignore all the wands pointed in their direction, Voldemort revealed the piece of information that would hopefully save their arse today. "The rules of the Triwizard Tournament state that anyone deliberately preventing a champion from taking part in a task will lose their magic in the champion's stead."

Encouraged by the fact no curses had been cast yet, Voldemort was starting to believe there was a chance they might just pull this off. The plan was to hit the dragon with a killing curse, maybe cast a few into the audience too - just to cause panic and confusion. The runes that created the hide also acted as a portkey point, allowing the one around their neck to get them out of here the instant they dived back into the hide. There was never any intention of going anywhere near the golden egg. Killing the dragon meant Tom Riddle would have competed in the first task, that would be enough to avoid any penalties from the cup.

Voldemort would be the first to admit it wasn't much of a plan, but desperate times called for desperate measures - and they were currently walking down Desperation Drive.

Amelia was left having to quickly formulate new plans of her own. Reckoning that it would be safe to stun Granny V, after the champion had competed, and then take her prisoner while the Ministry's legal experts sorted out what to do next. Rolling out that plan to her aurors was going to take a few minutes. Amelia didn't know she wasn't going to get those minutes as other plans were being changed too.

As Voldemort drew their wand to compete, a powerful 'spell' impacted their right shoulder. Being blasted to the ground and lying in an expanding puddle of blood, those red eyes tried to focus on the group wearing those light blue robes.

"Why would you do this? You will lose your magic!"

A male voice shouted back their answer. "Some of us don't have magic to lose. That doesn't mean we're helpless though." To emphasise this point, Dan emulated his wife's actions of a moment ago by shooting Voldemort in the other shoulder.

Harry and Hermione had also been busy, adding length to the Horntail's restraints. The large dragon had been tantalised by the aroma of roasting meat, the scent of fresh blood though - now within her reach - proved irresistible to the apex predator. It moved with frightening speed and the crunch as the Horntail ended the life of the most feared Dark Lord in Britain could clearly be heard - even on the radio.

The dragon dragged what was left of its meal back to her nest before consuming the remainder of Voldemort before anyone tried to take it from her. The entire stadium was struggling to believe what they'd just witnessed, though Ludo musing out loud seemed to sum it up perfectly.

"I wonder what odds l would have gotten on Lord Voldemort being finished off by a pair of muggles and a dragon?"

Shock, horror, disgust at the dragon's noisy eating - all were present inside the stadium but the overriding emotion appeared to be one of relief. It was finally over, and this time no orphans were created. The crowd weren't quite ready to party just yet, but party they certainly would after today's extraordinary events. Glancing round, Hermione was relieved to see Millie cuddling Joan into her, and covering her little ears with her hands too.

Amelia was soon amongst the group, shaking hands and congratulating them on a job well done. "She's really most sincerely dead, and I'm so looking forward to telling Fudge where to stuff his job. My last order to my aurors was to keep the press, and everyone else, away from you until you leave for Italy. I might join you there later."

Sirius and Harry shared a quick glance before asking Amelia if they could have a word with her when she visited, as they may have a position that might just interest a recently unemployed Ministerial Head of Department.

They were interrupted by Antonio, handing Amelia Dumbledore's wand. "He aimed his wand at the group, we suspect to stop Emma shooting, so we stunned him."

The next piece of drama unfolding also included the Institute, as shouts and screaming from the medical tent saw Pomona lead three people in their direction. While Olympe was unmistakable, there wasn't much doubt over the identity of the other two either - they were clearly Fleur's parents.

"Harry, Miss Delacour is not in the medical tent. Could you call Dobby to find out what happened..." Pomona didn't get to say anymore as Dobby appeared and answered her question.

"Dobby took injured Miss to tent, but healer was too busy lying on bed with nursie to bother with injured. Dobby was wondering if he should take injured Miss to the Institute when nursie scream yes a few times. Dobby took injured Miss to Mam Poppy. Dobby knows Miss will be well cared for there."

While Pomona and Harry thanked Dobby, while trying not to laugh, the little elf was watching as his Little Miss was wrapped in the arms of both Granger ladies. With the other four girls from the Institute hovering around them, Dobby nodded in approval before popping away when it was appropriate to do so.

"Sorry for worrying you, but Fleur is safe and in great hands. Poppy has cared for all my family, so I'm speaking from personal experience here. You're of course more than welcome to return with us and see for yourselves." Harry's offer was immediately accepted by the concerned trio. They were preparing to leave when Harry found himself facing three angry chasers.

"Hey Harry, what's this we're hearing that you're playing quidditch this Saturday - without us!"

Pomona saved his bacon. "Sorry ladies, we would love to arrange a friendly quidditch match with Hogwarts, but you'll need to have a new Headmaster appointment first. No one at the Institute will have anything to do with Dumbledore."

Harry held a quick whispered conversation with his Headmistress, which led to Pomona asking the girls a question. "Do you plan on attending this ball in Hogwarts?"

"No, it will be as lame as everything else around here has become. We're all heading home for Christmas."

"If you would prefer, and parental permission is a must, we'd like to invite the three of you to spend Christmas with us at the Institute."

The three girls were currently hugging each other, while jumping up and down and squealing with excitement. Pomona had another three names written down by this point - all Hufflepuff older students, before handing it to Filius who added a trio of Ravenclaw's to the list. Harry asked if those names could be run past Luna first, and her agreeing none of the chosen Claws had ever bullied her saw the list past muster

"If you could be so kind to ask if any of these students would like to join your visit. Please let one of the Weasley twins know their answers. We want to keep this as unofficial as possible - but I still need those parental consent letters."

One look at the names had Katie smiling. "These are all quidditch players."

Smiling herself, Pomona gave the girls a conspiratorial wink. "Oh, that's handy. We have an entire orphanage staying with us too. I'm sure they would love to watch a few quidditch matches. Did I mention that the Institute is under weather wards, the flying will be very pleasant..."

Amelia's warning that Fudge had just arrived saw the Institute students and staff leave Hogwarts mere seconds later.

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