𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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|Why I'm always hit on by the boys I never like?|
|Get your hands off my hips before I put you in the lips|

"My mum's best class was DADA. She was magnificent at dueling and using her wand. She was very quick with disarming people. I mean, she used to block spells with ease. Literally...." ~Antares "Taylor" Sirius Black

Year: 1971, Scotland, Britain
Setting: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Date: September 13th, Monday

y'all when i say i didnt feel like editing/rewriting this chapter... i mean it. so... my future self is about to hate me but enjoy the same ol'.

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Like the other days, Susan awakened with an ache on her backside, her eyes remaining slowly drifted closed due to the earliness of the hour. Her nightmares about her aunt and uncle were to thank for that. She grabbed her drawing notebook and Muggle pencil before she scooted from under her bed and rubbed Abigor's, her owl, head.

She quietly opened the girls dormitory door and made her way downstairs to the common room. As the witch expected, she saw Lupin sitting in his normal spot with one of his books in hand, but this time he had a blanket over him. She didn't speak a word as she sat down in her spot on the couch.

She had to admit it was a little bit chilly but she was pretty used to the cold, "Want me to give you a blanket, Miss?" Remus offered, this being one of the few times he openly spoke to her. Susan opened her drawing notebook before shaking her head, "No, thank you, sir." She responded and started drawing on her next page.

Susan have told him countless of times, within the few sentences they have spoken to each other, to stop calling her 'Miss.' She was the same age as him. He had no reason to be calling her 'Miss.' Plus, that was the same thing Black called her when they first met.

Susan snuggled up against the couch arm in hopes of getting a tiny bit of warmth. She was currently in the middle of drawing what seemed to be something dark, something representing her mood towards Hogwarts. 'It is cold in here. Reminds me of when I was kicked out the house... I had to freeze until they let me back in. Are you trying to make yourself depressed? No. I can't help that they've taken over my thoughts.' Susan thought to herself and shivered. She didn't look up and continued drawing until she felt something warm get placed over her.

She looked up and saw that Lupin placed his blanket over her.

'Did he just give me his blanket? Yes. That could be considered a boy being nice to me? Yes. And uncle Alfie said any guy who would be nice to me would end spitting on me after they got to know me? Yes. Uncle Alfie also said that I wasn't worth niceness. He said I deserved to get treated like crap. Uncle Alfie has poisoned your mind. Uncle Alfie ruined me a long time ago.' Susan thought sadly.

She shook her head and held it out for him to take it, "Keep it. Lady is cold, lady gets the blanket," He told her and Susan slowly let her hand fall. This was one of the first nice things anybody has ever done for her. Everytime her and Frank was kicked out in December everybody ignored them. Nobody let them stay anywhere or took them in. They ignored them like they were invisible or something.

"You'll be cold," She pointed out, trying to see if his niceness was a facade. Lupin only went back to his spot and sat down, "I'll be fine, Miss. I'm willing to freeze as long as you don't have to," He sounded like a true gentleman, another thing Susan was foreign to.

Acting like this gesture was nothing, Lupin went back to his reading. That sentence reminded her of something she'd say to Frank.

Susan slowly slid the blanket fully around her debating on if she should give it back or not. Part of her didn't want to accept it since she knew he'll be cold but the other side accepted it because she didn't want to freeze. Susan looked at him reading before going back to her drawing and stayed quiet. If he tried giving her a blanket in the future than she'll turn it down.



Susan twisted her wand between her fingers while she looked at her hair in the Two-Way Mirror, sighing. Her hair was a lost cause.

She stuffed her Two-Way Mirror in her robe pocket before zoning back into reality and listening to the conversation two older years were having, "And why are you with that Slytherin? Did you know that he's been getting into the Dark Arts? Slytherin's are no good, I tell you. They're all the same," She heard one of them say and she heard the other one make a noise showing they were clearly offended.

Susan had no idea who they were talking about but the info they were laying out was filling up the pages and Susan was reading every last one.

"He's not. You do not know him like me! Your prejudice ways have blinded you," The one that got offended spat at the one saying the offensive things.

Susan started to fill her leather envelope handbag with her Hogwarts books, tucking her mother's necklace in her shirt. Abigor was still sleeping and Susan didn't expect him to wake up until about four hours or so. The older year that was going against the Slytherin slapped his forehead, "It doesn't take prejudice beliefs to notice, Mariah. I suggest you look at the signs now or he's going to hurt you later. How do you think he'll react to you being a Halfblood? Not everyone is as accepting as me," He told the older year named Mariah. Mariah said nothing in reply but only walked out of the Portrait in rage.

Susan grabbed her drawing notebook and watched him run back up the stairs as Frank ran down past him, "You seem smiley. What's up with you?" He asked her with this very worried expression. This was a rare moment.

He needed to take a picture, "I love watching arguments that has nothing to do with me while I'm bored," She answered and he awed.

The two made their way out of the portrait and walked at the same speed, "Anne, look! There goes Reñe!" Frank gasped excitedly and Susan chuckled a little. He was still just a little toddler in her eyes, "Then go speak to her," She went along teasingly.

Frank glared at her before looking at Reñe, "I hate your teasing but I also don't argue with your thinking. I'll be right back!" Frank told her and sprinted towards Reñe. Susan watched him and chuckled silently. Surely she didn't mind walking alone.

"Hello!" a voice chirped from behind her and Susan stopped walking and made an ugh sound. Who was trying to talk to her now? "Hi," her voice was full of dryness. Studying her hair, he shook his head disapprovingly.

Hair like this in the '70s for the witches was not accepted, "Your hair is a big no-no. Did you know that?" He asked her and she put on a fake smile. He was... he was really making it hard for her to avoid him, "And your hair shouldn't be fluffy. Did you know that?" He snickered and Susan groaned while throwing her head back.

Here he goes with the snickering again, "Black, we're not friends. We were never friends. If you think we're friends because of that night than you're dumber than you look. I've hated your guts since that night. You don't know what you caused," Susan sneered at him, stopping in her tracks to face him.

Black looked down at the floor, a silent sigh escaping his lips, "What did I cause? I cause a lot of things... I'm the cause of everything..." he responded, not making eye contact with her. Susan looked over his figure before shaking her head.

Was he trying to get sympathy? Wasn't going to happen. She wasn't falling for that.

"Yeah, well, so are hurricanes but you don't see them crying. Just stay away and don't touch my hair again. Manners? Find them," she told him before speed walking off, leaving him behind. She wasn't here to make friends. She was here to... to just live. Yeah, to just live.

Susan heard steps behind her and prayed to herself that it wasn't him trying to retaliate. Luckily it was only her little brother that has so far left her for Minerva and Reñe since they've been here. It worried her.

"Did you let him down easily? When was the date suppose to happen?" he teased her and Susan glared at him, "Five seconds, Justice. Five seconds to take that back," She threatened him and Frank faked thought about it, "I would take it back.... if I didn't know how much it bothers you," He stuck his tongue out at her and she popped him on the forehead right away.

They made their way into the Great Hall and Susan sped walked to her typical spot, "So rude. You are sooo rude," Frank told her and Susan gave him this fake innocent smile. Minerva looked down at the half-siblings, "Good morning students," She greeted them and they greeted her back, "Morning, Minerva!" Susan said afterwards and played with the red apple in her hand.

Minerva tapped her on the shoulder and Susan turned around, her same fake innocent smile still plastered on to her face, "Do not make Gryffindor lose house points, Longbottom girl," She threatened her and walked away.

Prewett came skating in to get away from Filch. Frank raised an eyebrow at the girl and watched the Professor call her name while she lifted up her robe to walk over to her.

Lupin sat down in their section with his books --- he had about six of them. All of them looked like hell to carry and they weren't even Hogwarts books.

"Hi, Miss," Lupin greeted her, he nodded in Frank's direction as a greeting. Susan licked her lips, biting into her apple, "Hi, sir," she greeted him back, earning this odd look from Frank.

Did she willingly greet one of them? Since when did they talk to each other? Who even is this guy?

"Apples have been linked to a lower risk of heart disease, Miss. Keep on chewing," Lupin encouraged her while opening up one of his big chapter books. Susan crunched louder at this fact, playfully portraying a bitter response.

"Well, sir, I read that a long time ago. No need of telling me," She boasted as Lupin tiredly nodded. Frank glanced between the two, not liking what he was seeing. He was waiting for her to tell him off. If she did it with the others than she can surely do it with him, "Justice....." Susan whispered warningly and Frank dropped the rest of the muffin crumbs on his plate before sighing.

She was aware he was possibly confused right now, which was understandable. Susan hasn't spoken of Remus to Frank, nor have either spoken outside the common room. After that morning when she drew outside the portrait, he apologized to her the morning afterwards, and things have been cordial between the pair since. But Frank should least eat breakfast first before he starts mean-mugging people.

Lupin chuckled a bit, "You said you read it. Let me guess, it was "The 1971 World Almanac and Book of Facts," wasn't it?" Lupin guessed and Susan opened her mouth to object but closed it because he was right.

"Maaaybe...." she told him and with that she bit her apple. She wasn't getting heart disease anytime soon.


Defense Against the Dark Arts (sometimes written as D.A.D.A.) is a mandatory subject taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, in which students learn how to magically defend themselves against Dark Creatures and the Dark Arts.

Susan twisted her wand around her fingers and sat down in the front of the class next to Frank. The two said nothing and Susan listened to Professor Giovanni whereas Frank was looking over her drawings out of amazement with her drawing notebook on his lap.

Professor Giovanni was teaching them about Gnomes. He said that they were magical creatures commonly known for infesting the gardens of wizarding households. Susan became interested in the topic after he had described what they looked like, "And can anyone guess the location of where the gnome lives?" Professor Giovanni asked the class and many witches and wizards hands shot up.

He looked around before picking a witch, "Evans!" He called on the annoying red-head in Susan's domority. Evans flipped her hair over her shoulder, grinning when the others groaned, "They live in Britain because they're found in Wizarding gardens. That's my guess," She answered with pride.

Susan witheld her the urge to facepalm. Nothing made her cringe more than them answering incorrectly with pure pride.

Susan decided to raise her hand for this one, "Susan! Your guess?" Professor Giovanni was always thrilled when rare hands shot up.

Seeing everybody's eyes on her and even hearing some whispering about the quiet Longbottom girl finally speaking, she stubbornly sat back. She wasn't going to give them the satisfaction of hearing her voice. They all paid attention to Susan and Frank because of their title.

Now Susan sees why Evelyn is so obsessed with her protecting the Longbottom family name. If any of them found out she's a half-blood they'd spit on the name and stop glorifying it.... not that Susan would mind.

Professor Giovanni took this as her cowarding down, "It's okay. Your answers shine on your paper," he still gave her words of encouragement, not knowing she didn't speak because her second side wouldn't allow it.

The professor leaned against his desk, "Not exactly, Lily. You see, they live in Northern Europe and North America. So, not in every country but in two," He explained as Evans oohed.

Susan wrote that down on her parchment and looked back up, "Gnomes can reach the size of approximately one foot, making them smaller than erklings," He told his class and one of the students interrupted him.

"What's an erkling?" one of the Slytherin wizard's by the name of Anthony asked and Professor Giovanni chuckled, "Another topic for another day. Now, I want you all to take your notes because there will be a quiz on this," He informed them and half of the class groan. Susan rolled her eyes silently and stared at the ink jar until he said more on the topic.

Frank's face fell in a mix of beaming and sulking, clearly a part of the half that does want to take a test, and pulled out his parchment, "Our first test? I-I hope I past it..." Frank chewed on his bottom lip and the witch rubbed her brother's back comfortably.

Professor Giovanni stood in the center of the classroom, "Why are you all groaning?" He asked and some of their hands shot up. Potter slammed his book down, "I deny the fact of testing in the beginning of the school year!" He testified and some clapped agreeably. Black slammed his book down and stood beside him, "I deny testing ever!" He testified afterwards, earning more claps.

Snape was quick to respond, "If you two didn't notice we need testing in order to prove if we've been learning or not. Not to mention it's a part of our grades," Potter and Black gave him a look of disgust, "And we should care why, Snivellus?" Potter sneered, "Your parchment can't be graded. It'll be covered in grease," Black joined in. This made Frank's dormitory mate Raven chuckle a bit.

Evans gripped her quill. Before she could butt in Professor Giovanni jumped in and Lupin, who was sitting next to the Pettigrew boy by default, pleaded for Potter and Black to sit down like he was their father. Susan turned around and was shock when they did, "Can I get order in this court?" Giovanni asked while laughing and banged his hand against one of the tables.

Evans was quick to answer his joke, "The only way to get order in here if you kick the arrogant toe-rag and his arrogant buddy out. They've been doing nothing but causing destruction since day one. Trust me, I know. I was on the train with them," She said and Potter and Black immediately objected. They both jumped up and slammed their books down, "We object towards Evans' opinion! We're the ones making classes interesting. We speak up for our generation! We are our generation!" Potter testified again and Snape stood up, "To whom? You two slackers do absolutely nothing!" He protested.

Black glared at him, "Sit down, Sniv. Don't want your grease flying everywhere," He was quick to defend his best friend. Professor Giovanni clapped his hands three times and the students clapped back even though they were watching the scene out of interest, "Evans, Snape, Potter and Black please stay seated or I will have to take points from your Houses," He spoke out in a sincere way towards the four.

Their housemates groaned and the four slowly sat down while sending glares at each other. Potter wasted no time in showing Snape his wand with a grin and Snape wasted no time in doing it back.

Professor Giovanni cleared his throat, "Now back to the lesson and no more interruptions, please? Act your age," He said and Evans looked back at Potter and Black. Her facial expression was filled with hatred, "These two know nothing about maturity. That's why they're simply titled 'boys' instead of 'young men'," She stated directly at them but made it seem like she was talking to the Professor.

Black was quick to respond, "You're obsessed with us, Evans. Admit it!" said an annoyed Black and Evans' face scrunched up in disgust before she turned back around.

Professor Giovanni rubbed his temple tiredly and sighed afterwards, "This court meeting is over," He said and some laughed.

|Thank You For Reading|
Susan in first year:

|Love You All|

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